Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore-Knowles: Student's Book

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^ Malcolm Mann

Steve Taylore-Knowles

Student's Book

& A I LA g ^
Malcolm Mann
Steve Taylore-Knowles

Student's Book


Reading Grammar 1 Vocabulary

people and scanning for tense review: key topic vocabulary,

relationships specific present (simple word formation (prefixes),
information and continuous) phrasal verbs with up,
metaphors (people)

transport scanning for tense review: key topic vocabulary,

specific past (simple and confusable words,
information continuous) collocations (transport)

free time recognising tense review: key topic vocabulary,

activities, discourse present perfect idioms (time), phrasal
hobbies markers (simple and verbs with down,
continuous) metaphors (time)

occupations scanning for tense review: key topic vocabulary,

specific past perfect word formation
information (simple and (suffixes), confusable
continuous) words

the media, scanning for the passive key topic vocabulary,

communications specific phrasal verbs with on,
information idioms (the media)

the weather understanding the future (1): key topic vocabulary,

main concepts will, going to, collocations (weather),
present (simple confusable words
and continuous)

food and drink grammatical reported speech key topic vocabulary,

referencing phrasal verbs with out,
collocations (cooking)

8 travel and
text type and
full infinitives
(with to) and
key topic vocabulary,
word formation
-ing forms (irregular forms),
after verbs metaphors (life)
Listening Speaking Use of English Writing

predicting, talking about fam ily stative verbs, word selecting correct register,
S o u n d b ite :/ i/a n d /i:/ patterns informal letter/email

dentifying location, comparing would, used to, be used to, presenting an argument,
Soundbite: /as/and Id word patterns essay

understanding attitude, making suggestions articles, synonyms awareness of target

Soundbite:/a / reader, informal

istening for specific expressing uncertainty comparatives and layout and text
information, superlatives structure, report
Soundbite: silent letters (1)

stening for gist, talking about experiences countable and using descriptive
Soundbite: h \ ! uncountable nouns, language, story

stening for specific speculating question tags, connectors selecting appropriate

nformation, style, article
Soundbite: weak forms (1)

listening for specific giving examples prefer, would rather, expressing opinion,
information, had better, parts review
Soundbite: Is/ and /z/ of speech

nTopic Reading
mGrammar 1 Vocabulary

---- .....


crime scanning for conditionals (2): key topic vocabulary,

specific third word formation
On the Run information (irregular forms),
PAGE 140 - word patterns

Revision Units 15-16 • Pf IGE 148

Jffe Writing database • PAGE 150 Phrasal verb database • PAGE 164 Webquests • PAGE 198
^ Writing planners 1-16 • PAGE 155 Speaking database • PAGE 165
Word pattern database • PAGE 163 Grammar database • PAGE 166
Listening Speaking Use of English Writing

y. stening for specific talking about hopes unless, in case, as long paragraphing,
nformation, as, word patterns informal letter/email
Soundbite: /s/ and /J7

y, _ 'edicting, expressing attitude parts of speech, cohesion,

Soundbite: /a/ and opinion word formation: prefixes essay

y- : redicting, prioritising relative pronouns and selecting correct register,

5 Dundbite: stress (1) prepositions, informal
word patterns letter/email

y, stening for gist, discourse management infinitives of purpose, aw areness of

Soundbite: word patterns purpose, report
a : , h \l and /u:/

y. identifying relationships, talking about interests gradable and ungradable making

Soundbite: adjectives and adverbs, recommendations, review
rs : lent letters (2) synonyms

y. istening for specific comparing the unreal past, selecting correct register,
nformation, common mistakes article
Soundbite: stress (2)

y. understanding purpose, expressing attitude transferred negation, using prompts,

Soundbite: and opinion word formation formal letter/email
d ' and hu/

y- stening for specific seeking clarification wishes and regrets, parts paragraphing, story
information, of speech
weak forms (2)
m m

m ^ ^

Hi all my M yFace
friends around the

Family Ties
world! W e’re doini
a project at schoo
on families at the
moment and I nee
your help. Do you have a large or

Q Start thinking! small family? Who do you live with?

Do you all get on? I’d love to know
what your family’s like! Comments
D o you have a large or small family? please!
How m any of you live together?
How m any cousins/uncles/aunts do you have? c i l 7 people like this.

I Gokhan
JP ffc B Hi from Ankara,
1 $ 1.01 Read the post and com m ents on a social j P - Turkey! Jenny,
networking site. W hose fam ily sounds most like yours? I M my fam ily’s Quite
j f ’/ Q small because I’m
2 Read the post and com m ents again, and decide if the B j l r j an only child. In
following statem ents are true (T), false (F) or not stated (N). ‘ the flat where we
1 Jenny has a very large fam ily _____ live, there’s just me and my mum and
dad. But my grandparents (my mum’s
2 G okhan has brothers and sisters. _____ parents) live in the flat upstairs, and
my dad’s parents live nearby too,
3 M asha is younger than her sister. _____
so it’s not too lonely! To be honest.
4 Pete regularly stays w ith his biological father. _____ I sometimes wish I had a brother or
sister to play with, but at least I have
5 Alicia wants to m eet her biological parents. _____ a bedroom to myself! Som e of my
6 Alex’s biological father lives in Greece. _____ friends have to share a room with thei
brother or sister. I wouldn’t like that!

3 Write a word or short phrase from the com m ents to the post
to answer each question.
1 W ho says that they have a pet?
_________________________ Masha
| W e’re doing a
2 W hy doesn’t Angie live w ith her father? project on families
at school at the
moment too,
3 W hat’s Alex’s sister like?
Jenny! I live with
my parents and
4 W hen does Pete stay w ith his real dad? my older sister, Natalia, in Novosibirsk
in Siberia, R u ssia. Natalia and I
love each other (of course!), but we
5 W hat do some of Gokhan’s friends do? don’t alw ays get on. S h e ’s alw ays
complaining that I play my music
too loud! I often get annoyed with
6 W hat is M asha also doing right now?
her, though, because she borrows
________________ i________________ my things without asking! (Natalia,
pi school if you’re reading this, I want that
magazine back!)

Family Ties!
ce Pete WORD BOX
the Hello from California, USA!
My family’s a bit complicated,
* My parents are divorced,
4 Use words or phrases from the post and
100 I com m ents to com plete the sentences. You've
he and I live with my mum
been given the first letter to help you.
neec and my Stepfather. My dad
* 3 remarried after the divorce, and I spend 1 It w ould be fun to have a brother, instead of
i? a r Dst every weekend with him and his wife (my being an ,
i M e: mum). I’ve got a stepsister called Angie.
Th 's my stepfather Alan’s daughter from a
_ c_
zn io u s marriage, but sh e ’s older and works in 2 Lisa gets w hat she wants. She’s becom ing
York, so she doesn’t live with us. I’ve also
very selfish and I th ink she’s a bit
got a half brother because my dad and my
mum have just had a baby! I told you it w as
s JQitt
BOr : icated! It’s great, though. We all get on
3 My parents are d_____ ____________ and I see
tm y well. My parents are still good friends, and
—. ;:epfather and stepmother like each other m y dad every weekend at his house.
t's actually a really loving family, and I’m
4 My m um m et a m an last year and she
i, r . grateful for that. s~\ \
P 1* ^ *

5 My dad m arried Sarahs m um last m onth so
n Sarah’s m y s ' 1 I , - '______ .
/ve Alicia 6 It’s im portant to grow up as p art of a
and Hi, Jenny! My parents
jm’s adopted me just after I w as 1__________________family.
id borrirSnd I live with them and 7 i' f j
7 I didn’t know you were a__________________ .
my brother and sister and our
t, dog, C a ssie . Even though I’m Do you w ant to find your real parents?
Dr adopted and my brother and
8 Kevin and I have the sam e m other b ut different
ive s :er aren’t, our parents treat us all the sam e.
tally feel part of the family, and don’t want
fathers, so he’s m y h __________________
thei : -eed to find my biological parents. A s far as b __ ( k /
at! concerned, my mum and dad are my real
z :'ents! (By the way, I live in Lublin, Poland.)

Have your say!

ilies Hi from Australia! I’m Greek- W hat do you think are the advantages and
Australian, so most of my disadvantages of being an only child?
family live on the other side of
Is it better to share a room with a brother or sister,
ith the world. Here in Brisbane,
or have your own room? Why?
d there’s me, my mum and
birsh my younger sister, Georgia.
I rDrgia’s a bit spoilt, to be honest. Anything
\/e ■ie asks for, my mum gives it to h e r!T h e rest of
. mum’s family all live in G reece. That’s more
an 15,000km away! I’ve got three aunts, two
andparents and loads of cousins there, and I’ve
-/e r met any of them in person. My mum keeps
touch with them by phone and email, and
■e spoken to them (of course!), but it would be
/ely to meet them. I’m sure I will, one day!
Grammar clinic
P re se n t t e n s e re v ie w
<5> Look at Grammar database pages 166-168 before you do the exercises.

1 Read these sentences and phrases from the com m ents to the post on pages 6 and 7. Match each one
with an explanation.
1 That’s m ore than 15,000km away! a This is a regular habit,
b This is an annoying habit,
2 Natalia and I love each other (of course!), but we
don’t always get on. c This is a tem porary situation,
d This is a general, scientific truth,
3 I spend alm ost every weekend with him and his
wife ... !~ e This is a feeling or situation, n ot an action.

4 We’re doing a project on families at school at the

m o m e n t... ~
5 She’s always com plaining that I play my music too loud!

2! Circle the correct tense in each sentence.

1 O ur family goes/is going on holiday to Spain every year.
2 D id you say you stay/are staying w ith friends until your house is ready?
3 My sister doesn’t have a car because she doesn’t drive/is not driving.
4 People live/are living in m any different kinds o f family.
% Brothers and sisters often argue/are arguing about u n im portant things.

3 Com plete the sentences using the correct form of the

verbs in the box. You may need to use a negative form.

Jxy • go • learn • see live like

1 My brother and I . yv\ to the local

secondary school. Jenny
Thanks for all
W e___________________here until the new house is ready.
your comments!
I _____ French for my trip to Paris next m onth. You all have
really interesting
My gran d p aren ts_____ !________ milkshakes, but I do!
families! Masha,
‘Wait a second. I __________________ to find my keys.’ you do a project on families too,
so I thought I’d tell you about my
We our cousins every Christm as.
family. There are five of us in my
family - my mum and dad, me,
4 Use the notes to make com plete sentences. my older brother, Alex and my
1 My brother/alw ays/com plain about/m e to my parents. younger sister, Lizzie. My mum’s
being a newsreader on TV and
2 In our house,/w e/alw ays/eat dinner together/and I/like it.
my dad works in an office (I’m not
3 My stepsister/play/the piano and she/know /hundreds really knowjncj what he does!). I’m
of songs. generally getting on very well with
4 I/think/M um /have a shower. She/usually/have a shower at Lizzie and Alex, but they’re always
this time. playing tricks on me, and that’s very
annoying! I’ve also got two sets of
5 My relationship with m y sister/get/better. grandparents, and they often come
6 1/not believe/everything my brother/tell/m e. to visit us. In fact, Grandma Mollie
and Grandpa Doug stay with us at
5 Read Jenny's com m ent about her own family. Find the moment, which is nice. I’m loving
six mistakes with verb tenses and correct them . Use my family!
contractions (you're, etc) w here you can.

r*j Vocabulary builder

Family Ties!
Adjectives to describe people Phrasal verbs with up
1 Match the words in the box with the correct definitions. Phrasal verbs with up often have
m eanings connected to making things
selfish popular sensitive arrogant pessimistic
appear or things suddenly appearing.
amusing ambitious considerate generous
Match the phrasal verbs in the box with
optimistic modest
the definitions.
vou are ... makes up turns up comes up
__, you w ant to be very successful. thinks up * brings up

_ , you th in k the future is going to 1 If a p e rs o n . ., they

be bad. arrive unexpectedly.
;J 0 m ' t t : ., you have lots of friends. 2 If a p ro b le m ____________ -v— . i t
appears unexpectedly.
MV15 ., people th in k you are funny hi 1/Q l/\ p
3 If a person, . an idea,
_________ ! , you share w hat you have with they have it before anyone else.
'ither people. 4 If a p e rso n __ bn 0 \ K€_ ^ b . a story,
h <d I \ ., you get upset very easily they create it.

L' Wi 5 If a p e rs o n __ .a subject,
., you th ink the future is going to
they m ention it in a conversation.
be good.

., you only care about yourself. Magic metaphors

onsicle^ ., you care about other people’s feelings. 4 When we talk about people, we
som etim es use words or phrases that
>P\/1P c f
_, you don’t like to talk about your have a connection with temperature.
achievements. Com plete the sentences with the words
from the box.
., you th in k you are better than
other people. warm cool icy hot-tempered
•Vord formation: prefixes
1 I thought John was very
2 Complete the sentences with the correct negative form
of the word in bold. Use in, un, im, dis, il or ir. __________________w hen he said he
’ '— didn’t care about people who don’t have
I’m sure Nigel didn’t m ean to b e . enough m oney
when he spoke to you this m orning, kind
2 My grandfather was a very
A lot of people think it i s __________________ to visit __________________, kind m an who
without calling first, polite would do anything for anybody.
Nadine thinks she’s _______________ , b ut I think she’s 3 O ur head teacher is quite
quite p retty attractive . and gets very angry
Don’t b e ______________ .! Let your sister play with about unim portant things.
you and your friends! fair Tony is really _
I think it’s v e ry ____________1_ . of you to lie to your He doesn’t let anything w orry him.
brother like that, honest W hen I asked M rs Brown how old she
My m um is ___________________of being rude was, she didn’t answer me; she just
to anyone, capable gave me a (n ) _________________ look
Jenny is in trouble after doing som ething instead!
ll legal
Don’t include a n y _________________ points in your
description, relevant

* | Speaking
Family Ties!
% You are going to listen to five people talking Read what Julie says about her family.
about m em bers of theirfam ily. Before you
listen, read the questions and talk about what
each person might say in these situations.

1.02 You will now hear five people talking

about m em bers of their family. For questions
1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
You hear John talking to his friend. W hy is his
dad angry?
A because John was late hom e
B because John was not studying
C because John broke som ething
You hear this wom an speaking on the radio.
W hat job does her sister do?
A doctor
‘There are five o f us in m y fam ily. T h e re ’s m e
B teacher
m y tw o sisters, m y m u m a n d m y dad. I go to
C architect
the lo c a l co m p re h e n s iv e a n d I ’m in the first
You hear this conversation on a bus. W ho does year. I ’m the eldest. M y d a d ru n s a sh o p a nd
the boy miss? m y m u m ’s a law yer. M y a m b itio n is to be a
A his father law yer, like m y m um , w hen I g ro w up. ’
B his brother
C his uncle
You hear this teenager speaking on the phone. Choose the most natural w ay of
W hy is she upset? expressing each idea. w §c
A because her sister uses her things a ‘There are three of us in my family.’
B because her sister goes out a lot b ‘My family consists of three m em bers’
C because her sister is always annoyed a ‘I go to the second year of the Second High
You hear your friend on the phone inviting you School of m y town.’
to a family party. W hose birthday is it? b ‘I’m in the second year at m y local secondary
A her cousin’s school.’
B her brother’s a ‘I have one sister and one brother and I am ok
C her m other’s than them.’
b ‘I’ve got a sister and a brother and I’m the elde

In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Try to s

Soundbite / i / and /i:/ as much as you can. Use the phrases below to
help you.
$ 1.03 Listen to som eone saying 10 words. Look Do you come from a large family?
at the list of words and write down the num ber Are you still at school?
of each word you hear. What is the secret 10-digit W hat do your parents do?
num ber? W ould you like to do the same job as they do?
0 bit 2 pill 4 seat 6 mill 8 still Y e s, I’m only
1 meal 3 steal 5 sit 7 beat 9 peel { - 14, so I’m still at
My fam ily s quite , , ,
7 school. I go to
sm all/large. a
Now w rite dow n your secret num ber. Say the
T h e re ’s me, ..
w ords and ask your partn er to find your secret My father s a
num ber! If they can, score a point! and my mother
w orks a s a

0 <*> Look at Speaking database - Giving personal

information on page 165.
Use of English
Stative verbs Word patterns
<I> Look at Grammar database pages 167-168
before you do the exercises. 2 Com plete the sentences using the correct
form of the verbs in the box.
1 Circle the correct tense in each sentence. look accuse deal blame care
I think/am thinking that your family is the
m ost im portant thing in life. 1 My sister is alw ays_____________ . m e for
her problems.
. My m um can see/is seeing m y m aths teacher
tomorrow. 2 It’s hard t o __________________w ith people
who won’t listen to you.
Elaine isn’t looking/doesn’t look like her sister
at all. 3 Mum _ m e of lying, but it
The Robinson family owns/is owning a lot of was my brother’s fault, really!
the land around here. 4 I try to -_____________ about
: Living w ith all your cousins sounds/is the feelings of the other m em bers of my
sounding like chaos to me! family.
5 Auntie Pat u sually _________________ after
■ You look unhappy. W hat are you thinking/do
us w hen my m um ’s at work.
you think about?

3 For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answ er (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an exam ple at the beginning (0).

Babysitting is a good (0 )_____________ for teenagers to
earn som e extra spending m oney, and it can teach
you som e valuab le skills too. Looking (1) Q |tLg »
young children - even for a few hours - isn't alw ays easy.
Problem s (2) C o'<\£ up, and kids don't always
do w h at they're told, especially w hen they know their
parents are away. At tim es (3) !; ' that, you
have to stay calm - and that's an im portant lesson to
learn. You m ustn't let the situation (4) 1 out
of control. How ever badly therkids behave, don't let them
(5) 0 ■
1 ’ . you - and don't get depressed! It's not your (6) -A/ ______ that they're
m isbehaving, but it is your responsibility to solve the problem . (7) ‘ a solution to
problem s like this is an extrem ely im portant skill, so w here better to begin than trying to get
noisy kids to go to bed? The question is, how do you deal (8) ^ ' - _______a problem like that?
_ iyKvo-kdA
The secret is to be calm , but firm . Don't start shouting and (9 )_______________ _ them of destroying
your evening. Ju st keep repeating in a calm , firm voice w h at you w ant them to do. It takes a bit
of practice, but it (10) Ch Q gc w o rk in the end! Good luck!

A path B road C way D route 6 A fault B blame C cause D reason

1 A about B to C fo r D after 7 A Doing B Finding C M aking D G etting
2 A appear B come C go D get 8 A over B about C of D with
3 A like B such C as D similar 9 A accusing B attacking C criticising D blam ing
4 A tu rn B go C g et D come 10 A makes B does C is D has
5 A argue B complain C m ind D annoy
Family Ties! An informal letter/email
<D Look at Writing database - informal letters/emails on page 154 before you do the exercises.

Read this writing task. Why Match the formal language with the informal language.
should your letter be informal?
formal language informal language
Your co u sin , w h o lives abroad,
1 Dear Mr Sm ith / Dear Sir/M adam , a Let me tell you a b o u t .
has re ce n tly w ritte n you a letter.
In it, she asked you to tell her all
2 I hope you are w ell. b Tell me ...
3 I am w riting to inform you ... c All my love,
th e fa m ily n ew s she has m issed.
4 In a d d itio n ,... d Can't w ait to hear all
W rite a letter, tellin g her w h a t
5 I w o nder if you could tell me .. . your news!
she w a n ts to kn o w .
6 I look forw ard to hearing e D earTina,
from you. f Oh, and an o th erth in g !
W rite a letter of betw een 120 and 7 Yours sincerely, / Yours faithfully, g Hope everything's oka)
180 words in an appropriate style.

Working model
Read the answer to the writing task.

Pear Tina,

It was great to hear from you! Hope everything & okay. Have you started your exams yet?
6jood luck!

Anyway, you asked me to tell you all the family news. Well, a lot's happened since you
were here. The big news is that Uncle Tom got married! Can you believe it? His wife is
lovely - she's a doctor and she's really beautiful. We all went to the wedding and had a
wonderful time. (Grandad danced! It was so much fun.

Oh, and another thing! Pad's got a newjo b. Po you know the old shopping centre in
town? They've built new shops there and Pad applied fo r a jo b as a manager and he got
it! He's really excited. He starts next week.

One last thing. Po you remember Fluffy, the cat? Well, we can't find her anywhere. We've
got no idea where she's gone. It's a bit sad, really. We all miss her. We're hoping she'll
come back soon.

We all miss you too. Everybody sends their love. Can't wait to see you in the summer.

All my love,


4 Find these informal words and phrases in the letter.

A nyw ay,... O ne last thing.
All my love, Oh, and another thing!
W ell,... D ear Tina,
It was great to hear from you!

S ecid e ifth e statem ents are true (T) or false (F). Now write!
j informal writing,
8 You are now ready to write your letter. Use

Family Ties!
» always use complete sentences. informal language and a conversational tone.

I » . use exclamation m arks (!).

Check it out!
1 » . use contractions (it’s, we’re, etc).
9 Check your work. Tick (/ )
* » e write as if we are talking to the person. what you have done.
► we use everyday vocabulary.

s ~adyto write!
6 - : ok at this writing task. Who are you writing
and why?

• j are stayin g w ith yo u r pen frie n d in

gland. W rite a letter to yo u r b rother,
ra n , tellin g him all a b o u t th e fa m ily
y : j are stayin g w ith .

Write a le tte r of betw een 120 and 180 words in

i appropriate style. Do not write any addresses.

^ ' 'ake a plan of your answer. Use your

^ a g in atio n .

• ; 'W are you going to start your letter?

i Dear Dean,
b !)ear Brother,
- 1)ear M r Jones,
• V. hat s the nam e of the family you are staying
• W hich town are you staying in?
• i you like it? Why?
• Y.'ho are the m em bers of the family?
• \ hat are they like?
• V. hat do they do? ^1 Look Back
• V. hat do you want to ask your brother about
nome? Can you answer these questions? If you can't
remember, look through the unit for the answers.
• low m any paragraphs do you need?
1 W hat do we call som eone who doesn’t have any
• How can you end your letter?
brothers or sisters?
• : low can you sign your letter?
2 W hat tense do we use to talk about general truths?
complete Writing Planner 1 on page 155. 3 How would you describe som ebody who gets
upset easily?
4 W hat’s the negative form o f ‘honest’?
5 W hat have you learned about stative verbs?
The Open Road
Start thinking! Reading
How fast do you think a horse can run?
Do you know who invented the aeroplane?
1 $ 1.04 Read this extract from an encyclopaedi
As you read, check your answers to the questions
Do you know when people first landed on the M oon? opposite.

tr a n spo r t
saw smoke! The balloon was burning but,
s s s r - - " " ViicTcity, they managed to put the fire out am
land safely.
Vj i A
o, The railway developed gradually from cart;
Early humans dreamed of going faster and on tracks. The first Vehicle with an engine
further than they co&fd on fo'ot. They probably to run on tracks was develqp^inM 803 by
first achieved this in northern countriesGUnC. an Englishman, Richard Trevithick. In 180^
before 3000 BC (before Christ) using skis. he took the first passengers, although the\
The wheel was invented around 3500 BC, didn’t have to buy a ticket. Unfortunately, tl
but carts were very slow without roads. So for
; , ' -"‘v '^ -J; were travelling in the train when it began t<
many centuries the fastest and most popular fall off the tracks and Trevithick realised th
means of transport was the horse, which the tracks were not strong enough to take
can run at about fifty-five kilometres an hour. weight of the train. The passengers escap
This record for speed was unbroken until Cl' . . . .. o jw ^ccoUA/tm ,
unharmed, but it was another example of
the end of the eighteenth century when the how dangerous the development of transp
hot-air balloon and the railway both began to can be.
develop. Perhaps unexpectedly, the bicycle didn’t
The hot-air balloon made its first free flight appear until around 1840 when a Scotsm;
in 1783. Two Frenchmen, the Montgolfier Kirkpatrick Macmillan, created the first on<
brothers, were working as papermdkers to have pedals. People rode bicycles with
when they had the idea for the balloon.0\A pedals before then, but they were slow an
fire heated the air, making the balloon rise. not very popular. It took around 140 years
During the first flight, the two passengers Macmillan’s design to develop into moder
were admiring the view when they suddenly mountain bikes.
J .J U c r t M i
I amplete the sentences by writing a number I The passengers discovered the fire
i- each gap. Look at the article again, but don't A while they were checking the balloon.
■rad it in detail. B while they were in the air.
C before they left the ground.
I .ople first skied a ro u n d __________________
D after they landed on the ground.
! >ple first travelled by rail in 5 The invention of the train
1 DM A came as a complete surprise.
: - vcles w ith pedals didn’t exist before B grew out of things that came before.
1 9 Vo C took longer than anyone expected.
M ountain bikes developed around D didn’t make Trevithick m uch money.
% I The writer is surprised by the fact that
A the inventor of the bicycle was Scottish.
»ad the text again. For questions 1-5, choose B nobody had invented the bicycle earlier.
•- e answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits C M acmillan’s bicycle had pedals.
r-est according to the text. D we waited over a century for the
The wheel didn’t lead to fast m eans of transport m ountain bike.
'-.cause > W hat can we say about the aeroplane?
A people could already travel fast. A It had a great effect on people’s attitudes.
R : hey invented it after skis. B It wasn’t as popular as the car was.
C e 'od roads didn’t exist. C It came to the W right brothers in a dream.
I> reople preferred to use horses. D People didn’t want to allow it at first.

TN* -.ventieth century saw the
•r»elopment of many other means of 4 Match the words from the text in the box
r t r soort, including the hydrofoil and the with the correct definitions.
ic v e r c r a f t . The petrol-driven car (invented
cart tracks hydrofoil vehicle
r * - 5 5 in Germany) completely changed pedal hovercraft
t * e .va y people thought about transport,
arc 50 did the aeroplane. People have 1 This is a kind of fast ship that partly lifts out of
the water.
•ways dreamed of flying. One day, in
1903. that dream became a reality. Two 2 This is a general w ord for a car, a bus, etc.

Arencan brothers, Wilbur and Orville 3 This floats on a cushion of air on land or on
Hfcrght. managed to make a short flight
r •'eir aircraft, the Fiyer. From there, a
4 Trains travel on two o f these, m ade of metal.
fg 3 liu
:e industry grew that allowed, and still 5 This has four wheels and m ight be pulled
by a horse.
• I : a s , people to visit the whole world,
6 You p ut your foot on this on a bicycle.
f c s i l y and cheaply.

7>e challenge for the twenty-first century

in space. SinceJQ AOJ^P>rlM
the first
U :n landing in 1969, technology has
> . eloped to give us the space shuttle 13 Have your say!
' r E1) and even the space tourist (2002). • W hich form of transport has had the biggest
future of transport will probably be as influence on our lives?
r> : ting as its past. • Explain what difference your chosen form of
transport has made.
*<3 Grammar clinic
Past tense review
<*> Look at Grammar database pages 168-170 before you do the exercises.

Read the sentences and phrases from the text on pages 14 and 15. Match each one to an explanation.
1 The hot-air balloon m ade its first free flight a This describes a repeated action in the past that
in 1783. doesn’t happen now.
2 ... the two passengers were adm iring the view b This describes a past state.
w hen they suddenly saw smoke! c describes an action in progress w hen anotl:
3 People rode bicycles w ithout pedals ... action happened.
4 ... the fastest m eans of transport was the horse ... d This describes a single, com pleted action.

Look through the text again and find exam ples of: Com plete the text using the verbs in the box. I
a single com pleted action. the verbs into the past sim ple or the past cont
You will use som e verbs more than once.
a repeated action in the past.
an action in progress when another action be » do • fall get • have learn push ride
happened. see shine start » take » teach tell • want

a past state (a feeling or situation, not an action).

Learning to ride!
Com plete the sentences using the correct form of
---- Till C t
the verbs in brackets.
ride a bike w hen I
1 We j_(fly) by plane to Paris last
(2) — 1____ ei;
year on holiday.
years old. My dad ^
2 W e __________________(fly) over the sea w hen one
(3) — ___________m<
engine suddenly stopped.
I rem em ber one day i
3 The p ilo t________________ (tell) us that there was particular. The sun
nothing to w orry about. (4 ) ------------ \ am
4 W hile he ____________ (tell) us this, the
> D ad (5 )____________
second engine stopped. m e to the local park
with my new bike. My old bike (6 )___________
5 I had my eyes closed when som ebody
_________ ;______ (shout), ‘Look!’ stabilisers (little wheels at the side, so you can’t
fall), but this one (7) r . W hen we
6 I looked out of the window a n d ________________
(8 )-----1_________ there, I (9 )______________
(see) that both engines had started again. Phew!
some children who (10) their
Correct the sentences that have mistakes in them. bikes, and I (1 1 )_____________ to be just like
One sentence has no mistakes. Which one? them . I (1 2 )-------------------- on my bike and Dac
1 As we were entering the train station, I was (1 3 )------------------- to push me. After a m om en
noticing the train was late. I (1 4 )-------------------- m y dad he (15). jVAs
2 I sat in a taxi w hen the accident happened so I saw m e too fast, and I couldn’t believe his answer!
the whole thing. ‘I’m not pushing you! You’re doing it by
3 M ick was riding his bike alm ost every day over the yourself!’ he (16) 0 - 1 ______
O f course, 1(17) ____________ off m y bike
4 People were enjoying the journey w hen suddenly
m any times after that, but that
the ship hit an iceberg.
(18) -------a very special day.
5 W hen you called, I watched a program m e about
the history of transport.
6 Do you rem em ber learning to ride a bike? How
did you learn? Who taught you? Tell the class.

^ Vocabulary builder

The Open Road

P - blic transport Gonfusable words
1 atch th e words in the box with the correct Circle the correct word in each sentence.
e fin itio n s .There is one word you do not need 1 I th in k that travel/journey really teaches you
to use. about other people.
•: n taxi rank » fare »^ irline 2 M r C arter has gone to M oscow on a business
derground platform •oterminal trip/journey.
coach 3 H urry up, or we’re going to miss/lose the bus!
his is where you stand to wait for a train,
his is a com pany that flies passengers by plane.
. his is a building for passengers at an airport,
nu his is a system of trains in tunnels in a large city,
his is how m uch you have to pay for a ticket,
S3 his is where you sleep on a ship.
his is where you find taxis waiting for
issengers. 4 Don’t get on/in the train unless you know where
his is a bus that runs betw een towns and cities. it’s going!

Collocations: transport
3 Complete the table with the
~ieans of transport.

:: cycle bus *2car * ^helicopter

-orse • hot-air balloon4 train
:: ane * Qmotorbike •'f ferry *2ship
rowing boat »2taxi trolleybus

get on I get off

4 Match words in list A with words in list B to make 5 Decide which of the m eans of transport from
compound nouns. exercise 4 each person is talking about.
A B i ‘Wow! This is so cool! It’s the latest m odel too!
express bus Let’s see if we can do 200!’
radio car
2 ‘Com e on! Let’s go and sit upstairs so we can see
double-decker plane
everybody getting off.’
je t^ taxi
3 ‘Call one now - and don’t forget to tell them
sports train
we’re going to the airport.’
4 ‘I’m afraid the Inter-city doesn’t stop at Porton.
You’ll have to get a local one.’
5 ‘It’s noisy during take-off, but you can’t even hear
the engines after that.’
Listening *1 Speaking
The Open Road
Work in pairs. Make a note of words and Make notes of things that trains and buses
phrases you know connected to these m eans of have in common.
transport. Try to list as many as you can. You have to buy a ticket to travel on them.
bus: driver, ticket,________________
Make notes of things that are different
plane: airport, p ilo t,________________
between trains and buses.
ship: voyage, captain,
A train travels on tracks, but/while/whereas a
train: driver, ticket,__ bus travels on the road.

1.05 You are going to listen to extracts Answer the questions.

from three conversations. For each extract, W hich m eans of transport do you prefer, the
choose the location where the conversation train or the bus? Why?
is taking place.
Work in pairs. One of you should read the
Conversation 1
instructions and the other should talkfor
a at a train station b on a bus c in a taxi
one m inute.Then swap.
Conversation 2
a at a bus station b on a ship c at an airport Com pare and contrast these photographs
Conversation 3 and say which m eans of transport you prefer.
a on a plane b on a train c in a taxi

Listen again and write a word or short phrase in

each gap.

Conversation 1
The man wants a(n) (1). . return ticket to York.
The w om an tells him that he needs to catch the
(2 )________ from M anchester.

Conversation 2
The m an says it takes (3). . to get to France.
The w om an leaves the m an to go to her (4 )------

Conversation 3
The m an explains that it’s quicker to go (5 )------
The w om an agrees, even though the fare will be
( 6 ) --------------•

/se/ a n d /e /

># 1.06 Circle two words in each line which have

the sam e vowel sound in them . Listen and check.
1 thank bed thirty cat
2 head had said paid
3 apple ant ape arm
4 pet hut pat send
<S> Look at Speaking database - Comparing and
Expressing preferences on page 165.

Use of English

The Open Road

Would, used to, be used to 3 W hen she was four, m y sister used to ride her
bike around the house, would
<3> Look at Gram m ar database page 170 before
4 My grandfather took m e for rides in his old car
you do the exercises.
w hen I was small, used
Circle the correct word or phrase in each
Word patterns
1 O u r old car would/was used to break dow n all Com plete the sentences using the correct
the time. form of the verbs in the box.
2 I used to Iam used to going to school by bus
work • insist • remind • complain • take
every day.
3 There would/used to be an aircraft factory in 1 Jo h n ________________ on going by bus as he’s
this area. afraid o f flying.
4 I never used to/wouldn’t like travelling by 2 We decided t o ________________ about the
train. delay to the ticket inspector.
5 Driving is complicated, but you soon are/get
3 We have t o ________________ into account the
used to it.
traffic at that tim e o f day.
6 I found flying frightening because I didn’t use
to/wasn’t used to it. 4 T o ________________as a bus driver, you need
a special licence.
Rewrite the sentences using the word in bold.
5 This old b u s _____________ . me of the tim e
1 W hen he was a boy, m y dad would watch the we travelled around India.
steam trains go past, used
2 Flying a helicopter is difficult at first, but you’ll 4 For questions 1-10, read the text below and
soon find it m uch easier, get think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an
exam ple at the beginning (0). Write your


Not so long ( 0 ) ____A^rO____ , alm ost all pilots w ere
m en. W om en working for airlines (1 )____________usually
be part of the cabin crew, serving drinks and m eals to
passengers. And w hile it's still true that the majority of
people w ho work (2 )____________pilots are men, more
w om en are entering the field. Sara Milton is one of them.

'I (3 )------------ to be afraid of flying w hen I w as a child,'

she says, 'but my parents insisted (4 )____________taking us
on holiday abroad. I (5) argue and cry, but it
never m ade any difference, so I eventually (6) _ _ _ _ _
used to it. Then, on one trip, we had a fem ale pilot,
w hich I wasn't used (7 )____________seeing, and I suddenly
thought that I'd love to do that job! My mum rem inded
(8 )____________of my fear of flying and how I always
com plained (9 )____________going on planes, but from that
m om ent on, I was determ ined to becom e a pilot. When
you (10)____________into account the long hours and all the
training you have to do, it might seem like hard work, but
it's worth it!' ^
.J Writing
An essay
<3>Look at Writing database - essays on page 153 before you do the exercises.

1 Make notes to answer these questions. Then discuss your ideas as a class.

‘Public transport’ includes which

form s of transport?

W hat are two advantages of

public transport?

3 W hat are two things people don’t

like about public transport?

Read this writing task. Working model

• Should your answer be formal or informal?
• Do you agree with the statement? 4 Read the answer to the writing task. Does the
writer agree or disagree with the statem ent?
Your class has been studying transport.
Your teacher has asked you to write an essay
explaining w hether you agree or disagree with
the following statement: 7Ttere is no doubt that traffic adds to pollution. Public
transport offers a possible solution to the problem,
People should be encoi since many people can be transported in one vehicle.
public transport more. The government has a responsibility to encourage
the public to use buses and the underground more.
W rite an essay of betw een 120 and 180 words in However, there are a number o f changes which need to
an appropriate style.
be considered.

Com plete the useful phrases with words from In the first place, public transport should be made
the box.
free. The government should raise taxes to pay fo r the
addition argue begin • convinced service. If it was free, most people would decide to leave
first * more • of « one other * to their cars at home and travel by bus or train.

to introduce your first point

What is more, the service must be clean and reliable.
T o _________w ith ,... In th e _________ p lac e ,... The
People need to know that they can get to work on
first thing to take into account is ...
time. They also need to know that theirjourney will be
to introduce a further point comfortable.
Secondly,... W hat i s ____________________ ,. . . I n ____ to
th is ,... A nother point to be m ade is t h a t ... To sum up, I would argue that a clean, reliable service

to express causes and results which was free would encourage many people to use

Because ________ th is ,... This is d u e ___________ _ public transport. The government should take action on
As a re s u lt,... this to prevent environmental damage.

to express contrast
O n t h e ________ hand, ... O n t h e _________
hand, ... However, ... Despite ...
5 Find words and phrases in the essay which mi
to introduce a conclusion and express opinion
because • but firstly
To conclude, ... In conclusion, ... I a m _________
in addition in conclusion
t h a t ... I w o u ld ________ t h a t ...
' Read the essay again and circle the 8 Make a plan of your answer.
correct answer. • Do you think the invention of the car changed the world?

The Open Road

: In the first paragraph, the writer Why? / W hy not?
a introduces the subject and generally • W hat are you going to write in your first paragraph?
agrees or disagrees w ith the statement, • W hich point(s) are you going to talk about in your second
b lists all the reasons why she agrees or paragraph?
disagrees w ith the statem ent in detail. W rite the first sentence of your second paragraph in your
. In the second paragraph, she exercise book.
a explains some points against her point • W hich point(s) are you going to talk about in your third

! of view.
b explains some points in favour of her
point of view.
In the third paragraph, she •
W rite the first sentence of your third paragraph in your
exercise book.
W hich phrase are you going to use to
a introduce your concluding paragraph?
i a introduces her conclusion and states
her opinion, b introduce your opinion?
b explains m ore points in favour of her
Now complete Writing Planner 2 on page 155.
point of view.
In the second and th ird paragraphs, Now write!
a the first sentence of each paragraph
You are now ready to write your essay.
expresses the m ain idea,
b the last sentence of each paragraph
Check it out!
expresses the m ain idea.
5 In the final paragraph, she 10 Check your work.
a sum m arises her argum ent, Tick (/ ) what you
b introduces extra points. have done.

Ready to write!
1have used formal language.

Look at this writing task. Do you agree 1have used som e good
or disagree with the statem ent? connecting phrases.

Your class has been studying the history
1 1have explained w hy
of transport. Your teacher has asked you
to write an essay explaining w hether I 1agree/disagree with the statement.

e- you agree or disagree w ith the following 1 1have used paragraphs.

statement: 1
I 1have sum m arised my argum ent

The invention o f the car changed ■ in the last paragraph. 1
the world.
1 1have checked my spelling and
■ my grammar. 1
Write an essay of betw een 120 and 180
words in an appropriate style.
My essay is betw een 120 and
180 words long. □ I

on Look Back
Ian you answer these questions? If you can't remember, look through the unit for the answers.
W hen did people first invent the wheel?
. W ho were the first people to fly a plane?
W hat tense describes an action in progress at a m om ent in the past?
- W hat’s the difference betw een would and used to?
W hat is a good phrase for introducing your opinion?

Units 1-2
1 C hoose th e correct option.
1 People say my brother’s _________________ He likes giving gifts to his friends.
A brave B m odest C generous D optim istic
2 The cruise was w onderful! A nd o u r ________________ was really comfortable.
A cabin B pedal C term inal D fare
3 I’ve always been q u ite _________________ I w ant to m ake a success of my life.
A depressing B am using C considerate D am bitious
4 Emily is really_______________ ! She seems to think she’s better than everyone ej
A loving B arrogant C sensitive D caring
5 M any_________________children want to learn som ething about their real pareii
A adopted B divorced C selfish D only
6 D id you hear that a train came off th e _________________ yesterday?
A vehicles B carts C bars D tracks
7 We waited on th e ________________ for over an hour! Finally, the train arrived.
A term inal B rails C platform D airline
8 We should b e ________________ about the future. Things are getting better all
the time.
A am using B optim istic C shy D pessimistic
9 Let’s take th e _________________to an island and spend some tim e on the beach!I
A ferry B underground C fare D coach
10 My dad’s really looking forw ard to his business________________ to Amsterdan
A trip B journey C travel D excursion

2 C om plete th e sen ten ces using th e correct form of th e verbs in brackets.

1 My sister__________________________ (stay) at her friend’s house for a few days.
2 I ________________ (do) my hom ew ork w hen suddenly I heard a loud explosion
3 W e__________________(eat) together as a family about three tim es a week.
4 I ________________ (get) better at rem em bering words in English these days.
5 In the winter, m any b ird s ________________ (fly) south to w arm er countries.
6 ‘Hello? No, T om ________________ (have) a shower at the m om ent. Can I take a
7 I _______________________________ (swim ) alm ost every day last summer.
8 My m um wants to learn to use a computer, so sh e ________________ (have) lesso

3 Complete the sentences using the correct preposition.

1 Roger still k e e p s___________touch w ith all his old school friends.
2 W hen Jill laughs, she really rem inds m e ___________ her m other.
3 You can’t blam e m e __________ all these problems!
4 O ur teacher in sists___________ giving us hom ew ork every day!
5 The police accused the m a n ___________ stealing the money.
6 I usually have to lo o k ___________ my brother when my parents are out.
7 W hen planning a party, ta k e ___________ account the cost o f food and drink.
4 Make these words negative. ^

Revision Units 1-
positive negative positive negative

1 legal ________________ 5 kind ________________

2 fair ________________ 6 relevant ________________
3 honest ________________ 7 capable ________________
4 polite ________________ 8 attractive ________________

Com plete the sentences using an appropriate word.

1 If your parents g e t_________________ , they end their marriage.
2 If you a re ________________ , you have lots of friends.
3 A (n )________________ is a kind of fast ship that lifts out of the water.
4 O n a bicycle, you put your feet on th e _________________
5 Taxis wait for passengers at a ta x i_________________
6 A (n )________________ is a kind of bus that travels betw een towns and cities.
7 If you only care about yourself and your own problem s, you a re _________________

6 Com plete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
think up bring up tu rn u p come up m akeup

1 I hate it when p eo p le________________ at my parties w ithout an invitation.

2 A num ber of problem s________________ in the m eeting yesterday.
3 W hen we see Mary, don’t ________________ her divorce.
4 I w onder w h o ________________ the idea of playing games on computers.
5 Tony is alw ays________________ stories about other people that just aren’t true.

Circle the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1 Is that Ashton Kutcher in that car, or do I seel am I seeing things?
2 I don’t believe/am not believing w hat Caroline told me about w hat happened.
3 A nybody who doesn’t understand/isn’t understanding can ask m e for help after the lesson.
4 W hat’s in this soup? It tastes/is tasting delicious!
5 W hy are you smiling? W hat do you think/are you thinking about?

8 Com plete the following passage using one word in each gap.

Hi, Wendy! Ju st a q uick em ail to let you know that I'm back from my business
( 1) ______________________ to Paris. I had a great tim e, but I (2 )------------------ ------th in k that
Paris was a bit dirty! Everybody was com plaining (3) ----------------------- the traffic and the
pollution. I'm not used (4) ______________________ such big cities, so it w as a bit difficult to find
my w ay around. I kept getting (5 )----------------------- the w rong bus and going to the wrong
place! And the w eather w as awful! One day, I w as w aiting at a taxi (6 )------------------ ----- for
an hour in the pouring rain! In the end, I had to call a(n) (7 )----------------------- taxi to com e
and get m e. W hen it finally turned (8 )______________________________ I looked like a drow ned rat!
Anyw ay, I hope you dealt (9 )________________________ everything at w o rk w hile I w as away. We'll
have a m eeting on M onday and you can (1 0 )---------------------- - up any problem s you had.
Take care,
Jackie S co re 160
^ajrts no.\aiy ilEXjM 0 Z ~ 0 i>|00I-raipoire jo j amp st}i aqAujAj Ot—lZ
j d n j i d a a j j jje s jS s,}ElLL O S - I f 1® n l s n o ^ ja u o p IPA 'V O 'J-IS

Killing Time

Do you have any hobbies? Do you collect anything? 1 t Read this article about hobbies.
What sort of things do people collect? Underline all the hobbies which are mentioned.

Hobbies Past and Present

D u rin g the tw entieth century, m ore an d m ore b u ying stam ps like they used to. 2 Rare
p eo p le found that they had leisu re tim e - stam ps are still in d e m and , and p ro b ab ly
tim e w h e n they didn't have to w o rk or study. a lw a y s w ill be, but fifty years ago the n u m b er
Th is raised an interesting q u estio n . W h a t do of co lle c to rs w a s higher. It seem s that stam p
you do w h e n you are free to do anything you c o lle c tin g as a ho b b y of m illio n s of you n g
like? M a n y p e o p le took up a hobby, an d it's p eo p le has had its day.
interesting to c o m p a re the h o b b ies p eo p le,
A n o th er hob b y that has ch a n g ed b e ca u se of
p a rticu la rly yo u n g p eo p le, ch o o se tod ay w ith
te ch n o lo g y is b u ild in g m o d els. In the 1 9 5 0 s
the h o b b ies p e o p le ch o se , say, fifty or sixty
and 6 0s, g enerations of yo u n g boys and girls
years ago. b uilt p la stic m o d els of p lan es, boats and cars.
Stam p c o lle c tin g is o n e of the first things 3 Young p e o p le are still m aking and
that c o m e to m an y p eople's m in ds w h en sh o w in g off these m o d els, but the nature of
they think abo ut h o b b ies. O rg a n isin g you r them has ch a n g e d . In the past, th ey w e re
c o lle c tio n seem s like the perfect w a y to relax sim p ly m a d e of w o o d or p lastic, w ith few
for a few hours. It seem s that p eo p le have m o vin g parts. M o d ern m o d els have all kinds
b een co lle c tin g v a lu a b le things sin c e a n cie n t of e le c tro n ic and co m p u terise d parts, in so m e
tim es. 1 W h e n stam ps a p p eared in the ca se s m aking them m ore like robots than
n ineteenth century, they w e re ch e a p and traditional m odels!
co lo u rfu l and ch ild re n started to keep them . By
O f co u rse , w e ca n 't ignore co m p u ters w h en
the m id d le of the tw entieth century, co lle c tin g
it co m e s to free tim e. C o m p u te rs have had
stam ps w a s a p o p u la r p astim e for both
a huge im p a ct on leisu re sin c e they w e re
ch ild re n and adults, w ith so m e stam ps w orth
invented in the m id d le of the tw entieth century.
a large am o u n t of m o n ey - far m ore than m ost
4 G ra d u a lly , how ever, the co m p u ter has
ch ild re n co u ld afford.
b e c o m e a part of alm o st e v ery hom e, w h e re it
T h ere are still m an y p eo p le tod ay w h o c o lle c t p ro vid es entertain m ent and a w h o le set of n ew
stam ps, but te ch n o lo g y has had an im p act. h o b b ies that p eo p le fifty years ago w o u ld have
E m a ils ca n be sent instantly and freely aro un d thought w e re very w e ird . Today's teen agers use
the w o rld , w h ic h m ean s that p eo p le aren't their co m p u ters for p layin g co m p u ter gam es,

Match the words and phrases with the Read the article again. Six sentences have been
explanations. removed from the article. Choose from the
sentences A -G the one which fits each gap

Killing Time
talk about w hat happened
:n the beginning _____ (1 -6).There is one extra sentence which you do
not need to use.
introduce a result _____
3 to introduce a contrast _____ A Hobbies seem to have becom e less im portant as
tim e has passed.
i m introduce an example _____
B Young people in the past had to rely on people
a : o r in stan ce,... they knew, or perhaps the local library, to learn
b s hich m eans ... about their hobby.
. r low ever,... C They proudly put these on display in their
bedroom s, or wherever else their parents w ould
4 \ t firs t,...
let them .
D However, m ost people in the past were too busy
and too poor to buy expensive works of art or
E At first, they were seen as strange m achines used
by big businesses.
F That in tu rn m eans that fewer children are
' ng w eb sites, co m m u n ic a tin g w ith
becom ing interested in the hobby.
is aro u n d the w o rld - all h o b b ies that
im p o ssib le until quite recently.
G For instance, people still go dancing, even if the
rhythm o f the music has changed.
outers have ch a n g ed h o b b ies in other
» a s ' too. T h e se days, no m atter w h a t
. you're interested in, you w ill alm ost
inly find a huge am o u n t of inform ation
Use words or phrases from the article to complete
>n i- on the internet. 5 Today's
the sentences. You've been given the first letter to
ipi :gers are instantly in to u ch w ith o n lin e help you.
c . > and so cia l n etw o rkin g sites that tell
1 One day, m y collection o f butterflies m ight be quite
" a l l they n eed to know . P eo p le have
>r : j c e d w e b site s on alm o st e v ery ho b b y
w can think of. You ca n get a d v ic e from 2 I don’t know if I can a________________ to buy any
• -ts and e a sily b u y eq u ip m e n t to take new stam ps for my collection.
r hob b y to the next level. Takin g up a
3 I prefer t_________________ songs to m odern pop
v hobby, or d e v e lo p in g o n e you alrea d y
has n ever b een e a sie r or m ore fun.
4 It m ight sound a bit w________________ , but in my
Sc n e h o b b ies, though, haven't ch a n g ed
free tim e I like to study grammar.
— i. M a n y yo u n g p e o p le fill their free
r • w ith a ctivities that their parents and 5 I like music that has a strong r______________
I clparents en jo y e d . 6 Fishin g is 6 Id like to try gym nastics, but I know I w ould keep
>pular as it e v er w as. Young p eo p le losing my b__________________________________ !
» i good b a la n c e d o g y m n a stics,
le nagers p lay sports and gam es like they 7 Let s go dow n to the v________________
♦ avs have d o n e. A teen ager from the a_________________ and play Alien Invasion.
: -* m ight b e co n fu se d by a v id e o a rc a d e
« : C D player, but m any things haven't
nged, and p erh ap s n ever wi l l . A sk Cy Have your say!
r parents w h a t th e y did w ith their
e i'U re tim e and you m ight be su rprised at • W hich of the hobbies and activities m entioned
> im e of the differen ces, but a lso at so m e of in the article do you think are the m ost/least
r ■ sim ilaritie s. interesting? Why?
• W ould you consider taking any of them up?

Why? / W hy not?
’t j Grammar clinic
Present perfect tense review Correct the sentences that have
m istakes in them . One sentence has no
<3> Look at Gram m ar database pages 171 -172 before you do
mistakes. Which one?
the exercises.
1 I’ve seen M att last week, w hen we were at
Read the sentences and phrases from the article on pages the karate club.
24 and 25. Match each one to an explanation. 2 I have a long tim e to play Monopoly.
1 C om puters have had a huge im pact on leisure ... 3 Sarah hasn’t played football since she
2 ... people have been collecting valuable things since broke her leg.
ancient times. 4 This is the first tim e I built a m odel plane.
3 People have produced websites on ...
Com plete the sentences using the
a This is a series of actions continuing up to now.
verbs in brackets in the present perfect
b This is a situation which continues up to now. sim ple or continuous.
c This is a com pleted action at a tim e in the past which is not
1 I ________________(play) tennis, so I’m
m entioned.
quite tired.

Decide if the statem ents are true (T) or false (F). Luke says h e . . (never/
meet) anybody w ho plays the xylophone
1 I’ve been studying English for about six years.
________________(you/follow) the new
This person is still studying English now. series that’s on TV at the mom ent?
2 Peter Johnson has w ritten five books My fingers are sore because I
about fishing. ________________(practise) the guitar
We know that Peter Johnson is still alive. all m orning.
3 ‘I’ve been sorting out my stam p collection,’ W e_____________ . (wait) for an hour
said Candy. and our dance teacher still isn’t here!
Candy finished this action a long time ago. 6 My d a d .
4 Jan has read Snowboarding fo r Beginners. (take up) a new
Ask her about it. hobby - cooking!
Jans present knowledge is the important thing.

Use the verbs in the box to complete the gaps. Use the present perfect simple or continuous.

join make plan read think • write

For the last few weeks, my friends and I (1)_______________________ the creation of a free local library, and

now it's ready.The idea is that we have a blog that anyone can join for free. The blog's now online, and

about 20 people (2)______________________ already, so it seem s it's popular. W hen w e read a new book, we

upload a review of the book. My friends and I (3)______________________ and uploaded 16 reviews already!

W hen som eone (4)______________________ a review, if the book sounds interesting, they can borrow it

from the person w ho owns it. We all live locally so that's not a problem.

Over the past couple of days, we (5)________________________about how we can expand the library so it's for

people all round the country. One idea is that we could post books to each other, but that might be

expensive, so we (6)______________________ a final decision yet. We'll see w hat happens!

© 9
n 1 Vocabulary builder

Killing Time
tree time activities
1 " 3tch the free tim e activities with the verbs go, do or play.

D et basketball » videogam es camping horse-riding karate swimming

. :o skiing gymnastics fishing volleyball the piano canoeing

.is p la y . . in m y free time.’

2 word in bold is correct, put a tick (✓). If it's incorrect, rewrite it correctly on the line.
How long have you been playing karate? ________________
[2 l< ts go horse-riding tomorrow. ________________
• e you ever been skiing? ______________________
* Ho m uch tim e do you spend going video games? ________________
I t o Dallet twice a week after school. ________________
do swim m ing in the sea every weekend in the summ er. ________________

Idioms: time
J v vtch to make sentences using idioms about time. What do the idioms m ean?

I ' :nce m y m um retired, a you have to take your time and do it slowly,

I ! don’t really like TV so m uch, b on time because I’ve set the video to record it.

! know you’re very busy with your hobbies c she’s got a lot of time on her hands.
• :iese days,

4 W hen you’re working with valuable stamps, d in time to see Robert win the race,

! hope the program m e starts e but I watch it w hen I want to kill time.

6 Ae got to the pool just f but you have to make time for me!

P+ rasal verbs with down Magic metaphors

• ; - -asal verbs with down often have negative When we talk about time, we sometimes use
~ eanings. Match the phrasal verbs in the box words or phrases that have a connection with
»th the correct definitions. m oney. Complete the sentences with the words
from the box.
9 K aown look down on turndow n
:: down with • put down valuable save spend waste

ou_ . an offer, you refuse it, or 1 To . tim e, we decided to get

i n t accept it. everything ready first.
v ou. . someone, you th in k you 2 S top_________________ tim e watching TV and get
r>etter than they are. your hom ew ork done.
o u ________________ a m inor illness, you start 3 I ________________ m ost of my free tim e playing
H -:ering from it. volleyball.
* If v et________________ an anim al 4 As a senior manager, M r H arrison’s tim e is very
, they kill it because it is old or ill.
■- im eth in g ________________ you
_______________, it depresses you.
i_ 1 .0 8 You aregoing to listen to two people talking about their hobbies. What do they say?
In the beginning, Speaker 1 felt that this 2 Speaker 2 feels that this hobby is
hobby was a uninteresting b em barrassing c entertaining
a enjoyable b difficult c boring

2 ^ 1 .0 9 Listen to the sam e two people and two other

people talking about their hobbies. For questions 1-4, 1Soundbite / a /
choose from the list (A-E) what each person says about
their hobby. Use the letters only once. There is one extra $ 1.10 Circle the two words in each
letter which you do not need to use. line that contain the same vowel
sound. Listen and check.
A It teaches you about other cultures. Speaker 1:__
1 come though luck put
B You learn to w ork with others. Speaker 2: 2 ran ru n won rule
C It dem ands a lot of free tim e. Speaker 3 3 fun far full fuss
4 truck tru st track true
D It can be stressful at times. Speaker 4:
E It helps you to stop worrying.

Circle the correct word or phrase to com plete the Work in pairs. Use the phrases
suggestions. from exercise 1 to help you make
1 I suggest to get/getting a games console - we’d have great
2 W hy don’t we buy/buying a video camera? Then we could Im agine you're planning to start
m ake films! a youth club for teenagers in your
3 Let’sget/Getting a pool table w ould be a good idea, neighbourhood. Here are som e of
w ouldn’t it? the things you're thinking of getting
for the club. You have about €200
4 A good idea might/can be to get a table-tennis table. It’s
to spend. Discuss how m uch you
cheaper than a pool table.
th ink m em bers w ould enjoy these
5 I’d like to suggest to buy/buying a tablet com puter so we activities and decide w hich things
can check our email. you are going to buy for the club.
6 W hat do you th ink about to get/getting some board games,
like chess and backgam mon?

<3> Look at Speaking database - Giving/Asking for opinion on page 165.

Use of English

Killing Time
«3> Look at Grammar database pages 172-173
mng before you do the exercises.

j Circle the extra word in each sentence.

In my free tim e, I listen to the music, go to the
cinem a and play the guitar.
The Head gave the Class 7 perm ission to
ch organise an after-school club.
I go to the chess club at the weekend by the bus.
lenny loves the swim m ing and she’d like to
swim the English Channel.
We went to the USA and saw the G rand
Canyon and the M ount Rushmore.
You need a hobby, like playing the flute or
collecting the stamps.

2 Correct the sentences. Add articles where

nW necessary.
©s ()scar had lot of tim e to start new hobbies
•■'hen he was in prison.
’ like comedies, w hether they are on television
or on radio. Match the expressions which mean the
; 'ames has taken up new hobby and spends same.
■•hole evening m aking models, 1 regret a feel like doing
iang-gliding is great fun, but you need hills
2 w ant to do b not approve of
r even m ountain nearby.
My hobby is drawing, so w hen I grow up I’d 3 look forw ard to doing c wish you hadn’t
ke to be artist. 4 object to d can’t wait to do

For questions 1-6, com plete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words, including the word given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
>lv parents asked me if I w anted to have ballet lessons, felt
'v parents asked me if I _____________________________________ballet lessons.

:e teachers object to our playing football in the corridor,
he teachers_____________________________________our playing football in the corridor.

'egret giving up the tru m p et at the age of 12. wish

__________________________________ up the tru m p et at the age of 12.

I .m really looking forw ard to joining my local basketball team , wait

I 'eally _____________________________________ my local basketball team.

:\ e can’t wait to take part in the karaoke competition! looking

ive______________________________________p art in the karaoke competition!

'• hv don’t you approve o f Sarah playing rugby? object

'■ h v ________________________________________________ Sarah playing rugby?
15 Writing
An informal letter/email Decide if the statem ents are true (T) or false (F).
1 You should always use form al language
<2> Look at Writing database - informal letters/emails
on page 154 before you do the exercises. in an email.
2 We norm ally ask each other about our
Read this writing task. Why should your email be news in inform al letters/emails.
informal? 3 You have to include all the inform ation
from your notes.
Craig, a friend of yours, is thinking of visiting 4 You can add extra relevant inform ation
you and he wants to be able to go to a concert not in the notes.
while staying with you.The local tourist office
has given you this leaflet and you have made
Working model
these notes. Write an email giving him the
choice of two possible concerts. Read the answer to the writing task.

W rite an email of betw een 120 and 150 words.

You m ust use gram m atically correct sentences
w ith accurate spelling and punctuation in a style From: Kelly <>
appropriate for the situation. To: Craig <>
Subject: Your visit!
Craig arriving June rfth
(I thinK)
I've seen fryal Orchestra Dear Craig,
- very good!
Hi! Flave your exams finished? I caiVt
I haven't got a lot of money. wait for you to arrive!
You said you want to go to a concert
while youJre here. YouJre arriving on

Washingtonflail the 19th, aren't you? 'The Robbers'

are playing up to the 18th, so we^ll
miss them. It's a shame because they’re
We've got some great concerts lined up great!
for you this season at Washington Hall.
There's something for everybody. Tickets are So really you've got a choice of
available at the box office. two concerts. The first is the Royal
Orchestra on the 20th or 21st. I've seen
June 12th-18th June 20th-21st them and they were very good. Tickets
The Robbers This Royal O rchestra are €20 each.
rock group w ill get For c la ssica l m usic
you d ancin g and lovers, the Royal The Wilson Brothers are playing after
scream ing ! They're O rch estra is b ack, that. Flave you heard of them? I don't
loud, they're fast, and bringing you som e know what they’re like. Still, might be
they're co m in g to old c la ssics, and a interesting. I don't have much money so
W ashington H a ll. fe w n ew p ieces. weJd have to get the cheapest tickets.
Tickets: € 1 5 -3 0 Tickets: € 2 0 They're €25. Decide which one you want
to see and let me know. I'll get the
June 22nd-29th
tickets before you come.
The W ilson Brothers C o u n try m usic's most
fam ous brothers are here w ith their guitars! Got to go! Mum's calling me.
If you like your m usic w ith a good m elody
See you soon,
and great singing, then let the W ilso n Brothers
entertain you. Kelly
Tickets: € 2 5 -4 0
nderline w here Kelly does these things in her Now write!
■?~ail on page 30.
You are now ready to write your email. Use
• s a friendly question about her friend’s life informal language. Include all the information
ecks a piece of inform ation you have to.
' Craig w hat the first choice is
s Craig w hat the second choice is Check it out!
' Craig w hat she wants him to do next Check your work. Tick ( / ) what you have done.
pves a reason for closing the email

y to write!
Look at this writing task. You are going to write a
• larem ail.

1 1have used inform al language.

ine your friend,Tom , is coming to stay I
you. While he is staying with you, he I 1have used all the inform ation
- :s to go to a concert. Use the leaflet on I from the notes. 1
rage 30 and the notes you have made to
:e an email toTom , offering him the choice 1 1have offered him a choice of
1 tw o concerts. □ 1
sf t.vo concerts.
1 1have used paragraphs.
Write an em ail of betw een 120 and 150 words.
□ I
I 1have sum m arised m y argum ent
You must use gram m atically correct sentences ■ in the last paragraph. □ I
»: accurate spelling and punctuation in a style
it -opriate for the situation. 1 1have checked m y spelling
■ and my grammar. □ I
Tom arriving on Tune 15th, leaving 1 My em ail is betw een 120 and
on Tune Zlst (?) 1 150 words long. □ I
£ost not a problem - birthday mone^!

Have to book tickets before Uh

•e a plan of your answer. Use your

r- agination.
I ] Look Back
Ho* are you going to start your email?
Can you answer these questions? If you
HI it question are you going to ask Tom about can't remember, look through the unit for the
•■vn life? answers.
piece of inform ation do you w ant to check?
1 W hen did people first start collecting stamps?
W1 .it's the first choice you’re going to offer him?
.: s your opinion of this choice? 2 W hat’s the difference betw een ‘He’s been to
India.’ and ‘He’s gone to India.’?
s the second choice you’re going to offer
3 W hich phrase using the word ‘tim e’ m eans
: >your opinion of this choice? ‘do som ething slowly’?
v is m oney not a problem? 4 If som ething ‘gets you down’, w hat does it do?
Wl it do you w ant him to do next?
Can you th in k of the nam e of a country we
W1 . n does he have to do it before? use ‘the’ before?
are you going to end your email?

complete Writing Planner3 on page 156.

Work Wonders
Q Start thinking! % Reading
W hat job w ould you like to do in the future? Why? 1 Look at the paragraph headings in the article
W hich is m ore im portant, m oney or job satisfaction? below. Which of these types of work would you
W ould you like to do the same job as your parents? rather do? Why?
Why? / W hy not?

M AKINGS LIVING by Ivy Saunders

‘What do you want to be when -* For some of us
you grow up?’ By the time I s*applying f o r a jc :
was fifteen, I’d answered that 0 m ^ in writing is all
question a hundred different the writing we
ways. A doctor! An actor! An * want to do! The
astronaut! (O K, even I knew usual applicant
that wasn’t going to happen!) for jobs such as
By the time I was twenty-five, these is
I'd had lots of jobs, but none of someone who
them had been on my list of careers. I'd flipped independent an
burgers in a fast-food place. I’d worked in a shoe who prefers to use their physical skills, which cou«
shop and a pet shop. Then, gradually, I realised I involve being anything from a builder to a chef. TF
had been doing things I didn't like. I decided that type of work might also suit people who perhaps
I liked writing, so I took a course and became a don’t expect to stay in education for a long time.
journalist. The point is, it's okay to answer ‘I don’t It’s work that can involve long hours and you migt"
know what I want to be!'. Finding a career takes never make a fortune, but at the same time you
time. If you've got no idea what career you want to feel the satisfaction of making something, which
do, here are a few ideas to get you started. office work often doesn't provide.

Whatever we
say we want to It’s difficult to
be, a huge make an entir-
number of us career out of
will join the voluntary wor-
staff of large because there!|
companies and no money in t
work in an but it can be e:
office. And that’s very useful sti
not a bad thing. Office work can be secure, well- to something
paid, and many people like working in teams. You else. You can
could become a manager and go on trips abroad get lots of
with your expenses paid by the company. On the experience and you can try out different jobs wh
other hand, some people find it hard to be at the you make up your mind. From helping older peop>J
same desk working on the same computer day to working with animals, voluntary work teaches
after day. If you’re the outdoors type, then office you skills that you can then use in a paid job. It ca
work might not be ideal for you! even take you to other countries, since many

© charities do international work.

^ 1.11 Read the article and decide if the statements 3 Read the article again. For questions
'.rye (T) orfalse (F). 1-6, choose from the types of
w ork(A -E). The types of work may be

The •vriter always w anted to be a journalist. T/F
chosen more than once.
Sfee • -.inks young people have to decide
According to the writer, which type(s)
fco ■■-.s hat career they want. T/F
o f work:
v * ■r.:nks young people should stay in
ed . jation as long as possible. T/F would be good, if you like working on
your own? 1 ___ 2 ___
ifc ' h :nks voluntary w ork can teach
'om ethinguseful. T/F do you not get paid to do? 3 ___
Sfc ■ inks people w ho work from hom e can you earn a lot of m oney from?
car ■^et another job. T/F
H ' article is aim ed at young people
w ould be good, if you haven’t chosen
■ r .v Jering their future. T/F
a career? 6 ___

could allow you to travel?

7___ 8 ___

w ould be good, if you like working with

other people? 9 ___ 10 ___

Working in a
shop or in
another service
where you deal 4 Use words or phrases from the article to
with members of com plete the definitions. You've been given
the public isn't the first letter to help you.
for everyone. It's
1 The am ount of m oney you get paid every year to
ideal for those of
you who like do a job is called your s_________________
meeting people, 2 An a_______________ f________________
ole you work with and customers. You might
is som ething you fill in w hen you apply for a job.
es need a lot of patience, and it’s not always
-eep calm when the customer is wrong. On 3 If a com pany pays your e_______________ , they
fete* 5 side, there are lots of opportunities to earn a pay for taxis, meals, travel, etc.
ar< ~ove up to the level of manager, and maybe
I Ngher! 4 W hen you write a letter to apply for a j ob, you
apply i_________________w__________________
£* UP Y O U R OW N B U S IN E S S 5 A person applying for a job is called an
6 W ork w hich you do for a charity and w hich you
don’t get paid for is called v________________
form to get the 7 The s_ . are all the people who
job! Seriously,
w ork for a company.
® **eone who likes working alone, running your own
■ M n e ;s can be very rewarding, even if it can also be
H w y hard work. You could take something that you
such as a hobby, and start making a salary from
These days, you can even start your business Have your say!
ire and work from home alone, if you wish. You
••e c ■ nave a lot of confidence, but there's nothing • How im portant is it to earn a high salary?
Bte &• "g your own boss. • Explain what other aspects of w ork you
th in k are im portant.
Work Wonders ^ Grammar clinic
P a st p e rfe c t te n s e re v ie w
<S> Look at Grammar database pages 174-175 before you do the exercises.

Read the sentences and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 By the tim e I was twenty-five, I’d had lots of jobs, ...

This describes an action before the m ain tim e in the past.
The action was com pleted before the m ain tim e in the past.

2 Then, gradually, I realised I had been doing things I didn’t like.

This describes a continuous action before the m ain tim e in the past.
The action was com pleted before the m ain tim e in the past.

Circle the correct tense in each sentence.

1 By the tim e Claire retired, she worked/had been working there for 20 years.
2 Before I filled in the application form , I had called/had been calling them to ask for m ore inform ation.
3 It was the first tim e John was working/had worked on a computer.
4 The boss phoned before I had finished/hadn’t finished the letter he asked m e to write.
5 M r Turner worked as a chef for a while and then decided/had decided to apply for a job as a fireman.

Correct the sentences that have m istakes in them . One sentence has no mistakes. Which one?
1 The staff were quite tired because custom ers had been com ing in all m orning.
2 Because he had never been working from hom e, my brother didn’t know w hat to expect.
3 Som ebody else got the job before I hadn’t had a chance to send in my application form.
4 D ad had been driven all day so he was really tired w hen he got hom e from work.

Com plete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the past perfect sim ple or continuous.

1 W hen I started working here, it was the first tim e I ________________ (work) in an office.

2 Luckily, w e ________________ (already write) the report w hen the boss arrived.

3 I ________________ (wait) for the bus to work for half an hour w hen it finally tu rned up.

4 Helen decided to speak to her m anager because s h e ________________ (have) problem s w ith the
others in the office.

5 A lex________________ (work) in a superm arket before, so he knew exactly w hat to do.

6 My u n c le ________________ (try) to find a job for m onths when he finally found what he was
looking for.

Vocabulary builder

Work Wonders
C :upations
X v itch the jobs in the box with the definitions.

* : jn ta n t * journalist • electrician plumber

rep civil servant • civil engineer
d ^rer architect « miner

- - person ...
4 - hard physical work, such as repairing roads.
zns houses and other buildings.
If I • with the incom e and the expenses of a business.
» - >articles and reports for a newspaper.
«*= • - in a governm ent office, for example in a tax office,
i :oal or gold, etc from underground.
Urj - '.vith the water system in buildings.
igns and builds roads and bridges, etc.
Atj - with the electrical system in buildings.
«r_ : "oducts to businesses.

! olete the explanations of the words and ph rases in

: .vith one word.

'■ vou are on strike, you don’t _________ .in

id r to try to force your employer to change som ething,
Word formation: suffixes
vou get the sack, y o u _________________ your job, Make the words into nouns using one
’ ecause you did som ething wrong. of the suffixes in the box. Be careful
with spelling.
vou w ork overtime, you w o rk ________________
-ness -ment -tion -ity
• usual.
Hk vour employer promotes you, you are given a(n) 1 active 6 employ
_______________ job than before. 2 enjoy 7 attract
3 kind 8 pay
* 'ir vou retire, y o u . . working
nently because you are old enough to do that or 4 m ajor 9 prom ote
l_ -e vour health is bad. 5 polite 10 lazy

: :i zlete each sentence with one of the nouns you made in exercise 3. You may need to make the
mn ; olural.

I so m any after-school _ _______ that I never have tim e just to relax!

f .loping to fin d ______ . in advertising w hen I leave college.
I . ___________ of people don’t decide on their career until their late 20s.
» rk in a shop, a n d ___________towards custom ers is very im portant.
I get a lot o f _______
_______ out of my job, even though the salary is quite low.
. ■ !ost his job because of his o w n ___________and lack of interest.
* ' touched by the boss’s . __w hen he said I looked ill and should go home.
v . applied for a ( n ) ______
_______ at work, and I hope I get it!
One o f t h e ________ of w orking in the m edia is m eeting fam ous people.
0 : manager gave us all an extra ________for working so hard!

*^j Soundbite silent letters (1)

1.14 Read the words and underline any

1 .1 2 You are going to listen to an extract
silent letters. Listen and check.
from an interview with two careers officers.
As you listen, com plete the sentences with a listen climber pneum onia
number. plum ber comb knight
Craig has been working as a careers officer for lamb tom b
________________ years.
He visits approxim ately________________
schools every year.
Susan talks to a b o u t________________ pupils
about careers each year.
Com plete the words and phrases to express
Each careers interview lasts about
________________ m inutes.
1 I don’t know...
1 .1 3 Listen to the whole interview. For I’m not s___________________
questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C). I’m not c___________________
W hat does Craig say about the work of a careers
2 ... but I think...
A It has changed completely over the years. ... but I s___________________
B It is sim ilar to what it used to be. ... but I i___________________
C It’s better than the other jobs he’s done.
... may..
Only one in ten of the people who want to become ... m ___
... c____
A succeed in their ambition.
B becom e lawyers.
C are successful in other professions. In pairs, choose four or more of the questions to
Craig suggested the air force to the young m an talk about. Use the phrases from exercise 1 to
because he helpyou.
A wanted to change his m ind about being an • W hat do you think is im portant w hen choosing a
astronaut. career?
B thought it was probably the best way to • Do you think people w ork too hard nowadays?
achieve his aim.
• How do you think the w orld of work is changing''
C was sure that astronauts started in the
• W hat do you think it would be like to work from
air force.
Craig s advice is that you should
• W hat problem s do people face when they are
A be ready to choose a completely different
B only talk about your am bition if you really I haven't really
m ean it. thought about that.
C becom e a doctor if you can’t becom e an I suppose...
Susans advice is that you should
A becom e a lawyer if you like helping people.
B get legal advice before choosing your career. I imagine the
C find out m ore about the job you want to do. biggest problem
is ...

<!> Look at Speaking database - Giving/Asking for

opinion on page 165.

* 5 Use of English
: : - paratives and superlatives Com plete each sentence so that it m eans the same
^ lo o k at Grammar database pages as the first sentence. Use the words given without
175-176 before you do the exercises. changing them . Use no more than five words.
1 I’ve never read such a boring book about being
A ; : plete the sentences using eitherthe an actor, interesting
a -p a ra tiv e or the superlative form of
This is ______________________________ about
e adjective in brackets.
being an actor I have ever read.
This job is m u c h ________________ (easy) I had expected the job to be m ore difficult than
r m my last one! it was. as
I -'.agine the life of a lawyer is The jo b ______________________________ I had
_ _____________(challenging) than that expected.
OC . 'hop assistant. Everyone in the office took m uch longer to finish
Chris should make a good actor because their work than Kim. quickly
iv s _______________(confident) child I Kim finished her w o rk _________________________
know. everyone else in the office.
* rVxtors are generally________________ less
I got m ore satisfaction from my old job.
*»ell) paid than nurses. I a m ______________________________ I was
in my old job.

S ; .'q u e stio n s 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the
t " es to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0).
-ite your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Most people end up in fairly ordinary (0) OCCUPATIONS OCCUPY
If you’re a (1 )______________ , a sales rep or a doctor, w hen LABOUR
you tell people what you do, they understand what it is.
For some, though, their (2 )______________ produces a EMPLOY
surprised stare from the (3 )______________of people. For MAJOR
example, Em ma C arter is a hand model. A what? Well, let
Emma explain. ‘It’s (4 )______________ paid than a lot of WELL
jobs, and in some ways I suppose it’s (5 )_______________ EASY
M ost people don’t understand w hat I do, even though
they’ve probably seen me do it! My hands appear on TV
and in m agazine ads all the time. I don’t think I’ve got the
(6 )_______________ hands in the world, but I know how PRETTY
to do different ( 7 ) ______________ in different ways, to ACTIVE
com m unicate ideas such as strength or love. The m ain
(8 )______________ o f this job are that I have a lot of ATTRACT
freedom to choose w hen I work, and I get to go on trips
abroad with all my (9 )______________ paid. I get a lot of EXPENSE
(1 0 ) _______________ out of it, and my hands are famous, ENJOY
even if I’m not!’
y Writing
A report
Decide if the statem ents are true (T)
<§> Look at Writing database - reports on page 151 before you or false (F).
do the exercises.

Read this writing task. Who is the report to and what

1 The aim o f a report is to present
is the subject? inform ation in a clear way.

2 You should never give your

ow n opinion in a report.

3 Reports are usually quite


4 It’s usually a good idea to give

each paragraph a heading.

5 The last paragraph m ight be

a sum m ary or m ight contain

6 You p u t your nam e at the end

Everyone in your class has spent a day at w ork w ith a o f a report, like in a letter.
m em ber o f their family. Your teacher has now asked you
to w rite a report for her/h im about the job you learned
about. She/He wants you to describe the m ain features
o f the work, and to explain why it w ould or wouldn’t be
suitable for you as a career. Working model
Put these parts of a reportinto the
W rite a re p o rt of betw een 120 and 180 words in correct order (A-D).
an appropriate style.
1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___

Being an accountant would not be an DAILY ROUTINE
appropriate career choice for me. Firstly, On most days, my aunt arrives at the
1 am not interested in working in an office at nine o’clock and works on
office, and I would rather work outdoors. her computer until lunchtime. In the
Secondly, I have always wanted to afternoon, she visits businesses and
be a vet and work with animals. My has meetings with people. This was her
experience of a day with an accountant routine on the day I spent with her.
has not changed my plans.
- r f f a a - s i . ■j p .« ._ . L l W l W B g l — f My aunt receives a good salary, and she
To learn about care , ^ were
^ each
^ r often earns more by doing overtime. As
well as a good salary, my aunt gets a
large amount of job satisfaction from her
asked to spend a day ^ my aunt_ work. I observed her solving people’s
member of our^ an accountant. I financial problems and helping them
Rachel, who works as and manage their money. She enjoys this
part of her job.
To: Mrs Edwards
From: Hannah Davies
Subject: My day with an accountant
I :ne model again and com plete the Make a plan of your answer. Use your notes.
tar 'ences with a word or short phrase.
• How are you going to start your report?

Work Wonders
Kn ..wards asked the pupils to spend a day at T o :.....................................................................
.t o . careers. F ro m :................................................................
ah spent the day with a (n )_____ called
. who is a member of her family. • W hat’s the title of your first paragraph?
• How are you going to start it?
e day Hannah spent with Rachel, they spent
• W hat are the titles of your other paragraphs?
vrning in _________ • How are you going to start your final paragraph?
-rent the afternoon having_________with • Do you th ink this career w ould be suitable for you?
■.e at their businesses. • W hat are the m ain two reasons? Why? / W hy not?
• Is there a career that w ould suit you better? W hich?
. likes helping people with their_________
Now complete Writing Planner 4 on page 156.
ah would rather be a (n )_________than an
untant. Now write!
dy to write! 8 You are now ready to write your report. Use
formal language and present your information
: • at this writing task. Who is the report to clearly. Make a clear recom m endation.
: . /hat is the subject?
Check it out!
.me in your class has been asked to find
■out a different career, either by speaking Check your work. Tick (/ )
pie you know or by searching online. Your what you have done.
er has now asked you to write a report for
-m about the career you learned about.
: .e wants you to describe the main features
I have started the report in
. work and to explain why it would or the correct way.
'dn’t be suitable for you as a career.
1have used form al language.
■e a re p o rt of between 120 and 180 words in
I have given m y paragraphs
■propriate style. clear headings.

I have made a good

recom m endation.

I have checked m y spelling

and m y gram m ar.

My report is betw een 120 and

180 words long.

9 ■■te short answers to these questions. Find

’ formation online, speak to som eone you know,
■use your im agination where necessary.
| 3 Look Back
I W hat job have you found out about? Can you answ er these questions? If you can't
remember, look through the unit for the answers.
V -.ere did you get inform ation about that job 1 What do you fill in to apply for a j ob ?
T om ?_______________________________________ 2 Who does a civil servant work for?
1 ■hat is the usual salary for that job? 3 What’s the noun from ‘lazy’?
4 What do we call the person who gives us advice
i W hat are the m ain things that person does each on choosing a job?
^ y ? _____________________________________
5 Which of these words has a silent letter?
part from money, w hat m ight a person doing that mum ble climber grumble
>ob enjoy?____________________________________
Units 3-4
1 Choose the correct option.

1 All th e . . for the job seem to have a lot of experience.

A expenses B applicants C staff D applications

My aunt’s really w orried that she’s going to get th e . . and be

A sack B strike C post D vacancy
W hy don’t you send in an application___________ ___ for the job? You
m ight get it!
A paper B form C report D list
D ianes really successful! She’s just b e e n _________ .to Senior
A employed B placed C prom oted D applied
Greg’s a waiter, and h is _____________ isn’t really very high.
A expenses B paym ent C salary D wage
6 Imagine how exciting it m ust be to be a(n) _ . and to
interview famous people!
A sales rep B journalist C m iner D accountant
7 This m ight sound a b it____ ______ , but I love doing exams!
A weird B valuable C traditional D balanced

8 Have you ever thought of d o in g ______________

______________ work, maybe for a
A expensive B worthless C voluntary D priceless
9 My grandfather used to be a teacher, but h e ____ . years ago.
A afforded B prom oted C balanced D retired
10 I’d like to be a ______________
_____________because you have a lot of security working
for the governm ent.
A sales rep B civil servant C plum ber D labourer

2 Com plete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I suppose I ________________ (know) Tony for six years now.

2 By the tim e Ian got to the station, the tra in ________________ (leave).
3 D ia n e ________________ (cook) since five o’clock and she still hasn’t finished
W e ___ __(see) this program m e before.
I_____ . (learn) English for about five years now.
I was tired w hen you saw me yesterday because I ____________ . (work)
all day.
7 My d a d ________________ (visit) C hina twice and India once.
8 Let’s go to the cinem a when y o u . . (finish) your homework.
DM* tne correct verb in each sentence.
■ mer, I went/did/played fishing alm ost every day.
goes/does/plays gym nastics three tim es a week.
itm i Doing/Playing swim m ing is probably my only hobby.
. tple spend too m uch tim e going/doing/playing video games.
• looking forw ard to going/doing/playing cam ping next m onth.
Igtaek ore boys should th ink abo ut going/doing/playing ballet.
9m c vc .. ever been/done/played skiing? It looks really difficult.

0 - ete the sentences using an appropriate word.

h ! _________________ your tim e and you’ll do a m uch better job.

■c ho are unem ployed often have m ore tim e on th e ir _____________
pot :o ' jhool ju s t________________ tim e for the start of the lesson.
B q . :e busy, but I try t o . . tim e to do m y hobbies.

3 o r e the correct option.

H b t teachers leave the profession___ . the long hours.

» *>c B because of

Iftic people. ______ that working overtim e is a good way of m aking m ore money.
B th ink so

i*? * _____________back from the shop!

hide and surprise Janette w hen s h e _____________
B will get
I n : . _d t o ________________ a degree in architecture to becom e an architect.
B get to

:r the correct article in each sentence. If no article is necessary, circle the hyphen (-
^ a/the/- 1980s, m any people used com puters at w ork for the first time.
41 - '.heI - United States, professional people w ork very long hours.
13i .t o go to a/the/- university to study engineering,
t ir ,i was off w ork last M onday w ith a/the/- cold.
Ifc ; Xo, M r Green is at a/the/- work. Can I take a message?’
1h . this job. I work all week, and then I have to w ork on a/the/- Sunday m orning too!
\ti , .r broke dow n so I went hom e on a/the/- foot.

J this text. For questions 1-10, use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fills
a gap. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). You will get two marks for each correct answer.

bb people, perhaps even the (0 )____ffldjor/fy , are not particularly MAJOR

ta; _______________ for
v in their job. They go to work, get paid, and (1 )_____________ EMPLOY
a _______________ at
m is just a way o f paying the bills. This leads to (2 )____________ LAZY
mo x and unhappy workers often don’t show enough (3 )________________ POLITE
to c .istomers or ( 4 )________________ to their fellow workers. M any people KIND
hat they have no chance of ( 5 ) ________________ and they are unhappy PROMOTE
« the ( 6 )________________ conditions. WORK
u w ant to get (7 )______________ . from your work, m ake sure that it ENJOY
■jvolves doing an (8 )______________ _that you like. Ask yourself w hether ACTIVE
" . ob will have the same ( 9 )______ _______ after five years. A careful ATTRACT
t :ce now can save you a lot of ( 10 ). ______________ in the future. HAPPY

^ a jn s noA s j y iJEijAV ( ) t* 0 H o o j ja ip o ir e j:oj s u n } st}i 3cj!fep\[ 0 f ~ l Z

Score /60 jd n it d a a jj p r a j g s jb ij x 0 £ ~ l f iBn l s avou>[ A[]ra.i n o x ja u o p [pjvv 09~X S
The Global Village
4) Start thinking! Reading
W hat does the w ord ‘m edia m ean to you? 1 1.15 Read the m agazine article. What is
How m uch TV do you watch? surprising about what it says?
W hat kinds of TV program m e do you like?

How it all began

W ithout even thinking about it, w e click the used sp inn in g d iscs inside the televisio n which
rem ote to turn o u rT V s o n .T h e n w e turn o ver to allo w ed light through sm all holes.
find a channel w e w an t to w atch and sit back to In order to d evelo p, tele visio n needed to be
en jo y full co lo u r en tertain m en t, n ew s and sport. electro n ic, and the sto ry of electron ic television
T elevisio n is a global su cc e ss story. H ow did it all goes back to the sm a ll tow n of Rigby, Idaho,
begin? A m a zin g ly, it first took its m odern form in 1922.
in the m ind of a thirteen-year-old A m erican boy
PhiloT. Farnsw o rth w a s a v e ry cle ve r student. H
called PhiloT. Farn sw o rth .
w a s fascin ated by electricity and built electrical
Th e b asis fo r m odern te leco m m un icatio n s m ach in es to m ake the w o rk on his p aren ts' fa rr
w a s created in the nineteenth ce n tu ry.T h e easier. He read an article in a m agazine that
teleg rap h , w hich w a s invented in 1837, m eant described m echanical te levisio n and realised
that m essa g es could be sent round the w o rld . that it could never be fa st enough to produce
Th e telep hone fo llo w ed in 1876. For the first good p ictures. O H H G ra d u ally, an idea
tim e, people's vo ice s could be sent o ver long form ed in his m ind. M agnets could be used to
d ista n ce s. B H H ^ w a s o r|ly w ith the invention control electro n s to m ake a picture.
of the radio in 1901 that su d d e n ly people w e re
He w e n t to the o nly other person in R igby
cap ab le of sending m essa g es through the air
w h o he felt m ight u nderstand the ideas - his
o ver long d ista n c e s.T h e first radio sh o w s w ere
ch em istry teacher, Ju stin T o lm a n . He d rew
a lm o st tw en ty y e a rs aw ay.
d iag ram s on the blackboard exp lain in g how it
Th e idea of sending im ag es along w ith sound w o uld w o rk. E H I Th ere w a s no w a y they
seem ed to be an im p o ssib ility. A lthough cinem a could build a w o rkin g m o del, th ou g h, and soor
had been invented in 1895, there seem ed no w a y Philo's fa m ily w a s forced to m ove to find w ork.
to get these m oving p ictures to fly through the
Eve n tu a lly, Farnsw o rth w en t to Brigham Yo ung
air. A t first, inven to rs such a s Jo h n Logie Baird
U n ive rsity , w h ere he continued to develop
in Britain w o rked on m echanical s y s te m s .T h is
Match th e se dates to w h a t h ap p en ed . Read th e a rtic le ag a in . S ix se n te n ces have
been rem oved from th e a rticle . Cho ose from
1837 _____

The Global Village

th e sentences A -G th e one w h ich fits each
1876 _____ g ap (1 -6 ).T h e re is one extra se nte n ce w h ich
you do not need to use.
■ 1895 _____ A Television becam e a part of everyday life, as it
i 1901 _____ still is.
B It finally came w hen he got a j ob with two rich
’.922 _____ investors, George Everson and Leslie Gorrell.
1927 _____ C However, wires were needed to connect people
who wanted to com m unicate.
lectric TV was first explained,
D N obody understood how it worked, but it was
he telephone was invented. very impressive.
< he radio was invented. E O ver the next few weeks, they developed the
4 he telegraph was invented, ideas together until they were convinced it
e he first pictures were seen on electric TV. could succeed.
he cinem a was invented. F A lthough images were sent, they were very
G As he w orked in the fields, his brain played
w ith the idea of television.

4 Find w o rd s or p h rases in th e a rticle th a t m ean
■;eas fo r electro n ic te le visio n . After th e fo llo w in g . You've been g iven th e first le tte r to
ersity, he set up h is ow n b u sin e ss help yo u.
i ring rad ios. A ll the tim e he w a s doing 1 change channels on a TV
«s. he w a s looking out fo r the chance to t------------------------ o _ _______________
> m oney to d evelop his w orld-changing
itio n . After w o rk one day,
2 worldwide

•sworth exp lain ed h is idea and the m en g-------------------------

1ed to provide so m e of the m o ne y and 3 electronic m eans o f com m unication
« the rest. t ___________
sworth fin a lly registered the patents for 4 pictures
:ea in 1927. Later that yea r, he m anaged
i^e the first im ag es on h is sy ste m . It w a s
5 send (a program m e) through the air
-nany y e a rs before tele visio n becam e
■Dree it is today, but it w a s on its w ay.
-:ly after the end of the Second W orld 6 inform ed about the latest news
TV p ictures w e re being b ro ad cast into u_________________ t______________
- es a cro ss A m erica and , so o n , a cro ss d_______________ _
oe and the rest of the w o rld . [ 3
: ns of us e ve ry d ay around the w o rld 7 titles of news stories
up to date w ith the n ew s h ead lin es, h________________
.v our favo u rite sp o rts team or laugh
om edy sh o w . And it's all b ecause of
:e a in the m ind of a young boy n early
• ndred y e a rs ago. Have your say!
• How do you th in k television has changed the world?
• Do you th in k it will still be im portant in the future?

Why? / W hy not?
The passive
<2> Look at Grammar database pages 176-177 before you do the exercises.

1 Read the sentences and phrase from the magazine 3 Choose the correct passive version of eac-
article on pages 42 and 43. Tick (/ ) the reasons why sentence.
we might use the passive.
1 They broadcast the news report by satellite
The basis for m odern telecom m unications was a The news report broadcasts them
created in the nineteenth century. by satellite,
For the first tim e, peoples voices could be sent over b The news report was broadcast by
long distances. satellite.
A lthough cinem a had been invented in 1895,... 2 Satellite television is bringing people close:
We m ight use the passive when to each other.
a People are being brought closer to each
a We don’t know who did som ething, other by satellite television,
b It’s not im portant who did something, b People are bringing satellite television
closer to each other.
c We w ant to emphasise something,
3 They showed that new Spielberg film on
d We think our reader doesn’t understand. cable last night.
Now underline all the examples of the passive a Cable has shown that new Spielberg film
you can find in the article. last night.
b That new Spielberg film was shown on
2 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. cable last night.
1 Som eone first suggested the idea of the internet in 4 Som ebody has stolen our television, so I
thel960s in America. m issed the big match,
2 They deliver our new spaper to the house every a O ur television was being stolen by
m orning. som eone so I m issed the big match,
3 Someone told m e that the BBC is planning a new b O ur television has been stolen so I
channel. m issed the big match.

4 People say that the internet is a great way to receive

international news.
5 Jill gave me a great book about w orking in the media.

4 Read this short article about com m unication.Then rewrite it in the passive.

Someone sent the first m odern email

in 1971. Someone sent the first text
message in 1992. Both o f these form s of
com m unication have changed the world.
They have brought people together and
they have m ade the world smaller. Today,
we send over 300 billion email messages
per day! A nd people send over 1 billion
text messages per week - in just the UK!

Vocabulary builder

The Global Village

ision programmes Phrasal verbs with on
: - c lete the sentences with a word or phrase from 3 Phrasal verbs with on often have m eanings
t** DOX. connected to starting som ething or
continuing som ething. Circle the correct
ft? -en tary sitcom game show
phrasal verb in each sentence.
now soap opera chat show
1 Do you th in k you could open on/turn on the
. is funny and each programme TV for me, please?
v lasts for half an hour. Every show has the same 2 Sorry, but I can’t hear the radio if you
Aaracters. carry on/put on m aking so m uch noise.
j______________ is a factual programme and it 3 I hated this program m e at first, but now it’s
4tn ■be about the environment or politics. coming on/growing on me.
_______________ , famous people are 4 I’m going to bring on/log on and see if I’ve
lewed about their careers and their recent work. got any email.
5 There are two people on Life in the House
_____________ is a show about different
who just don’t take on/get on with each other
A - Jters who live in the same area or who work
at all!
er. They usually have very dramatic problems
M tc' e story continues for a long time. 6 I don’t th in k they should pu t on/come on
violent program m es in the early evening.
O b i ________________ , members of the public play
Si-- - or answer questions to try to win prizes. Now match each phrasal verb with a
definition. Put the phrasal verbs into the
________________, we watch members of the infinitive.
: living together. We follow their relationships
i ne of them leaves each week. have a good relationship ________________

Cj ■ou name one of each type of programme? broadcast on TV ________________

■fl vh types of programme do you prefer to watch? start som ething w orking ________________
connect to the internet ________________
• j : n the people with the descriptions of what
ydo. continue ________________
venter a tries to win prizes on a game becom e m ore attractive
show to you after some tim e ________________
:estant b tells people watching Which other phrasal verb means
about important events
‘continue’? ________________ on
»er c films the show so that
people at home can see it
Idioms: the media
oucer d watches a TV programme
4 In p a irs,ta lk a b o u tw h a ty o u th in k th e se
. raman e decides which TV programmes
idiomatic phrases might mean.
should be made
be front-page news hit the headlines
■reader f introduces the show and the
people on it a couch potato be on the air
be on the spot
Listening Soundbite fe'J

1 .1 6 You are going to listen to extracts from 5 M .1 8 Circle the words that have the same
five different programmes. As you listen, match vowel sound in them . Listen and check.
each extract to a program m e type. 1 w ord sorry fear bird
Extract 1 a docum entary 2 hard heard m urder bread
Extract 2 b sitcom 3 fair fur first far
Extract 3 c game show 4 m ean m eant learn burn
Extract 4 d chat show 5 sir occur part sour
Extract 5 e soap opera

1 .1 7 You will now hear the extracts again in

a different order. For questions 1-5 , choose the f | Speaking
best answer (A, B or C).
You hear this wom an speaking on the TV. W hat is Make notes to answer the questions.
she saying?
Have you ever been on television?
A She is planning to get divorced.
B Brad isn’t w ho people thought he was. W hen? W hat was it like?
C Brad’s cousin isn’t really her son. W ould you like to be? Why? / W hy not?
You hear this m an speaking on the TV. W hat does
the governm ent say?
2 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.Try to sa.
as much as you can. Use the phrases below to
A The num ber of unem ployed people has
gone down.
B The num ber of businesses closing has • Have you ever watched TV program m es in
gone down. English?
C The num ber of people missing has gone down. • Have you ever been on television? W ould you like
to be?
You hear this conversation on the TV. W hat does • Has anybody you know ever been in the news?
Chris want? • Do you like phone-in program m es? Have you
A to take the dog with him ever called one on TV or on the radio?
B to get som ething he left behind
C to prove that the wom an is wrong
You hear this m an speaking on the TV. W hat does
the m an say about his guest?
A ctu a lly, no, I h aven 't, b ut I
A The show she is in has m ade her famous.
w o u ld like to b eca u se . . .
B She was a failure in films.
C She is enjoying success at the m om ent.
You hear this m an speaking on the TV. W hat does In fact, yes, I
the m an tell Amy? have. It was ..,
A If she is nervous, she won’t win the prize.
B If she loses, she will still get some money.
C If she wins the car, she’ll also win some money. Yes, and it was a great
experience. I ...

No, luckily, and I

th in k t h a t . . .

<f> Look at Speaking database - Expressing

preferences on page 165.
Use of English

The Global Village

G: untable and uncountable nouns
^ : ok at Grammar database pages 177-178 before you do the exercises.

1 * ^these nouns countable, uncountable or both?

«.ice sheep * equipment » furniture « wood « chicken paper • hair • news luggage chocolate
r " e s « information • fact * interest • jeans • money « journey trousers bone * rice

Z ! -ect the sentences that have mistakes in them and tick (/ ) the correct ones.
Lo television studio has a lot of valuable equipm ents in it.
program m e was interrupted to bring the viewers an im portant news,
people who read the news on TV wear a suit, rather than a jean.
_ . d to write for a paper and give advices to readers w ith problems,
i I k -: of us get a great deal of inform ation through the media.

Bo nonyms
tea verb from the box to match each definition. You will use each verb twice.

feel order ® realise » run * suggest

^parrel, r o w _________ 7 p ro p o se ____

» o v e quickly________ 8 m ake a p o in t.
^rrr.:nd you o f _______ 9 c o m m a n d __
t v . h with your h a n d s . 10 experience an em o tio n .
•icUienly understand _ 11 ask f o r______________
tu .:ge (a business)__ 12 m ake (a dream ) come tr u e .

: questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of som e of the
i s to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0).
i :e your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

W hether you like (0) P0CUM6NT/\P-I6f> or w hether you prefer to watch a DOCUMENT
(1 )_________________ interview people on a chat show, we are all used to PRESENT
seeing a (2 ) ________________ of program m es on our screens. We often VARY
forget, though, that som eone had to invent each type of show. For example,
the first ( 3 ) ________________ appeared on the first game show, called CONTEST
Spelling Bee, in Am erica in 1938, although the ( 4 )_______________ of POPULAR
game shows really began to grow in the late 1950s. The first
(5 )________________ of a sports event took place in 1936 and showed BROAD
the Berlin Olympics®. The first situation (6 )_________________ (or ‘sitcom’) COMIC
was called Pinwright’s Progress and was m ade in 1946 by the BBC. The
first soap operas were on radio, and the (7 )___________________ were often PRODUCE
com panies that m ade soap pow der - that’s where the nam e comes from!
They started to appear on TV in the 50s, and (8 )__________________soon VIEW
fell in love w ith these shows. A nd w hat about (9 ) ________________ shows? REAL
They grew out of (1 0 ) ________________ shows about ordinary people and EARLY
really took off w ith the first series of Big Brother in the N etherlands in 1999.

The Global Village
* 4 Writing
A story
<S> Look at Writing database - stories on page 152 before you do the exercises.

1 When you write a story, descriptive language is im portant. Put the adjectives into the correct column.

Som e of them may go in more than one colum n.

Add more adjectives to the boxes and compare your ideas.

2 Underline any adjectives from your lists that can be m ade into adverbs by adding -ly.

Working model
3 Read this writing task. W ho do you think is going to read the story?
A local radio station is holding a com petition
for stories w ritten by listeners. The w inning IT WAS/VT MS!
stories will be read on the radio. The
com petition rules state that all stories m ust I had never imagined I would see myself on the- news. If
begin w ith these words: was awful! The newsreader was talking about a robbery
I had never imagined I would see m yself on and there, on the screen, was a picture o f me. 'Mum! I'm
on television!' I shouted, and she ran into the living room.
the news.
'That's great!' she said and then suddenly stopped. She
W rite a story o f betw een 120 and 180 words looked at me, and then back at the screen.
in an appropriate style. 7 didn't do it. I'm innocent!' I said quickly, 'vlhat should
I do?'

4 Read the answer to the writing task. My mum suggested that we go to the police station. I
Underline all the descriptive adjectives and wasn't sure. I didn't want to go to prison fo r a crime I
adverbs the writer has used. hadn't committed! Mum said that I had to convince them
that they wanted the wrong person.

Vie got to the police station and I went inside nervously. I

explained who I was and they asked me lots o f questions.
I answered them honestly. Eventually, they believed I was
innocent. If was a wonderful feeling when I finally walked
out o f the police station!

The next night, they said on the news that the police had
caught the person who committed the robbery. He looked
a little like me. My nightmare was finally over.
3 Decide if the statem ents are true (T) or false (F). Now write!
'he w riter starts w ith the right words. 7 You are now ready to write your story. Make

The Global Village

. Ihe w riter som etim es uses short sentences sure you use good descriptive language.
:’or dram atic effect. Try to create drama by using direct speech.
The writer uses direct speech to Write between 120 and 180 words
tell us w hat people said.
Check it out!
he w riter uses exclamation m arks
:o add dram a and excitement. 8 Check your work. Tick (/ ) what you
1he story doesn’t have a beginning, have done.
a m iddle or an end.
3ead y to w rite !
6 You are going to write your own story to enter the
competition. Make a plan of your answer. Use your
I have started with the sentence
given and I haven't changed it.
• '.'here do you have to p ut the sentence you have
' een given? I have used som e good

• ■low did you feel w hen you saw yourself on descriptive adjectives.
le news? I have used direct speech
• Why were you on the news? at least once.
• '.’ho else was involved?
My story has a beginning,
!• iow did they feel? Did they say anything? a m iddle and an end.
• '.'hat happened after you saw the news?
I have used paragraphs.
I hen w hat happened?
i W hat happened in the end? I have checked my spelling
i How did you feel in the end? and my grammar.

tow complete Writing Planner 5 on page 157. My story is betw een 120
and 180 words long. □

Look Back
Can you answ erthese questions? If you
can't remember, look through the unit for
the answers.
1 How old was Philo T. Farnsw orth w hen
he had the idea for electronic TV?
2 W hat do we call the title of a
news story?
3 We m ake the passive using which
auxiliary verb?
4 W hat is a couch p otato’?
5 W hich noun is countable?
jeans news facts
6 W hat two m eanings of ‘argue’ do you
the writer of the book agrees or
disagrees with them ?
What's the w eather usually like in each season in your area?
Traditional wisdom isn’t very reliab
Think about:
The professionals rely on the
spring sum m er autum n w inter amateurs.
You should know the usual weather
You can benefit from your forecasts

Read this extract from a book. Would you like to

do what the writer suggests?

o-lt-Younself Forecasts
When the wind is in the west, Can't we amateurs forecast the weather at all, then?
Yes, we can, but to be a great amateur meteorologist
the weather is always best.
you need to do some of the things the experts do. Fir;-
When the w ind’s in the south, of all, collect your information. You need to know abo
the rains in its mouth. the climate in the area where you live. What's a typical
Have you heard sayings like these before? Or have summer like? How much rain normally falls in Octobe'
you heard that when cows lie down it's going to rain? If your area never gets fog in the summer, then a for
Maybe you've heard that a sunny Christmas Day means of fog in July is unlikely to be accurate.
we're going to have a warm Easter. Many cultures have The next thing you need to take into account is local
traditional ideas about how to forecast the weather and geography. Are there any mountains nearby? They c
they all have one thing in common: they are not very affect the wind. Are you by the coast? That could affect]
7 accurate. Most of them are about as accurate as saying rainfall. All these factors need to be considered w her
that the weather tom orrow will be more or less the same are trying to understand what the weather is going tc
as today. The weather is too complicated to be forecast do next. You'll also need some basic equipment: a gc
easily and simply. thermometer, a barometer to measure pressure in the
How do meteorologists go about trying to forecast atmosphere and, if possible, a wind meter. Start to kc
the weather?The first thing they need is information, records of the temperature, pressure and wind speed
and lots of it. Data is constantly collected from weather and direction each day.
stations around the world. Weather balloons tell us what Then it's a question of using your eyes, and even you-
is happening at high altitude. Satellites give us images ears. Listen to the radio. Is there a lot of static? Toget
of cloud cover and wind direction. All this information is with falling atmospheric pressure, that probably me
processed by computer and combined with information that the weather is going to get worse. Go outside a
about the normal climate of a region to produce the listen. Do sounds seem clearer than usual? Is there a •
forecast. Even so, we can only accurately forecast the of ring around the Sun or Moon? It could mean that
weather for the next couple of days.
The w riter suggests that the am ateur forecaster
Read the text again. For questions 1-6,
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you
A buy a lot of accurate equipm ent.

Come Rain or Shine

think fits best according to the text.
B get a good m ap of the area.
W hat does ‘them ’ in line 7 refer to? C make notes about changes in the weather.
A different cultures D live in a flat area away from the sea.
B traditional ideas about the weather
You m ight be able to forecast good weather when
C m ost weather forecasts
A the reading on your barom eter is falling.
D the weather on different days
B you can hear sounds very clearly.
The w riter does not m ention that forecasters C low clouds start to disappear.
collect inform ation about D the M oon is very bright in the sky.
A the weather very high in the atm osphere.
To m ake accurate forecasts, you need to have
B the accuracy of forecasts in the past.
A experience of forecasting.
C the am ount of cloud over an area.
B good planning.
D the way the w ind is blowing.
C tim e to watch the w eather change.
W hat does the writer say you need to know D a good memory.
about your area?
A the forecasts of the experts
B the general patterns of weather
C how rain affects local people
D how sum m er fog is caused WORD BOX
4 Match the words with the definitions.
1 forecast a unw anted electrical noise
(paragraph 1) (on a radio)
m eteorologist b the general weather pattern
(paragraph 2) o f a place
3 data c (of the weather) become
(paragraph 2) better, less cloudy, etc
4 climate d person who studies the weather
(paragraph 2)

5 am ateur e predict
(paragraph 3)

6 barom eter f inform ation, especially in

: to rain. Is your barometer rising and (paragraph 4) the form of num bers
: - e clouds seem to be getting higher?
7 static g device for m easuring
■: oably means that the weather is
(paragraph 5) atm ospheric pressure
a little practice, your forecasts will 8 clear up h person who does som ething for
: Tie more accurate. Soon, you'll be (paragraph 5) pleasure, w ithout being paid
„>:o plan your day better. Are you
ng football tomorrow? Well, a quick
« at your equipment and a few minutes
■: outside will tell you whether it's
ar g to rain or not. Are you going skiing
.veek? Maybe you should forget it if ^3 Have your say!
i s no chance of snow.
Are you interested in m aking your own am ateur
-ig your own forecasts can be a lot of
weather forecasts?
}nd who knows? You might even beat
-experts! W ould you like to be a professional m eteorologist
w hen you’re older?

Come Rain or Shine
Grammar clinic
The future (1)
<3> Look at Grammar database pages 178-179 before you do the exercises.

Lo o k a tth e bookextract on pages 50 and 51. Find as many

exam ples as you can of these ways of referring to the
future and underline them.
• be going to • will
• could/might • present continuous

Choose the correct option in each sentence.

1 A hurricane is going to hit Florida in the next few days,
a This is an arrangem ent. b This is a prediction.
2 Shall we check the weather forecast before we plan the picnic?
a This is a suggestion. b This is an offer.
3 I’m sorry, but I’m not carrying your um brella for you.
a This is an arrangem ent. b This is a refusal.
4 If the weather’s okay, we’re visiting your grandm a this weekend,
a This is an arrangem ent. b This is a suggestion.

Circle the correct word or phrase to com plete the email.

E l
To: Dackie
Date: 4th November
Subject: Hi!

Hi Zoe,
Thanks for your email!
This is just a quick message because (1) I Jm m e e tin g /IJ11 meet Alison at
the gym in a few minutes.
Anyway, hereJs what I need to know. (2) Do you s t i l l go/Are you s t i l l
g oin g to DaveJs barbecue on Saturday afternoon? I hope so, because I think
(3) weJl l have/weJre having a great time!What do you think theweather
(4)w i l l b e / is b eing like? If itJs warm, (5) I / I J11 wear my new shorts.
(6) I Jm g oin g t o / I call Dave this evening to ask him what we should bring
with us. (7) A re/W ill you seeing him tomorrow?
Got to go now. (8) I Jm t e x t i n g / I J11 t e x t you later when (9) I / I J11 get
back from the gym.
Bye for now!

4 Correct the sentences that have m istakes in them . One sentence has no m istakes. Which one?
1 We should take coats w ith us. The forecast says it’s raining later today.
2 I hope it stops snowing! I m eet Ben at the cafe at six.
3 It’s getting very windy! We will have a storm!
4 Shall I tu rn the central heating on? It’s getting a bit cold, isn’t it?
5 That was lightning! It starts raining in a m inute, I bet!
6 I th ink that in 100 years’ tim e we are able to control the weather.

1 Vocabulary builder

Come Rain or Shine

"ne weather Collocations
'I ' atch the words in the box with the correct Choose the correct option in each sentence.
refinitions. 1 We didn’t go to the concert in the end because it
ricane heatwave blizzard w as________________ w ith rain.
:w er • hail * frost • mist a dripping b showering c pouring
2 I heard that there were really________________
I ■:s is frozen rain.
w inds in France last night.
I T1 ,s is a short period when it rains. a strong b heavy c wet
I .s is a heavy snowstorm. 3 In our area, we usually have w arm sum m ers and
:s is white ice, like a powder on the ground. winters.
> 11 .sis light fog. a light b m ild c easy
H ' is a very strong storm with powerful winds. 4 It looks like a ________________ shower, so we’ll
T! .s is a period of very hot weather. just wait for it to stop raining.
e can make adjectives by adding -y to three of a m oving b travelling c passing
c words in exercise 1. Which ones? 5 D on’t go out w ithout your coat. It’s raining
H hat other adjectives ending in -y do you know
fa r describing the weather? Make a list. a hard b greatly c powerfully

* : mplete the words and phrases using the Confusable words

» : 'ds in the box.
4 Com plete the sentences using the correct form
ie < gust • flake puddle flash drop of the words in the boxes.

look • see • watch

1 We w ere__________ . the m atch when

suddenly it started to snow!
2 I love________________ at all the trees w hen it’s
been snowing.
3 It was the first tim e Lee had ever
nervous • upset

4 Daisy will be really _ . if we cancel

the trip because of the weather.
5 I get a b i t ________________ w hen I have to speak
in public.
have « spend ® pass

6 We alw ays__________ . our holidays in hot

7 D id y o u ____________ . a good tim e playing
in the snow?
If we can’t play out because o f the rain, let’s play
cards t o ________________ the time.

of wind of water

Come Rain or Shine Listening ^ Soundbite w e a k fo r m s (l)

1 1 .2 0 You are going to listen to an extract 0 1.22 Some words are pronounced differentl
from an interview about rainbows. Answer when they aren't stressed. Listen to how we say th
the questions. underlined words in these sentences.
1 W hat’s the program m e called? and I get a bit scared w hen there’s lots of thunder
2 W hat does Nicola want to know? and lightning.
3 W here does Kate work? an Don’t forget to take an umbrella.
as It’s not as cold as yesterday, is it?
1.21 Listen to the whole interview. For
questions 1-7 , com plete the sentences.
at It started snowing at 10 o’c lock and didn’t stop
can If it’s warm , we can go to the beach.
The sun’s energy is composed of 1 fo r It seems like it’s been raining for days.
microwaves and light.
Now try saying the sentences in the same way.
Light reaching the E arth is bent by 2 I f necessary, listen again.
in the air.
Kate suggests looking closely at a(n) 3
We don’t see rainbows in w inter because the
raindrops are 4
You can create a rainbow by 5 into
the air.
To do Kate’s experim ent, you need a m irror, the
sun, a bowl of water and a(n) 6
The next question is about the causes of

Here are som e pictures of unusual
things. Talk about what you think
they might be. Use the phrases given.

I'm really n o t sure, b u t ^

I th in k it c o u ld . . . In pairs, discuss the questions about the pictur-
------------ It's not clear, but I
Use the phrases from exercise 1 to help you.
suppose it might ...

• W here do you th in k the photograph was taken?

( Do you think it could be ... • W here do you th in k the people are going?
• How do you think they feel?
M I g u ess it m ig h t
be .. .
O n e p o ssib ility is <§> Look at Speaking database - Giving/Asking for
th a t it 's . . . opinion on page 165.

@ ■ K
Use of English

Come Rain or Shine

Question tags For questions 1-10, read the text below and d e a d
w hich answ er (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.There
f Look at Grammar database page
is an exam ple at the beginning (0).
180 before you do the exercises.

1 Complete the questions.

ightning usually m eans there’s going
) be a sto rm ,________________ ? Have you (0 )_____ ever______ thought, ‘Oh, no!
N ot another grey rainy day!’? Bad w eather can really
I here’s been a lot of unusual weather
affect your m ood, (1 )_________________ it? M ost o f
this year,________________ ?
us get depressed at som e point
Nobody said we were going to have a
(2 ) __________________the winter, and we c a n t
sto rm ,______________________ ? wait for spring to come. For some people,
4 hey should put the weather on (3 ) _________________ , those dark, cold w inter
■ efore the n ew s,________________? days can cause real m edical problems.
: ou haven’t heard what they’re D octors have (4 )________________ a condition
'recasting for tomorrow, w hich is (5 )________________ as SAD (Seasonal
_____________ ? Affective Disorder) and it can be a big problem in
countries in n o rth ern Europe w here the winters
Connectors are long and dark. SAD sufferers find it difficult to
(6 ) ________________ , often feel depressed or
I Complete the sentences using the
connectors in the box.
anxious and their behaviour affects the people
(7 ) ________________ them .
Ithough • however despite
nee • so in spite The whole problem is caused by a lack o f sunlight.
Bright light affects the chem istry o f the brain,
he weather affects us all, although scientists don’t understand
_______________we can protect
(8 ) _________________ how. There are two m ain
urselves from some of its effects.
cures. The first is to travel to a country that has
\ e can never protect ourselves a w arm (9 )_______________ , w ith bright, sunny
rom extrem e weather completely, winters. The second is to use (1 0 )__________
_______________nature is too light. So, if it’s raining and you’re depressed, —
perhaps it’s tim e you h ad a holiday in the sun!
iurricanes will always be a threat,
________________ all our efforts. J
' dentists have m ade progress 0 A hardly B ever C soon D every
:i controlling the weather, 1 A doesn’t B wouldn’t C can’t D isn’t
of the difficulties. 2 A during B while C in to D of
'.’e can’t m ake rain fall in desert 3 A despite B although C yet D however
reas. drought is 4 A invented B developed C discovered D produced
-'.ill a problem . 5 A called B know n C regarded D nam ed
ontrol over the weather could save 6 A imagine B consider C w onder D concentrate
lanv lives. .w e 7 A around B am ong C nearby D by
io n ’t have the technology yet. 8 A accurately B m ainly C closely D exactly
9 A weather B sunshine C climate D season
10 A false B artificial C fake D pretend
*J| Writing
An article Working model
<2> Look at Writing database - articles on page 153 Read the answer to the writing task.
before you do the exercises.
Is your idea of fun lying on the beach, or is
Read this writing task. Who is going to read skiing more your style? In my area we are
this article? doing both! I live on the east coast of Greece
> and we have a Mediterranean climate. We do
You have been asked by an international students’ have cold days, but the sun is never far away.
magazine to write an article about your local The summers are warm and dry. Temperatures
climate and how it affects people’s way of life. can reach at 40° Celsius, although it's not
....S usually so hot. The days are sunny and bright
Write an article of between 120 and 180 words and most people spend their time swimming
in an appropriate style. or sitting in cafes.
Autumn can be wet and windy. We have great
Choose the correct option in each sentence. storms, with lots of thunder and lightnings,
and people usually visit friends or stay at
1 Your readers are________________ you.
a about the same age as b much older than
The winters are mild and sunny. It might snow
2 This kind of article________________ be very in February or March, but it doesn't last long.
formal. Everybody loves to go for the lunch in villages
a should b shouldn’t in the mountains and play in the snow.
3 Your main purpose is t o ________________ Spring finally arrives and the days get warmer
your readers. again. Some people like going for picnics in a
a persuade b entertain countryside.
My area has a wonderful climate, which is why
4 Your style of writing should be quite
we get such many tourists. Everybody enjoys
themselves, whatever season it is.
a conversational b fo rm a l^
5 This kind of writing________________ have
a title.
a should b shouldn’t

© t
- .vriter has forgotten to give the article Check it out!
:< ;a g e 56 a title. Which of these would be a
Check your work. Tick ( / ) what you

Come Rain or Shine

p :d title? Why?
have done.
Vi _orological Phenomena and Humans
[ B p I Spend My Holidays
'1 Year Round

vriter has made a few mistakes. Read

r -rticle again and find one m istake in
» - paragraph. Correct it.

l>»dy to write!
< .. ■a tth isw ritin g ta sk .W h o isg o in g to
your article?

Iave been asked by an international

- nts’ magazine to write an article about
jr: . ms caused by the weather in your country.

in article of between 120 and 180 words

m ir. ppropriate style.

I i ' t a plan of your answer.

Itffci night be a good title for your article?
i :ce n good to start an article with a question
m c r our readers’ attention. What question
M k vou start with?
the first kind of weather you’re going to
l A i out? What problems does it cause?
Vka the second kind of weather you’re going
fc ■ jbout? What problems does it cause?
*''-i ' ne third kind of weather you’re going to
^1 Look Back
ik i >ut? What problems does it cause? Can you answer these questions? If you can't
A n vie are you going to use, formal or remember, look through the unit for the answers.
■ trrm al? 1 What are the signs that it might rain soon?
plete Writing Planner 6 on page 157. 2 What does a barometer measure?
3 What tense do we generally use to talk about
write! future arrangements?
4 What is a blizzard?
ku i e now readyto write your article for the
5 We use question tags to invite someone to agree
*» 9:;in e . Use an appropriate style. Answer
*■ : -estion! with us and_________________

Units 5-6
1 Choose the correct option.

1 This area has a very comfortable________________ all year round.

A weather B climateC barometerD data

2 About a hundred trees were destroyed in th e _________________

A static B shower C hurricane D mist

3 Watch you don’t step in that great b ig ________________ of water!

A flake B gust C flash D puddle

4 On Win A Million, the game show, four________________ answer

questions to win money.
A producers B presenters C contestants D cameramen
5 We might have to cancel the trip because it’s starting to rain

A tough B hard C badly D wetly

Put the news on. I just want to see th e _________________

A headlines B titles C headings D labels
Let’s hope the weather________________ up before the wedding.
A clears B cleans C comes D goes

Last year it snowed, but this winter has been quite.

A m ild B soft C gentle D sm ooth

I don’t lik e________________ at all. The stories are too dram atic and the
characters aren’t real.
A cartoons B game shows C sitcoms D soap operas

10 Can I borrow your umbrella? It’s ________________ with rain outside.

dropping B pouring C running D flowing

2 Write nouns derived from th e s e words.

1 real (adj) ________________ 5 know (v) ________________
2 argue (v) ________________ 6 decide (v) ________________
3 inform (v) ________________ 7 relation (n) ________ ________
4 entertain (v) ________________ 8 advise (v) ________________

3 C om plete th e qu estio n s with an ap p ro p riate qu estio n tag.

1 Joanne’s very k in d ,________________ ?
2 Tom’s party was a lot of fu n ,_________________ ?
3 There’s some butter in the fridge,________________ ?
4 Ron’s been to W ashington,________________ ?
5 You won’t tell Sam w hat I said ,________________ ?
6 Let’s get a pizza to n ig h t,________________ ?
7 Lisa seems to know a lot about football,.
Revision Units 5-6
; :te the correct word in each sentence.
* ' ■ num was quite upset/nervous when she heard I’d broken her new vase.
Lf. - have a game of chess to spend/pass the time.
e y o u seen/watched the new exhibition at the museum yet?
I il ■ays get a bit upset/nervous before I have to speak in front of people.
spends/passes a lot of time watching her favourite programmes on TV.

-iplete each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the words given without
e~ j nging them. Use no more than five words.You will get two marks for each correct answer.
>rm damaged the church near our house, by
!• nurch near our house__________________________________ a storm.
1 » .s very noisy here while they were building the new road, being
fe l le the new road_________________________________ , it was very noisy here.
.'le think that TV news is very shocking, thought
TV news__________________________________ very shocking.
Sen eonehastak en m ybook soutofm ybag! have
Ifr ^ooks__________________________________ out of my bag!
:k South Africa will probably win the match, be
T i. match_________________________________ South Africa.
IK J everyone about the changes to the timetable, been
Em -vone_________________________________ about the changes to the timetable.
V-. num gave each of us €100 to spend at the fair, given
________________________________ €100 to spend at the fair.

: -iplete the sentences using phrasal verbs with on.

: • . er used t o _________________ with my brother so well, but now we have a great relationship.
t b channels________________ a lot of violent programmes late at night, don’t they?
1 ■ Know, I didn’t like this song at first, but it ________________ you after a while.
• ,i hot! Could w e ____________ the air-conditioning?
i soldier was too tired t o . _____________so he started to look for a place to spend the night.
don’t you find som eone your own size t o ________________ , instead of bullying small kids?

< ite a word or phrase to match the definitions. You've been given the first letter to help.

* dwide g_________________
fcouren rain h_________________
gram m e where famous people are interview ed c_________________ s_______
predict f_________________
» eone who introduces a TV show p_________________
- ■m who studies the weather m _________________
^ --on who does som ething for pleasure, w ithout being paid a_______________
4 e riod of very hot weather h_________________
a ke (a dream ) come true r_________________
i eavy snow storm b_________________

Score /60
ja m s noA a i y 0 £ ~ 0 PI00 I -raip o ire i o j aim } scji aqAEp\T Of.' 1Z

; d n ; i d s s j j jiE a j8 s <) E q x ,0 £ ~ ll7 iBn l s n o ^ j3 u o p ]p A \0 9 ~ I£
A Matter of Taste
Q Start thinking! Reading
W here do you think potatoes came from? 1 W 1.23 Read this m agazine article to check
W ho do you th in k invented chips? your answers.
W hen do you th in k crisps were invented?

to try the potato were the Spanish. In 1537,

Spanish explorers discovered people eating
what they called papas. They brought this
strange vegetable back to Spain in the 1550s.
People generally didn’t like the potato. Lots o*
vv & other vegetables were introduced into Europe
at the same time, like tomatoes and sweet
potatoes, and people preferred those to the
unattractive potatoes. | Very slowly, the
spread through Europe, although many peop
Imagine a tasty plate of chips, fried in hot oil still thought potatoes were poisonous for qui*
until golden-brown, topped with a little salt a longtime.
and served with ketchup. Think of a hot jacket There is a story that King Louis XVI (that’s 'the
potato, filled with butter and cheese, imagine sixteenth' to me and you) of France liked the
a packet of delicious crisps that leave the potato and wanted to encourage people to es
flavour on your fingers to be licked off when them. He planted them in the royal gardens,
you've finished. since he knew this would make them seem
Wherever you go, you can't get away from valuable and desirable. 4 Once they got
them. They are everywhere, eaten by everyone used to this strange plant, it became a popula'
with practically every meal. I But have part of the French diet.
you ever asked yourself where they came from? So, what about chips? Well, the Belgians claim
(And l don’t mean the supermarket!) that they invented fried potatoes, although
It all started in Peru. There, they grew potatoes nobody really knows for sure. The first mentic'
over 2,000 years ago. They weren't like the ones of 'chips’ in England is by the writer Charles
we know today.| The first Europeans Dickens in 1859. | The Americans call
them 'French fries' because soldiers from

What do the words and phrases refer to? Read the article again. Six sentences have been
Circle the correct option. removed from the article. Choose from the
sentences A -G the one which fits each gap (1-6).
1 the ones (paragraph 3)
There is one extra sentence which you do not
people in Peru/potatoes
need to use.
2 those (paragraph 4)
attractive potatoes/other vegetables A He m entions ‘chips of potato’ fried in oil in one of
his books.
3 he (paragraph 7)
B He kept sending them back to be sliced again.
the customer/George Crum
4 them (paragraph 8) C O rdinary people stole them and planted them in
yourfriends/the chips their own gardens.
D The original potatoes were smaller and tasted
E They are a good source of vitamins, surprisingly.
F They were given to slaves and prisoners because
they were so cheap.
G We seem to love potatoes however they are

. rica went to France during the
. World War and loved the dish, 4 Use words or phrases from the text to com plete
the Americans eat over 20 the sentences. You've been given the first letter to
on tons of chips a year. (That’s help you.
. aether, not each!) 1 Doctors say that eating too m uch food
.s are an American invention, f------------------------- in oil isn’t very healthy
:ugh they call them ‘chips' (don't 2 They sell lots of different ice cream and my
ronfused!). Everybody agrees favourite f________________ is banana!
• 3 Native-American chef, George
made the first crisps in 1853. 3 In fast-food places in Britain, they ask for
3ay, a difficult customer wanted c-----------------------— , but in Am erica they ask for
potatoes, sliced thinly. When F________________ f__________________
arrived, he said they weren't thin 4 W hen I went to New York, I asked for a packet of
gh. 6j In the end, Crum
annoyed and sliced the potato as c----------------------- -- as a snack, but they said they

. as he could and fried it, then were called c _ _______________

lots of salt. The dish was an 5 Try to s___________ _ . the bread m ore thinly next
diate success. tim e, so it fits in the toaster!

r : ,v you know. Next time you're 6 Aj_ . is one that

- ..-favouritefast-food place with has been baked in the oven w ith its skin on.
'lends eating chips, amaze them I don’t like b _ _________tastes like coffee and
. our potato knowledge! Who
s? They might even share their dark chocolate. I prefer som ething sweet.
with you.

Have your say!

• W hich of the facts in the article do you th in k is
m ost surprising? Why?
A Matter of Taste * 3 Grammar clinic
Reported speech Match the reporting verbs with the correct
m eanings.
<2> Look at Grammar database pages 181-182
before you do the exercises. 1 refuse a say that som ething is true w ithout
Read this sentence from the m agazine article on
2 deny b say that you won’t do som ething
pages 60 and 61.
W hen they arrived, he said they weren’t thin 3 suggest c say that you did som ething wrong
enough. 4 adm it d say that you didn’t do som ething you
What did he actually say? are accused of
a ‘They weren’t th in enough.’
5 claim e offer a plan or idea to be considered
b ‘They aren’t th in enough.’

Choose the correct reported version of each Com plete the sentences using the verbs in
sentence. the box.

1 ‘I’m m aking chips for lunch,’ said Linda. refused suggested denied
a Linda said she will m ake chips for lunch, admitted claimed
b Linda said she was m aking chips for lunch.
1 ‘We serve the best food in town,’ the owner said.
2 ‘W hat have you been doing all day?’ my father
asked me. The o w n e r________________________________
a My father asked me w hat had I been doing the best food in town.
all day
2 ‘Yes, I ate the cake in the fridge,’ she said.
b My father asked me what I had been doing
all day S h e _________________________________ the
3 ‘You m ust be m ore careful in the kitchen,’ M um cake in the fridge.
said. 3 ‘No, I won’t cook your dinner while you watch
a M um said I had to be m ore careful in the TV,’ Sally said to her husband.
b M um said me to be m ore careful in the kitchen. Sally_______________________________ .her
husband’s dinner while he watched TV.
4 ‘We’ll be happy to keep a table for you,’ the waiter
said. 4 ‘Don’t look at me! I didn’t drink all of the orang;
a The waiter said we should be happy if they kept juice!’ shouted Oliver.
a table for us. O liv er______________________________
b The waiter said they would be happy to keep a of the orange juice.
table for us.
5 ‘How about all of us m eeting outside BurgerBar
at nine?’ said Ron.
Rewrite the statem ents using reported speech.
1 W e ate in a great restaurant last night,’ R o n _________________________________
George said. outside BurgerBar at nine.
2 ‘I’ll have chicken and another glass of this wine,’
M r Brown said.
3 ‘D on’t put your knife in your m outh, T om ’
his father said.
4 ‘A re you having chips?’ asked m y friend.
5 ‘W hat have you cooked for dinner?’ she asked
her husband.

nn Vocabulary builder

A Matter of Taste
^od and cooking Phrasal verbs with out
1 Match the ways of cooking with the definitions. 4 Phrasal verbs with out often have m eanings
1 frv a cook in the oven w ith oil (meat, etc) connected to som ething stopping or
disappearing. Read the sentences and match
Z boil b cook in hot water
the correct phrasal verb to each definition.
1 bake c cook under direct heat
1 Firem en have finally out the fire.
4 grill d cook in hot oil
2 It was so hot that I passed outl
} -oast e cook in the oven (bread, a cake, etc)
3 You can’t fracfc ouf of helping me now!
Complete the paragraph using the words in 4 We’ve run out o f eggs so we can’t bake a cake.
ie box. 5 My brother dropped out of his course at college.
3ck • recipes meal > ingredients cooker 6 Let’s not fall out over who is cooking dinner!
efs • saucepans • raw dishes dairy 7 Just cut out the sugar and it’ll be fine,
a not have any left
faint, lose consciousness
c argue
ery books are usually written by famous
d n ot include, remove
_____________________ These books are full of
e leave a course before the end
^ _____________________ , telling you how to cook f extinguish, stop som ething burning
■ •e re n t (3 )_______________________ They usually tell g decide n ot to do som ething you had
•vhat (4 )______________________ you need first. agreed to do

e might be (5 )______________________ meat,

Collocations: cooking
w getab les or (6 )______________________ ---------------
H * and butter.Then, they tell you what equipm ent Match to make phrases.

pj need, such as (7 )______________________ or bowls. 1 frying a tray

• -en you've got everything, and you've turned 2 mixing b spoon
8 )____________ _________ on, you ju st follow 3 serving cbow l
■instructions in the book. Anybody can cook! 4 carving dpan

A ether it's a complete (9 )______________________ or

5 baking e knife
justa(n) (1 0 )______________________ , all you have to do
•d II o w the advice of an expert. It's easy with the Write a phrase from
exercise 5 under
na'itb o ok. each picture.

I rcle the correct word to describe each taste.

s rong coffee, dark chocolate spicy/bitter
emon sour/salty
':sps, peanuts, sea water sweet/salty
> *ar, strawberries, cake sweet/spicy
:lli, M exican food, curry spicy/salty

*♦) Listening
1 1 .2 4 You are going to listen to four short 3 W hat does the m an think of the wom an’s
conversations. Decide who the man is in each suggestions?
conversation. A He follows them .
B He ignores them .
In Conversation 1, the m an is
C He questions them .
A a waiter
B a custom er 4 W hat does the m an suggest to go with the
C a restaurant m anager lamb?
A a spicy dish
In Conversation 2, the m an is
B som ething cheesy
A a chef
C some simple food
B a student
C a waiter
In Conversation 3, the m an is
A a custom er S O lin d b lt© /k/, /g/and/g/
B a waiter
C a student Listen to these words. Pay attention
In Conversation 4, the m an is to the ends of the words.
A a chef bag * bang • back * bank
B a waiter
C a restaurant m anager Now listen to these sets of words. Decide in
w hat order you hear the words by writing the
Listen again. For questions 1-4 , choose the best letters a to c next to the words.
answer (A, B orC).
1 W hy are they having this conversation? 1 th in g _____ th in k _____ th ic k _____
A to plan for the com ing m onth 2 san g _____ sa n k _____ sa g _____
B to decide w hat to have for dinner
3 sick_____ sin k _____ sin g _____
C to appoint a new chef
2 W hy does the w om an w ant the m an to try 4 b rin g _____ b ric k _____ b rin k _____
the food?
A to show him that she’s a good cook
B to help him carry out his job better
C to show him w hat he’s doing wrong

f j Speaking
1 Match to make useful phrases for agreeing and Work in pairs. Use the phrases from exercise 1
disagreeing. to help you agree and disagree.
1 Yes, I totally a a good point.
• Plan a special meal out for both your families
2 You’re absolutely b disagree. • Talk about how m uch you th in k they would
3 Yes, I th in k that’s c I agree w ith you. like to eat these meals.
4 I’m not sure d agree w ith you. • Decide which two choices you w ould like to
suggest to your families.
5 I’m afraid I have to e right.
Use of English

A Matter of Taste
Indirect questions
<® Look at Gram m ar database pages 182-183 before you do the exercises.

1 Read the questions. Decide if the statem ents are true (T) or false (F).

direct questions indirect questions

W hat is a fortune cookie? Could you tell me w hat a fortune cookie is?
W hat do they have inside? I w onder if you could tell me w hat they have inside.
W here was the fortune cookie invented? Do you know where the fortune cookie was invented?
a The word order in indirect questions is the same as in direct questions.
b All indirect questions need a question mark at the end.

Z Rewrite the questions as indirect questions starting Read this passage about fortune
with the words given. cookies and answ er the questions in
exercise 1.
Do you like Chinese food? I w o n d e r___________

: Have you ever been to China? C o u ld ___________ T h e fortune C o o k ie

W hat is the capital of China? Do you k n o w _______ Are you interested (0) M world cuisine?
Do you know anything (1)_______ Chinese
4 How m uch does a fortune I would lik e ________
food? I wonder (2)_______ you have ever heard
cookie cost?
of fortune cookies. Fortune cookies are small
Where is the nearest Chinese C o u ld . biscuits that are traditionally served (3).
restaurant? the end of a meal in a Chinese restaurant. They
are sweet and have a piece of paper inside
Prepositions them. Written (4 )_______ the piece of paper is
your fortune. They often say things like 'You will
! Complete the sentences using the prepositions in the write a book one day'or'You will be lucky
box. Use som e prepositions more than once.
(5)------- love'. Do you know how far (6)________
about • on • during • back • to • at in the tradition goes? The Chinese have always
given each other sweet Moon Cakes (7).
Some traditions, like eating lam b at Easter, go
special occasions. When the Mongols occupied
quite a long w ay____________ China in the 13th century, the Chinese needed a
I'd like to welcome you h e re ___________ this very way to send secret messages to each other. They
special occasion. put the messages inside Moon Cakes.
When gold was discovered in California in 1849,
__________ the end o f the recipe, the chef says that it
many Chinese people went (8 )_______ America
-hould be served cold.
to work (9 )_______ the railway. Life was hard,
* ! wrote the num ber of the restau ran t___________ a
but (10)------- celebrations they put messages
bit of paper, but I’ve lost it.
of hope inside biscuits. When they settled
[ How m uch do you k n o w ___________ the history of in California and opened restaurants, they
••our country’s food? continued the tradition.
* ' ve always been interested _ . food from
different countries. Read the passage again. For questions
1-10, think of the word which best
■ e often eat special food __ . traditional
fits each gap. Use only one word in
celebrations. each gap.There is an exam ple at the
# Nly parents w e n t_________ . an expensive restaurant beginning (0). Write your answers
:or their w edding anniversary. IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

7 Writing
A Matter of Taste

A formal letter/email Working model

<S> Look at Writing database - formal letters/emails Read the answer to the writing task.
on page 150 before you do the exercises.

Read this writing task. Why should your email j& j [X )

be formal?
From: Mania
You work for your school magazine. A local To: Denise Dordan
chef has agreed to do an interview but wants
m ore inform ation. The editor of the school Subject: Youn interview
m agazine has sent you this article from the local
new spaper and asked you to write an email to
the chef. Using the inform ation in the article Dear Mrs Jordan,
and the notes you have m ade, write your email. I work for my school magazine, “Talking
in Class-’. Our editor has asked me to
W rite an em ail o f between 120 and 150 words. give you more information about the
You m ust use gram m atically correct sentences interview you have agreed to do.
with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style
appropriate for the situation. We are very interested in your new
series. Would you mind if we asked you
a few questions about it? We would also
like to ask you about your experiences
Local C hef working in a hotel.

Gets TV Series I wonder if you would be available on

either the 12th or the 13th of March.
Denise Jordan, ch ef at the Grand Hotel, has The interview would take place at about
fin ally m ade it to the top. Next w eek, her new 10 oJclock in the morning, because of the
series, Full o f Flavour, begins on Channel 6.
school timetable.
Denise believes that it's never too early to start Your new series is about learning cook
cooking and her new series is aim ed at children. easy dishes. I wonder if you could bring
She hopes to give them good advice to get them some examples to show us what you mean.
started in the kitchen. From sandw iches to pies, Would you mind if we took photographs
she'll be show ing us how good food doesn't during the interview?
have to be hard w ork.
Please contact me if you need more
Yours sincerely,
Maria Zerva
- tell her what we'd lifce to asfc her about

- suggest either 12th or 13th March, in the

- can she bring some examples of eas>( food?
Underline sentences in the email w here Maria:
- can we tafce some photographs?
1 tells Denise what she’d like to ask her about.
2 suggests possible days for the interview.
3 asks her to bring examples of easy food.
4 asks if they can take photographs.
Which of these are indirect questions?
ady to write! Now write!
wook at the extract from an article about 6 You are now ready to write your email to

A Matter of Taste
-•nother local chef. Peter Murphy. Include all the information in
the notes. Ask him all the questions you have
to. Write between 120 and 150 words.
oking in th e Classroom
Check it out!
3 we all learn how to cook at school? Yes, says
Check your work. Tick (/ ) what you
Murphy, a local chef, whose new book, Fit for a
is published this week. He believes that schools have done. i£ £ \
^ provide lessons in healthy cooking and healthy W
g for all pupils. Peter thinks that fast food is great,
. Dung people can also make other delicious dishes,
mers at his restaurant in the centre of town
nly agree that he knows w hat he's doing!
' have sta rte d and fin ish ed
Murphy has agreed to do an interview with your
th e em ail in th e co rre ct w ay.
magazine and you have been asked to give him
information. Here are the notes you have made: 1have in clu d e d all the
info rm atio n in th e notes.

I have asked him all the

• ./him what we’d like to interview him about
i.>jgest we interview him at his restaurant
questions I had to ask him.
. •<him to prepare one or two easy recipes fo r I h ave used in d ire ct q u estio n s
■ uients to be p olite.
n we take photographs?
1have used p arag rap hs.
Make a plan of your answer. Use your I h ave ch e ck e d m y spelling,
p a g in a tio n .
g ra m m a r an d p u n ctu a tio n .
low are you going to start your email?
a Dear Peter,
b [)ear Peter M urphy,
. :iear M r Murphy,
M y e m ail is b e tw e e n 120 and
150 w o rd s long. □
V. hat’s your school m agazine called?
■ hat w ould you like to interview him about?
at least TW O things)
V. rite a form al sentence to suggest an interview at
his restaurant.
Write an indirect question to ask him to prepare
ecipes for students. Can you answer these questions? If you can't
rite an indirect question to ask if you can take remember, look through the unit for the
photographs. answers.
low are you going to end your email? 1 In what year were crisps invented?
i Best wishes,
2 W hat’s the Am erican word for crisps?
b Yours sincerely,
3 How would you describe the taste o f a lemon?
c All the best,
• :iat will be the last thing you write? 4 Do all indirect questions need a question
hank you
b . our first nam e 5 W hen was gold discovered in California?
'. our first and last names

complete Writing Planner 7 on page 158.

WLshy\ou we
Is it the beach as usualfor you this year, or are
Out and About you planning to do something a little more
adventurous? Togive you some ideas, we sentfi
daring teenagers offon holiday and we got thei
Q Start thinking! to report back. Read on tofind out more...

W hat is your dream holiday like? A Nam Amy Barker, 14

W here do you w ant to go?
Holiday destination Sydney, Australia
W hat do you w ant to do?
We were exhausted when we arrived because the
flight takes about 24 hours, with a stopover in
Singapore. We all had jet lag and the first thing we
Reading did was go to bed! We were there for ten days, so
we didn't have time to travel around too much -
Australia is huge and it takes days to get anywhere.
1 ^ 1.26 Read this m agazine article. Which
holiday sounds most interesting to you? We stayed in Sydney, but there was plenty to do
there. I was a bit unsure when Dad suggested going
to the Sydney Opera House (dance music is more
2 Choose the correct option.
my style!), but we saw a fantastic rock concert. The
1 W here w ould you find a text like this?
Harbour Bridge is really impressive, and I bought
a a magazine
some great souvenirs as presents for my friends.
b a business report
c a textbook Definitely.
2 W ho w ould read a text like this?
a hotel owners
B Name Ryan Fletcher, 13
b teenagers
c business travellers Holiday destination Skopelos, Greece
3 W hy w ould they read it? We go abroad every year, and I'd been to Greece
a to learn about tourism twice before so I knew what to expect, but it was the
b to plan their holiday first time I'd been to Skopelos. We normally stay in
c to m eet new friends hotels, but this time we decided to try self-catering
rooms. Mum and Dad soon realised that they didn't
3 Read the article again. For questions 1-6, want to do much cooking so we went out every
choose from the reports (A-E).The reports may night, which was great. I love Greek food, especially
be chosen more than once. seafood. We spent most of our time on the beach,
W hich w r ite r (s ) ... and Skopelos has some great beaches.The resort
was uncertain about the 1 ________ of Skopelos itself was a bit quiet, but I met a couple
holiday at first? of local people my age so it wasn't too bad. I'd had
enough of the beach, really, after two weeks.
found the journey tiring? 2 ________
m entions eating out? 3 ________ Yes, although I prefer staying at
a hotel.
were bored by the end
o f the holiday? 4 ______ 5 _____
m ade friends while
on holiday? 6 _ _____ 7 _____
usually go abroad
on holiday? 8 _______9 _____

Rebecca Key, 13

Summer Camp, France WORD BOX

,e first time I'd been on holiday without my parents
?r, so I was really looking forward to it. At the same 4 Use words or phrases from the box to
as a bit nervous about meeting so many new complete the definitions.
It was a real adventure holiday.The camp was in the
side and they'd organised things like rock climbing, destination stopover jet lag • souvenir
abroad • self-catering • resort
ding and canoeing. I soon made friends and we had
jn. You can keep the rock climbing (I was never very adventure holiday * brochure
heights!), but the canoeing was brilliant! I keep in
1 If you stay i n . . room s, you
ith some of the people by email and we're planning
have to cook your own food.
in next year.
2 A (n )__________ ___________ is a kind o f small
Great for action-lovers. Didn't meet any
m agazine that often advertises holidays.
oeople, though!
3 A (n )__________---------- is a town where lots of
people go on holiday.
S rnon Watson, 12
4 You suffer fro m _________________ w hen you
Maldon Farm, Kent arrive in a country where the tim e is very
:n't had a holiday in Britain for a very long time. different from the country you left.
. it's Italy or Spain. Maldon Farm looked nice in the 5 Y our___ is the place you are
-re, and it's only an hour from where we live, so we got going to.
.~ry quickly. You stay in rooms on the farm and you're
6 A (n )___ . is a break in the m iddle
.ed to help out with the animals every day. My mum
I thought it would be good for me and my brother to
of a very long flight.
‘ rout that sort of thing. Well, it just seemed to me more 7 ----------------------- --------------------------- s are fun
J work than a holiday! I enjoyed swimming in the pool, for people who enjoy physical exercise and
couldn't use it for three days because of the rain! There trying new activities.
~uch to do and I was glad to get home. Mum and Dad
8 W hen you g o _________________ , m ake sure
1 to enjoy it, anyway.
you take your passport w ith you.
OK for people who like looking
9 I got a m odel of the Acropolis as a(n)
ar mals.
o f my trip to Athens.

Hanna Bridgeman, 14

tination Disneyland®, Florida, USA

mum and dad said we were going to Disneyland®, I

That's great for my sister (she's nine), but what about
oo old for people in Mickey Mouse costumes.' I was r g Have your say!
forward to going to America, though. When we finally
, I couldn't believe it. The whole theme park is like a • W hich of the places that you’ve just read
world. I ignored Mickey Mouse (and Donald Duck!) about w ould you m ost like to visit? Why?
ed straight for the rides. Space Cruiser was really
• Are there any that you wouldn’t be interested
so was the roller coaster. In the end, we all had a
in visiting? Why?
e. I'd say there's something there for everyone.

Yes, especially for families with


Out and About Grammar clinic
Full infinitives (with to) and -ing Read the situations. Circle the correct word or
forms after verbs phrase in each sentence.
You went to Paris last year. In your m ind, you
<I> Look at Grammar database pages 183-184 can see the Eiffel Tower.
before you do the exercises.
T rem em ber to see/seeing the Eiffel Tower in
Read these sentences from the article on pages Paris last year. It was fantastic!’
68 and 69. You are in the car going to the beach. You want
... or are you planning to do som ething a little to buy som ething to drink.
m ore adventurous? ‘I’m thirsty. Shall we stop to get/getting
... I prefer staying at a hotel. som ething to drink?’
Find other verbs in the article which are You and a friend are in a strange city and you
followed by the full infinitive or the -ing form. can’t find your hotel.
‘I think we’re lost. W hy don’t we try
Com plete the sentences using the correct form to ask/asking som eone for directions?’
of the verbs in brackets. You get to the airport and you suddenly realise
1 I don’t th in k we can really afford that you haven’t got your passport.
________________(go) abroad this year. ‘Oh, no! I m ust have forgotten to pick/picking
up my passport w hen we left!’
2 My dad is p la n n in g ________________ (find)
some cheap flights on the internet. You are staying in a hotel and you have
3 I’d quite lik e ________________ (visit) an Asian accidentally broken the key.
country, like India. ‘I’m sorry. I was trying to open/opening the
door and the key broke.’
4 If you enjoy. . (swim), why not
try an adventure holiday?
Find eight mistakes
5 My friends and I have arranged
in this text m essage
________________(meet) at sum m er camp again and correct them.
next year.
6 C hina seem s________________ (be) a very
popular tourist destination at the m om ent.
7 I w ould suggest________________ (book) a
room in a hotel before we leave.

Use the notes to make com plete sentences.

1 Im agine/see/the sun/as it/go dow n/behind the
2 A trip around the w orld/involve/m ake/a lot of
arrangem ents.
3 W hen I/be/there last year,/local people/seem /be/
very friendly and/offer/help us.
4 We decide/avoid/stay/in places where lots of Hi from New York! Got here last
tourists go. night and planning staying for
5 T ina/prom ise/bring/m e back a souvenir from about two days. The shops are
South Africa. fantastic! I've managed finding
6 My grandm other/refuse/consider/go/on foreign some great clothes! We hope
holidays. going up the Statue of Liberty
tomorrow. Sharon's refused
coming, but I've agreed going
with Mum and Dad. Not sure
if I'll enjoy to climb all
those stairs or not! I promise
getting you an IVNY T-shirt -
if I can afford buying it!
' avel and tourism Word formation: irregular forms
1 : earrange the letters to com plete the definitions. Com plete the sentences with the correct
form of the word in bold.
_______________ put the things you are taking with
u into your suitcase 1 The holiday rep explained the history of the
tacp local area to us i n _________________ deep
. a person who arranges holidays and 2 I dem anded a n ________________ from the
Is tickets, etc hotel m anager as to why our room hadn’t
•ale / tagne been cleaned, explain
. the area of an airport where 3 There was such a w id e ________________
>sengers wait to board their planes of interesting local dishes that I really didn’t
pudrete / elogun know w hat to choose, vary
______________have your ticket checked and hand 4 I wasn’t sure we’d m ade the right
o •er your luggage w hen you are travelling by plane
________________ w hen the rep told us
.^ h k e / n i
that we were visiting a volcano the next
______________a kind of holiday where the day. choose
* jom m odation, travel, etc are all organised for you 5 I don’t th in k I’d be very good on an adventure
• c jpaca / dailyoh holiday because I’m quite scared of
______________a person in a resort who looks after high
r iple on a package holiday
6 It was very interesting to be in a country
j h o d a /p r e
that has such different religious
______________ the way you go w hen you are ________________ believe
O veiling
Magic metaphors
______________ the people who check w hat you are
? nging into the country When we talk about life, we som etim es use
' 'm ucs words or phrases that have a connection
with travel and journeys. Com plete the
. visiting the interesting places,
sentences with the correct form of the
^dings, etc in an area while on holiday
words from the box.
direction arrive step go through
I im plete the story using the correct form of some of progress pace
■•e words and phrases in exercise 1.

1 The fa st. . of m odern life

;r te d to go wrong when we arrived at the airport. We
causes a lot of stress for some people.
____________ and decided to go through passport
2 I feel like I’v e ________________ at an
'. to the (2) _ --------------------- ■
im portant point in my life.
la. ’ily realised that I ’d forgotten (3 )----- -------------------- 3 You can never predict exactly which
icbook, with all the information about the holiday.
your life is going to take.
________________had given me a map when I
4 M any teenagers find themselves
the holiday and I ’d forgotten that too. I ju st hoped the
________________ a difficult period,
_____________ would be there to meet us when we
em otionally
■he plane. We arrived in Jamaica seven hours later and
5 I’ve got quite a good career, and I think the
• us ages to get through (6 )----------------------- — • They
: and checked every single bag we had! By the time we n e x t________________ is to get m arried.
• there was nobody else there! I couldn’t remember 6 My life has got a bit boring recently
- we were supposed to take to the and I seem to have stopped m aking
■id there weren’t any taxis around. Finally, we got to
:el, and it wasn’t even finished! That’s the last time I go
P I Listening Speaking
1 .2 7 You are going to listen to a woman Write a word from the box in each gap.
being asked questions about a recent holiday.
another * for • instance » like * one » such
W hich four of the problem s does she mention?
• problem s w ith the food
• problem s w ith m oney There are lots of problem s you could have
• problem s with the j ourney w hen you go on holiday. (1).
• problem s w ith other tourists problem m ight be with com m unicating when
• problem s with pollution you’re abroad. (2 )_______ ______ example,
m aybe you want to ask som eone for directions
• problem s with the weather
but you don’t speak the same language.
• problem s w ith the sights
(3 )_______________ problem m ight be with
• problem s w ith the hotel
your accom m odation. For (4 )_____________ ,
maybe your hotel isn’t as nice as you expected.
Listen to the interview again. For questions 1-6,
You m ay have big problem s if you lose things,
com plete the sentences.
(5 )______________ as your wallet or passport.
They spent a total of 1 in a hotel in You m ight also have problem s if you don’t
Glasgow. know about the local culture - how m uch to tip
waiters, w hat you’re not allowed to wear on the
The hotel staff recom m ended 1
which were inside. beach, things (6 )______________ that.

They especially enjoyed the 1 in

The w om an says they should develop the In pairs, discuss the following question.
4 system. Rem em ber to give exam ples. Use the words
and phrases in exercise 1 and the ideas below
Seeing f rem inded the w om an of
another trip. to help you.

They didn’t have enough inform ation w hen their

plane $ W hat problem s can people have when they
go on holiday?

communication • accommodation
23 Soundbite /s/ a n d /z/ losing things • travel delays
health * money * food
local culture
^ 1 .2 8 Som etim es the letter's'so un d s like's' disagreements accidents
in 'see' and som etim es it sounds like 'z' in 'zebra'.
How is 's' pronounced in these words? Listen
and check.
1 says 4 interested 7 increase
2 advise 5 doesn’t
3 stress 6 peas

<S> Look at Speaking database - Giving/Asking for

O opinion on page 165. >
Use of English
Drefer, would rather, had better
•* Look at Grammar database page 184 before you do the exercises.

1 Correct the sentences. Com plete each sentence so that it m eans the same as the first
i’d prefer travelling by ferry sentence. Use the words given without changing them . Use no
:o France w hen we go on more than five words.
noliday this summer. 1 I th in k I’d prefer to go to Spain this year and not France, than
We would better call the This year, I w o u ld ___________________________go to France.
hotel to see if they still have
any rooms. M um says she prefers visiting countries she hasn’t been to before,
I prefer seeing the sights would
than lying on the beach all M um says s h e . . she has been to before.
My doctor suggested taking some tim e off w ork to relax, better
Vietnam was great, b ut I
didn’t prefer to eat some of ‘You___________________________ some tim e off work to relax,’ my
:he local dishes. doctor said.
I had rather not to stay in a
I like travelling, but som etim es I’d rather just stay at hom e, to
notel where there are lots of
ither tourists. Sometimes, I __________________________ travelling.

3arts of speech
J Complete the table. Note: the brackets show negative forms.
'crb noun adjective verb noun adjective
Jagree _agree__ difficult. difficult
Jap p ear _appear_ discuss discuss_
jpply appl-------- interest inter___ _)interest_
appl-------- _Jinterest_
iim age damag A lrespons_
describe descri visit visit

4 For questions 1-6 , com plete the second sentence so that it has a similar m eaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
ords, including the word given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
\ Iv parents discussed where we were going to go on holiday, about
My p a re n ts__________________________ where we were going to go on holiday.
I ■m ight be cold in Poland, so take some warm clothes, better
You__________________________ some warm clothes in case it’s cold in Poland.
'rganising social events is usually the holiday rep’s responsibility, responsible
he holiday r e p ___________________________organising social events.
hey didn’t have m any applicants for the job at the travel agent’s, receive
. hey didn’t __________________________ for the job at the travel agent’s.
; d m uch rather stay in hotels than go cam ping w hen I’m on holiday, prefer
I m u ch ___________________________ than going cam ping w hen I’m on holiday.
I Ae found it difficult on holiday to understand the local people, difficulty
Ae h a d __________________________________________________the local people.
U Writing
A review Working model
<2> Look at Writing database - reviews on page 152 Read the answer to the writing task and decide r*
before you do the exercises. the statem ents are true (T) or false (F).
1 The review has a title.
Read this writing task. In pairs or as a group,
discuss these questions. 2 The first paragraph is an introduction.
• W hich tourist attractions in your area could you 3 The second paragraph describes in
write about? detail the activities in the park.
• W hat can people do there? 4 The final paragraph sum m arises the
• W ould you recom m end them ? Why? / W hy not? w riter’s opinion.
5 Each paragraph has its own heading.
You recently sa w this m e ssa g e on a website
6 The writer uses contractions such as
for teenagers.
don’t, there’s, I’d, etc.

Bodmin ?ark
Write a review of betw een 120 and 180 words in Bodmin Park is one of the most popular tourist attract :>
an appropriate style. in the £hudford area. The park is open all summer, anc
there are a large number of activities for people of all 3 .
Write a word from the box in each gap to to enjo'f.
com plete these sentences expressing opinion.
The parks just a short 15-minute drive from the town
as inx2 personally to
of £hudford. There is free parking for visitors, and the
1 _________________ my m ind, m ost teenagers will entrance fee is not expensive: 610 for adults, €5 for chi 3
enjoy a tour of the castle. between 5 and 15. children under the age of five don't • .•
to pa'). There's also a family ticket which costs
2 __________ ____my view, people of all ages will
love a day out at B odm in Park. Inside the park, there's a gift shop, a cafe and a lovely f c
3 ________________ m y opinion, there aren’t m any area. The main attraction, though, is the adventure park
activities for teenagers to do there, so they will This has a large number of fun activities, such as death
probably find a trip there a little boring. slides, rope bridges and climbing walls. Safety equipment i
4 I ______________ believe that this is one of the provided and there are always members of staff available
best attractions in the whole country. to help n|ou. For people who want a quieter time, there ar
5 _______________ far as I’m concerned, this is one beautiful walks through the forest.
of the m ost expensive and least interesting places I'd definitely recommend a trip to Bodmin Park, particular
in the area to visit.
if the weather's nice. In nty view, people of all ages will rt-i
enjo-f a da'/ out there.
id the answer to the writing task again and write YES Now write!
NO to answer each question.
You are now ready to write your review.
Is le park open all year ro u n d ? ___________ Use your plan from exercise 6 to help you.
Write betw een 120 and 180 words.
e park near the tow n of C hudford?___________
vou have to pay to park your car th ere?___________ Check it out!
r. a three-year-old child enter free?___________ 8 Check your work.
families get a discount?___________ Tick ( / ) what you
h a\/P Hnnp
l there places to eat in the p a rk ? ___________
:hey provide safety equipm ent in the
venture pa rk ? ___________
I have given m y review
aying at the adventure park the only a title.
vityyou can do th ere ? ___________
I have w ritten four
■better to go there w hen it’s not raining?__________ main paragraphs.
_s the w riter recom m end the park only for I have said w here the
. ng people?___________ attraction is.

I have described the

dy to write! main facilities.

' - are going to write a review in answer to the same I have described the
i itin g task. Choose an attraction in your area and main activities.
: ~ plete the chart.
I have said w h ether I
|b e of attraction: recom m end the place or not.

, ;-tion: I have checked m y gram m ar

and spelling.
-c to get there:
in f'3 n c e fe e (s ): My review is betw een
120 and 180 words long.
i facilities (cafe, shop, etc):
activities you can

» ^e a plan of your answer. Look Back

W1 it’s the title of your review?
Can you answer these questions?
If you can't remember, lookthrough
the unit for the answers.
- ^raph 1: W hat key inform ation will you give to
1 W hich Australian city has a famous
duce the place?
O pera House?
2 W hat kind of m agazine tells you
about holidays?
; graphs 2 and 3: You’ll go into detail here about how to
g r t ' here, how m uch it costs and the facilities and activities 3 W hich of these verbs is followed by
Ir Ter. W hat points will you m ake in each paragraph? the -m gform ?
plan suggest hope
4 W rite one noun from the verb vary.
5 W hich of these do we not say?
would prefer would rather
* ;graph 4: Are you going to recom m end the place? would better
I who to? If not, why not?

complete Writing Planner 8 on page 158.
Units 7-8
1 Choose the correct option.

1 O n our way to Australia, we had a . _______ in Singapore.

A destination B jet lag C stopover D resort

2 You. __the bread and I’ll butter it and we’ll m ake some sandwic
A slice B boil C fry D carve

Let’s look through so m e ______ . and decide where we’re going this
A souvenirs B brochures C custom s D departures

I asked Eric if he’d broken the window, but h e _______ .it.

A denied B adm itted C accused D refused

Could you pass m e t h e _____ . pan, please?

A m ixing B serving C carving D frying

Don’t forget your swim m ing costum e when y o u . .y o u r suitca-

A put B pack C fill D place

7 W ould you lik e . . fries w ith your burger?

A Am erican B G erm an C Belgian D French

Then, you have t o ________ __ your m eat in the oven for about an hour.
A fry B roast C boil D bake

9 I saw a flight to G erm any in th e ______________ window for only €10!

A holiday rep’s B holiday brochure’s C travel agent s D travel guide’s
10 W hen we get to the airport, the first thing we should do is check _________
A in B out C up D off

2 Com plete each sentence so that it m eans the sam e as the first sentence. Us*
words given without changing them . Use no more than five words. You wi
two marks for each correct answer.
1 ‘I’m m eeting M ark outside the cinema,’ said Philip, he
Philip sa id _____________________________ outside the cinema.
2 ‘I’ve been here before,’ M arianna said as we entered the old house, there
As we entered the old house, M arianna sa id ______________ ______________
3 ‘W hy don’t we see w hat’s on at the cinem a?’ said Alex, suggested
A lex_____________________________ on at the cinema.
4 ‘Put your dirty clothes in the washing basket,’m y m um said, told
My m u m _____________________________ dirty clothes in the washing bask-.
5 ‘I’ve been working all day so I’m tired,’ M rs Lewis said, because
M rs Lewis said sh e _____________________________ been working all day.
6 ‘No, I’m not going to lend you any money,’ N ancy said to me. refused
N ancy_____________________________ any money.
7 ‘I th ink G randm a will be here at the weekend,’ my dad said, there
M y dad said h e _____________________________ at the weekend.
3 Circle the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
Do you rem em ber to go Igoing to see that fantastic film last year?
2 I suggest to visit/visiting the Science M useum while you’re in town.
The old m an appeared to be/being quite ill w hen I saw him.
• My sister avoids to eat/eating fast food because it’s unhealthy
- I’m going to learn to play/playing the drum s this summer.
Do you th ink we can afford to go Igoing on holiday this year?

4 Com plete the sentences using the correct preposition.

I was surprised w hen the hero got killed rig h t___ . the end of the film.
I Could you please put your n a m e ______________ this piece of paper and give it back to me?
; Tell m e more. I’m very interested______________ local history.
W hat are you w orking __________ . ? Can I have a look?
I’m afraid I don’t know m u c h . ______the Second W orld War.

5 Write a phrasal verb with out to match the definitions.

see w ith difficulty ____________________________________________________ out
1 not have any left __________________________________________________ out of
not include, remove ____________________________________________________ out
4 be in the end ____________________________________________________ out
5 argue ____________________________________________________ out

6 Read this letter. For questions 1-10, use the word given at the end of each line to form a word
that fills the gap. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). You will get two marks for each
correct answer.

D ear M r Coco,
Thank you for your (0) application for the position of manager. I am APPLY
afraid that after a long (1 )_________________we have decided to appoint DISCUSS
som eone else. We would like to explain our (2 )_______________ All o f us CHOOSE
were a little surprised by your ( 3 )___________
__________ when you came for the APPEAR
interview. ‘Dressed like a clown’ was the ( 4 )______________ used by one DESCRIBE
of us. A great ( 5 )______________ of different people w ork for us, but we VARY
thought the red nose showed a lack of (6 )_______________ We were all in RESPONSIBLE
(7 ) ______________ that m any of our custom ers w ould have great AGREE
(8 ) ______________ in taking seriously a m anager in size 76 shoes. We DIFFICULT
hope this (9). ____ helps. I would like to finish by expressing EXPLAIN
m y ( 10 ) _____ . that you will go far in business ... show. BELIEVE
Yours faithfully,

Justine Carter
Personnel M anager

Score I 60

^3ins noX a iy 0£~0 i^00! Jaqjoire joj su iii st}i 9qAEj/\[ 0f-\Z
;dn i] sjeijx 0S~ll7 iUnls JnoAm o u > [ no^ puop jp/yV09~I£
How often do you do these things? 2.01 Quickly read the m agazine article. Write the
use computers num ber of a paragraph 1- 6 next to each heading. There
send and get emails is one heading you do not need to use.
send and get text messages
a Better batteries ____
buy something online
b A huge num ber of uses ____
Do you or does anyone in your family have:
a netbook c Reasons to be concerned ____
a tablet computer d M ore functions, better functions ____
a smartphone e In the past ____
W hat new technology do you expect to see f Tom orrow ’s world ____
in the next two or three years?
g M oney m atters ____

L\? Wi\PPETITE long-lasting battery. Batteries have become increasing .

powerful over the past ten years or so, and will
FOR APPS! undoubtedly continue to do so.
Secondly, the cost of downloading large amounts of d r
onto a phone had to decrease. There's no point having
fHow did apps become such an the ability to check your email on your phone if you
can't afford to use the service. Using the mobile phone
important part of our lives., network for data is still too expensive for many people,
and where do we go from here?J but they're able to make use of Wifi, which has become
asks Jemima Deacon. extremely widespread and is essentially free. If we didr •
have wireless networks, we almost certainly wouldn't
A few short years ago, phones were firmly stuck on have smartphones.
a piece of furniture, and were used mainly for calling Thirdly, the actual functionality of phones has improvec
people. Then we all got mobile phones and got into enormously.They have much better cameras than the;,
sending and receiving text messages on the go. Early did just a few years ago, they can hold more data, thei-
mobiles did have a few handy little features such as a sound quality is much clearer and louder, they have t o i :
calculator and a calendar, but were still mainly used screens, and they know when they're being rotated or
for communicating with people we knew. And taking held or touched in a certain way.
a few poor quality photos that you didn't quite know If you combine all these elements, and have reasonab
what to do with. And then - all of a sudden, it seemed priced smartphones being used by millions of people
- this useful little device morphed into an enormously you create an environment where the uses of a
powerful computer with the potential to do ... well, smartphone become almost infinite. All it takes is a
to do everything your PC did at home, and sometimes little imagination to think of a new way to use it, and
more. What led to this development, and where does it you've created something people want. And that's wha*
go from here? happened with apps. At the time of writing this article
Several key aspects had to come together to create there are hundreds of thousands of apps that can be
the modern smartphone as we know it. Firstly, battery used for millions of different purposes. If you want an
life had to improve. If you use a mobile phone for app to tell you where the nearest chemist to where yo_ 1
more than just a few phone calls, you need a powerful standing is, it's available. If you need an app to send fret
2 : ead the article again. Underline a phrase 3 Write a word or short phrase from the article to
n the article that has a sim ilar meaning to com plete each sentence.

Lab Report
•ne phrase given.
1 People sta rte d . . while doing things
weren’t mobile (paragraph 1) out of the house.
I while doing things out of the house 2 T h e______________ of cameras on early mobile
paragraph 1)
phones was not good.
( ■A'as im portant for different things to
3 It’s im portant that a mobile phone battery is
a m bine (paragraph 2)
powerful a n d _______________
l | lo become m ore powerful in the future
; iragraph 2) 4 W ith sm artphones today,_______________ are
dow nloaded onto the phone.
I « ' a waste o f tim e (paragraph 3)
I -•i.'v com m on (paragraph 3) 5 To access inform ation, sm artphones can use the
mobile phone netw ork, o r _________________ .
f h r .e a situation (paragraph 5)
6 A sm artphone knows w hen it’s ______________ to
H tf-.e chances are (paragraph 6)
the left or right.
7 M any people u s e ______________ to pay bills
through their phone, com puter or tablet.
8 A (n )______________ in a future phone will be able
to detect pollution and pollen.

4 Find words in the article to match the definitions.
You've been given the first letter to help you.
1 h - (adj) useful
2 d . (n) a m achine or piece o f equipm ent
that does a p;
3 d - (n) progress, im provem ent
to someone else with the same app, 4 i . (v) get better
• .ou want an app to do your online
- play funny noises to your cat, or point
5 u _ (adv) definitely, certainly
i f * ; ~ies of all the stars and planets right 6 d
p m , you can find it. And by the time you
- (v) go down, becom e sm aller/lower
) Ihs. -nere will be thousands more apps 7 q - (n) how good som ething is
8 r (adj) not too expensive
it oout the future? It's always dangerous
.hat technology's going to be like in 9 f
(n) the ability to do different things
s time and we often get it wrong, but
10 d (adj) electronic, not physical
• ely that the future apps will rely on
* d functions that current smartphones
For example, if future smartphones
<ind of air sensor, there will be a
range of apps which can tell you if the
'eathing is too polluted, or, for people
es, how much pollen is in the air. As
^ Have your say!
■gnition and video-streaming become
• W hat are the m ost useful apps? W hy are they so
::ive, another range of apps might
e real and the digital. For example, in
useful? Can you th in k of any other apps that som eone
-nere might be games we play on our m ight invent in the future?
es where the background and setting
s room we're sitting in, or the street
’ ing in.

Lab Report Grammar clinic
Conditionals (1): zero, first, second Put the verbs into the correct form to complete
the sentences. Use contractions (I'll, I'd, etc)
<S> Look at Grammar database page 185 before you
w here possible.
do the exercises.
1 If I ______________ (be) y o u ,_______________
Read the sentences from the article on pages 78 (I/get) a sm artphone.
and 79. Match each one to an explanation.
2 The browser opens a new tab i f ______________
1 If you use a m obile phone for m ore than just a (you/click) on any of these links.
few phone calls, you need a powerful long-lasting
If the in te rn e t______________ (not/exist), we
_____________ (not/be) able to send emails
2 If future sm artphones have some kind of air
round the world.
sensor, there will be a whole new range
of a p p s ______ If you buy a new tab let,. (make
sure you get one with a good-quality camera.
3 If we didn’t have wireless networks, we almost
certainly wouldn’t have sm artphones_____ 5 I f ______________ (you/lower) the screen of a
a This expresses a present or future possibility netbook, it goes into ‘sleep’ m ode automatically

b This expresses a general truth. 6 I f ______________ (you/use) a sm artphone

c This expresses an unlikely or hypothetical before,______________ (you/find) using a table:
situation. very easy

Choose the correct option in each sentence. 4 Use this information about a student to make
six conditional sentences as in the examples.
1 If I were a scientist,______________ a new kind of
computer. fail: get a job as a
a I w ould invent b I invent c I will invent lab assistant

2 Sm artphones______________ a possibility if we
didn’t have long-lasting batteries.
a won’t be b isn’t c w ouldn’t be
3 If y o u . . nonsense into a computer,
you get nonsense out.
a w ould put b put c were putting
You should th in k carefully about w hat you need if
y o u ______________ to get a computer.
a are planning b were planning c would plan
An air sensor in a sm artphone will be useful if it
______________ people w ith allergies.
a w ould help b helped c helps

I f Richard had a girlfriend, he would feel a lot happii

Richard would feel a lot happier if he had a girlfriem
Lab Report
5 ence and technology
i'«'ite the correct letter to label the picture using the words and phrases from the box.

1 or a cable 9 memory
b CD-ROM stick

c DVD-ROM h monitor
d external i mouse
hard drive 9 printer
e key k screen
f keyboard 1 USB port

I :m plete the sentences using the nouns in the Phrasal verbs with off
: x. Some of them may need to be in the plural.
4 Phrasal verbs with off often have m eanings
r .e n tio n discovery theory laboratory connected to removing, stopping or cancelling
■ rerim ent research something. Match the phrasal verbs in the box
with the correct definitions.
The com puter is one of the m ost im portant
g oo ff make off takeoff put off
„ ____________of the late 20th century. tu rn o ff call off
I : lawking has an interesting ______________ stop liking som ething you used
i > 'lit how the universe developed. to like
Today’s _______________ have a lot of complicated 2 . remove an item of clothing, etc
i entific equipm ent in them .
3 . delay som ething until a later tim e
According to rec e n t______________ , m ost
; pie don’t understand m odern science. 4 . cancel a planned event
5 . escape, often after a crim e
. w ith white mice is designed
* :cst their intelligence. 6 . stop a m achine
■-:ronomers have announced the
. of a new planet.
5 Com plete the sentences using the correct form
of the phrasal verbs from exercise 4.

ocations 1 The burglars stole a flat screen TV and

in a white car.
■-ite each word or phrase from the box next to
2 We’ve decided to . the experim ent
* the verbs it can go with. Be careful! You will
. until the weather improves.
i ite the words and phrases more than once.
Before you go into the lab, please _
* ~emory stick a theory an experiment
your shoes.
-.-arch software
4 I’ve really _ . violent video games.
5 My cousin was planning to m arry a wom an
over the internet, but at the last m inute they
______________ i t _______________.
*ixneup w ith.
6 D on’t you think you sh o u ld ______________
4 - nload. your co m p u ter. . and go and play
r >tall. football outside with your friends?

• s i n .
Listening Speaking
1 What do you want to do in the future?
1 %9 2.02 You are going to listen to five people
talking about new com puter gam es. Decide I ’d like to go to university, if I get good exam resulu
which com puter gam e each person enjoyed the I want to get m arried if ______________________
I hope to have a family if ______________
A Night Thief Speaker 1:
It’d be nice to work as a (n ) .
B Cave Warrior Speaker 2:
C M ad Driver City Speaker 3:
I’d love to visit__________ . one day
D Tower o f Evil Speaker 4: if_____________________
E Cup Final Speaker 5: I’d like to live

2 You will now hear the five speakers again. i f __________

For questions 1-5 , choose the best answer
(A, B o rC ). 2 In pairs, ask and answer the questions.Try to sa .
as much as you can. Use the phrases below to
1 You hear a boy talking. W hat did he not like about
help you.
Cave Warrior?
• W hat w ould you like to do w hen you leave
A He couldn’t find the lost treasure.
B He knew w hat was going to happen next.
C He thought there was too m uch action. • W hat job would you like to do in the future?
2 You hear a wom an talking. W hat was the problem • D o you have any am bitions ?
she had w ith some of the games? • W hat are your hopes for the future?
A She doesn’t like playing sports. • Is there anything you’d really like to do one day?
B She couldn’t react quickly enough.
C She can’t drive a car.
3 You hear a girl being interviewed in the street.
W hy doesn’t she like Night Thief?
A It seems like hard work.
B It involves crim inal activities. That seems like a long way in the
C She isn’t very good at maths. future. I’d say t h a t ...

4 You hear a boy talking. W hat does he dislike

about M ad Driver City?
A He doesn’t have enough tim e to play it. m quite an ambitious person
rson. j
B His friend is m uch better at it. I On
One thing IJd like to do is is_ J
C They want to play at the same time.
5 You hear a girl talking. W hat does she say about
com puter games? Well, if I had the chance,
A Buying sports games is a waste of money. I think I’d love to ...
B You can waste m oney if you make the wrong
C D riving games are the best value for money.
I/ -
<3> Look at Speaking database - Expressing
preferences on page 165.

f f i Soundbite /s/ and/J"/

if 2.03 Listen and circle the words you hear.

1 Only half of the people were saved/shaved.
2 Could you get me a seat/sheet from the office,
3 D id you sew/show all of them?
4 They have lots o f different sorts/shorts.
^ Use of English
Jnless, in case, as long as Word patterns
» Look at Grammar database page 186 before
you do the exercises.
2 Choose the correct option in each sentence.
1 I think I’m a little scared of computers
1 Rewrite the sentences using unless, in case or ______________ I don’t know m uch about
as/so long as. them .
a because of b because
Promise to give it back tom orrow and you can
borrow my new com puter game. 2 Some people have com plained about this game
You c a n __________________________________ ______________ the violence.
a because of b because
I nave to finish my hom ew ork before I can play
■in my computer. 3 I didn’t ______________ Jason w hen he said he’d
I can’t __________________________________ got a new mobile phone.
a believe b believe in
1 Save your docum ents on an external hard
drive or m em ory stick - your com puter m ight 4 Some people don’t ______________ UFOs.
get a virus. a believe b believe in
Save your docum ents____________________ 5 W hen you buy the new K256 mobile, a hands­
free set i s _______________
a provided with b provided

3 =or questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). Write your answers

Time TrauEi
Scientists still aren’t sure whether the laws of physics allow us (0) ---------- -------------

w build a time machine. Som e scientists argue that it’s ( 1 ) -------------------- possible,
using this logic: if we built a time machine and travelled back into the past, we
(2 ) __________________ be able to stop our parents meeting. Then w e’d never be born!
(3 ) __________________ , however, argue that that isn’t a real problem. We just wouldn’t be
born in this universe, but w e’d still be born in a parallel universe. Strange, isn’t it?
(4 ) __________________you want to travel into the past, it’s actually very easy. Ju st look
(5 ) __________________at the night sky. When you see a star in the sky, (6)
you see it as it is right now? No, you see it as it w as millions of years ago. This is
( 7 ) ___________________ the light from the star has taken millions of years to travel across the
universe to reach your eyes.
Travelling into the future is more difficult, but Einstein proved ( 8 ) --------------------
is theoretically possible. You can achieve this so ( 9 ) -------------------- as you have a
spaceship that goes really fast - nearly at the speed of light, (10)-------------------- is very
fast indeed. If you go off in your spaceship and fly around for, let’s say, six months, when
you come back (1 1 )___________________ Earth you'll be in the future. How much in the future?
If your spaceship goes at 99.99% of light speed, all your friends you left behind
(1 2 )___________________ be almost 50 years older than you. It’s incredible, but it’s true!
An informal letter/email Working model
<2> Look at Writing database - informal letters/emails 3 Read the answer to the writing task. The
on page 154 before you do the exercises. writer has not used paragraphs. Decide
where new paragraphs should begin.
1 Read this writing task. Why should your email
be informal?

To: Ashley
Sent: 18th February
Subject: Technology!

Dear Miss Ashley Williams,

How are you? How did your French test

go? I bet you passed! You asked me
about tecnology. Well, the first thing
I should tell you is that I've got a
new computer! So far, I've used it
for playing games and for serfing the
internet. It's not as complicated as
I thought. I'm even teaching my dad
You have a friend who lives in another how to use it! What else? Of course,
country. She/He is w riting a report for school we've got things like a TV and a DVD
on technology and has asked you for some player. We watch a few hours of TV
inform ation about how you and your family every day, and we watch a DVD once a
use technology in your daily life. W rite an email weak. My brother watches more than I
to your friend, telling her/h im w hat she/he do. Lazy boy! My dad says he's thinking
needs to know. of getting satelite TV, so maybe
I'll start watching a bit more. The
W rite an em ail of betw een 120 and 180 words in only other thing I can think of is my
mobile phone. It's a smartphone and
an appropriate style.
it's really cool! I never go anywhere
2 Decide if the statem ents are true (T) or false (F). without it. I use it all the time and
send about 20 text mesages every day!
In informal letters/em ails...
(Luckily, Mum and Dad pay the bill.)
Got to go. Love to your sister.
1 we usually ask our friend
about their health/new s/etc first. Take care,
2 we never use contractions Jessica Saunders
(I’ve, don’t, can’t, etc).
3 it’s som etim es okay to write
incom plete sentences.
4 you should never use
4 There are m istakes with the nam es and five
spelling m istakes in the email. Correct them .
exclamation m arks (!).
5 you don’t need to write
in paragraphs.
6 you don’t need to w orry
about answering the question.
^eady to write! Now write!
5 You are going to answer the sam e question. You are now ready to write your email to your
First, look at this extract from your pen friend's friend. Use informal language. Write between
last email. 120 and 180 words.

. and th e n t h e r e ' s t h is fo o tb a ll
Check it out!
-a tch on S a tu r d a y . I f we win t h a t j 8 Check your work. Tick ( / ) what you
me1r e i n th e fin a l. Who know s? Ohj have done.
eah. I w anted t o a s k y o u so m e th in g ,
•e have t o w r i t e a r e p o r t on
-e ch n o lo g y f o r s c h o o l . C o u ld y o u
• e l l me a few t h in g s a b o u t how yo u
■se t e c h n o lo g y i n y o u r l i f e ?
>ou knowj c o m p u te rsj m o b ile s j TVj
-a t s o r t o f t h in g . 0h_, and t e l l me 1^ave started and ended
: m eth in g a b o u t th e o t h e r members the email in the right way.
: - y o u r f a m ily to o j and how th e y
. s e te c h n o lo g y .
I have asked my friend
- yway} I was t a l k i n g to Sam th e something about her/himself.
e r h e r day and he s a y s t h a t . . .
Jhave talked about different
kinds of technology.
I have mentioned the other
Vhich o f these things does your friend want to members of my family. □
■.now about?
• our opinion on violent video games
I have used paragraphs.
•vhat kind of com puter you w ant to get I have checked my spelling
now m uch television you watch
and my grammar.
whether you have a com puter at hom e My email is between 120
low good you are at football and 180 words long.
whether your parents have mobile phones
vhat the best m odel of m obile phone is

Make a plan of your answer. Use your

low are you going to start your email?
V h a t news are you going to ask your friend
Look Back
.bout first?
Can you answer these questions? If you can't
W hat’s the first kind of technology you w ant to remember, look through the unit for the
ilk about? answers.
: iow do you use it?
1 W hat’s another way of saying ‘a wireless
V.'hat’s the second kind of technology you want netw ork’?
talk about?
low do you use it? 2 Do you carry out or come up with a new
'•'•'hat’s the th ird kind of technology you want to
,:’k about? 3 How m any parts of a com puter can you name?
low do you use it? 4 W hat’s the difference betw een put off and
Which phrases are you going to use in your call off ?
.mail? 5 W hich phrase m eans ‘only if ’?
'•'■’hat nam e are you going to write at the end?

complete Writing Planner 9 on page 159.

X ^ 2 .0 4 Read this new spaper colum n. Which
program m e would you most like to watch?

Lucy Chong tells you Channel 9 does a little better. Now that Train
whot's new (and has finished, they've decided to replace it wit-
Sta ffR oo m , a reality show that follow s teache
not so new!) on your
around all day. It should be the hit of the surrr
screens this summer. giving us an idea of w h at really goes on w h e r
lesson is over. W ho doesn't w ant to see and he=
I alw ays look forward to
w hat teachers say about their students at the
this tim e of year, and I'm
of the schoolday? Great stuff! Together w ith L t
alw ays disappointed!
in Aylesford Street, the soap opera that everyo^
It's the tim e of year w hen th e T V channels tell us
talking about, it looks like Channel 9 could be .
their plans for the sum m er and every year I tell
channel to w atch this sum m er.
m yself that it m ight be different. It never is. Take
SuperTV, for exam ple. This channel, on our screens
O ver on BTV1, Max Read is back w ith Joke-a-C-
for five years now, broadcasts a depressing m ix of
the com edy show. The first series w as slightly
gam e shows and m usic videos. So w hat do w e find
am using, the second hilarious. Let's w ait and
in the new schedule? I'm The One, a gam e show
w h at the third series is like. Com edy is difficu •
with holidays as prizes, and VJ-TV, yet another
get right, but it ought to be great. I w ish I cou :l
m usic video program m e w ith brainless presenters.
say the sam e about the sitcom , Oh! Those Kids: I
13 They're also planning to repeat the dreadful chat
enough to look at the expressions on the face,
show Star Quality, w hich is about as entertaining
of the cast! It's obvious they know it's rubbish
as w atching grass grow. W hy can't they com e up
and the script is just so badly w ritten! O h !T h csi
w ith new ideas?

The writer thinks that Joke-a-Cola is now
ad the text again. For questions 1-6, choose
A m ore difficult to understand.
•ne answer (A, B, C or D) w hich you think fits best
B m ore popular w ith viewers.

Let Me Entertain You

according to the text.
C funnier than before.
this tim e of year D m ore like a sitcom.
\ the TV channels change all their program m es.
Because of the choice o f entertainm ent
B the w riter disappoints the TV channels with
A people watch m ore television.
her reviews,
B people move to areas with m ore facilities.
c the w riter hopes for som ething that never
C program m e makers have to tell lies.
D program m es have to be m ore exciting.
I) the w riter’s favourite program m es often
disappear. The writer thinks that television
A will never be as popular as the theatre is.
V.'hat does ‘They’ in line 13 refer to?
B should show m ore program m es about hobbies.
\ SuperTV
C could lose its popularity in the future.
B the TV channels
D ought to provide m ore than just entertainm ent.
C the presenters of VJ-TV
D TV viewers
1 e writer says that Staff Room will probably
K be successful.
B shock students,
t be worse than Train Driver. 4 Use words or phrases from the text to com plete
D be on instead of Life in Aylesford Street. the definitions. You've been given the first letter
to help you.

1 M__________ _v_ . are short films

showing m usicians singing their songs.

2 If som ething is e. ---------------- , it is enjoyable

and interesting.

3 A h ___________ . is a great success.

: rogram m e m akers m ust th in k we'll 4 If som ething is a___ ., it’s a little

i anything. That's ju st not true. People funny, but not very.
: have hundreds of channels on their
m ight live near a cinem a w ith a 5 If som ething is h ___ ., it’s very funny
n screens.There is so m uch choice of
6 The group of people who act in a program m e, film
:ainm ent these days - T V , the cinem a,
"eatre, even the internet - that they have or play is called the c_______________
rk hard to keep their audience. What
hould be doing is m aking new, exciting
7 The s_ . contains all the words the
ammes. W here are the program m es that actors have to learn.
people th in k they m ust stay in to w atch
8 A nother phrase m eaning ‘free tim e’ or ‘spare tim e’
is 1______________ t_______________
a :e to ask ourselves w hat entertainm ent
r have to th in k about w hat people do
■:heir leisure tim e. Television has been
ar for about 5 0 -6 0 years, but it m ight not
pular forever. More people are going to
Have your say!
nema and theatre than ever before. More
. e are surfing the internet or playing W hich of the program m es m entioned in the TV
: uter gam es than ever before. If Oh! Those review w ould you like to watch?
. is all that the TV can offer, w h y should Do you watch any program m es sim ilar to the ones
. atch it? With one or tw o exceptions, this m entioned in the review?
~ier's program m es w ill m ake more people
uffthan turn on.
Grammar clinic
Let Me Entertain You

Modals (1) Choose the correct verb in each sentence.

<3> Look at Grammar database pages 187-188 1 You really _ . go and see
before you do the exercises. Spielberg’s latest. It’s brilliant!
a could b should c m ight
Read the sentences and phrases from the article
2 Oh, Dad! Do w e _______________________ watch
on pages 86 and 87. Match each one to an
that opera program m e again?
a m ust b should c have to
1 ... every year I tell m yself that it might
3 I read som ewhere that Isla Fisher
be different.
_______________________ be on TV tonight.
2 W hy can’t they come up with new ideas?
a m ight b can c has to
3 It should be the hit of the s u m m e r,...
4 Ask your parents if y o u ___________________
4 The program m e m akers must think we’ll
come to the concert w ith me.
watch anything.
a can b ought to c will
5 W hat they should be doing is ...
5 I really. . get some new
6 We have to ask ourselves w hat entertainm ent is.
clothes to go to the theatre,
This expresses ... a m ight b m ust c could
a som ething which is probable,
b an ability/inability,
4 Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in
c som ething which is possible,
1 Justin Bieber’s new song will probably win an
d a way of giving advice, award, (should)
e a certain opinion, Ju stin _____________________________________
f an obligation.

Choose the correct option to show the m eaning 2 There’s a possibility that M adonna is recording
of the verb in italics. new album, (might)
1 They should close down the theatre in this town M ad o n n a_________________________________
because nobody ever goes.
a giving advice b giving perm ission
3 People’s ears are often dam aged by listening to
2 I think I might stay in and watch the film on very loud music, (can)
C hannel 4 this evening. L istening__________________________________ ,
a expressing obligation b expressing possibility

3 My m um says I can be in the school play

4 You can get m e a CD if you like, but it’s not
a expressing ability b giving perm ission
necessary (have to)
4 Do you have to go to university to becom e an You______________________________________
a asking about obligation
b asking about probability 5 We should probably check to see if there are an\
tickets left, (ought to)
W e_______________________________________

6 I’m thinking of going to the theatre while I’m in

London, (might)

^ Vocabulary builder

Let Me Entertain You

Entertainment Collocations: entertainment
X Use the words in the box to answer the questions. 4 Match to make common phrases about
nearsal audition play critic entertainm ent.
.iew stage act 1 get a a joke funny

' here do the actors perform in a theatre? 2 find b the joke

' hat do we call a dram atic perform ance in a theatre? 3 tell c fun
i hat do actors do? 4 have d fun of som ebody

’ hat do we call the test actors do before they get the part? 5 m ake e a joke
ho judges theatre perform ances for a new spaper or
: agazine?
here do we read a judgem ent of a theatre perform ance? I don't get it!
hat do we call a practice of a perform ance?

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

. ords in exercise 1.
Write a word in each gap. Use the
. were terrible! I’m surprised the play
phrases from exercise 4 to help you.
didn’t close sooner.
e saw a great, __________the other day Blue Murder,
■as called.
: an’t m eet you on Friday because I’m in the school play M'f friends and I often sit around and
•_d we’ve got a (n ) _______________
CO -------------------- jotes.
-he. . absolutely loved the perform ance, but
e public just didn’t seem to be interested. We (2.)_____ a lot of fun, but
~.e curtain went up and two actors came out onto the no-one ever (?)

jofces funnel I don't Know whf Ma'fbe I just

n really nervous about th e ______ .. Hope I get
-.e part. haven't got a good sense of humour. And I

I know she’s beautiful, but she can’t . ______and I’m hate it when someone tells ajofce and I
: having her in my show.
don't (4 )_________________ it. I always feel
nfusable words stupid! I also don't litce it when someone
I rcle the correct word or phrase in each sentence. mates (5)
____________ of somebody
* as always very popular/famous at school.
else in the
nody seems to like my favourite group, but they’re very group - probably because it's
pular/famous. usually me they're making fun
my free tim e, I like to hear/listen to music, especially rap
r.usic. W __________ 1
I think I can hear/listen to m usic com ing from upstairs.
going to call Sarah to tell/say/speak to her about the
hat did M ark tell/say/speak you about the film he saw?
■me people tell/say/speak that pop music is a kind o f art.
ve reading/studying rom antic books and books for
. nagers.
ve reading/studying English gram m ar, believe it or not!
You are going to listen to an interview on an online radio station. Before you listen, look at the
sentences in exercise 2. In pairs talk about:
• what type of w ord or phrase (noun, verb, etc) m ight fill each gap.
• w hat actual words or phrases m ight fill each gap.

2 2 .0 5 Listen to the interview. For questions 1 -8

com plete the sentences
pmSoundbite h/

In a previous show, they asked for ideas of enjoyable

9 2 .0 6 Listen and pay attention to the vowe
things teenagers can do Q
sound in the syllables underlined.

Liz says making a short film is lots of fun and very
There’s a new theatre across the road from me.

It's not a good idea to film yourselves without One syllable in each word contains the sound
h i. Underline the syllable. Listen and check
your answers.
Liz says that |] is not necessary.
letter about entertain teacher
There may sometimes be difficulties with outdoor
quality. leisure exercise occur
You can choose w hether to write a (n)
or just a rough outline.
The person holding the camera should also be

Choose the characters, time and place carefully so

that the actors can

Were any of your guesses in exercise 1 right or nearly right?

Decide w hat you like and dislike about the activities. Write som ething in each box. Use your imaginati

... reading books ... going to pop concerts

because... because...

I lik e ...

I d islik e ...

Work in pairs. One of you should read the

instructions and the other should talkfor
one m inute.Then swap.
What do you like and dislike about each
form of entertainment?
I’d like you to com pare and contrast the two
photos and say w hat you like and dislike
about each form of entertainm ent.
<§> Look at Speaking database - Comparing and
Expressing preferences on page 165.
Use of English 10
Parts of speech Now decide what parts of speech the words in
the box are. Use five of them to com plete the
Choose the kind of word that is needed to sentences in exercise 1.
com plete the sentences.
loud loudness sizeable * decide
The audience clapped______________ and the enjoyable * exciting excited • decision
actors came back onto the stage, decisive size loudly • enjoyment
a adverb b adjective indecisive enjoy
_ The stadium is great for concerts because of its
Choose two words from the box you didn't
a adjective bnoun know before. Write sentences using those
words. In groups, com pare your sentences.
I love reading _ . books with
characters m y age in them , Word formation: prefixes
a adjective b adverb
Use the prefixes to form the negative of the
Do you think we c o u ld _______ .w hat
adjectives and nouns. One of them has two
w ere doing this evening?
a noun b verb
un- dis- in-
I really get a lot o f __________ . out of
able believable expected
watching and reading about sports,
a noun b adjective ability clear lucky
advantage comfort organised
approve comfortable suitable
belief employed

For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of som e of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the sam e line. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0).
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Street (0 ). P£fZpO/ZM£PS___ , or ‘buskers’, help m ake any city centre a place PERFORM
o f ( l ) ___ _________________In every m ajor European city you can find ENTERTAIN
young, ( 2 )-----------------------------
____________________ people juggling, playing the guitar or even EMPLOY
doing magic tricks for money. All they need is a(n) (3 )______________________ SUIT
place to perform and a good crowd.
Some people m ight ( 4 )_______________________________of busking and find it APPROVE
annoying, but m ost people in the city centre agree that it’s a(n)
5 ) _______________________ break from shopping and having to rush around ENJOY
when there’s a(n) (6 )________________________ show in the street. Some young EXPECT
people, ( 7 ) _____________________ . to afford a luxury trip around the world, ABLE
busk in order to travel. It can be (8). ______________________, but it COMFORT
:s a very cheap way to see the world. A few hours playing, unless you are
9 ) _______________________ , will pay for a bed or a bus ticket. The LUCK
(1 0 )_______________ ________is that you need to have some talent or you ADVANTAGE
might go hungry!
Let Me Entertain You

An essay Working model

<3> Look at Writing database - essays on page 153 Read the answer to the writing task.
before you do the exercises.

1 Make notes to answer the questions.

1 W hat program m es are there on TV for children? I children toda^ are under more pressure than eve-
2 W hich program m es are popular? and need to relay. The^ often do this watchin:
3 W hich of these would you like to see m ore of? television. Although parents worq about how it v.
Why? affect them, I believe television should entertain,
• cartoons
rather than educate.
dram a for children
news for children
game shows for children First of all, there is no reason wbf television for
4 Should children’s TV educate or entertain? Why? children should be different from television for
Talk about your answers with the class. adults. The most popular programmes tend to be
Explain clearly why you agree or disagree game shows and drama series. M ults watch them
with other students. to relay, after a bus^ da'f at work and children
should also be able to relay after a hard da^ at
IZ school.

“Secondly programmes such as these do teach us

things. 6iame shows improve '(our general
Knowledge. Drama series teach us about human
relationships and the problems people face. Desf i
their parents' disapproval, children learn a lot whil-
18 the'/ are being entertained.

To sum up, children's television should provide

quality entertainment. Instead of uninteresting
educational programmes, there should be game

Read this writing task. What kind of style would shows and drama series made for children.
be appropriate? It should be a wa-f for them to escape their
2.4 problems, although watching too much television
You have had a class discussion on TV might cause problems with schoolwork, for instant
program m es for children. Now your English
teacher has asked you to write an essay giving
your opinions on this question:
Should childrens TV educate or entertain?

W rite an essay of betw een 120 and 180 words in 4 Do you agree with the writer? Why? / Why not'
an appropriate style.
' - e words in red are important! Decide what Now write!
- 1 ch word in red refers to.
You are now ready to write your essay. Use

Let Me Entertain You

T'-.ev (line 2) 5 these (line 13)
your notes to help you. Use some of the
■- - line 2) 6 their (line 17)
connecting phrases. Use'it','this','them', etc
* line 3) 7 It (line 23) to connect your sentences.
tj .-m (line 9) 8 them (line 23)
Check it out!
' - e words and phrases in blue are also
- portant. Decide which words and phrases in 10 Checkyou r w ork.Tick (/ ) what you
je are u s e d ... have done.
I e ter to an example_______________
j introduce the conclusion_______________
a refer to a negative point.
__ __________ /_____________
I have used an
ntroduce the first m ain point. _
a p p ro p ria te fo rm al style.
ntroduce the next m ain p o in t..
I have e xp la in e d th e reasons
for m y o p in io n .
dy to write!
I h ave u sed so m e goo d
ad this writing task.
c o n n e c t in g p h ra s e s .

: have had a class discussion about television. I have u s e d 'it;'th is ;'th e m ', etc
\ a- your English teacher has asked you to write to co n n e c t m y se n te n ces
m essay, giving your opinions on this question: to g ether.

0 'lildren nowadays watch too much TV? I have used p arag rap hs.

-:te an essay of betw een 120 and 180 words in I have ch e ck e d m y sp ellin g
* ippropriate style. and m y gram m ar.

M y essay is b e tw e e n 120
i- 'o r e you write, com plete the essay plan.
and 180 w o rd s long.

t I'm going to include

^raph 1______________

Look Back
Can you answer these questions? If you can't
remember, look through the unit for the
^raph 3 _
1 W hat is another w ord for a great success?
2 W hich of these m odals can be used for giving
tjraph4_ advice? could should might
3 W hat do critics write?
If lots of people like you, are you popular or
5 W hat is a busker?

:omplete Writing Planner 70 on page 159.

Units 9-10
1 Choose the correct option.

1 I thought the new Ben Stiller film w as______________ ! It’s the funniest film I’ve ever seen!
A fam ous B entertaining C hilarious D am using

2 I don’t have m uch tim e t o _______________ the internet for things I’m interested in.
A ride B surf C travel D tour

3 My brother wants to be an actor. He’s been to a h u n d re d ______________ so far, but he never gets the p
A auditions B reviews C critics D rehearsals

4 My m um was in a pop group that had a ________________in the 90s and then she got m arried and
had a family.
A top B screen C hit D win

5 All the m em bers of th e ______________ were shocked when the leading actress left the show.
A script B stage C play D cast

6 T he______________ of Am erica changed the way Europeans saw the world.

A discovery B invention C theory D research

7 I’d love to see the new James Bond film. It’s had really g o o d _______________
A critics B auditions C reviews D rehearsals

8 The action scenes were quite good, but the m ain actor really couldn’t ________________ He was rubb 4
A act B play C star D appear

9 O ur teacher didn’t ______________ the joke I told so I had to explain it to her.

A find B have C take D get

10 I don’t think it’s nice to m ake fu n ________________ kids who are younger than you.
A to B of C at D with

2 Match to make com plete sentences.

i If we had m ore money, a we’ll go and get you a new computer.
2 If you open your computer, b I’d find out about com puter courses in the
3 If we’ve got enough money, local area.
4 If the shop were closed, c you w ouldn’t do any damage to it.
5 If I were you, d we can see where the hard drive is.

6 If you opened your computer, e the lights wouldn’t be on, w ould they?
f we’d be able to get a hom e cinema.

3 Write the negative form of these words using an appropriate prefix.

i com fortable 5 able
2 organised 6 approve
3 abilitv/ or 7 suitable
4 com fort 8 emploved


Revision Units 9-10

Complete the sentences using the Com plete this table.
: Direct form of the phrasal verbs in the
box. noun verb adjective adverb

-to ff * call off go off 1 X loud loudly

." i off takeo ff make off 2 decide decisive decisively

I . sed to really like Leonardo DiCaprio’s enjoyment enjoy 3 4

ms, but I ______________ him size X 5 X
I ink we’11have t o ______________ our 7 For questions 1-8, choose the option which best
h :day until the end of the summer. com pletes the passage.You will get two marks for
each answer.
V '.Vdon’t y o u ______________ that
b ' You look ridiculous.
T e thieves______________ with over BECOMING A SCIENTIST
* million.
If you're interested in becom ing a scientist, there are a
t less it stops raining, we’ll have to
few things you (1)__ ________________ do. First of all, you
_____________ the barbecue.
(2) ___________________ decide which area of science you
C n't forget t o ______________ your
nputer before you go to bed. w ant to work in. Is it biology and anim als or physics

and space that you think (3 )___________________ interest

C : tiplete the explanations using the
you most? A notherthing you (4 )____________ do is
■ : rds in the boxes.
speak to your science teacher about it. He or she will
fc -lous popular
tell you w hat your options are and (5 )___________________
f people like you, you are
have som e helpful experience.
___________ If a lot of people know
You (6 ) _______________ ____alm ost certainly need to go
.1 are, you are (2 )_______________
to university to study your chosen science. This can
be both, but it isn’t always true!
be the hardest tim e because you (7 )___________________
say » speak hear listen prove that you understand many different areas.

ive some inform ation or an After your degree, you need to specialise in an area

n, you can ( 3 ) ______________ that really interests you. It can be a long, hard road,
e about it. To do that, you but at the end of it, you just ( 8 ) ___________________ make
____________ to them . They
a discovery that changes the world.
___________ to w hat you
___________ and talk to you, unless 1 A should B shall C will D would
j :sy that they can’t
2 A can B may C have to D shall
_________ you!
3 A m ight B m ust C can D has to
4 A shall B will C ought to D w ould
5 A has to B may C m u st D can
vou (8 )______________ som ething 6 A can B may C m ight D will
a 'itten, you look at it to understand 7 A m ay B m ight C shall D have to
i -ays. W hen you (9 )______________ 8 A will B should C m ight D can
ng, you try hard to understand it
, irn it, often because your teacher
you to.
Score /60

jams noX a jy yeqM 0Z~0 R 00! -raipoire jo j auip s^i aqXej/V Of~lZ
jdn ji dasjf jjrajS s juqx 0£~I^ iBnJs jtjjBM no^ jauop ipM 09-IS

The Learning Curve
Q Start thinking! Reading
W hat do you th ink makes a good school? l 2 .0 7 Quickly read the new spaper article.
How w ould you improve your school? Ignore the gaps for now. How has Abbot Hill
School changed since Elaine Atkins became
W ould you like to be a head teacher?
head teacher?

TOP O ne of the first things Elain e did w a s call a

meeting of all the students, staff and parents.

‘Not all of them cam e, of course, but it w as
actually very well attended. Th at’s w hen I
realised I had a chance. Th ey hadn’t given up
com pletely.’ S h e told them som e of the things
which sh e wanted to change and put som e key
Elaine Atkins, head teacher of Abbot Hill issu e s to the vote. 3 ‘I said: “If I introduce
School in Manchester, has turned one of the a school uniform, will you support m e ? ” Th e vas
worst schools in the country into one of the majority said they would.’
best. Ollie Dawson finds out how she did it. Elain e believes in things like school uniforms.
Th ree y ea rs ago, Abbot Hill School had a dreadful ‘It’s all about creating an environment where
reputation. T e a ch e rs didn’t want to work there. there’s discipline and a s e n s e of pride. W hen
P arents didn’t want to send their children there. took over, Abbot Hill w a s out of control. Childre
Th e pupils - a s se en by the number of children w ere being bullied, and no-one stopped the
who regularly played truant from school - clearly bullies. 4
didn’t want to go there. It w as a failing school, A uniform is a symbol that there are limits and
and a school failing the community. Then Elaine that w e ’re all part of the sa m e community.’
Atkins w a s appointed head teacher. 1 So Elaine is convinced that discipline is central to
how has she achieved the impossible? students’ learning. ‘How can they learn anything
‘It actually w a s n ’t that difficult,’ s a y s Elain e with if there’s ch ao s in the classro o m ? 5 W e ',
her usual modesty. T h e school w a s in such a m anaged to bring that back to Abbot Hill, and it's
bad state that no-one - not the parents, not clearly working. Students are now leaving the
the students, not the teach ers - valued school with the qualifications they need. That
anything about it. That m ade it much e a sie r for never happened before. Of course, som e stude'
15 an outsider to com e in and say, “ 2 W e ’re still get in trouble. Children alw ays will. But they
going to do it differently.” And I did have a lot of know what the rules are, and they know they’ll be
help too.’ enforced. T h e re ’s much le ss bullying now.’
Some words and phrases in the text are in bold. For Read the article again. Seven sentences
each one, choose what you think it's referring to. have been removed from the article.

The Learning Curve

'h e achieved the impossible (line 9) Choose from the sentences A-H the one
a Elaine’s becom ing head teacher which fits each gap (1 -7 ).There is one extra
b Elaine’s m aking the school successful sentence which you do not need to use.

n outsider (line 15) A No, we’re not going to do it like that

a Elaine b som eone else anymore.

a chance (line 22) B The teacher has to be in control.

a the possibility o f being able to improve the school C There were actually m any occasions w hen
b the opportunity to talk to the parents, staff and pupils I thought I’d never succeed in changing the
an environm ent (line 29) school.
a :he natural world b a school D I w anted them to feel they were part of
•.r ings (line 51) w hat was going to happen.
a lessons b activities E I have a great tim e while I’m here, and
he things w hich she’d done (line 63) I know it’s teaching m e loads of things
^ the changes Elaine has m ade to the school I need.
b Elaine’s jobs before com ing to the school F They can choose from sports, aerobics,
photography, pottery, dram a, dance classes.
G Today, the m ain problem she faces is a
waiting list of parents who are desperate to
get their children into the school.
H The students thought they could get away
w ith anything.

*. s not all about punishm ent and

discipline, though. Elain e h a s also WORD BOX
Produced a large number of after-class
activities. ‘Everyo n e used to go home
ifter the last lesso n. Now, there are a
4 Use words or phrases from the whole article to
com plete the definitions. You've been given the
uge num ber of things which the students
first letter to help you.
a n cho o se from. None of them are
ompulsory, so the students don’t feel 1 If everyone at school wears a s______________
r e y ’re being forced to do them. 6 u----- -----------------, they all wear the same clothes.
• :u nam e it - w e offer it! W e also have
2 If you are b----------------------- other children often
egular school trips, which are educational
m ake fun of you or even hit you.
~d a lot of fun. S o m e parents com e on
"'em too, and that’s a great w ay for us People who have q_ have passed
to get to know each other better. I’ve exams and have received certificates
* .vays believed that the better you know If you are i______________ t you are
-«m eone, the e a sie r it is to work together.’ going to be punished for doing som ething wrong.
I .vondered what the students thought of
If som ething is c______________ _ you have to do it.
~eir head teacher and the things which
she’d done. Sharon Tucker, 16, who I met 6 O n s_ , you go with
jtsid e the school gates, sum m ed up the your classmates to visit places like parks and
-o o d of all the students: ‘I used to hate m useum s.
:oming to this school. I dreaded it every
s ngle morning. Now, I look forward to
loming. 7 Mrs Atkins has changed
our lives. W e owe her a lot.’ ^ Have your say!
D o you think schools should offer after-
class activities?
Discuss some of the advantages and
The Learning Curve Grammar clinic
Relative clauses
<$> Look at Gram m ar database pages 189-190 before you do the exercises.

Read the sentences from the article on pages 96 and 97. Decide if statem ents a and b are
true (T) or false (F).

1 I wondered w hat the students thought of their head teacher and the things
which she’d done.
a W ithout the words in italics, the sentence makes complete sense,
b We could replace which w ith that.

2 We also have regular school trips, which are educational and a lot of fun.
a W ithout the words in italics, the sentence makes complete sense,
b We could replace which with that.

Read through the article again and underline all the examples o f ‘which’ and ‘who’. Decide whether
they are like sentence 1 or sentence 2 above.

Decide whether the words in bold are defining (D) or non-defining (N) relative clauses.
1 My dad, who went to the same school as me, rem em bers all the teachers. D /N
2 My favourite subj ect, which we have twice a week, is chem istry D /N
3 We had a lesson last week that we all found interesting. D /N
4 M rs Edwards, who teaches us German, is very strict. D /N
5 The only teacher that I don’t like is M r Leech. D /N
6 The room where we have science lessons is on the fifth floor. D /N

Choose the correct option in each sentence.

1 The stu d en ts. ________had finished were allowed to leave.

a whose b who c w hom

2 O ur school, _ _______ opened in 1975, has about 2,000 pupils.

a that b which c who

I went to school in Germany, _ _I was born.

a w hen b where c which

4 The school. ______ my parents went to has been knocked down.

a whose b that c w hom

5 My favourite teacher is M rs W oods,. . husband is also a teacher.

a whose b that c which

6 Any stu d e n t. _______ in the school play should contact M r Butler.

a which b whose c who’s

Education Phrasal verbs with over
Match the words and phrases in the box with the Phrasal verbs with over often have m eanings
correct definitions. connected to m ovement or control. Choose
the correct option.
jspend play truant lesson breakup
efect • term expel subject 1 A car alm o st__________________ our cat just
outside our house. Luckily, she was OK.
a ran over b got over c took over
_____________ a period of tim e (often 45
minutes) w hen students learn in a classroom 2 O u r teacher was very ill, but she finally
______________ it and came back to school.
______________miss school w ithout perm ission
a took over b got over c looked over
r w ithout a good reason
3 W hy don’t y o u _______________ to our house
______________ a period of tim e (often 3 m onths)
for dinner tomorrow?
hen a school is open
a bring over b look over c come over
______________start a school holiday, such as the 4 M rs Riley had to leave the classroom so she
hristmas holiday
asked another teacher t o ______________ .
_____________ tell a student they can’t come to a go over b look over c take over
jhool for a short tim e because they did som ething
5 If y o u ______________ the page, you’ll see the
______________ som ething you study at school, a tu rn over b pass over c put over
• .ich as m aths, French, etc
______________a student who is given extra Magic metaphors
. sponsibility for m aking sure other students obey When we talk about the mind, we som etim es
le rules think of it as a container, like a box. Com plete
______________ tell a student they can’t come to the sentences with the phrases from the box.
•-hool ever again because they did som ething
inyou rm ind at the back of my mind
filled with an open mind out of my mind

Complete the sentences using the correct form of

•ne words from the box in exercise 1. 1 W hat picture do you hav e______________ if I
Nick is having problem s in history so he’s having say ‘sum m er holiday’?
extra_______________ 2 I’ve been studying really hard and I feel like my

My cousin was caught______________ and got m ind i s ______________ facts and figures.
to a lot of trouble. 3 I heard a song on the radio this m orning and I
le y usually choose older students to be can’t get i t _______________
4 W hen you m eet people from other countries,

Ve have exams at the end of every______________ it’s im portant to k e e p _______________

id at the end of the year. 5 I like our history teacher, but I’ve got a feeling

!v brother w as______________ for two days for that she doesn’t really like me.
ghting in the playground.
hey ______________ a student last week for
ealing from other students’ bags.
I can’t wait until w e _______________ next week for
le sum m er holidays!
s difficult to choose a favourite______________ ,
at I quite like com puter science.
*fj) Listening
You are going to listen to five people talking about a school. Before you listen, talk about what the
people might mention.
The head teacher: exam results? achievements? The caretaker: cleaning? damage?
A pupil: lessons?favourite teachers? A parent: exam results? f/iez'r child?
A teacher: students? lessons?

2 .0 8 Listen to five people talking about a school. For questions 1-5 , choose from the list (A-F)
w hat each person says about the school. Use the letters only once.There is one extra letter which you
do not need to use.
A This school doesn’t have such good sports teams. Speaker 1:.
B Someone is planning to leave the school. Speaker 2:.
C Pupils don’t have to do too m uch w ork at hom e. Speaker 3:.
D This school doesn’t cover m odern subjects much. Speaker 4:.
E People contact m e when they have a problem. Speaker 5:.
F This school is better than a lot of others.

SB Soundbite stress (1) Speaking

$ 2 .0 9 Read the phrases below and decide
Com plete the phrases using the words in the b o i
w hich words you think are stressed the most.
Underline them . Listen and check. out 5 second least of
As far as I’m c o n c ern e d ,...
X is not
In my o p in io n ,... hom e
Y b e c au se ...
If you ask m e ,... education
is a great The m ost useful
To my m in d ,...
From my point of view ,...
b e c a u se ...
After X, Y is the
Z is probably the
b e c au se ...

Work in pairs. Use the phrases from exercise 1 to help you make suggestions

Discuss how popular these after-class activities w ould be at your school.

Decide which one you would recom m end to your teacher.

a dram a group

a school website an arts and crafts group

a debating group
<S> Look at Speaking database - Comparing and
Giving/Asking for opinion on page 165.
Use of English
Relative pronouns and prepositions
«> Look at Gram m ar database page 190 before you do the exercises.
1 Match to make com plete sentences.
They had corporal punishm ent at the school which my m um and dad went,
. The day which my dad left school was the school Sports Day.
1 Yesterday, I saw the old head teacher of the school where my parents went to.
• O ur school is throw ing a big party, to which all parents are invited to.
The day w hen m y dad m et my m um all parents are invited,
■ Every year, we have a school play, which on was his 16th birthday.

Word patterns
2 Com plete these phrases with the correct preposition.

1 fo n d ___________ 3 aw are___________ 5 refe r__________ 7 interested.

- k e e n ___________ 4 concentrate___________ 6 com plain

I For questions 1-10,

read the text below and decide w hich answer (A, B, Cor D) best fits each gap.
There is an exam ple at the beginning (0).

.Vhat would you do if your teacher said you could either stay to have your (0). lesson .oryou could go
nome? Well, just imagine a school where attendance wasn't (1)_______________ .at all! In Suffolk, in the United
Kingdom, that school (2)___________________Summerhill School was founded in 1921 by a man called A.S. Neill.
Neill was (3)__________________of the kinds of problems many children have at school and he believed that the
only solution was to give (4)_____________
_____________complete freedom.
Children at Summerhill are under no (5)_________________at all to attend lessons. Most of them do,
5)___________________Often, they come from schools at (7)____________________they were unhappy and
8)__________________ to do any work at all. After a while, though, they settle down and usually decide that
attending lessons is more interesting.

'h e other unusual thing about Summerhill is the weekly meeting. All teachers and students decide the school
rules democratically, with one (9)__________________ each. If a student wants to (10)__________________ about a
teacher or a teacher wants to tell everyone about a student's bad behaviour, they can do so in the meeting.
Life at Summerhill is full of all kinds of challenges, but most of the people there
agree that it's a very special place.

A subject B w ork C lesson D tim etable

A necessary B com pulsory C needed D forced
_ A is B runs C exists D opens
A interested B concentrated C expert D aware
A them B these C those D their
A stress B rules C pressure D control
A although B however C y et D despite
A that B there C where D which
■ A refuse B object C deny D oppose
A choice B vote C count D decision
A refer B m ention C discuss D com plain

What do you think of Summ erhill School? Would you like to go to a school like that?

y Writing
The Learning Curve

An informal letter/email
<S> Look at Writing database - informal letters/emails on page 154 before you do the exercises.

Read this writing task. Why should your letter be informal?

Your pen friend is doing a class project on the

educational system in different countries. She has
Anyway, apart from that I wanted to ask you fo r a
asked you for some information about your country.
Read this extract from your pen friend's letter and use favour. Vie re doing a project at school on education
the notes you have made to write your letter. in different countrie-s. Is there any chance you coulc
give me some information about your country? You
W rite a lette r of between 120 and 150 words. know, what Kind o f schools you have, when you take
You m ust use gram m atically correct sentences exams, that sort o f thing.
with accurate spelling and punctuation in a
style appropriate for the situation. Do not write Thanks.
any addresses.
6f0t to go (yes, more homework.1).
nur&e-q, primary, secondary - mention ages
tafce- warns in school e-ve-q 'j&ar Andrea
tafce important w-ams at 1$ for university

Tick ( / ) the correct statem ents about the writing task in exercise 1.

1 You don’t need to write in paragraphs. 6 C orrect spelling is im portant.

2 You can use contractions such as don’t. 7 You should include all the
inform ation given.
3 You can use chat phrases such as lol.
8 C orrect punctuation is im portant.
4 You don’t need to w rite in sentences.
5 You should write addresses at the top.
J )e a r Andrea^

"Thanks -fo r y o u r f e t t e r ! 'SJolo c o a s y o u r y>aj-ty~

Working model Y o u a s /(e d a A o u t t h e eduC.ajtionaJ S ySte/yj h e r e .
Read the answer to the writing task written by iO e //) o S t y>eoy>/e g o t o n U r S e r y S C -h o o / A et
a French student. t t o o a n d S i .V y e a r S o / d . X /<) e n t u jh e n X uJOS
■ four a n d X /o V ed i t ! "Then^ -fro/yi Scy oncoat-dS)
4 Decide if the statem ents are true (T) or false (F). e d u c a t i o n iS C o /^ y u /S o r y a n d everyone, 'jo r -5 t o
/?r-i/*?ary s c h o o l . ’T h e s c h o o / s a te u s u a J / y ffu it c
1 The w riter has included all the inform ation
S/*iaJ/ and y o u S ta y t h e r e u n t i l y o u r e Iq .
he had to.
2 He has used an inform al tone. □ FT-o/*i II to I*J) <'< g o t o S e c o n d a r y S C -h o o /. A t
u je s>7oVe t o a n o t h e r SC h o o f — a ^ 't hl(e S e n io r

3 He didn’t need to use paragraphs in an

inform al letter.
□ h ig h in Asyierida. sta y th e r e ti//
e i t h e r g e t a j o ^ o r g o t o u n /V e rS 't y .
is and t h e n

4 He asks his friend about a piece of

news to begin.
□ l*Je taj(e ei<a/>is a t S d h o o / e v e ry y e a r , A u t t h e
r e a j/y im p o r t a n t o n e s do/yje a t th e. a ge o f i§ . Yo
h a /e t o g e t g o o d g r a d e s t o g e t in t o U n iv ersity .

X has/e t o g o Shoyy>ing to ith ' yty w u/yi n o c o .

X h o p e t h a t to a S u s e - f u / ! I*!)rite S o o n !

B e S t lO 'S h eS ,
P an/
dy to write! Now write!
Complete the passage using the words and You are now ready to write your letter to your
rh ra se sin th e b o x . pen friend. Use informal language. Include all
the information you have to. Write between
econdary sixth form • senior high primary
120 and 150 words.
lementary • junior high nursery

Check it out!
ucation systems in Britain and
C h eckyour work. T ic k (/ ) what you
have done.
in and Am erica have different education
. ms. In both countries, m ost children go to
__________ school (or kindergarten) between
ges of three and five. Then, in Britain, they start
_____________ school, where they stay until they
I have sta rte d and fin ish ed
1. This is followed by (3 )_____________ school
th e letter in th e co rre ct w ay.
age 16. If they stay at school, they go into the
__________ until they are 18. Sometimes, this I have used info rm al lang u ag e.
:is going to a special college. I have told m y pen frien d a b o u t the
:nerica, children go to (5 )__ . school e d u ca tio n al system in m y co un try.
tive to 11. Then, they go to m iddle school
called (6 )_____________ school) until age 14.
15-18, A m erican children attend high school
I h ave in clu d e d all th e info rm atio n
I nad to. □
I have used p arag rap hs.
etimes called (7 )_____________ school).
I have ch e ck e d m y sp ellin g ,
ou are going to answer the writing task in g ra m m a r and p u n ctu a tio n .
exercise I.Y o u are going to write about your
country. Make a plan of your answer. M y letter is b e tw e e n 120 and
150 w o rd s long. I— j
iow are you going to start your letter?
A'hat news are you going to ask your pen friend
bout first?
'■'hat are you going to tell her about nursery
A'hat are you going to tell her about prim ary
Look Back
\'hat are you going to tell her about secondary
■chools? Can you answer these questions? If you can't
• hat are you going to say about exams? remember, look through the unit for the answers.
iow do you w ant to close your letter? 1 W hat do the children at Abbot Hill School wear
iow are you going to write your nam e at the end? now?
2 W hich of these is correct?
complete Writing Planner 77 on page 160.
school journey school trip school excursion
3 W hen a relative clause just gives us extra
inform ation, do we use com m as or not?
4 W hat do you not do if you ‘play tru an t’?
5 W hat is unusual about Sum m erhill School in
the UK?
Fighting Fit
Q Start thinking! Reading
How im portant is keeping fit? 1 2.10 Read this information about a local
W hat do people do to keep fit? fitness centre. How popular are places like this
your country?
W hat do you personally do to keep fit?

Your Chance to Make W dves!

Th e W aves Fitn ess C e n tre is n o w op en for b u sin ess! It's th e b ig g e st and b est fitn e ss ce n tre in th e local
area, and it's g ot lots to offer th e w h o le co m m u n ity. W h e th e r yo u w a n t to g et in sh ap e or you're ju st
loo king to h ave fu n , w e've g o t e ve ry th in g you need at W aves! A nd m a n y o f our a ctiv itie s are availabl-
to n o n -m e m b ers fo r a sm all fee!

Waves Pool
Our pool is much more than just a place to swim. It's big enough to keep the whole
family entertained! Our wave machine, our water slide and our Ducklings area for
pre-school children mean that there's something for everyone. And because swimrr
is low impact and easy on your body, it's a great form of exercise for the over-60s and
people with disabilities. It's never too late to start! We offer Water Walking sessions fr
10-llam on weekdays for those who are not used to exercise - walking against the
water really helps to build those muscles! - and Power Pool sessions at the weekend
from 9-1 Oam for those with more experience. Please note that the Waves Pool has a
strict admissions policy and children under eight must be accompanied by an adult
unless they are able to pass a short swimming test (call for details).

Waves Gym
Come and work out in style at the Waves Gym. It's such a cool gym that you'll want
to come every day! And with opening hours from 7am-7pm you can! Simply sign up
wait a day for your gym membership to be approved, and then away you go! We offe-
everything from body building to simply getting fit, with an Active Start programme <
complete beginners (please book a place in advance) and a personal trainer for those
of you who really want to achieve their goals. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings,
you can join one of our aerobics classes, a great way to meet people and get fit, while
every Friday at 12 there's a chance to join our Expert Group, for those who really w ant;
challenge. Please note that no children under 12 are allowed in the gym.

Dance classes
Dance classes are such a great way to exercise that you won't want to stop! We have a
full schedule of classes, from modern dance (Mon-Fri, 2-3pm) to traditional ballroom
dancing (Weds-Sat, 1-2pm). Whether you want to improve your social life or your
appearance, dance is a motivating way to a new you, and it's not just for the young an :
healthy. Our Senior Dance on Tuesday evenings is great for those over 55. It's so easy 1
anyone can do it! For those who are more adventurous, we also run high-energy Wor
Dance classes with fast music from around the world to keep you on your toes. Please
note that all dance classes need to be booked in advance and charge an individual
course fee. Children under 12 are welcome at all our sessions except World Dance.
2 Look through the information again 3 Read the information again. For questions 1-6 , choose
to find the answ ers to these questions. from the activities (A -E).The activities may be chosen

Fighting Fit
Don't read the passage in detail. more than once.
Vhen can you do ballroom dancing? W h ich activity/activities w ould you recom m end for
someone who:

'■hen can you do W ater Walking? wants to take part in a com petition? 1 ____
doesn’t w ant to spend more
•Vhen can you play squash? than their m em bership fee? 2 ____ 3 _____ 4 ____
wants to m eet new people? 5 _____ 6 ____
4 W hen can you learn about Pilates? wants a healthier body and a healthier mind? 7 ____
wants to take part in an activity immediately? 8 ____
'.Vhen does the Expert G roup meet? is 10 and wants to do an activity
w ithout an adult? 9 _____ 10____

4 Use words or phrases from the article to
com plete the sentences. You've been given
the first letter to help you.
1 I really w ant to get i____________
s—---------------- >so I’ve started going to a
gym twice a week.
2 You have to be very careful w hen you
Sports w-------------------o------------------- because it’s
er it's indoor tennis, badminton or squash, you can have easy to injure yourself.
: dy workout on the court. Racket sport sessions are 3 M any famous people have their own
■e during the centre's opening hours (7am-7pm, seven personal t-------------------who advises them
■eek) and are included in the membership fee (extra on their fitness.
for equipment hire). Racket sports are so popular that
4 My m um ’s started going to a____________
jrts are often fully booked. Please make sure that you
Durts at least one day in advance, or two days in the case c-------------------to get fit and she likes
members. For those of you who are competitive, we run
m eeting all the other wom en there.
Contests in all racket sports, which are free to members - 5 I’m not used to a lot of exercise, so my
• at Reception for an entry form and details of charges for m_ . start to h urt when I play too
embers. Children under 12 must be accompanied at all m uch sport.
n the courts.
If you do b__
you have to w ork very hard to get ready for
shows and com petitions.
5 is a system of exercise that is designed to improve your
: and mental health. It is popular around the world, and
ieased to be able to offer five sessions a week with a
tonal instructor. Choose any two weeknights to suit you
Tie along to the session from 6 till 7pm. You'll strengthen
•ntral muscles and also train your mind to concentrate, ^ Have your say!
II help at work or in your studies. Our introductory
which everyone who is interested must attend before • Do young people you know get enough
a class, is on the first Saturday of each month and it exercise?
p you decide if Pilates is for you. Just bring along some • W hat could we do to encourage them to
table clothes and a desire to learn! Please note that exercise more?
sessions are adults-only and are not included in the
rship fee.

nher information on any of our activities, contact

Grammar clinic
Fighting Fit

Result clauses: so , such, too, enough

<3> Look at Grammar database pages 191-192 before you do the exercises.

Read the extracts from the article on pages 104 and 105 and decide if the statem ents are
true (T) or false (F).

Racket sports are so popular that the courts 1 So can be followed by an adjective
and a that clause.
are often fully booked.
It’s big enough to keep the whole family 2 Enough is followed by an adjective
entertained! or adverb.
Dance classes are such a great way to 3 Such is used in exactly the same way as so.
exercise that you won’t w ant to stop!
4 Too is followed by an adjective or
It’s never too late to start! an adverb.

Com plete each sentence with a word from the box. You will use som e words more than once.

so * such too enough

1 I’m . . unfit that I have to join a gym. 4 It’s. . late to go to the gym today.
2 I m ight be fit_______ .to run a m arathon soon! 5 Are you old. ________ to join the dance
3 The gym w a s_______ _a success that they’ve classes?
opened another one. 6 The gym is _ ______ expensive I can’t affc

Com plete each sentence so that it means the sam e as the first sentence. Use the words given without
changing them . Use no more than five words.

1 Fried food is very unhealthy, which m eans it can lead to a heart attack, so
Fried fo o d ___________________________________it can lead to a heart attack.
2 Some people take so m any pills that it m ust be bad for them ,
Some people ta k e ___________________________________that it m ust be bad for them .
3 My grandm a is too ill to leave the house, enough
My g ran d m a ____________________________ . to leave the house.
5 Lots of people don’t do enough exercise, so
T here_______________________________ . people who don’t do enough exercise.
6 I’m so clumsy that I couldn’t be a surgeon, too
I’m ___________________________________ a surgeon.

4 Complete the sentences to make statements about yourself. Use your imagination if you like!
1 I’m s o . . that _
eg I ’m so f it that I can run a marathon in three hours!
2 I’m such a(n )____________ th a t__________________
eg I ’m such a lazy person that I never tidy my room!
3 I’m n o t____________ enough t o ________________
eg I ’m not old enough to drive a car.
4 I’m to o ____________ t o _______________________
eg I ’m too short to be a basketball player.
Q Vocabulary builder
Medicine and health
. Match the words in the box with the correct definitions.

prescription diagnosis allergy cure symptom surgery GP injection

. a sign such as spots or a cough that shows you are ill

. a general practitioner, a kind of general doctor you see when you think you are ill
. a doctor’s office
. a piece of paper a doctor gives you which you take to a chem ist to get the
right m edicine
. a doctor’s opinion of w hat is w rong w ith you
. a rem edy or treatm ent
. the action of putting m edicine into your body using a syringe
. a medical condition where your body reacts badly to some things you eat,
breathe, etc

Collocations: make/do
- Com plete the p hrases using either make or do.

_an appointm ent _your hom ew ork

_a com plaint _the bed
_some exercise . friends
. the housew ork _a mistake
. a noise .sure
. up your m ind _well at som ething
.y o u r best _a decision
. a fuss . an effort
. a mess .you good
. a phone call . m oney
. the washing-up . the shopping
. a suggestion . a meal

3 Write sentences with three of the phrases from exercise 2.

In groups, com pare your sentences.

Magic metaphors
4 When w e talk abo ut problems, w e som etim es use words or p hrases that have a connection with
illness. Com plete the senten ces w ith the w ords from the box.

headache unhealthy recover get over

Samantha’s been having a few problem s at school 3 The com pany is in a (n ) ____________________
.ately, but she sh o u ld ____________________ them financial situation and it doesn’t look like things
before her exams. are going to get any better.
Frying to organise a w edding is a real 4 It took m e a long tim e t o ____________________
___________________ ! There are just so m any from failing my exams, but in the end I decided to
problems to deal with. take them again.
Ctj Listening
iGr 2.11 Listen to an interview with a woman 1 Com plete the answer with words and phrases
who is on a diet. Decide w hether each statement from the box.
istru e (T) orfalse (F).
Of course so To begin with
Judy thinks that she is too fat. ____ but • Secondly For example

Judy can eat fast food during ____ Do you think we are healthier than people
the diet. 50 years ago?
3 Judy has to th ink about different ____
types of food. Yes, we a re .. , we have a better
4 Judy gets points when she ____ diet_______ , people today eat m ore
doesn’t eat something.
fruit and vegetables.. ________ , we also
2 Listen again. For questions 1-5, choose the best eat m ore fast food, _ ________generally
answer (A, Bo r C).
our diet is better.___ ______ , doctors can
1 Judy started the diet after
cure m ore illnesses,. _________we live
A she realised she had to lose weight.
B she decided she needed m ore energy longer. Yes, we’re definitely healthier today.
C som eone at a gym recom m ended it.
2 W ith the diet, you need to
A know some facts about w hat you eat.
B understand that chips are bad for you.
C learn that ju n k food makes you fat.
3 Judy says we should eat In pairs, talk about the following questions.
A m ore fruit and vegetables. Use the phrases from exercise 1 to help you.
B all types o f food. • Do you th in k we are healthier today than peopk
C m ore fatty foods. were 50 years ago?
4 Cream is in • W hat are the m ain health problem s young
A the ‘Enjoym ent’ group. people face?
B the same group as pasta. • Do you th ink all m edical care should be free?
C the same group as eggs. • W hat is a healthy diet?
5 How m any points does Judy try to get each day?
A five

I can see that there are arguments on
B nine both sides. A s fa r as I ’m concerned, .
C te n

-------------------------------k ----------------------------------------

la:/, h'J and /u:/
Teenagers face many health
problems, including ...
2 .1 2 Look at the vowel sounds that are
underlined in the words. In each group of
four, one word has a different vowel sound.
Absolutely. Yes.
Circle the odd one out. Listen and check.
People today ...

1 car fat father can’t

2 word sword court bored From what I’ve heard, I think
3 boot look too shoot people n e e d ...

<!> Look at Speaking database - Giving/Asking
for opinion on page 165.
Use of English

Fighting Fit
Infinitives of purpose Word patterns
<S> Look at Grammar database page 192 before Com plete the sentences using the words in
you do the exercises. the box. You may need to change the form of
the words.
Rewrite the sentences using the phrase in bold.
The first one has been done as an example. object approve • prevent capable
I thought I should ask the doctor about going on congratulate • afraid • succeed * manage
a diet so I went to the surgery, in order
I went to the surgery in o rd er to asK about 1 Some people don’t . . of smoking
going on a diet. _________________________________ because it’s bad for your health.

- I had to lose some weight, so I went on a strict 2 W hen you’re seriously ill, you’re not really
diet, in order__________________________ of working.
3 If th e y _____________ to find a cure for cancer,
it’ll be a great discovery.
She doesn’t w ant to get ill, so my m um takes
vitam in tablets, in order 4 Some people believe that eating garlic can help
you from getting ill.
5 We rang my brother t o _____________ him on
Because they want to keep fit, m any people take passing his m edical degree.
up sports, so as________________________ _ 6 In order t o _____________ in becom ing a doctor,
you need to work very hard.
I want to stay healthy, so I try to eat lots of
7 If I was a doctor, I’d constantly b e _____________
fruit, in order__________________________
of catching som ething from my patients!
8 D r Frankenstein was surprised to discover that
- I didn’t w ant to catch a cold, so I wore a w arm
some p eo p le_____________ to his m edical
coat and a scarf, in order
experim ents.

. Choose three of the words and write sentences. In groups, com pare your sentences.

‘ For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). Write your answers

# ~at do you do when yo u ’re ill? You probably call your doctor, ( 0 ) ----- WHO exam in es you, m akes
agno sis and then g ives you ( 1 ) ----------------- prescription. T h e s e d a ys, more and more people
e asking th em se lve s ( 2 ) _________________this is the best w ay of dealing with illn ess. T h e y object (3)
__________ taking too m any pills and look around in ( 4 ) ------------------ to find other cu res.

3St cultures practise som e form ( 5 ) ----------------- traditional m edicine. T h is is often based
______________ plants, or other natural ingredients. T h e y are u sually prepared in som e w ay
________________ a s to m ake them more effective, for exam p le by drying them and making them

________________ a powder.
- -e C h in e se , in particular, have a large num ber of traditional m edical techniques. O ne of them
acupuncture, ( 9 ) _____________— involves sticking needles into the patient! It might sound a little
ange, but m any people have used acupuncture for everything ( 1 0 ) ----------------- giving up smoking

i dealing with pain.

: the next time yo u ’re ill, m aybe you should look for an alternative before you send for the doctor!

Fighting Fit

A report
<5> Look at Writing database - reports on page 151 before you do the exercises.

It's im portant to think about the purpose of your writing. Match the types of writing to
the purposes for writing.

1 sto ry ____ a to be offered a job or to get an interview for a job

b to exchange inform ation with som eone you don’t know well, or
2 re p o rt____
som eone in a position o f authority
3 review ____ c to interest the reader by giving your opinion about a book you’ve
4 letter of application _ read, film you’ve seen, place you’ve visited, etc
d to entertain and inform your readers by w riting on a subject that w:
5 inform al letter/em ail
interest them
6 form al letter/em ail _ e to present inform ation and recom m endations in a clear, well
7 essay____ organised and form al way
8 article ____ f to entertain your readers w ith interesting descriptions and characte
g to gossip and swap news or inform ation in a friendly, chatty way
h to present an argum ent in a clear, logical way

Read this writing task. Who is

going to read your report?

You work for a local tourist To: My manager

office and your m anager has From: Me
asked you to write a report
Subject: What you asked me to do
on health facilities in the area.
The report will be used to Introduction
produce a leaflet for tourists
A s requested, I have done some research into health facilities in r
com ing to your area.
area. There is a hospital, an eye clinic and a large number of doc*
surgeries. This is very good for such a small town.
W rite a re p o rt of between
Westford Hospital
120 and 180 words in an
appropriate style. Westford Hospital is modern, with beds for about 1,000 patients. T
deal with illnesses and accidents, although people who are se rio u
Working model ill are moved to Pentonfield, 20 miles away. Tourists are treated at
hospital for free.
Read the answer to the
Westford Eye Clinic
writing task.
Westford has very good facilities for eye problems. The eye clinic t
4 This report was written by patients from all over the world and the doctors and surgeons are .
Sharon Gilmore. Her manager highly trained. It is unlikely that tourists would need the eye clinic.
is Elizabeth Watson. Correct D octors’ surgeries
the first part of the report.
There are about 30 G P s ’ surgeries in Westford. They deal with mine
illnesses and accidents. Most of them charge for treating people wh:
not local residents.


In conclusion, it is clear that Westford has excellent medical facilities

for a small town. Tourists are welcome at the hospital and eye clinic,
although they may have to pay to see a local GP.
5 Decide if the statem ents about the report on Now write!
page 110 are true (T) or false (F).
8 You are now ready to write your report for

Fighting Fit
he language used is generally informal. your manager. Use formal language. Keep
2 r ach paragraph has its own heading. your purpose in mind.

; presents inform ation in a clear way. Check it out!

Check your work. Tick ( / ) w hat you
Ready to write! have done.

> Look at this writing task. Who is going to read

/our report?

iu work for a sports shop and the m anager is

.inking of starting a new gym. He has asked I have started the report
in the right way.
>u to write a report on gym facilities in the
i.-ea. Your m anager wants to know w hat you 1have used clear paragraphs
■ _comm end. with appropriate headings.
........ .. mi...... ... ............
I have used form al language.
Write a re p o rt of betw een 120 and 180 words in
n appropriate style. I have made appropriate
^ '.'akea plan of your answer. Use your I have described the
imagination. main activities.
• r iow are you going to start your report?
I have checked m y spelling
To:................................................................... and my grammar.
-o m :................................................................
My report is between
' ubject:............................................................. 120 and 180 words long.

• '.'hat have you done / who have you spoken to in

rder to write your report?
• '.’hat is the nam e of the first gym you are going to
••rite about?
A'hat are you going to say about it?
• '.'hat is the nam e of the second gym you are
;oing to write about?
Look Back
A'hat are you going to say about it? Can you answer these questions?
• A'hat is the name of the third gym you are going If you can't remember, look through the
• ' write about? unit for the answers.
•‘■'hat are you going to say about it? 1 W hich phrasal verb means exercise’?
• A'hat recom m endations are you going to make in 2 If som ething is ‘too big’, is that a good
vour conclusion? thing or a bad thing?
Ifew complete Writing Planner 72 on page 160. 3 W hat does a doctor give you to take to
the chemist?
4 W hich of these is wrong?
do some exercise make a mistake
do a suggestion
5 W hich preposition do we use with
Units 11-12
Jr Choose the correct option.

1 I’m going to try to g e t____________shape before the sum m er holidays.

A off B on C over D in

2 The doctor gave m e a ____________ for some m edicine for my throat.

A recipe B diagnosis C prescription D cure

3 Both my parents work i n ____________ education, teaching at a college.

A higher B greater C bigger D larger

4 M aths is definitely my least favourite_____________

A lesson B te rm C subject D tim etable

5 If you ev er____________________truant again, you’ll be in big trouble.

A are B play C do D make

6 I th ink the baby’s ill. Maybe we should call th e _____________


7 A boy in my class w as____________for three days for fighting.

A suspended B qualified C expelled D troubled

8 O ur school year is divided up into th re e _____________

A periods B stages C term s D halves

9 We’re going on a school______________to a local m useum next week.

A excursion B journey C travel D trip

10 Try not to g e t____________ trouble so m uch this te rm !

A on B in C at D out

2 Choose the correct option.

1 E verybody______________m eets John thinks he’s a really nice person.
A who B which C w hom

2 The Town H all,_____________ was built in 1875, has been dam aged in a fire.
A who B that C which

3 This is the restau ran t_______________ Peter took me on our first date.
A which B that C where

4 Everybody passed the test with top m arks,_________ _ was a little surpri'
A which B that C who

5 Stan Laurel,________________ partner was Oliver Hardy, was born in 1890.

A which B whose C whom

3 Circle make or do to com plete th e phrases.

i make/do a suggestion 6 make/do up your m ind
2 make/do the shopping 7 make/do friends
3 make/do a mess 8 make/do a com plaint
4 make/do some exercise 9 make/do you good
5 make/do a mistake 10 make/do a meal
Revision Units 11-12
4 Complete the letter using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in 5 Circle the correct preposition
the box. to go with each word.

get over • breakup takeover run over « w orkout i capable of Ion

2 com plain in/about
Dear Kelly, 3 approve to/of
4 afraid on/of
Hi! 1 haven’t heard from you for ages. How are you? I’m fine. We
5 concentrate to/on
<1) for the Easter holidays last week so I
6 aware about/of
:ecided to join a gym at last! I’m really out of shape and I wanted to
7 keen on/of
start (21 before the summer comes.
8 succeed to/in
The first day at the gym w as terrible, though! 1w as almost
9 prevent on/from
(3) by a car on my w ay there! 1 managed 10 refer in/to
to jump out of the w ay just in time but I fell and hurt my ankle. I
rouldn’t do any exercise at all! The trainer got someone else to
14 ) ______________________________ his aerobics cla ss while he examined
~iy ankle. It w asn ’t broken, and I ( 5 ) ______________________________ it in
the end, but it w as a bit frightening, I can tell you.

Now I’m off to the gym to try again. Take care and write soon.


6 Complete the sentences using the correct form 7 Circle the correct word in each sentence.
of the phrases in exercise 5. 1 I can’t wait until I’m old so/such/enough to ride a
You should put your car in the garage overnight to m otorbike.
____________________ i t _____________________ 2 My dad’s so/such/too forgetful that som etim es he
getting stolen. can’t find the car!
|Z A num ber o f custom ers_____________________ 3 There were so/such/too m any people at the party
the service to the manager. that there was now here to dance.
I With all this noise, I can’t ______________________ 4 Tommy is so/such/enough a good ru n n er that he
my homework! m ight be in the next Olympics®!

■ I rem em ber being v e ry ____________________ the 5 My grandparents have always w anted to live in
oark when I was little. Spain, but they’re so/such/too old to do it now.

- A’ho do you th in k the head teacher was

8 Com plete the definitions with one word. You
____________________ w hen she said ‘a have been given the first letter to help.
-tar student’?
1 If you have to do som ething, it is
m 3y now, m ost people m ust b e __________________ c______________________
the damage that sm oking can do.
2 A doctor’s office is called a s___________________
This mobile is _____________________ running for
3 A person who advises you about fitness is
i m onth w ithout you charging the battery!
a t ______________________
jl My grandparents don’t _____________________
4 The parts of your body that give you strength are
voung people having a tattoo.
your m______________________
9 I don’t like tom atoes m uch, but I am really
5 If you have letters such as ‘M A’ after your name,
____________________ pizza - and that has
■>matoesonit! it tells people what q_____________________
you have.
■ I’d like to be a doctor, if I _____________________
getting into university. Score 160

ia m s n o i M y 0 Z ~ 0 i5!0 0 ! - t a t f lo u B jo j a u i i j s _j i aqXi3j/>j O f '- l Z

jdn ji dsajj jjssjg sjeqx OS- iifnls Jno-' mou>[i|[E a i nq^ jauop 09“ I £

Art Attack
Start thinking! Reading
Have you ever been to an art gallery?
l $ 2 .1 3 Quickly read the short story.
W hich of these works of art do you Ignore the gaps for now.
prefer? Why? Describe briefly w hat happens.
Can you nam e any fam ous artists?
Do you like to paint or draw?

The competition
‘Sadie, you’re creative,’ said Sadie’s m um , handing I can paint.’ As Sadie finally drifted off to slee-.
her the newspaper. ‘Here’s som ething that’ll keep you w hispered the words to herself over and over
busy for five m inutes.’ ‘A portrait. I’m going to paint a p o r tr a it...’
‘W hy are you giving m e the crossword, M um ?’ said Sadie got to work. She had it all planned out. Bas.
Sadie. a photograph. Do a sketch first. A nd then when sh
‘You know I don’t like crossw ords’ happy w ith that, do the full painting. She spent
‘N ot that,’ said her m um . ‘This!’ each day up in her room . W henever her mum
her how it was going, all shed say was ‘Fine.’ W h .
Sadie’s m um pointed to a small advertisem ent on m um asked her if she needed any help, all she’d s
the same page as the crossword. Sadie read it aloud. ‘No, thanks.’ W hen, two weeks later, the p a in tir.
‘A re you an artist? Painting com petition. Free entry. finished, and Sadie’s m um said ‘Can I see it now?
O pen to all am ateur artists. The top fifty paintings
replied ‘Not now. I’ll send it off. § If I don''
received by August 15th will be displayed at an
it’s not w orth seeing, anyway.’
exhibition in an art gallery in London.’ Sadie sat there
thinking. ‘Yeah, maybe,’ she said at last, but her m ind August 15th, August 16th and August 17th can
was racing. ‘A ugust 15th,’ she thought to herself. ‘That went, and there was no news from the comp
gives me three weeks. 1 All my friends are on judges. ‘Don’t worry, love,’ said Sadie’s mum. |
holiday But what am I going to paint?’ ‘You’ll hear one way or the other in time. I’ve c
fingers crossed for you.’
Sadie was too excited to sleep that night. ‘I know I can
do a good picture if I really try,’ she thought. ‘A n art ‘Sadie!’ shouted her m um , up the stairs. ‘Thej
gallery in London! W ouldn’t that be great?’ For hours, phone call for you!’ It was Septem ber 5th, and
she ran through the options. ‘I’m not doing an abstract, had convinced herself that her painting hadn't
that’s for sure. | It’s got to be som ething with chosen. ‘W ho is it?’ she asked as she came dov •
detail. A still life picture, like a bowl of fruit? Maybe, stairs. Her m um just handed her the phone.
but it’s a bit boring. A landscape? I could do the view ‘Hello?’ said Sadie.
of the hill from my bedroom w indow No - it’s got
to be som ething that will stand out. Som ething that ‘Hello, is that Sadie Taggart?’ said the voice
expresses real em otion. Som ething that shows that other end.
Decide what each paragraph is about. 3 Read the story again. Six sentences have been
removed from the story. Choose from the
Paragraph 1 a w orking alone

Art Attack
sentences A -G the one which fits each gap (1 -6).
Paragraph 2 b reading the There is one extra sentence which you do not
advertisem ent need to use.

Paragraph 3 c being at the event A They m ight look good, but they don’t show off
your talent.
Paragraph 4 d not understanding
B It’ll take them a bit of tim e to choose the winners.
Paragraph 5 e trying to m ake C Sadie’s heart started beating faster than it had ever
Sadie feel better beaten before.
Paragraph 6 f getting good news D That’s enough tim e, and I’ve got nothing else
Paragraph 7 g having different options to do.
E I always knew you were a genius, Sadie.
F They were both nervous and needed to collect
their thoughts for a m om ent before entering.
G If I win, you can come and see it at the exhibition.

Match the words or phrases in the box with the
correct definitions.

creative • portrait • talent • art gallery

sketch work of art » genius • abstract

_ natural ability to do
som ething well

- place where paintings,

etc are displayed
- painting, etc o f high quality
idie,’ said the voice. ‘I’m calling about the 4
. painting of a real person
g com petition you entered.’ 5 5
draw som ething quickly,
udged all the paintings now and I’m very w ithout adding a lot o f detail
L: to tell you that your painting has been
(of art) showing areas o f
. I was one of the judges and, I have to tell colour instead of objects or people
. nsidering your age, I thought it was a real
:'art. Very well done! I do hope you’ll be able person w ho is naturally
it to London to the exhibition.’ extrem ely good at som ething

»eeks later, Sadie and her m um were standing -------------------------------- having new ideas and a
good im agination
pavement outside the Shoreham Gallery.
W hile they were standing there in silence,
at each other, the front door opened. A
. ^me out. ‘I recognise you,’ he said to Sadie’s
.it we’ve never m et before!’ said Sadies m um
Have your say!
-t I’ve seen you before. In Sadie’s picture. Yes, • D id you enjoy reading this story?
, a very good likeness. Very good indeed. Do • W ould you ever consider entering a com petition
n. Everyone’s talking about Sadie’s w onderful like the one Sadie entered?
Grammar clinic
The causative 3 Correct the sentences that have m istakes in
them . One sentence has no mistakes.
<I> Look at Grammar database page 193 before you
Which one?
do the exercises.
1 W hy don’t you have cut your hair before you ha1,
1 Read this sentence and choose the correct taken your photo?
2 You should get your new house designed by a
My mum’s going to have her portrait painted. professional.
1 W ho is going to paint the portrait? 3 N ot m any people their portrait have had paintec
a the speaker’s m other b an artist by a famous artist.
2 W hat is the object of the sentence? 4 My dad has had published a book about the
a my m um b her portrait history o f art.
3 W hat verb is used here to form the causative? 5 M any com panies have created for them new
___________________ + object + past participle works of art.
What other verb could be used?
4 Com plete each sentence so that it m eans the
2 Read the sentences. Choose one other sentence same as the first sentence. Use the words giver
which m eans the same. without changing them . Use no more than five
1 We are paying an artist to paint a new picture 1 They hope the Q ueen will open the
for the living room . new gallery, opened
a We are having an artist painted for the They hope t o _______________________________
living room,
by the Queen.
b We are having a new picture painted for
the living room. 2 Thieves have stolen 10 paintings from
the m useum in the last four m onths, had
2 D ad has asked som eone to do a sculpture for
our garden. The m u seu m _____________________________
a D ad is having a sculpture done for in the last four m onths.
our garden, 3 A famous graffiti artist is going to come
b D ad has done a sculpture for our garden. and paint a school wall for us. painted
3 O ur art teacher arranged for our pictures to We are going t o ____________________________
be hung in the local art gallery. by a fam ous graffiti artist.
a The local gallery got our pictures hung by
our art teacher, 4 We have asked som eone to write some
b O ur art teacher got our pictures hung in m usic especially for our wedding, written
the local gallery. We a re ___________________________________
especially for our wedding.
4 A local architect has been asked to design a
new restaurant for McBurger’s. 5 Jen got a friend to design her poster, got
a McBurger’s are having their new restaurant
Je n ________________________________ a frienc.
designed by a local architect,
6 Someone was redecorating their hall
b A local architect is having a new restaurant
when I went round, having
designed by McBurger’s.
T hey________________________________ when 2
went round.
^ Vocabulary builder 13

Art Attack
Art a n d a rtists

1 Use the words in the box to describe the pictures.

easel frame brush statue sculptor composer

2 Complete the sentences using the correct

form of the words from the box in exercise 1.
eethoven was one of the greatest
M ag ic m e ta p h o rs
___________________ who ever lived.
| bought myself a new poster yesterday and now 4 When we talk about descriptions, we
need to get a (n )___________________ for it. sometimes use words or phrases that
I Henry M oore was a fam o u s__________________ ., whose have a connection with painting and
drawing. Complete the sentences
••orks of art can be seen all over the world.
with the words from the box.
vlost towns put u p . of local people
•••ho everyone respects. image colourful outline picture

Vhen painting w ith oils, it’s very im portant that you 1 In this chapter, the writer gives a very
'em em ber to clean y o u r____________________
____________ description of his early
ve got a small w o o d e n ___________________ that I can childhood.
:ke with me w hen I w ant to do some painting outside.
2 He was th e _____________of his
grandfather at the same age.
* o rd fo rm a tio n : su ffix es
In this book, Dickens paints a detailed
Use the suffixes (endings) to create as many adjectives
____________ of the poor people of
derived from these words as you can. Write the negative
3 djectives where appropriate. Be careful with spelling.
4 I’d like t o . . for you the
: :t addition anxiety • believe • comfort create
com pany’s plans for next year.
••stfe effect end expense fame finance
■arm « help industry nerve profession reason
-ecognise success use value

ous I I -ful -less I I | ( -able -ive

•mrvous successful helpless financial desirable expensive
’*) Listening Speaking
1 2.14 You are going to listen to five conversations in Circle the correct words to complete
an art gallery. As you listen, decide what the relationships the phrases.
between the people are. spend tim e to do/doing
Conversation 1 a two friends who are at college m ake tim e to do/doing som ething
spend tim e on/at som ething
Conversation 2 b two friends who live together
waste tim e to do/doing som ething
Conversation 3 c an artist and the gallery owner
be short/small of free tim e
Conversation 4 d two friends who w ork together have enough tim e to do/doing
Conversation 5 e a guide and a visitor to the gallery som ething

2 You will now hear the conversations again. For questions In pairs, ask and answer the question
Try to say as much as you can. Use the
1-5 , choose the best answer (A, B or C).
phrases from exercise 1 to help you.
1 W hat does the w om an say about Picasso?
A He was im portant in the developm ent of art. Do you have any hobbies?
B He used light colours in all his paintings. How m uch tim e do you spend on them
C He started painting around 1905. each week?
Do you feel you have enough free time*
2 W hat does the m an say about their manager?
Why? / W hy not?
A He doesn’t understand m odern art.
B He doesn’t like works of art in the office. W hat else do you do in your free tin.;
C He has traditional tastes in art. W hat kind of m usic do you like?
Do you play any musical instrum ent -
3 W hat do the wom en have different opinions about?
A w hat to get for the living room W ould you like to?
B the artist’s other paintings Are there any hobbies or free time
C who the painting is by activities you’d like to take up?

4 W hy are these two m en visiting the gallery?

A to help them decide w hat furniture to get
B to look at other works of art to get ideas
C to pass some tim e before their lectures Well, I don’t really have
much free time, but
5 W hy did the owner choose this position for the artist’s when I do, I ...
A His w ork is sim ilar to another artist’s. Yes, I have a fe\'
B It was one of the artist’s demands. hobbies. I like
C She wanted two different works next to each other.

Actually, I think I have

quite a lot of free time.
Soundbite silent letters (2) I enjoy ...

Sr 2.15 Circle the words w here you th in k th e 'h 'issile n t.

Listen and check.
"N T
<3> Look at Speaking database - Giving
1 h our 4 heir 7 heel
personal information and Expressing
2 hello 5 handkerchief 8 hum our preferences on page 165.
3 him self 6 honour
U Use of English
Gradable and ungradable adjectives and adverbs
<I> Look at Grammar database page 193 before you do the exercises.

1 Circle the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

1 My m um loves absolutely/really expensive m odern works of art. ’,,,..
2 I find it completely/a little difficult to get the colours right.
3 I think Roy Lichtenstein’s art is absolutely/fairly brilliant.
4 I’ve m ade a few mistakes because I drew it totally/a bit quickly
5 Trying to paint like van Gogh is totally/very impossible.
6 It’s completely/quite hard to produce som ething that other people like.

Match the words and expressions which mean the same.
demolish a think som eone is som eone else
2 take a look at b tu rn d o w n
3 take som eone for som eone else c examine
4 not accept ^ work for
5 succeed in doing e Pu^ down
6 be employed by f tolerate
put up with § m anage to do

Rewrite the words in bold using phrases from exercise 2.

The old gallery’s going to be demolished tomorrow.
2 An expert examined the painting.
3 Sorry! I thought you were a fam ous painter!
4 They didn’t accept my offer so I didn’t buy the sculpture.
5 You’ve managed to create a real w ork of art!
6 How long were you employed by that interior designer?
I don’t know how you tolerate all that criticism!

4 For questions 1-6, com plete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words, including the word given. Write the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

1 I have a cousin who works for a local record com pany by

I have a cousin w h o ____________________ a local record company.
2 Walking round m useum s all day was extremely tiring, exhausted
W e____________________ after walking round m useum s all day.
3 U2 were offered a fee to perform a concert and they refused to accept it. down
U 2 ____________________ they were offered to perform a concert.
4 I’m hoping that I can afford to pay a professional artist to paint m y portrait, painted
I’m hoping that I can afford____________________ by a professional artist.
5 The school has said it will tolerate graffiti art on certain walls, put
The school has decid ed ____________________ graffiti art on certain walls.
6 W hy don’t you pay a professional decorator to decorate your living room? decorated
I suggest______________ by a professional decorator.
A re v ie w Working model
<S> Look at Writing database - reviews on page 152 3 Read the answer to the writing task.
before you do the exercises.

1 Read this writing task. What different kinds of

books would be suitable to write about? What
could you say about them ? Use the words in the
box to help you.

autobiography • biography • dictionary

encyclopaedia • fiction • full-colour photographs
handbook • history • non-fiction

You recently saw this notice in an English-

language m agazine called Art World.

Reviews needed!
Have you read a book about art or A r t f o r T £ e i/u * 0 e rs
artists recently? If so, could you write
us a review of the book? Include 'Art for Teenagers', w ritten by .Sharon
information on w hat kind of book it is,
BollliA-ger and pu.bti.shed by Teenlearn'&ooks
w hat it's about, and say w hether you
would recom m end the book to other is a wonderful handbook, with over two
hundred different activities for teenagers
The best reviews will be published interested in art. From, doing a sim ple sketcr
next month. to m a k in g a m a sk out o f i/vewspapev; A
‘ rt for
Teenagers’ shows you. how to do it.

W rite a review o f betw een 120 and 180 words in The boote Is divided into four sections:
an appropriate style. 'Drawing things', "Painting thli/vgs',
'M aking th in gs' and 'Know Ljour m aterials’
2 Circle the correct word to com plete these This fin a l section shows th in g s lltee the
phrases we can use to make recom m endations.
difference between ollpaliA,ts and water-base.^
1 I’d strongly/greatly recom m end reading/seeing/ “paints, and the different teliA-ds of ■pencils
e t c ...
2 I w ould advice/advise anyone who likes ... to
re a d /see /etc ... For each a c tiv ity , S h aron B ollin ger takes
3 Don’t lose/miss the chance/opportunity to read/ us step-by-step the process. "There are
se e /e tc ... full-colour-photos of actual teenagers doing
4 If you get the chance to read/see/etc . . . , the activities, and the results are ImpressIve.
do/make it! I've already tried several of them , and they're
5 This would create/make the perfect present for as easy to do as she sa y s. ! can 't w ait to do
anyone w ho lik e s ... more of them!

I'd stron gly recommend this book to a n y

teen-ager who Is creative and lllees -painting,
draw ing or mateliA-g th in gs. It would m ake
the perfect Christmas or birthday present toe
4 Decide if the statem ents are true (T) o rfalse (F). Now write!
The writer has given the review a title. You are now ready to write your review.
. The w riter has given each paragraph a heading. Use your plan from exercise 6 to help
you. Write betw een 120 and 180 words.
The review contains the m ost im portant facts
about the book. Check it out!
The writer only expresses their opinion 8 Check your work. Tick (/ ) what you
in the final paragraph. have done.
The writer has used a very form al style and
hasn’t used any contractions (it’s, etc).

Ready to write!
5 You are going to write a review in answer to the I have given my review a title.
same writing task. Use your im agination to complete
the chart. I have said w ho the book was
written and published by.
Title of book
I have written four main paragraphs.

J have said w hether I recom m end

Type of book
this book or not.

My review is friendly and

Written by
interesting rather than formal.

I have checked my spelling

Published by and my grammar.

My review is betw een 120

and 180 words long.
6 Make a plan of your answer. Use your im agination.

• W hat’s the title o f your review?

Paragraph 1: W hat key inform ation about Look Back

the book will you include here?
Can you answ er these questions? If you
can't remember, look through the unit
for the answers.
Paragraphs 2 and 3: You’ll go into detail here
about two m ain aspects of the book. W hat 1 W hat do we call a painting of a real
points will you make in each paragraph? person?
2 W hich verbs do we use to form the
Paragraph 4: Are you going to recom m end 3 W hat adjectives come from the word
the book? If so, who to? If not, why not? ‘reason?
4 W hich of these is incorrect? an honour
an handkerchief an hour
5 W hy is ‘very perfect’ not right?
■to* complete Writing Planner 73 on page 161.
Game, Set and Match
Decide in which paragraph the writer does these things.
Start thinking! a introduces the idea of athletes
com peting in m any events Paragraph
How m any Olympic® sports events can
you name? Quickly m ake a list. b presents one athletes reasons
for doing the decathlon Paragraph
c tells the reader where to find
Reading further inform ation Paragraph
d raises the question of why athletes
1 2.16 Read the m agazine article. choose the decathlon Paragraph
Which of the sports m entioned do you e presents useful advice for
prefer watching? young athletes Paragraph

Ten Events, One Champion:

Fay W ebster takes a look at the world of Hellenic world. The pentathlon w as an importa''
athletics and finds out what it takes to be a part of the Olympics® until Emperor Theodosius
true champion. Rome banned the G am es in 393 AD.
3 The Stockholm Olympics® of 1912 brought
1 The Olympic Gam es™ have changed a lot since back this tradition of the search for all-round
their origins in Ancient G reece. Today, athletes greatness. The modern pentathlon w as include:
from countries all over the world take part and the (shooting, swimming, fencing, riding and runn ir;
Olympics® are big business, watched by millions on and so w as the modern decathlon (ten events
television. Som e things, though, have stayed the with the heptathlon (seven events) for women
sam e. The athletes then could make a lot of being introduced later. So what drives someone t
money from winning, just like today’s competitors. take on this running, throwing, jumping challen:-
In the ancient G am es, a great champion might and push their body to its limits? I met Am erica'
have received as much as a ye a r’s pay for winning decathlete Bruce Thorpe in New York and told - -
a race. he must have been crazy to take up the decatf :
2 Another thing that hasn't changed is the search He laughed.
for an all-round champion, somebody who can 4 ‘Yes, I think I probably w as. I could have dou­
defeat their opponents at a number of different b ts of different sports, but I chose the decathlc'
sporting events. In the ancient Olympics®, athletes It’s very tough and it demands a lot of different
competed in the pentathlon. This consisted of the skills. You have to train just as hard as other
long jump, the discus, the javelin, a running race athletes, only you have to do it in ten different
and wrestling. The first winner, in 708 B C , w as events! I think w e’re probably all a little crazy, fc_
Lam pis of Sparta, who must have been a great it’s very satisfying in the end,’ he said. I asked h r
athlete to beat so many others from all over the to explain what happens in the decathlon.

According to the passage, the heptathlon for wom en
3 Read the article again. For questions 1 -6 ,
A is m uch easier than the decathlon.
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think
B is sim ilar to the ancient pentathlon.

Game, Set and Match

fits best according to the text.
C tests the ability to ride a horse.
The w riter says that athletes today D becam e an Olympic® event after 1912.
A are m ore popular than in ancient times.
W hat do you have to do to win a gold m edal in the
B are m uch better than in ancient times.
C treat the Olympics® like a business.
A Score m ore points than all the other competitors.
D can becom e wealthy through sport.
B Beat the other com petitors in at least three events.
The ancient pentathlon didn’t test athletes’ C Finish each event in the top three.
abilities to D Com plete the events in the right order.
A throw things.
W hat does Bruce say about the events?
B jum p high.
A The 1500 m etres should be on the first day.
C run fast.
B The first day is tougher than the second.
D jum p far.
C The 1500 m etres is different from the other events.
D It looks easier than it actually is.
W hat is Bruce’s advice for people thinking of
becom ing decathletes?
A Get a trainer to guide you.
B Get up early to start training.
C Take up the heptathlon instead.
D Try to get a good tim e in all the events.

Use words from the article to com plete the
definitions. You've been given the first letter
to help you.
1 The sport involving different events like
ru nning around a track, throw ing or jum ping
i is know n as a______
5 The way it works is you complete each event 2 Som eone taking p art in a sports com petition
j you get points, depending on how well you do is called a c . ______________
■:nat event. At the end of two days, the person with
3 The people you are com peting against are
r e most points is the champion and takes the gold
your o_________________
-dal, the second person gets the silver and the
- 'd the bronze medal. We start with the 100 metres, 4 S----------------------------- is the ability to keep
r e long jump, the shot put, the high jump and the going for a long time.
• j metres. The second day, it’s the 110-metre
•. 'dies, the discus, the javelin, the pole vault and 5 A c-------------------- --------- is m ade up o f a
■- one that we all dread, the 1500 m etres.’ I asked group of people who are all interested in a
i what made the 1500 metres such a struggle. ‘All sport or hobby.
r*e other events demand speed or strength. With the
e r g race, it’s stamina. Really, decathletes aren’t built
• ' that event.’
Si So what tips does Bruce have for those of you
■<ing of taking up the decathlon? ‘Start as early
you can and join a good club,’ he said. ‘It takes a
time to master ten different events, or seven for
^ Have your say!
heptathlon, and you need expert help. And don’t
ct to have much free time!’ • Do you th in k you’ll follow the decathlon during
the next Olympics®?
Ten events, one champion. Think you might be the
;? If you’re interested in finding out more about the • W ould you ever consider taking p art in a
athlon, contact your local athletics club. decathlon? Why? / W hy not?

Modals (2): modal perfect Correct the sentences that have mistakes in
them . One sentence has no mistakes.
<3> Look at Grammar database page 194 before you
Which one?
do the exercises.
1 Britney m ight has heard about the com petition
Read this sentence and circle the correct word. from Sarah last week.
‘You m ust have been very pleased to win the 2 Look out! You should have killed som eone
decathlon.’ playing like that!
1 This refers to the past/present. 3 Oh, he’s missed! He really m ust have scored fron
2 This sentence expresses certainty/possibility. that position!
Find other examples of the modal perfect in the 4 Thinking about it now, we should play better in
article. Answer the questions above for each last week’s match.
example you find. 5 But Lauren is hopeless! She can’t have beaten
Oscar at tennis!
What do the sentences express? Choose the
correct option.
1 You should have asked Tim what tim e the race
starts w hen he called.
a I th ink you probably did this,
b You didn’t do this and I think that was wrong.
2 Look at W endy’s face! They m ust have lost
the match.
a I am (almost) certain this happened,
b This didn’t happen, but it was a possibility.
3 Be careful! You could have hit me with that
a I am (almost) certain you hit m e w ith the
b You didn’t hit m e with the javelin, but it was
a possibility.
4 Patrick m ight have forgotten about our 4 What would you say in these situations?
arrangem ent to play basketball. Com plete the sentences using a modal perfect
a I am (almost) certain he has forgotten about it. and the verbs in brackets.
b It is possible that he has forgotten about it.
1 Will has left his football behind. The only
5 You ought to have let your dad win w hen you were explanation is that he forgot it. (forget)
playing tennis.
‘W ill____________________ his football.’
a I am (almost) certain you did this,
b You didn’t do this and I th ink that was wrong. 2 George is very bad at football. You don’t
6 They should have shown the m atch in the believe he scored a goal, (score)
evening, not the morning!
‘G eorge____________________ a goal!’
a It is possible that they did this,
b They didn’t do this and I th in k that was wrong. 3 Your m um says she tried to call your sister an
h our ago. You are alm ost certain that your sister
was playing volleyball then, (play)
‘S he____________________w hen you called.’

4 Your friend com plains to the referee during a

match. Afterwards, you tell her/him that you
thought her/his behaviour was wrong,
‘You____________________ during the match.’

1. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

jm pire spectator * trainers defeat individual

trainer referee team medal victory

T he___________________ blew his whistle and the footballers started the game.

I Simpson’s __________________ m eans that he is now the European heavyweight boxing champion.

Ihe ball went into the crowd and a (n ) __________________ was injured.

• The volleyball team I belong to has got a new fitness___________________

5 The w inner felt very proud w hen th e __________________ was placed around her neck.

I My m um has prom ised to get me a brand new pair of A dibok___________________!

You learn to work w ith others by taking p art i n ___________________ sports, such as football and basketball.
i T he__________________________ shouted. ‘Play!’ and the tennis m atch started.
I I prefer__________________ sports, such as running, w here you don’t have to rely on other people.
1 Porttown City will find it difficult to recover from th e ir __________________ on Saturday.

Match each of the sports to the

correct picture.

basketball cricket volleyball

rugby tennis » football * squash
hockey badminton

Decide whether the sports in exercise 2 are
played on a court or on a pitch.

Phrasal verbs with other particles

Match the phrasal verbs in the sentences with the
correct definitions.
I Could you please put me through to the m anager of the club?
U nited’s dream turned into a nightm are w hen they lost 8-0.
} M ark takes after his father. They’re both m ad about running.
The m atch is going to be brought forward to this Saturday.
The thieves m anaged to get away with a lot of expensive sports equipm ent.
The police are looking into the crowd violence at the m atch last Friday.
These trainers were really expensive so my m um said I have to look after them .

to escape ________ to keep in good condition

to becom e ________ to m ove to an earlier date or time

to investigate ________ to be like an older relative

to connect som ebody on the phone

Game, Set and Match

2 .1 7 Listen to a short extract from I 2 .1 8 Listen to the interview. For questions 1-7,
an interview with a snooker player. com plete the sentences.
Write a num ber or short phrase to
answer each question. Angela's father was both excited and Q
1 W hat is the program m e called? when she won.
2 How old is Angela Oliver? A snooker game requires a table, a snooker cue, a white
3 How old was Angela when she started ball, six coloured balls and @
playing snooker? You get five points if you successfully pot the
W hen did Angela win the Lancashire § ball.
A m ateur Snooker Cham pionship?

Once the red balls have been potted, the aim is to pot the
W hat does she want to be when she’s remaining balls 2
older? If a player accidently pots the black, @
are given to the opponent.
A'snooker'is when you are unable to
§ the ball you want to hit next,
because of an obstruction.
The side of the table you can hit a ball against is called

I Soundbite stress (2)

Speaking 2 .1 9 Underline the syllable you think is stressed

most in the words in each set. Listen and check.
Write down three things that football The first word is an example.
and the high jum p have in common.
1 photograph photographer photographic
They are both sports.
2 athlete athletic
3 victory victorious
4 famous infam ous
5 science scientific
Write down three differences between
6 concentrate concentration
football and the high jum p.
Football is a team sport while/whereas
the high ju m p is an individual sport.

Answer the questions.

W hich sport do you prefer to watch,
football or the high jump? Why?

Work in pairs. One of you should read

the instructions and the other should
ta lk fo ro n e m inute.Then swap.
W hich sport do you prefer to watch?
I’d like you to com pare and contrast the
two photos and say which sport you <S> Look at Speaking database - Comparing and Expressing
prefer to watch. preferences on page 165.
Use of English
The unreal past Use the notes to make com plete sentences.

<2> Look at Grammar database page 194 1 I wish 1/am better/football.

before you do the exercises. 2 Laurence w ould rather you/not com e/watch him play
this weekend.
Circle the correct form in each 3 It is about tim e we/get ready/the match.
4 Joanne/w ish/she/not have to play handball this weekend.
It’s about tim e the team starts/started
5 Instead of a theatre, I’d rather the tow n/spend the
working better together.
m oney/a new stadium.
2 I would rather watch/watched water
polo than volleyball.
Common mistakes
Iwish I have/had enough m oney to
go and see my team play tonight. Circle the correct word in each sentence.
Iw ould rather you play/played for 1 I’m really looking forw ard at/to/for the com petition.
our side than for theirs. 2 You need both/and/also strength and determ ination to
Paul thinks it’s high tim e you be a good long-distance swimmer.
take/took athletics seriously. 3 My parents would better/like/rather I didn’t talk about
I’d rather you don’t/didn’t tell football all the time!
everyone that you beat me at tennis. 4 I wish/want/hope I was as fast a ru n n er as Diane is.
5 It’s tim e he join/joins/joined our team.

For questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only one word in each gap. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). Write your answers

T i_ i c j — of — w a r*
E v e ry year, on (0) ____W & ____ last Satu rd ay of July, our
village h as its Annual Tug-of-war Day. E veryo n e ( 1 ) _____________ ;
forward to it b ecau se it’s great fun - ( 2 ) _____________ if it’s
pouring with rain!

W e ( 3 ) _____________ the whole afternoon watching and taking

(4 ) ___________ in tug-of-war com petitions. In tug-of-war, you
have two team s - usually with eight people in each team -
trying to pull a rope a cro ss a line. In our village, w e have four
categories of team s: m en’s, w o m en’s, under 16s and m ixed,
(5 ) ___________ is m en, wom en and children together.

You need both strength ( 6 ) _____________determination

to be good at tug-of-war. L a st year, our team
( 7 ) _____________second in the under 16s category. I think w e could ( 8 ) ______________won - w e w ere
strong enough - but it w a s very muddy b eca u se it had ( 9 ) _____________raining and w e all kept
falling over!

Th is year, my dad’s going to be in one of the m en’s team s ( 1 0 ) _____________the first time. I’m really
pleased, b ecau se it’s about time he ( 1 1 ) _____________up a sport. His team ’s going to practise hard
throughout the winter, so it should keep him fit! My mum s a y s sh e ( 1 2 ) _____________rather he did
something le ss physical, like fishing, b ecau se sh e d o esn ’t want him to hurt himself!

. ©
A n a rtic le 2 Decide if the statem ents are true (T) or false (F

<®> Look at Writing database - articles on page 153 1 This article should be form al because
before you do the exercises. it is going to be in a magazine.
2 This article should be form al
1 Read this writing task. Who is going to read this
because teachers m ight read it.
This article should be quite inform al
Your school magazine has asked you to write an
because students will read it.
article to encourage people to join the school
athletics club. The editor has sent you this note: 4 You should not use contractions
(it’s, don’t, etc) in this kind of article.
The school athletics club is looking for more- 5 Your m ain aim is to criticise
people to get involved. Po you think you could students for being too lazy.
write an article for the magazine? Mr P-ichards
(he's the teacher in charge) told me they meet
You can add relevant inform ation
that is not m entioned in the question.
twice a week (Monday and Thursday, 5pm-1pm)
and they do all kinds of athletics. I don't know y You should never use direct
anything about it so I thought I'd ask you. speech in an article.
Thanks. 8 You should never use exclamation
Anna. m arks (!) in an article.

W rite an a rticle of betw een 120 and 180 words

in an appropriate style.

Working model
Read the answer to the writing task.


We all kn o w th a t w e sh o u ld get m ore exercise. We all kn o w th a t sp o rt is a g reat w a y to en jo y
y o u rse lf and m eet n e w frie n d s. We all kn o w th a t w in n in g is a g reat fee lin g . So w h y aren 't w e
all in th e a th le tics clu b ?

'It's p e rfe ct for stu d en ts w h o w a n t to take up a n e w sp o rt,'sa ys Mr R ich ards, th e te a ch e r in

ch arg e, and he's right! You can do a lm o st a n y th in g at th e clu b , in clu d in g ru n n in g , th e pole
va u lt and th e ja v e lin . In fa ct, there's e ve ry th in g you n eed to b eco m e th e n e xt Olympic®
d e ca th lo n ch am p io n !

T h e m em b e rs o f th e clu b m eet e v e ry M o n d ay and T h u rsd a y e ve n in g b e tw e e n 5p m and 7p m .

I sp o ke to one o f th e m to find o u t w h a t she gets o u t o f b eing a m em b er. 'W ell, it's a lot o f fun,'
says T racy Jo n e s, w ho's b een a m e m b e r fo r tw o years. 'It can be hard w o rk , b u t yo u see yo u r
frie n d s and you keep in sh ap e. O h, and it's c o m p le te ly free!'

W hy not try it? If you're in te re sted , ask Mr R ich ard s for m ore details.

Underline w here the writer does these things Now write!
in the article on page 128.
S You are now ready to write your article for the
asks their readers a question school magazine. Use the information you have
tells their readers w hat som eone says been given. Use at least one exam ple of direct
agrees with som eone speech. Your article shouldn't be very formal.
Write betw een 120 and 180 words.
makes a suggestion
tells their readers w hat to do next
Check it out!
5 Does the model have a good title? Can you Check your work. Tick (/ ) what you
think of a better one? have done.

3eady to write!
You are going to write a sim ilar article about an
athletics club for the school m agazine. Here is
the note the editor has sent you. Who does he
suggest you could speak to? I 1have given m y a rticle an
■ a p p ro p ria te title. □ I

Mrs w e s t (she runs the club) w a^ ts 1 1have in clu d ed th e info rm atio n

to eiA,cou.rage more people tojoLn the ■ ab o u t th e club. □ I
athletics d u b . could you write an
article for us? s h e sa id you. could 1 1 h ave used fa irly info rm al lan g u ag e.
aste her about It, a n d you. m ig h t
I Edwards, a fewthlkvgs. 1 1 have used so m e d ire ct sp eech .
□ I
H-es been, a member for three years,
1 1 h ave ch e ck e d my sp ellin g
' thi-^te. -rhey meet on Tuesdays, and □ I
■ and m y gram m ar.
Fridays, fepm-gpm.
ihavORs a lot.
M y a rticle is b e tw e e n 120
Adam 1 and 180 w o rd s long.

’.lake a plan of your answer. Use your

V. :iat title are you going to give your article?
V. hy should people join the club? Think of three
V. hat did Mrs West tell you? Can you answer these questions? If you can't
V nat did James Edwards tell you? remember, look through the unit for the
V. hen does the club meet?
1 W hat do wom en do instead of the
V hat sports can you do at the club?
V nat should your readers do if they w ant more
2 W hat do you get for com ing th ird in the
b formation?
complete Writing Planner 14 on page 161. 3 In w hich event do athletes jum p as far as
they can?
4 W hat tense follows It’s about tim e ... ?
5 Does tennis have a referee or an umpire?

Units 13-14
Choose the correct option.

1 I p refer____________ art to traditional art.

A abstract B shape C sketch D gallery

2 We should get a ____________ for the painting that your Aunt Michelle bought you for
your birthday
A brush B fram e C portrait D sketch

3 T h e____________ blew his whistle, the players kicked the ball, and the Cup Final began.
A um pire B trainer C spectator D referee

4 I always look forw ard to the Olympics® because I like watching _

A tracks B clubs C athletics D trainers

5 The lo ca l____________ all cheered w hen the hom e side scored a goal.
A viewers B audience C spectators D witnesses

6 The key to w inning at tennis is to be fitter than y o u r____________ .

A um pire B opponent C com petitor D trainer

7 I was always m uch better a t ____________ sports than at team sports.

A personal B singular C individual D lonely

8 It takes a lot of skill to be a ____________ and m ake works of art out of stone.
A statue B com poser C painter D sculptor

9 If we can win this m atch against the cham pions, it w ould be a g rea t____________ •
A m edal B victory C com petitor D prize

10 Some m em bers of the crowd got onto th e _____________ at the end of the football match.
A court B surface C earth D pitch

Com plete each sentence so that it m eans the sam e as the first sentence. Use the words
given without changing them . Use no more than five words. You will get two marks for each
correct answer.
1 W ere thinking of asking a professional decorator to do our new house, having
W ere thinking o f ____________________________ by a professional decorator.
2 ‘W hy don’t you get som ebody to clean your car before you sell it?’ said Mike, cleaned
Mike suggested_________________________________________ before I sold it.
3 You can’t read that sign? You should ask the optician to test your eyes! get
You sh o u ld ___________________________ if you can’t read that sign.
4 The dentist had rem oved a tooth, which m eant M egan couldn’t speak properly, had
M egan couldn’t speak properly because s h e ___________________________ removed.
5 I am going to the hairdresser’s tom orrow m orning, so I can’t m eet you at nine, cut
I tom orrow m orning, so I can’t m eet you at nine.
6 I suggest you ask som eone to fix your bike so we can go for a ride, fixed
W hy don’t y o u _____________________________so we can go for a ride?
Revision Units 13-14
> Circle the correct word or phrase in each sentence. Com plete the sentences using very or
1 O ur teacher m ade us write/to write four tests last week! absolutely.
2 Police say the young w om an which/who disappeared has 1 I thought the concert was
been found. wonderful.
3 I hope that/so that Jack asks m e to go out with him! 2 W hen you stand next to an elephant you
4 It’s about tim e you learned/have learned to be a little realise that they a re __________________
m ore polite. huge.
5 I’ll m eet you at the pool and we’ll go 3 Theresa is a (n ) ___________________
swimming/for swimming. difficult person to get on with.
4 Lady Gaga’s latest CD is
4 Com plete the sentences using the verbs in brackets.
Is this Sally’s bag? S he___________________ (must/forget)
5 Try this soup. It’s .
it w hen she left.
I Pete’s very sensitive. You really___________________
6 It’s. . tiring
(should not/say) those things to him last night.
spending hours in the art gallery.
The evidence showed that the accused m an
7 This knife is ___________________
__________________ (could not/kill) the victim.
useless! It won’t cut anything.
I’m sorry. I think w e ___________________ (might/meet)
before. At Bill’s party?
You_______________ . (can’t/clean) your room. Just
look at it!
My dad thinks I . __(ought to/call) to
tell them I was going to be late.

Read this text. For questions 1-10, use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fills
the gap.There is an exam ple at the beginning (O).You will get two marks for each correct answer.

The key to being a (0 )____professional____artist is to understand what the PROFESSION

art world wants and then produce it. The (1 )_________________________artist SUCCESS
needs to have a (2 ) _________________________style and to make works of art RECOGNISE
that other people find (3) , It takes an artist DESIRE
(4 ) __________________
____________________practice to develop their own style, but the END
(5 ) __________________
___________________ rewards can be amazing. People don't just want FINANCE
art. They want (6 ) _________________________art because they think that the EXPENSE
more (7 )_________________________a painting is, the better it is. Often, that is VALUE
true, but sometimes bad art sells for a(n) (8 ) _________________________price. BELIEVE
Many (9 )_________________________artists made very little money from their FAME
art, but now we can see how important their ( 1 0)_________________________ CREATE
really are.

Score /60

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W hat are the m ain threats to the
environm ent today?
How can ordinary people help protect
the environm ent?
D o you do anything to protect the
environm ent?

' Reading W elcom e fe>

Quickly read the article.
Ignore the gaps for now. Why
should we care about the Amazon
A M A Z O ,
Find the words in bold in the article.
What do they refer to?
ra in fo re st!
1 It (line 13) Do you know how big the Amazon rainforest is? It's b :
2 it (line 19) It covers 5.5 million square kilometres.That's about te'
times the size of France. It's the largest tropical rainfc--
3 their (line 29)
in the world. Approximately 60% of the rainforest is in
4 m ore (line 30) Brazil, the rest being in Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Fre' :
5 That (line 31) Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela.
6 them (line 35) The Amazon rainforest is home to more than a third of a
the world's species of plants, birds and animals. Twent
Think about words like that, this per cent of all the birds in the world live in the rainfore
and these to help you with exercise 3. Scientists have discovered thousands of types of plant
and animal that can only be found there. |l The
are at least 2.5 million species of insect there. Imagine
13 what would happen if they all lost their home. It coulc
happen, could it? Unfortunately, it's happening right i
Yes, the rainforest is big. But it's getting smaller. Every i
The problem is that people are cutting down the trees
mainly to make room for cows. | This process c•
cutting down trees is called 'deforestation'.
19 The good news is that it is slowing down. In 2004, for
example, more than 27,000 square kilometres were cu:
down. That's an area bigger than Wales. In 2006, becau -
of all the campaigns to save the rainforest, it had drop:
Read the article again. Six sentences
have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A -G the
one which fits each gap (1 -6).There is
one extra sentence which you do not
need to use.
A The bad news is that it’s not enough.
B These provide m eat and make m oney
for their owners.
C This sends gases into the Earths
atm osphere, which stop some of the
Earths heat escaping.
D As we’ve seen, they have been partly
E Some of them move to other areas, but
m ost of them die.
F How m any new m edicines are actually
found in the rainforest each year?
G There are thousands - probably millions
- m ore that we haven’t discovered yet.

JSt over i 3,uuu bqudre Kiiumeueb. g ouenubtb

--edict that by 2030, the rainforest will have become
v^aller by 40%. It's possible that, by the end of the 21st WORD BOX
entury, the rainforest will have completely disappeared.
1th deforestation, thousands of the animals, birds, fish
Use words or phrases from the article
~id plants that live in the Amazon rainforest lose their
to com plete the sentences. You've
: me, their natural habitat. 4 Many species 29 been given the first letter to help you.
: . e already become extinct, and many more will if 30
: r'orestation continues. That will change the balance of 31 1 How m any s_ .o fin sect
e in the rainforest and could cause enormous problems live in the rainforest?
the region's ecosystem. I’d love to go on holiday to a
' "vere's another problem too. Trees and plants are a vital
t-------------------country to see what it’s
jrce of oxygen. If we cut them down, we lose that
like during the rainy season.
■ gen. But it's worse than just that. With deforestation,
e trees and plants are burnt. 5 That then leads 3 A tiger’s natural h _
the temperature here on the ground going jungle.
.; This increase in the world's temperature is
4 Every anim al is a v_
• ed 'global warming', and most scientists
eve it's a very serious issue. If they
part of its environm ent and
oped deforestation, it might help
its disappearance could be an
: ri/ent global warming.
environm ental disaster.
* -umber of environmental organisations
jr _ campaigning to get the deforestation is a real problem and it could lead
□ped. '$ The deforestation has to changes in the weather all over
decreased. But it's still happening. If we the world.
• n t t o save the Amazon rainforest, and all
~ creatures and plants that live in it, the
deforestation has to stop completely - now!
S: f you want to help save the largest
a nforest on Earth, do some research on the
r-ernet. Find an environmental organisation
Have your say!
■ ;-t's working to save the region, and W hat are the biggest environm ental
v what you can do to help. problem s facing your country?
W hat solutions can you suggest?
The future (2) Look at today's calendar for Jack, a student.
Write sentences using the future continuous as
<§> Look at Gram m ar database page 195 before
in the exam ple.
you do the exercises.
j all-day
Read this sentence from the article on pages 132 I 8am breakfast at Mike’s
and 133 and answer the question. j 9am meeting with Charlie
...b y the end o f the 21st century, the rainforest will have 10am

completely disappeared. 11am I attend lecture on the rainforest

12pm !
W hich of these is the correct order of events?
a now ^ the 21st century ends ^ the rainforest
| 1pm lunch with Kate
i 2pm
completely disappears
b now + the rainforest completely disappears m j 3pm write essay on the rainforest
the 21st century ends I 4Pm I
| 5pm
Find another example of will + have + past
participle in the article and underline the sentence.
. 6pm dinner with Harry
Write the events the sentence refers to in the At 8:30am, Jack will be having breakfast at Mike -
correct order.
1 At 9:30am ,________________________________
now 2 At 11:30am,.

2 Choose the event which happens first.

3 At 1:30pm ,_______________________________
4 At 3:30pm ,________________________________
i By the year 2100, we will have solved the problem
of the rainforest, 5 At 6:30pm ,________________________________
a The year 2150 comes,
b We solve the problem of the rainforest. Com plete the dialogue with the future
perfect or future continuous forms of the verb=
2 We will have lost 10% o f the rainforest by the end
in brackets.
of the decade.
a We lose 10% of the rainforest, Jack: I went to a great lecture this m orning. Did
b The decade ends. you know that by this tim e next year an are.
3 M any species of anim al will have disappeared by of rainforest the size of 30 m illion football
the tim e we wake up to this problem , fields (1 )_____________ (disappear)?
a M any species of anim al will disappear,
Kate: Really?
b We wake up to this problem .
Jack: Yes, and that’s every year! Before we know it
By eight o’clock, I’ll have finished reading the
article. we (2 )______________(lose) the rainforest
a It is eight o’clock, forever!
b I finish reading the article. Kate: Surely we (3 )_____________ (solve) the
problem before that happens.
Jack: I’m not so sure. The lecturer said that world
leaders (4 )______________(meet) next year
to discuss it, but I’m n ot hopeful.
Kate: M aybe there’s som ething we can do to help.
W hat are you doing this afternoon?
Jack: Well, 1 (5 )______________ (work) on my
essay on the rainforest after three o’clock, bu:
I (6 )________ (finish) by five. We can
m eet for a coffee.
Kate: Great. I’ll bring a few friends and we’ll
0 discuss it then.
^ Vocabulary builder
The environment
Com plete the definitions using the words in
the box.

survive • extinct • green • countryside • litter

endangered fumes • pollution • farmland

If you. , you continue to exist

in spite of difficulties.
If a species is _______ _____ , there is a
possibility that it could disappear.
T he___________________ is m ade up of the
Confusable words
natural areas outside towns and cities.
Circle the correct word in each sentence.
Cars p ro d u ce ___________________ , which are
gases that damage the environm ent. 1 You can’t wear your favourite sweater because it isn’t
If you a re ____________________ , you care about
the environm ent and try to help protect it. 2 We could see for miles because it was such a
clear/clean day.
The areas where plants are grown and animals are
3 Do you th ink you could bring/take me to the bottle
raised for food are know n a s ___________________
If an anim al becom es____________________ , it
4 Could you bring/take my books with you w hen you
disappears forever from the world. come to my house?
* Chemicals that damage the environm ent are 5 My cousin is giving/taking a biology exam this
known generally a s ____________________ afternoon.
• Rubbish that people drop in the streets is called 6 I hope I pass/take the First Certificate with a
good grade.

- Complete the phrases with a word from the box. Magic Metaphors
friendly • lover bank bin species acid When we talk about ideas, we som etim es
use words or phrases that have a
connection with plants. Com plete the
. a place to leave your bottles to be recycled:
sentences with the words from the box.
grow grow on roots • fruitful
a kind of anim al that is threatened with
extinction: endangered__________________
1 I didn t really like the idea o f recycling
not dam aging the environm ent:
plastic at first, but it’s beginning to
.m e.
4 someone who cares about the natural world:
2 The idea o f w riting protest letters had its
nature __________ _______
----------------------------- in a discussion we had
3 a kind of rain that carries harm ful chemicals: in class.
___________ rain 3 We had a v e ry ___________________
6 a small container in the street for people to discussion about the local environm ental
put rubbish in: litter__________________ problem s and we came up with a lot of ideas.
4 Lisa suggested recycling everything we
use at hom e and the idea seemed to just
from there, really!
2 .2 1 You are going to £ 2 .2 2 Listen to the speakers again, in a different order. Fo
listen to five people talking questions 1-5 , choose from the list (A-F) what each person
about different aspects of the says about the environm ent. Use the letters only once.There s
environm ent. Decide w hat each one extra letter which you do not need to use.
speaker's purpose is.
A The destruction of different habitats Speaker 1 ________
Speaker 1 is explaining/denying is increasing.
Speaker 2 wants to persuade/ B Some people’s appearance was Speaker 2 _________
entertain people. surprising.
Speaker 3 is denying/complaining C Changes in the law are to blam e for Speaker 3 ________
about something. causing the problem.
Speaker 4 is trying to persuade/
D There are things ordinary people Speaker 4 _________
entertain people.
m ight do.
Speaker 5 wants to explain/deny
something. E There are problem s we can’t see. Speaker 5 _________

F There is a lack of facilities.

* 9 Soundbite / d / a n d /su /

$ 2 .2 3 Look at the words. The vowel in Match to make ways of expressing your
each underlined syllable is pronounced /d/ opinion.
(like hot) or /au/ (like hope). Put the words into 1 I believe my o p in io n ,...
the correct boxes. Listen and check.
2 In my m in d ,...
hotel not woke forgotten
3 As far as t h a t ...
shopping lock boat wrote
4 My personal d view is t h a t ...
stop hole bom b comb
5 I tend e I’m c o n c ern e d ,..
like ‘hot’ like ‘hope’ 6 To f to think t h a t ...

Work in pairs. Use the phrases from exercise 1 to help express your opinions.

Discuss how big these environm ental problem s are in the area where you live.
Decide which one is the biggest threat to your local environm ent.

industrial pollution traffic pollution rubbish deforestation

<2> Look at Speaking database - Giving/Asking for opinion on page

P Use of English
Transferred negation Word formation
<3> Look at Grammar database page 195 before you Make people nouns derived from each of
do the exercises. the words. Be careful with your spelling.
Where there is a second gap, write
Use the notes to make com plete sentences about
another noun.
each person. There is an exam ple to help you.
direct director / direction
1 H anna (think): ‘The rainforests won’t survive
another 50 years’ inspect
Hanna doesn’t think the rainforests will survive create
another 50 years.
2 Jacob (think): ‘I’m not going to join Greenpeace.’
3 M r Hussain (believe): ‘The rainforests are not my
environm ental
4 I (imagine): ‘Environm ental problem s won’t be
solved easily.’ campaign

5 My parents (think): ‘Recycling isn’t such a good protest

idea.’ vote
6 People in the Am azon (hope): ‘The rainforest won’t visit
be completely destroyed.’
Local people (believe): ‘The council won’t solve the
litter problem.’ survive

For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of som e of the
lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0).
Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Mass Protest in City Centre

Vany (0 ) . V IS IT O R S . to the city yesterday were VISIT

>.'prised to find the roads blocked by (1 )------------------ ------- PROTEST

i'ound ten thousand people took to the streets to try to

.-•e'suade (2 ) _______________________ to take seriously recent POLITICS

•arnings from (3) ------------------------ •The protesters ENVIRONMENT

: 3im that unless something is done urgently about the

- _______________________ of our coastline, it is highly likely that PROTECT

-a n y ( 5 ) _______________________ species of bird will disappear. DANGER

Among those facing (6) ------------------------- is the rare puffin, EXTINCT

*nich has seen its numbers reduced enormously over the past
: years. Some (7) _______________________ say that unfortunately SCIENCE

t may already be too late for this bird, but immediate action
■needed to ensure the ( 8 ) ------------------------ of other rare SURVIVE

: 'ds.The (9 ) _______________________ of habitats all along our DESTROY

s- ores and the effects of (1 0)----------------------— warming GLOBE

■ ve been blamed.

T J Writing
A formal letter/email
<$> Look at Writing database - form al letters/emails on page 150 before you do the exercises.

Decide whether the points are necessary, not necessary but relevant, or irrelevant for the writing task
exercise 2.
1 M rs Collins’ party didn’t help Greenpeace w ith their advertising costs.
2 Her party has around five m illion m em bers across the country.
3 Tourists are put offby the pollution of the sea.
4 The river is no cleaner than it was two years ago.
5 Tourism has not increased due to pollution of the sea.
didn't M p OfrunpMce.
6 The local park is often full of litter. with advertising costs

2 Read this writing task. How formal should

your letter be? Why?
I then asked M rs Collins about the
environm ental problem s in her local area.
‘We have made a lot o f progress recently,’
You have read an article in your local
she replied. ‘O ur local river, for example,
new spaper in which your local MP talks about
environm ental problems. Read the extract is now m uch cleaner than it was two
from the article, on which you have m ade some years ago. We have m ade a real effort to
notes. Then write a letter to the editor of the ^support local environm ental groups, and
newspaper, using all your notes. we help them in whatever way we can.
O ur beach-cleaning scheme has also been
W rite a le tte r of betw een 120 and 150 words.
a great success, with local young people
You m ust use gram m atically correct sentences
helping to attract tourism . My party is
with accurate spelling and punctuation in a style
appropriate for the situation. Do not write any proud o f our record on these problem s in
addresses. my area.
tourism still falling - sea dirt.

Working model
Read the answer to the writing task. Put the parts in the correct order.

^ Finally, I would like to point out that the O Yours faithfully,

local council has not alw ays supported Lennon
environmental groups. When Greenpeace
requested help with advertising costs, the ^ ^ Could I suggest you interview local
request w as turned down. people to discover the truth about the
environmental problems facing our area?
Q Firstly, it is not true that the river is cleaner
than it w as two years ago. Local factories
Dear Sir/Madam,
are still polluting the river.

I am writing in response to an article in your O Secondly, the sea is also badly polluted.
newspaper on 25th February, in which my Contrary to what Mrs Collins claim s, touris"
local MP, Patricia Collins, w as interviewed. is falling because of this problem. Tourists
She made a number of statements which I and local people have also complained
would like to disagree with. about the park, which is often full of litter.
Find formal phrases in the letter on page 138 Now write!
that mean the sam e as these informal phrases.
You are now ready to write your letter to the
to reply to editor of the newspaper. Use formal language.
She said m any th in g s ... Include all the information you have to. Use the
... I th in k are wrong. model to guide you. Write between 120 and
150 words.
Disagreeing w ith w hat Mrs Collins says ...
W hy don’t you ... ? Check it out!
Lots of love,
8 Check your work. Tick (/ ) what you have done.
fteady to write!
You are going to write a similar letter. You have
seen this interview with a local businessm an in
your local paper. What information do you have
to include?

I have started and ended the

not true - still lots of litter!

M r Frank Yates, a local businessm an,

' ter in an appropriate way. □
agrees. ‘The local council have done a lot 1have used formal language.
in our area. T h ey ’ve done a very good job
I have included all the information
of cleaning up the city centre. T h ey 'v e also
done all the w ork they prom ised to do on
I nad to.
the local park, including building a new
basketball court. I ’m sure young people will
I haven't written any addresses.
r welcom e that. They have also w orked very I have used paragraphs.
closely w ith local people to plan for the
I have checked my spelling,
future- only organised grammar and punctuation.
f f ■promised a new youth one mating
My letter is between 120 and
>but didn't build it
150 words long. □
Make a plan of your answer. Use your
How are you going to start your letter?
W hen did you see the article?
W hich point are you going to talk about first? Look Back
W hat are you going to say about it?
Can you answer these questions? If you can't
Which point are you going to talk about second?
remember, look through the unit for the
AThat are you going to say about it?
Which point are you going to talk about third?
1 W hich country is m ost of the A m azon
What are you going to say about it?
rainforest in?
Are there any other relevant points to add?
2 W here do we put bottles that we w ant to
low are you going to close your letter? recycle?
What will be the final thing you write? 3 W hat does a species of anim al or plant becom e
complete Writing Planner 15 on page 162. w hen it dies out completely?
% «l
^ I I I ki f I L HUp
How m any different kinds o f crim e can you nam e? I Q *
a crime?U ° Fan^one ^ou know ever been the victim o f


Olivia Norton lives in a quiet suburb, alone
apart from her two cats. She says that what
happened that night in July has had a long-
lasting effect on her.
When a crime is committed, many people
'You can always replace the things you own,
are involved. We took one crime and spoke
and I had insurance, but it takes a long time to
to everybody it affected to see what really
feel safe in your own hom e again. If I'd known
happens when somebody breaks the law.
what w as going to happen, I'd have been mor-
THE CRIMINAL careful, but you never know, do you? The crirn-
rate around here is increasing and there just
Carl Maxwell is currently in prison, serving a
aren't enough police officers. Their failure to
six-month sentence. In July of last year, he was
prevent crime m eans that m any people are
arrested and a TV, a video recorder and a DVD
afraid to leave their own homes.'
player w ere found in his car. He adm its now
that he stole them , although at the tim e he Olivia believes that poverty can push people
claim ed that he was innocent. He says he has into crim e but that it isn't an excuse. 'My
no regrets about the burglary. parents never had much money, either. But
they worked hard and saved w hat they co u l:
'I com e from a very poor family. We never had
If I'd decided to turn to crime, I could have g :
anything. We couldn't afford much and we
lots of things for free. I didn't, though, becau
never w ent on holiday w hen I was a child. If my
believe that honesty is important.'
childhood had been different, I would have got
a proper job. But as I grew up, I realised that I
could get things easily ju st by stealing them . >THE POLICE OFFICER
Well, if people are so stupid that they leave 'It wasn't the first tim e I'd stopped Maxwell
their w indow s unlocked, it's not my fault. I've says W endy Holmes, the police officer who
never hurt anyone, so I think it's unfair that I'm m ade the arrest.'I recognised him as soon
in here. Still, I'll be out in another four months.' as I saw him and I knew he'd been in prison

2 Find the answers to the
3 Read the article again. For questions 1-9, choose from the people
questions. Do not read the (A-D).The people may be chosen more than once.
article in detail.
Which person(s) makes the following points?
How long is C arl M axwells
sentence? Putting people in prison doesn’t solve everything. 1
I W hen did the crim e take Burglars try to find houses that are unlocked. 2.
Crim inals who aren’t violent shouldn’t be in prison. 3_
How m uch of his sentence is
left? The victim s of crim e are to blam e for their situation. 4_
■ W ho does M rs N orton live Losing your things is n ot the worst effect of a crime. 5_
The police were told about the crim e by the victim. 6_
W hat m ade Officer Holmes
suspicious? People who tu rn to crim e are frequently out of work. 7_
■ How long has George It wasn’t Maxwells first crime. 8 ____ 9 _ 10_
Blackwell been a judge?
There are m ore crim es in this area than in the past. 11_

v'ore. Even if I hadn't known w ho he was, I
:u ld have searched his car b ecause he looked
4 Use words or phrases from the article to
com plete the definitions. You've been
r'y suspicious. He had a mask and a torch on the
given the first letter to help you.
eat beside him. W hen I opened the boot of the
it w as obvious that he'd been on a burglary, 1 s____________the punishm ent given to a
vh en Mrs Norton reported the crime, w e knew crim inal, usually tim e in prison
^at Maxwell w as guilty, and w e soon got a few
2 i____ ___ not having com m itted a
ngerprints from the house to prove it.'
crim e
ffice r Holm es has som e good advice for people
ho are afraid of this sort of crim e.'M ake sure you 3 b_ the crim e o f stealing
x k all your doors and w indow s at night. Most things from a house
: urglars are ju st out looking for an opportunity. 4 c_
Io n 't give it to them . If Mrs Norton had locked all . a m easure
o f how m uch crim e is com m itted
er w indows, Maxwell would have found another
"Ouse. If w e are going to lower the crim e rate in 5 g____________ having com m itted a crim e
•nis area, people have to start being more careful.'
6 £_ m arks we leave behind
when we touch som ething
7 c. _________the place w here decisions
G eorge Blackwell, QC, has seen all kinds of
crim in al pass through his court in his ten years as are m ade about who com m itted a crim e
a judge. He says that Carl Maxwell is no different
•'om hundreds of young men he sees every year.
Maxwell is quite typical. Most burglars are young
m en, often u n e m p lo ye d , w ho think that it's an
easy route to the lifestyle that other people work Have your say!
nard for. It isn't. Crim e destroys people's lives. Like
so m any others, Maxwell pleaded not guilty at • How big a problem is crim e in your local
the trial, but the police evidence was very clear. area?
It only took the ju ry a few m inutes to decide he • W hat do you th in k could be done about
was guilty, and, in my opinion, it w as clearly the the problem?
correct verdict. It wasn't his first offence, and I
sentenced him to six m onths inside. Prison isn't a
perfect solution, but at least it keeps people like
him off the streets.'
Grammar clinic
Conditionals (2): third Correct the sentences that have
m istakes in them . One sentence has
<2> Look at Grammar database page 196 before you do
no mistakes. Which one?
the exercises.
1 I would have escaped if I hadn’t h a d -
Look at this sentence from the article and decide if the faster car.
statem ents are true (T) or false (F). 2 I hadn’t been sent to prison if I had
com m itted a burglary.
If my childhood had been different, I would have got
3 He wouldn’t have becom e a thief if he
a proper job.
has had m ore m oney w hen he was a
condition result 4 Ifth ere w ould be m ore police officer'
the crim e rate w ouldn’t have been so
1 This sentence refers to the past. high.
2 The condition is impossible. 5 If I hadn’t noticed the unlocked w in c o n
3 The result actually happened. □ I would have tried to find another
Look through the article again and find other exam ples
of sentences like the one above. Underline them.
4 Decide what the people
would/wouldn't have done if
the past had been different.
Choose the sentence which expresses the sam e idea.
1 Barbara stole a diam ond ring so she v »
1 If I hadn’t been caught, I w ouldn’t have been sentenced arrested.
to prison.
a I wasn’t caught and I wasn’t sentenced to prison, 2 Joe ended up in prison because he
b I was caught and I was sentenced to prison. attacked som eone in the street.
3 The crim inal was guilty so I sentences
2 The burglar w ouldn’t have got in if I had locked the
him to six m onths in prison.
a I didn’t lock the windows and the burglar got in. 4 The evidence was very clear so the ju:
b I locked the windows and the burglar didn’t get in. took only a few m inutes to decide.
5 Your car was stolen because you didn
3 If the police hadn’t found fingerprints, they wouldn’t have
lock it.
had enough evidence.
a The police found fingerprints and they had enough 6 My father was a police officer so I
evidence. becam e one.
b The police didn’t find fingerprints and they didn’t have
enough evidence. Make true sentences about your past
In groups, com pare your sentences.
4 If I hadn’t had a m ask in the car, the police officer wouldn’t
have been suspicious.
a I had a m ask in the car and the police officer was
suspicious. If I had worfced harder I
b I didn’t have a m ask in the car and the police officer would have passed the tes4
wasn’t suspicious.
Q Vocabulary builder
Crime and punishment Word patterns
Com plete the definitions using the words in the box. 4 Com plete the word patterns with
words from the box.
shoplifting murder • assault
robbery • blackmail arson accuse charge suspect
apologise getaw ay • let off
sentence blame
1 If you kill som ebody illegally, you are guilty
o f_____________
1 . som ebody w ith a crim e
- If you deliberately start a fire, you are guilty
2 . som ebody
o f_____________
. with a w arning
If you steal items from shops, you are guilty
o f_____________ . som ebody of (doing)
som ething
If you attack som eone physically, you are guilty
o f_____________ . som ebody of (doing)
som ething
1 If you steal things, eg m oney from a bank, you
are guilty o f _____________ 5 . w ith a crim e
If you m ake som ebody give you m oney so that 6 . som ebody for a crim e
you don’t tell people their secrets, you are guilty
7 . som ebody to tim e in
o f_____________

2 Match each punishm ent to the description. . for (doing) som ething
You don’t go to prison. If, however, you com m it another
crime in the near future, you will be sent to prison. Write a word or phrase from
Z You have to pay some m oney to the court. exercise 4 in the correct form in each
gap. Add any other words you need.
You have to do som ething for your local area. The work you
are given m ight be connected to the crim e you com m itted.
It isn't easy to (1 )___________________ a crime
* You are sent to prison for a very long tim e for com m itting a
serious crime. and the police often have an idea of who
might have committed an offence. If the
a a life sentence b a fine c com m unity service
d a suspended sentence police (2 )___________________ committing a
crime, they usually question that person
•Vord formation: irregular forms and collect evidence. If it's an unimportant

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word or minor offence, the police might
in bold. (3 ) ____________________with a warning. If it's

M ost__ not a minor offence, the police might

. are eventually caught by the
police, crime (4 ) __________________with the crime and
then they are taken to court. If they are
There was an investigation into th e . . of the
police to catch the robbers, fail guilty, the judge might give them a fine or
(5 ) ____________________some time in prison.
’he wom an was able to give a very d etailed ____________
>f her attacker to the police, describe
I accept th a t___________ is connected to crime, but not
all poor people becom e crim inals, poor
The accused m an walked free from the court because there
was n o ____________ that he had com m itted
:he crime, prove
The governm ent are trying t o ____________ the age at
which young people can be sent to prison, low
1 2 .2 5 You are going to listen to a man being Look at the different ways of asking people to
interviewed about crime. Answer the questions. make som ething clear. Cross out the ones that
1 W hy has R obert W hite been invited onto are not polite.
the show?
J I ’m not sure I completely
2 W hat scheme is he on the show to talk about?

Listen to the interview again. For questions 1-6,

com plete the sentences.
Could you ask me that
Local crim e is increasing because crim e is again, please?
increasing in Q
M any young people have tim e to get involved in Could you expla ain w- I
crim e because of @

People don’t know @ Would you mind

C X m eans?

because they travel to see friends or to work. repeating the question? i

The crim e that causes m ost problem s in the feu m-e what that
area is E w,eniA,s.

Fewer cars are stolen because of im proved

Do you think you could
People should visit their @ explain that again, please?
for further inform ation about N eighbour Power.
"N T
In pairs, choose four or more of the questions t :
talk about. Use the phrases from exercise 1 to
check anything you don't understand.
Soundbite weak forms (2) Do you think prison helps to prevent crime?
W hy do people becom e criminals?
2 .2 6 Listen to how we say the underlined
W hat problem s of crim e does your local area
words in the sentences.
Do you always lock your doors and windows at
W ould you like to work as a police officer?
Why? / W hy not?
My purse has been stolen from my bag!
A part from prison, w hat other ways of dealing
I think we need some advice about crim e
w ith crim e are there?
The crim e rate has increased by m ore than 10
Yes, to a certain extent.
per cent.
However, ...
Now try saying the sentences in the same way.

c Well, around here crim e

isn't such a problem , b u t ..

No, I don't think

I'd like that at
all. I imagine ...

" x T
ikinq database
<S> Look at Speaking dc - Asking for
clarification and Giving/Asking for opinion on
page 165.
P Use of English
Wishes and regrets Write w hat the people might say in each situation.
<3>Look at Grammar database page 196 Use wish or if only.
before you do the exercises. 1 Emily wants to becom e a police officer. She isn’t tall
Correct the sentences.
‘I _________________________________ to becom e a
1 I wish m y new watch hasn’t been police officer!’
stolen from my bag yesterday
2 I stole sweets from my local shop. I regret doing it now.
2 Don’t you wish now you locked your
‘If _________________________________ sweets from
windows last night?
my local shop!’
3 I’m sure everybody wishes they can
3 The thief wasn’t careful enough and he got caught.
prevent crim e in their area.
‘If _________________________________ , I wouldn’t
4 I wish we didn’t get burgled w hen we have got caught.’
go on holiday this summer.
4 I’m taking a law exam next week. I don’t want to do it.
5 I wish I didn’t m ention the fact that
‘I _________________________________ a law exam
Kelly’s dad’s in prison w hen I saw her
next week.’
last week.
5 There’s a crim e thriller on at the cinem a but I can’t
afford to go.
‘If_________________________________ to the cinem a
to see the crim e thriller!’

Parts of speech
Com plete the phrases on the right so that they mean the sam e as the words and phrases on the left
using the verbs in the box. Use som e of the verbs more than once.

pay • make * have find

find it difficult to do ___________ difficulty in doing

2 be w orried about som ething ___________ som ething w orrying
; not regret ___________ no regrets about
• complain ___________ a com plaint about
5 visit som eone ___________ som eone a visit
- suggest ___________ a suggestion

For questions 1-5, com plete the second sentence so that it has a similar m eaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words, including the word given. Write the m issing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

T’m sorry I didn’t let the police know about it sooner,’ said Larry, w ished
L arry _________________________________ the police about it sooner.
1 My neighbours m ake so m uch noise that I com plained to the police, co m p lain t
I m y noisy neighbours to the police.
‘I regret starting the fire deliberately,’ said Alex, w ished
A lex______________________________________ arson.
Mack doesn’t regret robbing the bank, regrets
M ack_________________________________ . robbing the bank.
W hy don’t we visit your uncle in prison tom orrow ?’ said M um. paying
M um suggested____________________________in prison the following day.
f j Writing
A story
<2> Look at Writing database - stories on page 152 before you do the exercises.

Tick (/ ) the correct statem ents about writing stories.

1 Spelling and punctuation are less im portant in stories.

2 It’s best to have lots of characters in a story.

3 You should know what is going to happen before you write.

4 Stories usually have a beginning, a m iddle and an end.

5 A simple plot is better than a com plicated plot.

6 Its good to use direct speech for the things people say.

Read this writing task. What do you th in k 'an appropriate style'
would be?

A website for young people is holding a story com petition. The ^

w inning stories will be published on the website. The com petition
rules state that all stories m ust have the following title:
The M issing D iam onds!

W rite a sto ry of between 120 and 180 words in an appropriate style.

Working model

Read this entry to the com petition. Use slashes (/) to divide the story into
paragraphs. Com pare your choices with a partner and see if you agree.

The Missing Diamonds!

Ja k e Jo h n so n , the detective, w a s at a party being

given by Mrs Spender, the richest w om an in the
a re a . It w a s a gorgeous evening and the guests
w ere chatting in the garden. S u d d e n ly there w a s a
scream and Mrs S p e n d e r rushed out of the house.
‘My diam onds have been stolen!’ sh e cried. Ja k e
im m ediately took control. He ordered the g u ests not to
leave and he took Mrs Spe n d e r inside. He asked her
w hat e xactly had been stolen. ‘My diamond necklace!
sh e replied. ‘I placed it on the table while I fed the cat.
And the next time I looked, it w a s gone! Ja k e told
her to rest and then he questioned all the g u ests. It
seem ed that everyo ne had been in the garden at the
time the crim e w a s committed. Ja k e suddenly heard a
sound like g la ss. He looked up and outside the window
w a s Mrs S p e n d e r’s cat, with a diamond n ecklace
around its neck! He picked up the cat and w ent into
M rs S p e n d e r’s room. ‘I think I’ve solved the m ystery of
the m issing diam onds!’ he said , laughing.
Read the story again and find words that mean Now write!
the sam e as these words and phrases but which
are more descriptive.
6 Your are now ready to write your story.
Make sure you write in paragraphs. Use
nice ____________ good descriptive language and use direct
2 talking ______ ______ speech for the things people say. Write
betw een 120 and 180 words.
loud shout ____________
ran Check it out!
Check your work. Tick (/ ) what you
told have done.

Ready to write! I have used the title given

and I haven't changed it.
You are going to write your own story to enter
the com petition. Make a plan of your answer. I have used som e good
Use your im agination. descriptive language.

W here does your story take place? I have w ritten in paragraphs.

W ho are the m ain characters? I have used direct speech
Describe them . at least once.
W ho do the missing diam onds belong to? My story has a sim ple
W hen do they go missing? but interesting plot.
Does som eone look for them ? W here? I have checked my gram m ar
Have they been stolen? and spelling.
Does som eone find the diam onds? How? My story is betw een
Describe the plot of your story in one or two 120 and 180 words long.
Now complete Writing Planner 76 on page 162.

o Look Back
Can you answer these questions? If you
can't remember, lookthrough the unit
for the answers.

1 W hat is the opposite o f ‘innocent’?

2 W hat is the third conditional used
to talk about?
the present the past thefuture
3 W hich of these is a kind of stealing?
arson blackmail shoplifting
4 W rite a noun that comes from ‘p oor’.
5 W hat can you say if you don’t
understand som eone’s question?
Units 15-16
1 Choose the correct option.

1 M any people feel th a t___________________________ w arm ing is a maj or problem .

A global B earth C world D worldwide

2 The crim inal’s _____________ were all over the stolen money.
A fingerm arks B fingertips C fingerprints D fingernails

3 The 12 m em bers of t h e ______________ reached agreem ent after a long discussion.

A court B ju ry C judge D verdict

4 I’m a real n a tu re _____________ and I enjoy long walks in the countryside.

A carer B follower C lover D friend

5 The Prim e M inister announced new laws to deal with the rising c rim e __________
A am ount B rate C speed D total

Don’t just drop your rubbish! Put it in the litte r______________

A box B bank C tidy D bin

7 I w onder why all the din o sau rs_____________ extinct at the same time.
A did B m ade C becam e D w en t

8 The giant panda faces extinction due to the destruction of its _____________
A habitat B habit C inhabitant D habitation

9 The accused m an shouted, ‘I a m _____________ ! I didn’t do it!’

A guilty B pure C innocent D faultless

10 The w om an w as_____________ w ith m urder and placed in a police cell.

A accused B suspected C sentenced D charged

Write o n e word to answ er th e se questions.

W hat crim e have you com m itted if you ...
1 steal things from a shop? _____________ 5 attack som eone physically? ____________
2 deliberately set fire to th in g s ? _____________ 6 steal things from a house? _________________
3 kill som ebody on purpose? _____________ 7 threaten to reveal a secret unless
4 steal m oney from a bank? _____________ som eone gives you money? ----------------- --

3 C hoose th e correct option.

1 I wish I _____________ w ith you to the zoo tomorrow. 5 I wish w e _____________pizza for lunch
A came B will come C could come instead of beans - again!
2 Don’t you wish y o u _____________ Ed to your A were having B are having Chave
wedding? 6 If only I _____________ the bill, they
A invited B had invited C w ould invite w ouldn’t have cut the phone off!
3 Look w hat the dog’s done! If only I ____________ him A was paying B ean pay C hadp
outside when I went out earlier! 7 Jackie hopes that sh e _____________ to
A put B would put C h a d p ut university next year.
4 M ary told m e she wishes y o u ____________ about her A went B will go Cw asL
all the time.
A gossip B wouldn’t gossip C won’t gossip
Revision Units 15-16
4 Com plete th e p a tte rn s with th e correct prepositions.
sentence som ebody__________________ tim e in prison
2 accuse som ebody____________ com m itting a crim e
3 charge som ebody____________ a crim e
r blam e som ebody_____________som ething
T suspect som ebody________________ doing som ething
apologise_____________ som ething
get aw ay___________________ com m itting a crime

5 C om plete th e sen ten ces using th e correct form of th e w ords in brackets. You will g e t tw o m arks for each
correct answ er.
My father says that you should never tr u s t ______________ (POLITICS)
2 A p p a re n tly h ave discovered a new species of ape in Africa. (SCIENCE)

Thousands o f _____________ filled the city centre today and dem anded new
laws to control pollution. (PROTEST)
1 T h e _____________ shouted A ction!’ and the actor started running towards the
burning house. (DIRECT)
: Rescue team s searched the area of the plane crash, but there were n o ______________ (SURVIVE)
G ov ern m en t_____________ checked the factory and decided that levels of pollution
were unacceptable. (INSPECT)

6 C om plete each sen te n c e so th a t it m eans th e sam e as th e first sentence. Use th e w ords given w ithout
changing th em . Use no m ore th an five w ords. You will g e t tw o m arks for each correct answer.
I’ve got your school report here and I’m a little worried about it, George, find
I’ve got your school report here and I ____________________________, George.
2 We could go and visit H ilary this weekend, if you like, pay
We could go a n d ____________________________this weekend, if you like.
I’d like to suggest som ething, if you’d let me. m ake
I’d like t o _____________________________, if you’d let me.
- My dad gave up his career to look after us kids, but he says he doesn’t regret it at all. regrets
My dad says h e ____________________________giving up his career to look after us kids.
As I left, two hotel guests who wanted to com plain were dem anding to see the manager, m ake
As I left, two hotel guests w h o ___________________________ were dem anding to see the manager.

Match to m ake com plete sentences.

If I had know n there was a problem , a we w ould have know n it was going to rain.
2 If you had invited Neil, b we wouldn’t have started eating potatoes.
3 If we’d seen the weather forecast, c I would have given you some.
If the weather had been bad, d the concert in the park would have been cancelled.
5 If we hadn’t discovered America, e you w ould have been annoyed w ith her to o !
6 If you had told me you needed money, f I would have done som ething about it.
If Lisa had said that to you, g he would have really enjoyed the party.

Score /60

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jd n ji j } B 3 J § s ) E i j x O S - I t t}Jn l s J n o ^ m o i d [ A\\eaj n o ^ i3 n o p jj3 ^ 0 9 ~ lS ( ||)
Writing database

Each piece of writing you do is different, Secondly, you have to know w hy you are
but there are a few general pieces of advice writing. Your purpose affects w hat you write.
you should rem em ber every tim e you write Read the question carefully and make sure you
som ething. understand w hy you are writing.
First of all, you have to know who your Thirdly, you have to know w hat type of
reader is.This tells you how formal your text you are writing. Look at the following
writing should be. In general, use formal descriptions of each text type. Follow this
language with strangers and people w ho are guide w hen you write. Your writing should
in authority (m anagers, teachers, etc). Use look like the exam ples here. An article should
informal language with people you know look like an article, a letter should look like a
personally (family m em bers, friends, pen letter, etc. Make sure you have everything in
friends, etc). the right place.

formal letters/emails
near m s Lawson,
Form al letters/em ails are letters/em ails y.
m write to som eone you do not know well. Y .
Thank yo u for agreeing to be interview ed . Ia
w ritin g to give you. further in form ation an d to m ight write one to make a complaint, m ak.
arrange the tim e an d date o f the interview. arrangem ents, give or request information
etc. W hen you are asked to write one,
F irstly, I would like to su g g e st we hold the you will be given a situation and some
interview a t -five o'clock, on either the ±±th or inform ation which you have to include. Yo«
12th. s in c e you. are s ta y in g at the H-otel tzsk, it should use form al language and start and
end the letter/em ail in an appropriate wav
m ig h t be best i f we m et there.
Key things to rem em ber:
The interview should la st h a lf a n hour, an d I am.
• m ake sure you understand the situatk i
■planning to ash yo u for a description o f yo u r
t our. o u r readers w ill also be interested in w h y • m ake sure you understand who you art
y o u came on the t our an d whether yo u have m et w riting to
a n y in terestin g people or other travellers. • decide w hether your letter should be
form al or inform al
I wonder i f yo u could brin g a n y photos yo u have • start and end your letter/em ail in an
o f places yo u have visited, we would also like to appropriate way
ta k e photographs d u rin g the interview, so ( hope
• use paragraphs to separate key points
yo u do n ot m in d i f I arrange that.
• include all the inform ation you are gi\ e
I look forward to hearing from yo u soon. • use indirect questions
•< This is w hat a form al letter/em ail shou.
Yours sincerely, look like.

j a n Merton
reports <u

A report is a way of giving inform ation to £X

'om ebody clearly. They are usually form al and *ro->
To: Thomas Bdwards -O
consist of separate paragraphs. It is a good idea
From: Claire Bilot CTI
:o give your paragraphs headings to m ake your C
subject: c a m p in g in this, area v»
aform ation clear. You are given a situation and
-sked to write a report for your employer, your <:
nanager, etc. You are often asked to give your
A s requested, I have researched cam ping facilities
pinion/suggestions/recom m endations.
in the local area to help the group of stu d en ts who
Key thing s to rem em ber: in ten d to visit. The results are presented below,
togetherwlth m y recom m endations.
make sure you understand the situation
make sure you know who you are writing cam psites
the report for There are two m a in campsites locally, c a m p in g
start your report with W orld and S u n sh in e Campsite. While Cam ping
To: (the nam e of the person the report is for) W orld is cheaper, the facilities are also more
From: (your name) basic. S u n sh in e C am ping is s lig h tly more
Subject: (what your report is about) expensive, bu.t It does have excellent shower and
use separate paragraphs for each m ain point cooking facilities.
use clear headings for your paragraphs
Time of year
use reported speech for things people said
T=>oth cam psites are open alt year round. Prices
use form al language are lower d u rin g the winter, bu± the weather
his is what a report should look like. >- in this part of the world can get very cold. The
campsites can be very du rin g J u l y and
A u g i/tst.

C-loth l^vg
"This depends oiA-the tim e of year. H-owever, even in
su m m er the even ings a iA -d e ig h ts can be e^ulte
cold, so warm clothliA^j is needed, particularly
when cam ping.

izecom m endations
I would recommend stayliA-g at S u n sh in e
cam psite o f the excellent facilities.
In m y opinion, the best tim e to v isit would be
September, whe^v the weather is still good, but the
campsites are i^ot as as they are earlier in
the summer.
Writing database stories
The M essage
Stories are m eant to be entertaining
and you need to use good descriptive ■Suddenly, a m.essage appeared on the computer screen, i had
language. A simple plot with few been su rfin g the internet and was su.rprc.sed to be interrupted.
characters is usually better than a I looked around the room, but everybody was working.
complicated plot w ith lots of characters. ‘Hello. H-ow are you, c^egV w ho could it be? i started typ in g .
You are often given a sentence that you Hello, w ho are you?' i waited for the answer, which appeared a
should start or end your story with. few seconds later.

Key thing s to rem em ber:

A friend. ~s>e careful, you are in great danger.’ i felt cold, i
asked the m ysterious s tr a in e r what k in d o f danger I was in.
• give your story a title
Som ebody is p la n n in g som ething.' Nervously, i tried to
• if you are given a sentence, use it in
remember i f I had upset anyone recently. A s I s a t there,
the right place w ithout changing it
wondering what to do next, another message appeared.
• have a clear beginning, m iddle and
'U>ok outl b eh in d you!' I turned, m y heart beati^ug c\uickly.
end to your story
s ta n d in g there was a ghost! ijum ped up, closed m y eyes and
• keep your plot simple
• don’t have too m any characters
Then, i heard Laughter, i opened m y eyes and s ta n d in g in
• use good adjectives and adverbs
fro n t of me was m y friend, Michael, with a white sheet, o n
use direct speech for what your the other side of the room another friend, s im o n , was ty p in g
characters say
and laughing. i looked at the computer screen and another
This is what a story should look like. >• message appeared.
April Fool! Ha, ha!'

In a review, you give your opinion of 'The Perfect Crime' by A liso n c^reene
som ething you have seen (a play, a TV
program m e, etc) or read (a book, 'The Perfect Crime' Is A liso n c^reene's second novel.
a story, etc) or a place you have visited in it, she describes what happens when a worte of art
(a restaurant, a hotel, etc).You should Is stolen from, a m useum . The police have no lucte,
describe the m ost im portant features, fin d in g the crim inal u n til detective P aul M illig an
explaining why you th in k they are positive solves the crime.
or negative things. A review often ends Although detective M illigan is a strong character,
w ith a suggestion or recom m endation. The m a n y of the others are very sim ila r to each other.
form ality depends on who your readers c,yeene is a good descriptive writer, but the
are, but usually you should use a neutral dialogues between her characters seem, u n n a tu ra l
style (neither too form al nor too informal). and old-fashioned. It's not alw ays easy to rem,em.ber
who is speaking and I often had to go bacte a few
Key thing s to rem em ber: pages to checte.
• give your review a title The plot's quite complicated, which is not surprising
• explain w hat you are reviewing for such a long thriller, w h e n detective M illig an
• decide w hat key features your readers fin a lly solves the crime, it's a complete surprise to
are interested in learn th a t the th ief was the m u seu m director. H-owever,
• describe the key features in separate he seems to solve it by lucte instead of steill, which
spoils the ending of the boote.
• give your opinions and the reasons for
I would recommend th is boole for fa n s of crime
fiction, who will fin d th a t there's lots o f action to teeep
• m ake relevant suggestions/
them, interested. H-owever, m a n y people will fund the
recom m endations
boote too long and d ifficu lt to follow.
This is w hat a review should look like. >-

A Magical World
You are often asked to write articles for
H-ave you ever watched a pve> an d thought it was magazines. Make sure you know who you
disappointing? S o ^ e fllm .sju st d o n 't seem. to worte are w riting for because that tells you how
on the sm.all screen, do they? For today's action form al your article should be. An article for
fllm.s, there's only one way to see them.: In a modern other students should be lively, interesting
clnem.a. and not too formal. You can use questions
everything about m.ost fllm.s, from- the picture to the to interest your readers.
soui^d, Is designed for the big screein. special effects
th a t loote ordinary on a t v screen su d d en ly com.e to Key thing s to rem em ber:
life In the clnem-a. There's nothing lltee the exci.tem.ent • give your article a title
of w atching a scene, hearing the sound all around • m ake sure you know who your
you an d really feeling lltee you're there, In the readers are
m iddle of the action. • use questions to interest your readers
A part from, that, going to the clnem.a Is a special
• use the right level of form ality
occasion. The sm ell of the popcorn, the feel of the
• use exclamation marks to give a
seats an d the excltem-ent In the voices of the audience
lively feel
all m.atee a visit to the clnem.a feel lltee entering a
m.aglcal world. • use direct speech for things
people said
A c>vt> Is som ething you watch to pass the tlm.e. A
film, at the clnem.a Is a n escape Into a dream., so , for •< This is w hat an article should look like.
I'w.g, It's the cAsV^tv^R evcy'ij t ivuci

it has often been suggested th a t only someone who Essays are form al and usually w ritten
m.atees m.usic can enjoy otherpeople's m usic. w hile for your teacher. You usually have to
all of us can enjoy m usic In our own way, It Is true explain w hether you agree or disagree
th a t p lay in g a m.uslcal lnstru.rn.ent helps yo u to with a statem ent, w hat the advantages
u n d erstan d a piece of music. and disadvantages of som ething are, etc.
To begin with, It tatees long hours, of practice to You should use a new paragraph for each
become a m usician. if yo u play a n Instrum ent, m ain point and use good connectors to
you understated how m.uch hard worte It has tateen link your sentences together.
for the m u sicia n to become so good, you enjoy the
Key things to rem em ber:
m.uslc more because you tenow how d ifficu lt It Is to
• use form al language
produce, you also recognise the ability of a talented
m usician. • use good connecting words and
sec o n d ly , expresses emotions. if you have • present your argum ent clearly
tried to express yourself through m,uslc, you have a • use a new paragraph for each m ain
better Idea of what a m .uslclan Is try in g to do. you point
u n d erstan d the m eaning of the m.uslc an d th a t • only m ake points that are relevant to
increases y o u r ei/yoyment.
the question
To sum. up, i would argue th a t the ability to play a n • m ake sure you do w hat the question
In stru m en t helps you to appreciate m usic In m,any asks you to do
ways. U nd erstanding the effort an d the em.otlon -< This is w hat an essay should look like.
behind the m u sic m akes liste n in g to It more
v>ear s a n ja y ,
informal letters/emails Ht! How are you.? I hope everything is. oteny. How were y o u r
Inform al letters/em ails are w ritten to a exams'! i bet you passed them all!
friend or to a m em ber of your fam ily Thanks for yo u r Letter. I can’t believe you've been offered
You should use inform al language and be two su m m er jobs at the sam e tim e! you said th a t one o f
friendly. Even though the them was in a restaurant and the other in a m u seu m , if i
letter/em ail is informal, you still need were you, i would d efin itely take the one in the restaurant.
to use paragraphs and include whatever
The fir s t th in g is that you'll be there in the summer.
inform ation the questions ask you to.
The last t h in g yo u w ant to do is spend the su m m e r in
Key thin gs to remember: a m useum l im agine how boring th a t would be! In a
• use inform al language restaurant, y o u 'll meet people, it m ig h t be hard work, but
• start and end your letter/em ail in an it 11 be worth it. I've got a cousin who wortes in a restaurant
appropriate way and he s a y s it's c^uite tirin g , b u t he really enjoys It.
• ask about a piece of news in the first The second th in g is th a t y o u can probably eat at the
paragraph restaurant, you sa id the pay w as the same, b u t you m ig h t
• use exclamation m arks to give a save kw-oney by e a tin g there, so y o u 'll be better off!
friendly feel cjood lu c k with It, a n d I hope you m ake the rig h t dec-lslon.
• use separate paragraphs for each W rite soon!
m ain point Love,
• use direct questions Blaine
This is w hat an inform al letter/em ail
should look like. >•

Formal and informal language • We use form al connecting words and phrases
Moreover, it is clearfro m statistics that more
Once you have decided how form al your writing
people are getting divorced than ever before.
should be, you need to decide what language
you can use. Here are a few things you should • We don’t use exclamation m arks in formal
rem em ber about form al and inform al language. writing.

formal language informal language

• We don’t use contractions (I ’ve, it’s, etc) in • We use contractions (I’ve, it’s, etc) in informal
form al writing. writing.
M ost people do not agree with this position. I ’ve ju st seen the film you mentioned. I t’s great:
• We start and end letters in a form al way • We start and end letters in an inform al way.
Dear Sir, Dear + first nam e
Dear M adam, Lots o f love,
Dear Sir/Madam, Take care,
Dear M r Smith, (+ your first name)
Dear Mrs Jones, • We don’t always write in complete sentences.
Yours sincerely, (after Dear + surnam e) Sorry to hear about your dog.
Yours faithfully, (after Dear Sir, etc) • We use inform al vocabulary.
(+ your full nam e) cool instead of impressive
• We always write in complete sentences. • We use direct questions.
I hope that you will be able to come to speak to D id you pass your Spanish exam?
the students on the 14th December. • We use the active voice more.
• We use form al vocabulary. They’re pulling down the old theatre across the
accommodation instead of a place to stay road.
• We use indirect questions. • We use inform al connecting words and phra *.
I would be grateful if you could provide further Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about was th
information about the salary. party last night.
• We use exclamation marks.
• We use the passive voice more.
I can’t wait to see you!
A new law has been introduced to reduce crime.
Laser writing Planner i Informal letter/email
Complete the chart. Be careful! Do NO T write your letter until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first line greeting Dear , or
Hi !

first say hello and ask about your How are you? / 1 hope you’re
parag rap h brother’s news well. / Did you ... ? / What
happened a b o u t... ? / 1 hope
you ...

second tell your brother in general So, here I am in ... / The family
p arag rap h about where you are and I’m staying with are really
whether you’re having a good nice/friendly/etc

th ird describe the member of the Dan’s dad is a doctor and ... / His
p arag rap h family sister Elaine is two years older
than him ...

fou rth say what you’ve done so far Last weekend we went to ... / 1
p arag rap h and what you’re going to do haven’t ... yet / Tomorrow, I think
during the rest of your visit we’re going to ...

ending the end the letter in an That’s all for now! / Have to
letter informal way go! / Write soon! / Love, / Lots of

final line give your first name

Laser Writing Planner 2 ESS3y

Complete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your essay until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first introduce the subject It is clear th a t ... 1 Some people claim
p arag rap h th a t ... H would like to argue th a t...

second present your first main points Firstly, ... 1 The evidence shows
p a ra g ra p h agreeing or disagreeing with th a t... / In addition,... / As a
the statement result,...
th ird present further main points Another important point is
p a ra g ra p h th a t ... 1 We should also bear in
m ind th a t...
fo u rth come to a conclusion In conclusion , ... 1 My view is
p a ra g ra p h t h a t ...! Finally,...

. •
Laser Writing Planner 3 Informal letter/email
Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your email until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first line greeting Dear . nr
Hi !
first say hello and ask about your How are you? / 1 hope you’re
p a ra g ra p h friend’s news well. / Did you ... ? / What
happened a b o u t... ? / 1 hope
you ...
second check when he is leaving I know you’re arriving on ... bir
p a ra g ra p h I just wanted to check somethir
W hen ... ?
th ird offer Tom choices and give So, I’ve got two choices ... 1The
p a ra g ra p h your opinion; explain why first one is ... / 1 th in k ... / If
money isn’t a problem you ask me , ... 1 Don’t worry
a b o u t... because ...
fo u rth ask him to let you know his Let me know ... because ...
p a ra g ra p h choice

en d in g the end the email in an That’s all for now! / Have to

em ail informal way go! / Write soon! / Love, / Lots <

final line give your first name

Laser Writing Planner 4 Report

Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your report until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

re p o rt say who the report is to, who it To:
h ead in g is from and what the subject is From:
first describe the background to Introduction To prepare for this report , ... / As
p a ra g ra p h the report and what you have requested , ... 1 My main sources o!
done information were ...

m id d le two present your main points The usual daily routine of a (n ) ...
o r th ree consists o f ... / A (n )... is also
p a ra g ra p h s responsible for ... / The salary is
generally ... 1 However,...
fo u rth conclude and present your Conclusion In conclusion,... / As far as I’m
p a ra g ra p h own opinion concerned , ... / I would rather ...
th a n ...
Laser Writing Planner 5 Story
Complete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your story until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions


first one say where and when the story I was watching TV, and
or two happened suddenly ... / I called my mum
p aragraphs and said ..’

m iddle say what happened after I i m m e d i a t e l y s a i d ... 1

p arag rap h seeing yourself on the news I decided to ... / 1 couldn’t
and how you felt; say what believe ... 11 fe lt...
happened after that

final say what happened in the end; Finally, ... 11 realised th a t ... 11
p arag rap h describe how you felt was relieved t h a t...

Laser Writing Planner 6 Artid6

Complete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your article until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions


first ask a question to get your Have you ever ... ? / Where I live,
paragraph readers’ attention; introduce we have / there are ... / 1 live ...
the subject
second describe the first kind of
paragraph weather and the problems it
causes In the winter, we often/sometimes
third describe the second kind of have ... and that can cause ... 1 We
also sometimes have ... / It also
paragraph weather and the problems it
causes som etim es ... 1 This can lead to ... /
People find it very difficult to ...
fourth describe the third kind of
paragraph weather and the problems it

fifth conclude your article X is a beautiful country, b u t ... 1The

paragraph summer in X is wonderful but in
the winter,you need ... 1 Come and
visit us in the ... when ...
Laser Writing Planner 7 Formal letter/email
Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your email until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first line greeting Dear

first reason for writing Thank you for agreeing to ...

p a ra g ra p h I am writing to ...

second tell him about the interview We would like the interview to
p a ra g ra p h take place ... / We would like to
interview you a b o u t...
th ird ask him to prepare recipes and I wonder if you could ... 1 I’m
p a ra g ra p h ask about photos sure our readers ... / Do you
think we could ... ?
en d in g th e end the email in a formal way I look forward to hearing from
em ail you. / Yours sincerely,

final line give your full name

Laser Writing Planner 8 R e v iG W

Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your review until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions


first describe the place in general one of the most popular ... 1 open
p a ra g ra p h all year/summer/etc / a num ber of
things/activities for ...
second say where it is, how to get a short/long walk/drive from ... /
p a ra g ra p h there, and how much the Tickets c o s t ... 1 The entrance fee
entrance fees cost i s ...
th ird describe the main facilities there’s a(n) ... 1the main attraction
p a ra g ra p h and activities is ... / most people ... 1 such as /
Another thing you can do there
i s ...
fo u rth recommendation I’d definitely recommend ... 1
p a ra g ra p h I wouldn’t recommend ... 1
X will really enjoy ...
.aser Writing Planner 9 Informal letter/email
amplete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your email until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first line greeting Dear . nr
Hi !

first say hello and ask about your How are you? / 1 hope you’re
paragraph friend’s news well. / Did you ... ? / W hat
happened a b o u t... ? / 1 hope
y o u ...
second talk about the first kind of
p arag rap h technology and say how you You asked me for/about ... / Well,
and/or your family use it I’ve got a smartphone/netbook/
etc and I use i t ... / My dad
th ird talk about the second kind of
doesn’t often ... / In the kitchen,
p aragraph technology and say how you
we’ve got ... / Another piece of
and/or your family use it
equipment I/we often use ... 1It’s
fou rth talk about the third kind of really useful for ...
parag rap h technology and say how you
and/or your family use it
ending the end the email in an That’s all for now! / Have to go! /
em ail informal way Write soon! / Take care! / Love, /
Lots of love,

final line give your first name

Laser Writing Planner 10 ESSdy

Complete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your essay until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first introduce the subject It is clear t h a t ... / Some people
p a ra g ra p h claim t h a t ... / I would like to argue
th a t...
second present your first main points Firstly, ... 1 The evidence shows
p a ra g ra p h agreeing or disagreeing with t h a t... / In addition,... / As a result,
the statement ... 1 However,...
th ird present further main points Another im portant point is
p a ra g ra p h that ... / We should also bear in
m ind th a t ... I Finally,...
fo u rth come to a conclusion To conclude,... / In conclusion , ... 1
p a ra g ra p h To sum up , ... 1My view is th a t...
Laser Writing Planner 11 Informal letter/emai
Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your letter until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first line greeting Dear

first say hello and ask about your Hi! I hope you are well. / Oh,
p a ra g ra p h friend’s news what happened with ... ? / 1 h
you managed to ...
second tell your friend about nursery Well, young children go to
p a ra g ra p h and prim ary education nursery at the age o f ... / Then i r
start prim ary school ... / Some
children m ig h t...
th ird tell your friend about Most people start secondary
p a ra g ra p h secondary school school a t ... / We are there for
years and ... / At the end, we ta • •
... exams ...
fo u rth tell your friend any other Some schools have uniforms,
p a ra g ra p h points while ... 1 We also have private
schools, b u t ...
en d in g the end the letter in an That’s all for now! / Have to
letter informal way go! / Write soon! / Love, / Lots <
final line give your first name

Laser Writing Planner 12 R e p o r t

Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do NO T write your report until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

re p o rt say who the report is to, who it To:
h ead in g is from and what the subject is From:
first describe the background to Introduction To prepare for this re p o rt,... / As
p a ra g ra p h the report and what you have requested, ... 1 My main sources c :
done information were ...
m id d le two present your main points The facilities included ...11
o r th ree about each gym in turn (name of gym) noticed that there were no ... / Tht
p a ra g ra p h s cost of membership was
quite ... 1 Generally, this gym
(name of gym) seemed to be ...

(name of gym)

final conclude and present your R ecom m endations In conclusion,... / In my opinion,

p a ra g ra p h recommendations ... 11would like to recommend
that ...11 would also suggest th a t.

Laser Writing Planner 13 Review
Complete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your review until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions


first give key information about written b y ... / published

paragraph the book b y ... / is a wonderful/lovely/
fantastic/etc handbook/guide/
e tc ...
second describe the first main aspect One great feature of the
paragraph of the book book is ... / Readers will love
... 1 This shows us how to ... /
This presents ... 1Another great
third describe the second main
feature is ... / 1 was particularly
paragraph aspect of the book
impressed b y ...
fourth recommendation Id definitely recommend ... I
paragraph I wouldn’t recommend ... / X
will really enjoy ... / It would be
perfect for ...

Laser Writing Planner 14 Article

Complete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your article until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions


first introduce the topic; give three Have you ever thought
p a ra g ra p h reasons why someone should a b o u t... ? / We all know
join the club t h a t ... 1... is a great/fantastic
way to ...
second describe the club activities and ‘...1 says Mrs West, who ... 1You
p a ra g ra p h say what Mrs West told you can do ... / There’s also ...

th ird say when the club meets The club meets ... / I spoke
p a ra g ra p h and say what James Edwards to ... / \ . says ...
told you
fo u rth conclude your article and tell Why n o t ... ? / If you’d like more
p a ra g ra p h readers how to get further information, co ntact...

Laser Writing Planner 15 Formal letter/email
Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do NO T write your letter until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

first line greeting Dear Dear Sir/Madam, / Dear Editor.

first reason for writing I am writing in response

p a ra g ra p h to ... / 1 would like to ...

second respond to the first point in First of all, M r Yates claims

p a ra g ra p h the article t h a t ... 1 However,...

th ird respond to the second point in He also states th a t ... 1This is not
p a ra g ra p h the article true, because ...

fo u rth respond to the third point in Finally, he says t h a t ... 11 would

p a ra g ra p h the article like to disagree because ...

en d in g th e end the letter in a formal way Yours faithfully,

lette r

final line give your full name

Laser Writing Planner 16 Story

Com plete the chart. Be careful! Do N O T write your story until your teacher has seen your notes here.

purpose notes useful expressions

title The Missing Diamonds!

first one say where and when the story One day last sum m er,... / It was
o r two happened early winter and I was a t ... /
p a ra g ra p h s Mr Jones, the detective, was ...

m id d le two say what happened at first and It seemed t h a t s a i d ... 1

p a ra g ra p h s how the story developed She looked pale and worried. /
I fe lt ... 1After speaking to her,
I ... / Mr Jones decided to ...

final say what happened in the end; Finally, ... 1 We realised that ... /
p a ra g ra p h describe how you felt We were all shocked and amazed.
Word pattern database
(sb = som ebody, sth = som ething)
able be able to do help help sb (to) do, help sb with sth
account take into account homework do your homework, have homework
accuse accuse sb of -ing to do
add add sth to sth insist insist on sth/-ing, insist th a t...
admit admit (to) -ing, admit th a t... in spite of in spite of sth/-ing, in spite of the fact
advise advise sb to do, advise sb on, advise (sb) th a t...
against sth interest have/take/express an interest in sth
afraid afraid of interested interested in
agree agree with sth/sb, agree on sth, agree keen keen to do, keen on -ing
to do know know about sth, know how to, be known
apologise apologise for sth as
apply apply f°r>apply in writing let let sb do sth
approve approve of listen listen to (music)
argue argue about sth, argue with sb look look after, look for, look at, look forward
ask ask sb sth, ask sb to do sth, ask sb to -ing
about sth make make sb do, make the beds/a mess/
had bad at sth, bad for sb a decision/a difference/a complaint/
a fortune/a mistake/a noise/a phone call/
Selieve believe sth/sb, believe in sth/sb (God)
a suggestion/friends/make fun of
’lame blame sb for sth
manage manage to do
capable capable of doing
object object to
care care about, care for
occasion on this occasion
daim claim to be, claim th a t...
part take part in, be a part of sth
complain complain about
pay pay for sth, pay sb
congratulate congratulate sb on
persuade persuade sb to do, persuade sb th a t...
continue continue doing, continue to do
prefer prefer to do sth rather than (to)do sth
ieal deal with else, prefer sth/-ing to/rather than
iecide decide on, decide to do, decide th a t... sth/-ing
iemand demand th a t..., demand sth, a demand prevent prevent from -ing
for sth protect protect from
ieny deny -ing, deny th a t... recommend recommend (that) sb do
iepend depend on sth/sb refer refer to sth/sb
respite despite sth/-ing, despite the fact th a t... refuse refuse to do
i ifference make a difference regret regret (not) -ing, regret sth, regret to
ifficulty have difficulty in doing inform you ...
-o do your best/homework/the ironing/the rely rely on
housework/the cooking/an experiment/ remind remind sb of sth/sb, remind sb about sth
research/do you good
say say sth (to sb), say th a t...
i ream dream of -ing
sentence sentence sb to
. ncourage encourage sb to do sth
share share sth with sb
-:ijoy enjoy yourself, enjoy sth/-ing
stop stop to do, stop -ing, stop sb from -ing
cam take/do/have/fail/pass an exam, sit (for)
succeed succeed in
an exam
suggest suggest sth/-ing (to sb), suggest th a t...
. tplain explain sth to sb, explain th a t...
suspect suspect sb of, suspect th a t...
>nd be fond of sth/-ing
think think about, think of
irget forget (about) sth, forget to do, forget
doing time spend time -ing, spend time on sth, in
time, on time, it’s (about/high)time
an be/have fun, make fun of
touch in touch with sb
. iod good at sth, good for sb
work work as/on/in sth
ave have a party/a good time/a meal/a bath/a
plan/an idea/an argument/a family
Phrasal verb database
bring up to care for a child until they become look down on to consider someone to be of less value
an adult than you
bring up to mention or start discussing a subject look into to investigate, to try to discover the facts
call off to decide to stop something that is about something
planned look over to have a view of from above
carry on to continue doing something look up to try to find something (a word, etc) in a
carry out to do something such as research, an source of information (a dictionary, etc
experiment, an investigation, etc make off to escape (with something stolen)
come across to find something or meet someone make out to see, hear, or understand someone or
unexpectedly something with difficulty
come down to become ill, usually with an illness that is make up to become friends with someone again aft
with not serious an argument
come on start to be shown on television make up to invent a story, an excuse, a lie, etc
come up (of problems, difficulties) appear suddenly pick on to keep treating someone badly or unfair/
come up with to think of something such as an idea plug in to connect a piece of equipment to anothe •
or a plan piece of equipment, or to an electric socke:
cut out to remove or not include put down to kill an animal because it is very old, ill.
fall out to stop being friends because you have had or dangerous
an argument put off to delay doing something
find out to discover, to learn put on to start showing a programme on televis:
get away to escape put out to make something (a fire, etc) stop
get down to make someone feel sad or depressed burning
get on if people get on, they like each other and put through connect on the telephone
are friendly to each other run out of to use all of something and not have
get on if you get on with something, you continue any left
working on it run over to hit someone or something with a car
get over to recover from an illness, a shock, etc stand out to be easy to see or notice
give up to stop doing something you do regularly take after to be or behave like an older relative
go about to do something, particularly something take off to remove something you are wearing
difficult take off (of a plane, etc) to leave the ground
go off to explode take over to replace someone in a position (of
go off to stop liking something or somebody you authority)
used to like take up to fill a particular amount of space or tin: -.
go on to continue happening or continue doing take up to start doing something regularly as a
something habit, etc
grow on if something or someone grows on you, you think up to invent, to have the idea for the first time
start to like them after some time
throw away to get rid of something that you don’t war.
grow up to become older and bigger, to become
turn down to refuse to accept an offer or request
an adult
turn into to become
hurry up to go somewhere or do something more
quickly turn off to stop a machine, eg a television
keep on to continue doing something turn on to start a machine, eg a television
let down to disappoint by not doing what you are turn out to develop in a particular way or have a
expected to do particular result
let off to give someone little or no punishment for turn over to change to another channel on television
something they did wrong turn over to turn something so that the other side
let off to make something (such as a bomb) shows
explode turn up to appear unexpectedly
look after to take care of somebody
look after to keep something in good condition
Speaking database

Greetings and farewells Agreeing/Disagreeing
• Hello. • I completely/totally agree.
• Good morning/afternoon. • Yes, you’re right.
• How do you do? • I agree with you up to a point.
• Pleased to meet you. • That’s true, but...
• Nice to have met you. • I’m not sure I agree with you.
• Goodbye. • I’m afraid I disagree with you.
• I completely/totally disagree.

Giving personal information
• My name is ... Giving/Asking for opinion
• I’m ... years old. • In my opinion,...
• I’m still at school and I go to ... • As far as I’m concerned,...
• I come from a big/small family. There are ... of us. • If you ask m e,...
• I’m the eldest / youngest / second eldest / etc. • My view is that...
• I’ve got... brothers and sisters. • What do you think?
• My dad’s a(n)... and my mum’s a(n) ... • Do you agree?
• I enjoy.. .-ing and ... • We should ..., shouldn’t we?
• When I have free time, I like ... -ing and ... • What do you think o f ...?
• How/What about... ?

• A is good, whereas/while B isn’t.
Asking for clarification
• A is much better/etc than B. • Could you say that again, please?
• Aisfarbetter/etcthanB. • Could you explain it again, please?
• A is not as good as B. • Could you say that again more slowly, please?
• A is not nearly as good as B. • I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating that?
• A is almost as good as B. • Do you mean ...?
• On the one hand,...
• On the other hand,...

Expressing preferences
• I prefer ... -ing to ... -ing because ...
• I would rather ... than ...
• I find ... more interesting than ... because ...
Grammar database
1 Present simple and present continuous

Present simple:
‘to be’

Positive Negative Question

I am I am not Am I
Cm) (’m not)

You You are not Are you

We are We (’re not) we
late. late. late?
They (’re) They (aren’t) they

He He is not Is he
She is She (’s not) she
It (s) It (isn’t) it

regular verbs

Positive Negative Question

I I Do I
You You you
work. Do
We We do not we
They They (don’t) work. they work?

He He does not Does he

She works. She (doesn’t) she
It It it


I have - he/she/it has

I go - he/she/it goes
I do - he/she/it does

The present simple is used to talk a b o u t...

• habits • general abilities
My father drives to work. I play the piano.

• how often things happen • states

It rains almost every day in the rainforest, I know him and his brother.
(or don’t happen) • the future in tim etables
It never snows in the Sahara desert. My train leaves in an hour, (see page 179)
• perm anent situations • the future in tim e clauses
I live in North London. I’ll tell Carrie when I see her. (see page 179)

• general truths and facts

Water boils at 100° C.

W hen we w ant to emphasise an action or situation in the present, particularly to emphasise that it actually
happens, or that it’s different to w hat som eone else thinks, we can use the emphatic present simple, w ith do or
‘Your brother plays the piano, doesn’t he?’
‘No, but he does play the guitar.’
‘I know you don’t like peanut butter.’
‘No, you’re wrong. I do like peanut butter.’
(We don’t use the emphatic present simple with the verb to be.)

Present continuous:

Positive Negative Question

I am I am not Am I
Cm) (’m not)

You You are not Are you

We are We (’re not) we
working. working. working?
They (’re) They (aren’t) they

He He is not Is he
She is She (’s not) she
It (s) It (isn’t) it

The present continuous is used to talk a b o u t... S tative verbs

• actions in progress at the m om ent of speaking Some verbs are not norm ally used in continuous
Com e inside - it’s raining. tenses because they don’t describe actions. These are
called ‘stative verbs’. For example, we say ‘I love you’,
• tem porary series of actions not ‘I am loving you’. Some of these verbs can be used
I am learning to drive. in continuous tenses, but the m eaning changes.
• tem porary situations Stative verbs often refer to ...
We are staying at the G rand Hotel.
• changing situations eg believe, imagine, understand, know
This city is getting bigger every year.
em otions
• annoying habits (usually with always) eg love, hate, like, prefer, want, satisfy
Oh! You are always losing your keys!
the hum an senses
• definite arrangem ents and plans for the future
eg hear, see, smell, taste, sound
(seepage 179)
We are having a test tomorrow. appearance
eg seem, resemble, appear, look
BE C A R E F U L ! relationships betw een things
Some people use the term present progressive instead eg belong to, own, consist of, include, involve
of present continuous. They m ean the same thing. Look at how the m eaning changes when we use some
of these verbs in the continuous form.
^ QUICK CHECK The m ilk smells/tastes funny
I am smelling/tasting the m ilk to see if it is okay.
1 W hich tense do we use to talk about scientific
I see m uch better w ith my new glasses.
I am seeing Debbie tom orrow about the car.
2 W hich tense do we use with phrases like ‘once a But Elvis Presley is dead! I m ust be seeing/
m onth’? hearing/imagining things!
3 W hich tense do we use to talk about tem porary
Grammar database
I think you’re wrong. (That is my opinion.) * 3 QUICK CHECK
I am thinking of a famous person. Guess who!
1 W hich of these is a stative verb?
(I have a picture in my m ind.)
He looks just like his father. (He resembles his
father.) 2 W hich is correct?
You seem worried./You are seeming worried.
He is looking at m e in a funny way.
3 W hich of these is not a stative verb?
< ] B E CAREFUL! under stand/prefer/leave

W ith hear, see and smell, we often use can to describe

w hat is happening now. For example:
I can hear a strange noise com ing from the

2 Past simple and past continuous

Past sim ple:

‘to be’

Positive Negative Question

I I was not I
He He (wasn’t) he
was Was
She She she
It late. It late. it late?
You You were not you
We were We (weren’t) Were we
They They they

regular verbs

Positive Negative Question

You You you
We We we
did not
They worked. They work. Did they work?
He He he
She She she
It It it


A num ber of verbs form their past tense in an W hen we w ant to emphasise an action or situation in th
irregular way. past, particularly to emphasise that it actually happened,
or that it was different to what som eone else thinks,
The past simple is used to talk a b o u t...
we can use the emphatic past simple, w ith did.
• single com pleted actions
‘You lived in Oxford, didn’t you?’
I walked to school yesterday m orning.
‘No, but I did stay there once.’
• repeated actions which don’t happen now
‘I bet you didn’t ask M ary to go out.’
My father walked to school every day when
he was a boy. ‘No, you’re wrong. I did ask her and she said yes’

• past states (We don’t use the emphatic past simple w ith the verb to b
I knew her w hen we were at prim ary school.
n BE C A R E F U L !

. he past simple can also refer to the present in

conditional sentences (If I had m ore m o n ey ,...) and
.■iter certain phrases (It’s high tim e we left/i’d rather
vou came at five o’c lock). This is called the unreal past
-ecause it refers to now, not the past (see page 194).

Past continuous:

Positive Negative Question

He He was not he
was Was
She She (wasn’t) she
It working. It working. it working?
Vou You you
were not
We were We Were we
They They they

•lost uses of the past continuous are like the uses of We also use the past continuous to talk a b o u t...
le present continuous, but in the past.
• actions in progress over a period of tim e
; or example, the past continuous is used to talk I was reading a book all m orning.
ib o u t...
• two actions in progress at the same tim e
• actions in progress at a point in the past M um was washing up while I was doing my
I was reading a book at 10 o’clock yesterday hom ework.
m orning.
• background inform ation in a story
• tem porary situations in the past The sun was shining. The birds were singing.
I was staying in a hotel until my flat was ready. Suddenly, a bom b exploded.
• changing situations in the past The past simple and the past continuous are often
At that tim e, unem ploym ent was getting worse. used together to show that one action happened
(past simple) during the tim e defined by another
• annoying past habits
action (past continuous). For example, im agine I
W hen I was a child, my parents were always
started watching TV at 5pm and the phone rang
criticising me.
at 6pm. I can say:
• arrangem ents and plans for the future in the past
I was w orried on M onday night because we were ‘I was watching TV w hen the phone rang.’
having a test the next day.
5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm

.. .w hen the phone rang.

I was watching TV..

Grammar database
Sometimes this m eans the action in progress is Be used to is used to talk about som ething that is
interrupted or stopped. familiar to you, or that isn’t strange to you any mor .
It is followed by a noun or an -in g form.
I was reading w hen suddenly all the lights went
out. I didn’t like this town at first, but now I am used
to it.
U BE CA REFUL! I’m used to studying every day, but I found it h a :
at first.
Some people use the term past progressive instead of
past continuous. They m ean the same thing. Be used to can be used to talk about the past like th

Com pare the uses of the past continuous w ith those I found studying every day hard at first because !
of the present continuous (see page 167). Often, it is wasn’t used to it.
used in the same way, but in the past. W hen we want to talk about the process of becom :: .
fam iliar with som ething, we use get used to.
It’s hard at first, but you’ll soon get used to it.
1 W hich tense do we use for a single completed
action? Q B E CAREFUL!

2 W hich tense do we use for background Used to and be used to are pronounced differently
inform ation in a story? from the verb use.
3 It’s time you went to bed. Does this refer to the I used an opener to open the bottle. (/ju:zd/)
present or the past?
I used to live around here. (/ju:sto/)
I am used to working hard, (/asmjuista/)
W ould , u se d to, b e u se d to
Would and used to can be used to talk about past
habits, especially for the distant past. Would can be 1 W hich of these is not used for past habits?
used like this: would/used to/be used to
W hen I was a child, my grandm a would read to me 2 W hat is the m ost com m on negative form of
every night. used to?
Used to can be used in the same way: 3 W hich of these can be used to talk about past
W hen I was a child, m y grandm a used to read to
would/used to
me every night.
The difference betw een them is that used to can be
used to talk about states in the past, but would can’t.
I used to like tom ato soup, but now I hate it. ( / )
I would like tom ato soup, but now I hate it. (X)
We don’t use would or used to in the negative or in
questions very often. The negative of would is would
never or would not. The m ost com m on negative form
of used to is never used to.
I never used to be very good at languages.
You m ight also see these negative forms.
I didn’t use to be very good at languages.
I used not to be very good at languages.
(This is quite formal.)
Used to has this question form.
Did you use to live abroad?

Grammar database
3 Present perfect and present perfect continuous

Present perfect:

Positive Negative Question

You have You have not you
We (ve) b e e n ... We (haven’t) b e e n ... we b e e n ...?
They d o n e ... They d o n e ... they worked ... ?
He w o rk ed ... He w orked... he d o n e ...?
has has not
She She Has she
(s) (hasn’t)
It It it

In general, present perfect tenses are used to connect < ] B E CAREFUL!

the past w ith the present.
We don’t say: I have six m onths to see Tara. ( / )
The present perfect is used to talk a b o u t...
Instead, we say: I haven’t seen Tara for six m onths. ( / )
• actions and situations continuing up to now
I’ve known him for about 10 years. The present perfect can also be used to refer to the
future in tim e clauses after when, as soon as, etc.
• a series of actions continuing up to now
I’ve played chess every Friday for two years now. I’ll call you when I’ve finished my hom ework.

• com pleted actions at a tim e in the past W hen you w ant to say exactly w hen som ething
We’ve seen that film before. happened, you should use the past simple.
• com pleted actions where the im portant thing is the I saw that film last week at the cinema. ( / )
present result I have seen that film last week at the cinema. (X)
Julian has broken his arm.


A num ber of verbs form their past participle in an W ith the verb go, we som etim es use been as the past
irregular way. participle. Compare:

he present perfect is used with words and John’s gone to Paris. (= He’s there or on his way
expressions like: just, yet, already, This is the first time there.)
ever, never, for, since, so far, up to now, etc. John’s b een to Paris. (= He went there and now he is
Rachel has just left. back.)
Have you seen the new James Bond film yet?
I’ve already told you once that you can’t go to the
This is the first time I’ve used a computer.
Have you ever m et a famous person?
John has never eaten Indian food.
I’ve know n M ichael for seven years.
I’ve been at this school since 2002.
We’ve received over a hundred applications so far/
up to now.
Grammar database
Present perfect continuous:

Positive Negative Question

have not
You have You you
(haven’t) Have
We (’ve) We we
(’ve not)
They been -ing They been -ing they been -ing'
He He has not he
She She (hasn’t) Has she
It It (’s not) it

The present perfect continuous is used to talk 19 QUICK CHECK

a b o u t...
1 W hich auxiliary verb is used to m ake the presen:
• (tem porary) actions and situations continuing up
to now
______________ + past participle
I’ve been working here for six m onths.
2 W hich is correct?
• (tem porary) actions over a period of tim e that has
I did it yesterday./I have done it yesterday.
recently ended
I’m out of breath because I’ve been running. 3 W hich w ord is missing?
Have y o u _______________ cooking all morning?
The present perfect continuous is often used with
words and phrases like all morning/day/week/etc,
just, for, since, etc. It can often m ean that the action is A rticles
not complete. There are three articles in English: a, an and the. A
and an are called ‘indefinite articles’ and both mear
I’ve been reading a great book about dinosaurs.
the same thing. A n is used with words which begin
(I haven’t finished it.)
with a vowel sound: an umbrella, an orange, an hou r
Sometimes, you have to look at the context to decide: Notice that we say ‘a uniform ’ and ‘a US citizen’
I’ve been working all m orning and now I’m going because these begin with a ‘y’ sound. The is called th
to watch TV. (I finished recently.) ‘definite article’.

I’ve been working all m orning and I’ve only done We use the indefinite article (a, an) to talk a b o u t..
half of it. (I haven’t finished.) • single countable nouns (not particular ones)
I saw an accident yesterday.
We use the definite article (the) to talk a b o u t...
We don’t norm ally use ever or never w ith the present
• single countable nouns (particular ones)
perfect continuous.
There’s the m an I m entioned yesterday.
I’ve never been reading any of his books. (X)
• single countable nouns (in general)
I’ve never read any of his books. (</ )
The lion is a very fierce animal.
Q B E CAREFUL! • plural countable nouns
W here are the children?
Some people use the term present perfect progressive
instead of present perfect continuous. They m ean the • uncountable nouns
same thing. The weather is quite warm.
We don’t use an article when we are talking a b o u t.
• plural countable nouns in general
Lions are very fierce animals.
• uncountable nouns in general
Coffee is generally bitter.

Notice how we use articles in the following phrases: • nationalities, no article for particular people

Grammar database
• entertainm ent, m edia and sport ^ She’s Nigerian.
■* ‘the television’ = the piece of equipm ent • but: use the w hen talking about nationalities in
^ Turn on the TV. general
■* watch television, on television The French d rin k a lot of wine.
but: listen to th e radio, on th e radio
• travel
^ go to th e cinem a/the theatre
• go hom e
^ listen to music
■* on the bus, in the car, etc
• no article for games and sports ^ but: go by car/bus/bike/plane, etc
^ I love tennis.
• education
• for years, usually no article ^ go to school/university, etc
■* in 2002 ^ be at school/university, etc
• but: in the 1990s, in the 20th century, etc be in Class 5
• for seasons, with ‘in’ and ‘during’ the m eaning is
usually the same either with or w ithout article
* 1 BE C A R E F U L !
^ in winter or in the winter
• for m onths and days, no article He’s gone to the school is possible when the person is
^ in March, on Friday, on Sunday m orning only visiting.
^ in th e m orn in g /th e afternoon/the evening
at night
• for subjects, usually no article
• geographical areas use the with: seas, m ountain • I love chemistry.
groups, rivers, island groups, regions
m the Mediterranean, the Alps, the Thames,
the Bahamas, the Arctic < ] BE C A R E F U L !
• don’t use the with: planets, continents, countries, We put an before singular countable nouns with a
towns/cities, streets, lakes, m ost m ountains, vowel sound. It doesn’t depend on spelling. So, we
individual islands say ‘an um brella but ‘a university’, ‘an h o u r’ but
eg Mars, Europe, Germany, London, ‘a holiday’, etc.
Carnaby Street, Lake Superior, (Mount) Everest,
Crete * 9 Q U I C K C H E CK
but: the Earth, the world, the Moon, the Sun,
the UK, the USA 1 W hich is incorrect?
an umbrella/an uncle/an uniform
• jobs usually w ith a or an
■* She is an engineer. 2 W hich of these is correct?
the Britain/the USA/the China
• use the w ith positions of authority
^ the Mayor 3 W hich is incorrect?
in the morning/at the night/on Tuesday morning
• organisations usually use the
• the army, the navy, the police, etc
• public buildings usually use the
m the bank, the post office, the Theatre Royal, etc
^ but: go to prison/hospital, be in prison/hospital


■'e’sgone to the prison/the hospital is possible when

le person is only visiting.

Grammar database 4 Past perfect and past perfect continuous

Past p erfect:

Positive Negative Question

You You you
We b e e n ... We b e e n ... we b e e n ...?
had had not
They d o n e ... They d o n e ... Had they d o n e ...?
Cd) (hadn’t)
He " w o rk ed ... He w o rk ed ... he w orked..
She She she
It It it

W hen we are talking about the past and we w ant to f ] B E CAREFUL!

talk about som ething earlier in the past, we can use
the past perfect. The past perfect is used w ith words and expressions
like: before, after, when, already, as soon as, It was the
The past perfect is used to talk a b o u t...
first tim e..., etc. A num ber of verbs form their past
• actions and states before the m ain tim e in the past participle in an irregular way.
we are interested in
I had heard about Alicia before I m et her.
• w hat som ebody said in reported speech < ] BE CA REFUL!
(seepages 181-182)
The past perfect can som etim es be used with before
Em m a said she had never been to Morocco.
to talk about an action which didn’t happen or wasr.
• a hypothetical past in conditional sentences com pleted in time.
(seepage 196) Joel called before I had finished my homework.
If I’d known you were coming, I w ould have
(= I hadn’t finished my hom ew ork w hen Joel
bought a cake.
• wishes about the past (page 196)
I wish I had studied harder for the test.

Past perfect continuous:

Positive Negative Question

You You you
We We we
had been ... had not been ... been ...
They They Had they
(’d) -ing (hadn’t) -ing -ing?
He He he
She She she
It It it
The past perfect continuous is used to talk a b o u t... Comparatives and superlatives
• longer actions which continued up to the m ain W hen we w ant to com pare two or m ore things, we
tim e in the past we are interested in can use the comparative and superlative form s of
adjectives and adverbs. We use the comparative
I had been running so I was out of breath w hen I got
to com pare things or people that are different and
separate from each other:
• what som ebody said in reported speech
The blue book is bigger than all the red ones.
(seepages 181-182)
We use the superlative to com pare one m em ber of a
Mrs Collins said she had been doing the garden.
group w ith the whole group:
The past perfect continuous is often used with words
This book is the biggest one on the shelf,
and phrases like all morning/day/week/etc, just, for,
since, etc. It can often m ean that the action was not one-syllable adjectives
• W ith m ost one-syllable adjectives, add -er, -est.
black - blacker - blackest,
young - younger - youngest
• If the adjective ends in -e, add -r, -st.
We don’t norm ally use ever or never w ith the past late - later - latest, brave - braver - bravest
perfect continuous.
• If the adj ective has one vowel followed by one
I’d never been thinking of doing French until my consonant, double the final consonant, then add
m um suggested it. (X) -er, -est.
I’d never thought o f doing French until my m um big - bigger - biggest, thin - thinner - thinnest
suggested it. ( / )
two-syllable adjectives
• If the adjective ends in -y, replace the -y with -ier,
BE C A R E F U L !
happy - happier - happiest, lovely - lovelier -
Some people use the term past perfect progressive loveliest
instead of past perfect continuous. They m ean the
• Otherwise, use more and the most (or less and the
same thing.
'om pare the uses of the past perfect continuous boring - more boring - the most boring
with those o f the present perfect continuous (see page
172). Often, it is used in the same way, but in the past.

W ith some two-syllable adjectives, there is a choice:
clever - cleverer - cleverest or clever - more clever - the
We can often use the past (simple or continuous) most clever. We usually use the form s with more and
instead of the past perfect (simple or continuous), the most.
particularly if after or before m ake the order o f the
actions clear: adjectives with three or more syllables

I ate my lunch after my friend left. • Use more and the most (or less and the least),
interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
: =1 ate my lunch after m y friend had left.)
• If the adjective is form ed from a two-syllable
adjective ending in -y, then use either more - the
most or -ier - -iest.
^ Q U I C K C H E CK
unhappy - more unhappy - the most unhappy or
1 W hich tense do we use after It was the first tim e ... ? unhappy - unhappier - unhappiest

2 I wish I hadn’t spent my money. Does this refer to adverbs

the past or the present?
• Use more and the most (or less and the least),
3 W hich word is missing? quickly - more quickly - the most quickly
L en a______________ been working all morning (Superlative adverbs like this are n ot used in
and was very tired. English very m uch.)
Grammar database
A num ber of adjectives and adverbs, and one or W hen you want to say that two things are or aren’t tr
two other words, form the comparative and the same, you can use
superlative in an irregular way: as ... as:
My com puter is as fast as yours.
irregular adjectives
(= My com puter is the same speed as yours.)
• good - better - best
My com puter isn’t as fast as yours.
• bad - worse - worst (= My com puter is slower.)
irregular adverbs
• The adverbs early, late, fast, hard and often follow
the rules for adjectives. W hen we want to talk about the result of something;
increasing, we can use the + comparative,
• early - earlier - earliest the + comparative:
• often - more often - the most often The older my grandfather becomes, the slower
• fa r - farther/further -farthest/furthest he gets.
The more you exercise, the fitter you become.
• badly - worse - worst

irregular determiners
• little - less - the least * 9 Q U I C K C H E CK

• m uch/m any - more - the most 1 W hat is the comparative form of bright?

W ith the comparative, we usually use than: 2 W hat is the comparative form of comfortable?
Rachel is older th a n all her cousins. 3 W hich w ord is missing?
W hen you w ant to emphasise the difference, you can My bag isn’t as big ______________ yours.
use much:
My dad is m uch older than yours.

5 The passive

We m ake the passive by using an appropriate form of A good way to think about the passive is to start wi:
the verb to be and the past participle of the m ain verb: an ordinary active sentence:
This castle was built in 1450. They took the young m an to hospital.
Your papers will be collected at the end of the This sentence is in the past simple, with ‘They’ as th .
exam. subject and ‘the young m an as the object. To make
it passive, we put the object first, then the verb to be
in the right tense (here, past simple), then the past
participle o f ‘take’:

They took the young man to hospital.


The young man was taken to hospital.


Notice that the verb ‘was’ is in the same tense as

Grammar database
‘took’ in the first sentence (past simple). Also notice
that we do not need to say w ho did the action. W hen 1 W hich w ord is missing?
we do want to say who did it, we norm ally use by. The lottery______________ won by a man from
We norm ally only do this when it is im portant London.
inform ation. For example: 2 W hich of these is not norm ally used in the passive?
G unpow der was invented by the Chinese. appear/break/make
W hen we want to say that the action was done using 3 W rite one reason for using the passive voice.
som ething, such as a tool, we use w ith
I h e dead m an had been shot with a pistol.
We use the passive ... Countable and uncountable nouns
• w hen we don’t know who does/did som ething There are different kinds of nouns: those we can
The bank has been robbed! count (a book, two books) and those that we can’t
count (information, advice).
• when we aren’t interested in w ho does/did
Please pass me those pencils, w ould you?
som ething, or it’s obvious
A m an was arrested at the airport as he got off the
The news was a bit of a shock, (uncountable)
Uncountable nouns often refer to collections of
• for emphasis
things, m aterials and other things we th in k o f as
The radio was invented by M arconi. (We are
‘masses’ rather than individual objects. You have to
m ainly interested in the radio, not M arconi.)
be careful because nouns that are countable in your
Some verbs are not norm ally used in the passive. language m ight be uncountable in English. Here are
They include intransitive verbs (w ithout objects) and some com m on uncountable nouns.
verbs such as have, let, lack, seem, appear, resemble, fit information, advice, luggage, baggage, knowledge,
and suit. money, news, travel, furniture
Some verbs can take two objects: a direct object and We use a singular verb w ith these nouns.
an indirect object. For example: Your advice was really useful.
O ur teacher gave us some photographs.
Some nouns can be countable with one m eaning and
ihere are two possibilities in the passive. The first is uncountable with another (coffee, a coffee). This often
probably m ore com m on. happens w hen we talk about a m aterial or substance
We were given some photographs and a thing m ade out of it.
(by our teacher). For example:
Some photographs were given to us Chocolate is m ade using cocoa beans,
(by our teacher). (uncountable, refers to the substance)
Some sentences have a clause as the object. W ould you like a chocolate?
People think/say/believe that the economy (countable, refers to one from a box o f chocolates)
is in trouble.
You really should get your hair cut.
here are two possibilities in the passive. The first is (uncountable)
robably m ore com m on.
There’s a hair in my soup!
The econom y is thought/said/believed to be in
It is thought/said/believed that the econom y is in We often use different words with countable and
trouble. uncountable nouns. Here are some.
C ountable nouns: many, how many, a lot of, lots of,
some, a few, few, a number of, a, an, one, two, three,
etc, the
U ncountable nouns: much, how much, a lot of, lots of,
some, a little, little, an am ount of, apiece of, the
Grammar database f j B E CAREFUL! Sometimes, you m ight want to use a countable nou:
instead of an uncountable noun. W ith m any of ther
Use m any and much before a noun in negative you can do that by using the phrase a piece o f ..., eg
statem ents and in questions. In positive statem ents Let me give you a piece o f advice.
(and also in negative statem ents and questions) use
There are some uncountable nouns which are
a lot of, lots of, or a large num ber/am ount of. (You can
plural and which take a plural verb. They do not
use much or many in positive statem ents, but it’s very
have a singular form. These include: jeans, trousers,
spectacles, scissors, groceries, etc.
Few/little and a few /a little m ean different things. We need a new scissors. (X)
fe w (countable nouns)
We need some new scissors. ( / )
I have few friends. (= not many)
We need a new pair of scissors. ( / )
a fe w (countable nouns)
I have a few days off work. (= some)
little (uncountable nouns)
They gave us little inform ation. (= not much)
1 W hich of these is countable?
a little (uncountable nouns)
Let me give you a little advice. (= some)
2 W hich is correct?
The phrase only a f e w ... m eans ‘not m any’ and
The news was shocking./The news were shocking.
only a little ... m eans ‘not m uch’.
3 W hich is incorrect?
informations/ trousers/jeans

6 The future (1)

There are a num ber of different ways of talking about W hen we predict the future but we are not so sure o:
the future in English. It can be confusing because our predictions, we can use other m odal verbs
often m ore than one of them could be correct. (seepage 188).
Som etimes you have to think about which is m ore
Be careful! You might have an accident.
natural. It helps if you th in k about w hat you w ant to
express. Do you th in k we might see Tom at the party?
I th ink United could win the C ham pionship this
making predictions
W hen we m ake predictions that we are sure of based
on our own judgem ent or knowledge, we often use making decisions
will. We often use will w hen we are m aking a decision.
I th in k U nited will win the Cham pionship this Oh, I don’t know. M m m ... I’ll have an omelette,
year. please.
W hen we m ake predictions based on evidence we can I’m really tired. I th ink I’ll stay in tonight.
see now, we often use be going to.
But we can also use be going to if we want to
Look out! You’re going to drop the drinks! emphasise the intention.
In general, be going to is m ore inform al than will I’m really tired. I th ink I’m going to stay in tonigh:
and is m ainly used in conversation. Often, we can
talk about predictions using both of them w ith no
difference in m eaning.
Do you th in k we’ll see Tom at the party?
Do you th in k we’re going to see Tom at the party?

talking about plans, intentions and arrangements talking about timetabled future events

Grammar database
W hen we w ant to tell som ebody about our plans or The tim e or date w hen some things happen is decided
intentions, we often use be going to. in advance, usually by som ething like a tim etable or
the calendar. W hen we w ant to talk about things like
I’m going to apply for a job at that new factory.
this, we can use the present simple.
I’m going to be a teacher w hen I finish university.
O ur plane leaves at four in the m orning.
(Not: I’m being a teacher...)
O ur exams start on 20th May.
W hen we have m ade some arrangem ents (bought a
ticket, agreed to meet, etc), we often use the present Next year, my parents celebrate their 50th wedding
continuous. anniversary.
I’m meeting Helen tom orrow outside the library. Christm as Day falls on a Friday this year.
We’re flying to Paris and then staying in a great
These ideas can often be expressed using either the
We don’t norm ally use the present continuous for present continuous (for arrangem ents), be going
talking about intentions. However, the difference to (for intentions and predictions) or will (for
between an intention and an arrangem ent can be predictions).
quite small, so you could use be going to in both of
O ur plane is leaving at four in the m orning.
:hese situations. It depends on what you w ant to
emphasise. O u r exams are going to start on 20th May.

I’m going to m eet Helen tom orrow outside the Next year, my parents are celebrating their 50th
library. w edding anniversary.

We’re going to fly to Paris and then stay in a great C hristm as Day will fall on a Friday this year.
hotel. C hristm as Day is going to fall on a Friday this year.

making offers, promises, suggestions, refusals

•Vhen we m ake offers, prom ises or suggestions, we
generally use will or shall. In m odern English, shall is Q BE C A R E F U L !
juite rare and is usually used in questions. W hen we The present simple is also used to talk about the
'efuse to do som ething, we can use won’t, the present future in clauses after words like when, until, if, what,
.ontinuous or be going to. etc, as well as in conditional sentences (see page 185).
• offers I hope we see Mike w hen we are in York.
I’ll help you, if you like. (Not: —. w hen we will be in York.)
Shall I open the w indow for you? I can’t call M ary until she gets hom e from school.
(Not: W i l l i . ..)
If I go to university, I’ll probably study maths.
• promises
I’ll return your book as soon as I’ve read it.
• suggestions
Shall we try that new Chinese restaurant? 1 W hich is m ore informal?
• refusals will/be going to
No, I won’t do your hom ew ork for you. 2 W hich tense do we use to talk about future
No, I’m not doing your hom ew ork for you. arrangements?
No, I’m not going to do your hom ew ork for you.
3 W hich word is missing?
______________ we go to the cinema this evening?
Question tags CAREFUL!
In sentences w ith the verb be as a m ain verb, we make
We also use tags w hen we w ant som ebody to do
question tags using be. We usually m ake the question
som ething, either using let’s or an imperative.
tag positive if the verb is negative and negative if the
verb is positive.
It’s warm , isn’t it? W hen we w ant to add a question tag with let’s, w eu -.
You’re not nervous, are you? shall we?
Let’s order a pizza, shall we?
In sentences with an auxiliary verb, we m ake question
tags using the auxiliary. After a positive imperative, we use will/would/coula
You’re going to Greg’s party, aren’t you? you? and after a negative imperative, we use w illyoi.'
You haven’t forgotten, have you? Pass me the salt, will/would/could you?
I’m m eeting you tomorrow, aren’t I? D on’t go out with Sandra, will you?
(N ot: ..., am n’t l ? ) In sentences with a negative word like never, little, r. .
Emily can play the piano, can’t she? hardly, nobody, etc, we use a positive tag.

W hen the sentence doesn’t have an auxiliary verb, You never tu rn up on tim e, do you?
we use the verb do. N obody called while I was out, did they?
You live in the town centre, don’t you? There’s no reason to leave now, is there?
Phil plays football on Saturdays, doesn’t he? In question tags where the subject is ‘there’, we repe..
Colin has a very big house, doesn’t he? ‘there’ in the tag.

We use question tags when we want to ... There’s a lot of vocabulary to learn, isn’t there?

• ask som eone to agree w ith us

It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
• check w hether som ething is true
1 You’ve m et Paul,_______________ y o u ? W hat is
You’ve been to Paris, Sue, haven’t you?
W hen we are asking som eone to agree with us, our didn’t/haven’t/aren’t
voice goes down at the end of the sentence. W hen we
2 W hat question tag do we use after Let’s ...?
are checking w hether som ething is true, our voice
do we/will we/shall we
goes up at the end.
3 W rite one reason we use question tags.
Grammar database
7 Reported speech

We use reported speech w hen we want to tell such as pronouns (we, you, etc) or words that refer
som eone what som eone else said. We usually have to to tim e and place (now, here, etc). We also have to
change the tense if the reporting verb is in the past. decide which reporting verb to use, for example, said,
We som etim es have to change other words as well, admitted, suggested, etc.

This is how the tenses change ...

Direct speech Reported speech

Present simple Past simple
‘I am hungry,’ said Tim. Tim said (that) he was hungry.

Present continuous Past continuous

‘I am writing a letter,’ said Alice. Alice said (that) she was writing a letter.

Past simple Past perfect simple

‘We had an ice cream on the beach,’ Colin said that they had had an ice cream on the beach,
said Colin

Past continuous ■* Past perfect continuous

‘We were talking about football,’ She said that they had been talking about football,
she said.

Present perfect simple ^ Past perfect simple

‘I have had a great idea!’ Simon said. Simon said (that) he had had a great idea.

Present perfect continuous ^ Past perfect continuous

‘Georgia has been waiting all day,’ My m um said (that) Georgia had been waiting all day.
m y m um said.

(The past perfect simple and past perfect continuous tenses stay the same.)

Some m odal verbs change ... W ith wh- questions (what, who, etc), we repeat the
‘I can speak three languages,’ said Jerry. question word and change the tense and the word
Jerry said (that) he could speak three languages.
‘Who left the fridge open?’ asked Mrs Harris.
‘Ben will be at the party,’ she said.
M rs Harris asked who had left the fridge open.
She said (that) Ben would be at the party.
All students must be on time,’ said the head teacher. We also often have to change words that refer to tim e
and place:
The head teacher said (that) all students had to be
on time. • here becomes there
• today becomes that day
W ith reported questions, we use if or whether and • now becomes then or at that m om ent
change the tense and the word order. • tomorrow becomes the following day or the next day
‘Have you finished?’ Sarah asked me. • yesterday becomes the day before or the previous day
Sarah asked me if/whether I had finished. • ago becomes before
Grammar database
The words this, that, these and those change as We often don’t make any changes to the verb when
follows: we are reporting w hat som ebody said very soon after
• this/that + n oun becom e the/that they said it, w hen we are reporting a scientific fact or
• these/those + noun becom e the/those w hen som ething is still true.
• this/that (as subject or object) becom e it ‘It’s quite cold,’ said Harry.
• these/those (as subject) becom e they H arry just said (that) it’s quite cold.
• these/those (as object) becom e them
‘Light from the Sun takes eight m inutes to reach
‘I hate this film,’ said Alice. us,’ the professor said.
Alice said she hated the/that film. The professor said (that) light from the Sun takes
‘I want these books,’ Tony said. eight minutes to reach us.
Tony said he w anted the/those books. ‘I have a niece in America,’ M r W ood said.
‘This is a great show,’ D ad said. M r W ood said (that) he has a niece in America.
D ad said it was a great show. We also don’t make changes to the verb when we use
‘These are nice candles,’ said Mary. a reporting verb in the present tense.
M ary said they were nice candles. M ark says that he is staying in tonight.
‘I bought these in town,’ said John.
John said he had bought them in town.
‘I left my purse here five m inutes ago,’ said Donna. 19 QUICK CHECK

D onna said (that) she had left her purse there five 1 W hat do we use reported speech for?
m inutes before.
2 W hat do we change ago to in reported speech?
‘We can finish these exercises tomorrow
morning,’ our teacher said. 3 W rite three reporting verbs.
O ur teacher said we could finish the exercises the
following morning. Indirect questions
We use indirect questions when we w ant to ask
We can also report w hat som eone said using different
questions politely. We use an introductory phrase
verbs, each with their own grammar.
(Could you tell me where ...) followed by the norm al
‘I didn’t steal your m oney!’ Peter said. word order (... the bank is?). We don’t use question
Peter denied stealing/having stolen my money. word order in the second part. Some indirect
‘No, I won’t let you go,’ my m other said. questions need a question m ark at the end and some
don’t. Look at the list below.
My m other refused to let me go.
‘W hat about an ice cream ?’ my dad said. Some introductory phrases ...
My dad suggested an ice cream. with a final question mark
C an/C ould you tell me ... ?
My dad suggested (our) having an ice cream.
Could you let me know ... ?
My dad suggested (that) we (should) have an Do you know ... ?
ice cream. Do you th in k you could tell me ... ?
‘I’m a great chess player,’ said Will.
Will claimed to be a great chess player. without a final question mark
I w onder if you can/could tell me ...
W ith im perative statem ents, we use a reporting verb I w onder if you could let me k n o w ...
such as told, ordered, commanded, etc. I w onder if you know ...
‘Sit still!’ said the hairdresser. I would like to k n o w ...
The hairdresser told me to sit still.
Here are some example sentences. Notice the word
‘Don’t say a word,’ said Carol.
o r d e r ...
Carol told me not to say a word.
Do you know who that man is?
‘Form a line,’ said the officer. (Not: Do you know who is that m an?)
The officer ordered them to form a line. Could you let me know w here the meeting is?
I w onder if you know where I can find a chem ist’s.
I would like to know w hen I will receive my
Do you think you could tell me how this works?
W hen the direct question is a ‘yes/no’ question, we indirect question

Grammar database
use if or whether. I w onder if you could tell me who is responsible.
Direct question: Do you know which is better?
Are you going to John’s dinner party?
Indirect question:
Could you let m e know if/whether you are going * 3 QUICK CHECK
to John’s dinner party?
1 W hy do we use indirect questions?
If the relative pronoun (who, which, etc) is the subject
of the relative clause and there is no other noun or 2 W hich word is missing?
pronoun, we just add an introductory phrase: ______________ you tell me what time it is, please?

direct question 3 Do all indirect questions need a question m ark at

W ho is responsible? the end?
W hich is better? yes!no

8 Full infinitives (with to) and -ing forms after verbs

Some verbs are followed by the full infinitive and some by the -ing form. Some verbs can be followed by both,
sometimes with a change in meaning.
Here are some com m on verbs that are followed b y ...

both, with no (or very little) change in

the infinitive th e -ingform

afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, admit, appreciate, avoid, be capable of, begin, continue, hate,
attempt, be pleased/able, etc, choose, good/bad at, be interested in, can’t help, intend, love, prefer, start
decide, expect, fail, happen, help, hope, can t stand, consider, delay, fail, happen,
intend, learn, manage, offer, plan, help, hope, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy,
prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, feel, like, finish, give up, imagine, involve,
tend, want, wish, woidd like look forward to, mention, mind, miss,
practise, succeed in, suggest, talk about,
think o f

These verbs m ean different things when they are try

followed by the full infinitive or the -ing form. • do som ething as an experim ent to solve a problem
remember It’s hot in here! Let’s try opening a window.
• have a picture in your m ind of a past event • m ake an effort to achieve som ething
Do you rem em ber visiting G erm any w hen you I’ve been trying to open this jar for 10 minutes!
were two?
• do som ething you are/were planning to do
• stop an activity
Did you rem em ber to call Diane this m orning?
I stopped smoking 10 years ago.
forget • pause and do som ething else in the m iddle of an
• not be able to rem em ber a past event (usually I ’ll activity
never fo rg e t...) I was studying all evening, but I stopped to have a
I’ll never forget meeting Paula for the first time. snack at seven.
• not do som ething you are/were planning to do
Oh, I forgot to ask D onna about this evening.
Grammar database
go on prefer
• continue I prefer basketball to football, (generally)
After the break, our teacher went on explaining I prefer playing basketball, rather than football,
the gram m ar to us. (generally)
• stop one activity and start a new one I prefer playing basketball to (playing) football,
After explaining the gram m ar, our teacher went (generally)
on to tell us w hat the hom ew ork was. I prefer to play basketball, rather than (play)
regret football, (generally, or on this occasion)
• be sorry about w hat has happened I prefer not to play basketball during the week,
(generally, or on this occasion)
You’ll regret speaking to me like that!
I w ould prefer to play basketball this weekend
• be sorry about giving som ebody bad news
rather than football, (on this occasion)
We regret to inform you that the flight to Berlin
has been cancelled.
like 4 ] BE CA REFUL!

• enjoy We don’t norm ally say I don tp re fe r...

I’m sure we all like receiving presents.
• choose to/be in the habit of/think it is a good idea would rather
I like to leave hom e at seven so that I get to work I would rather play basketball than (play) footba
on time. (generally, or on this occasion)
I’d rather not play basketball, (on this occasion)
Q B E CAREFUL! had better
W hen we w ant to use would like/prefer for a You’d better see a doctor.
particular occasion, we use the fu ll infinitive. You’d better do your hom ew ork, rather than sit an-
I w ould like going to the cinem a this evening. (X) watch TV.
I would like to go to the cinem a this evening. ( / ) You’d better do your hom ew ork, instead of sitting
and watching TV.
I would prefer to m eet on Saturday, if possible. (■/)
You’d better not fail the test.

<9q u ick ch eck
1 W hich of these is followed by the -ing form?
afford/suggest/refuse 1 W hich is correct?
I would rather stay here./I would rather to stay here
2 W hich of these is followed by the full infinitive?
deny/consider/plan 2 Y ou______________ better see a doctor. W hich
word is missing?
3 W hich of these is correct? would/had/should
I remember to go to school fo r the first tim e./I
remember going to school fo r the first time. 3 W hich is correct?
I wouldn’t rather.. ./I don’t rather.. ./I would rathcr
n o t...
Prefer, would rather, had better
Prefer and would rather are both used to express
preferences. Had better is used for saying what
som eone should do. Try n ot to confuse them . We
don’t say would better. They are used like this ...
Grammar database
9 Conditionals (1): zero, first, second
There are m any different kinds of sentence using if, i ) BE CA REFUL!
and it can be a little confusing. You have to decide
w hether you’re talking about the past, the present or We can use would like (= want) in first conditional
the future. You also have to decide w hether you’re sentences like this.
talking about a real possibility or an unreal possibility I would like to study French if I pass my English
unlikely, impossible or hypothetical). exam.

Real possibility, present and future

Zero conditional: if . .. present te n s e ... present tense
1 W hich kind of conditional do we use to talk about
This is used to talk about general truths and scientific real possibilities?
2 W hich of these is used for an unreal possibility?
If you read a lot, you learn lots of vocabulary. I f... present tense .../I f... past tense ...
If you are making a cake, you need to use
3 In conditionals, can you use other m odals, apart
fresh eggs.
from would?
You can also write all conditional sentences the other yes/no
way round, with the ifc lause second.
You learn lots of vocabulary if you read a lot.
Unreal possibility, present and future
You need to use fresh eggs if you are making
a cake. Second conditional: if . .. past tense ...w ou ld...
First conditional: if... present te n s e ... w ill... bare bare infinitive
infinitive This is used to talk about unreal possibilities (things
Ihis is used to talk about real possibilities in the that are unlikely, impossible or hypothetical) in the
present, in the future, or generally. present and in the future.

If you read a lot, you will learn lots of vocabulary. If I won the lottery, I would move to Hawaii.
You will need a good dictionary if you are I’d get a new car if I had enough money.
learning English. If you weren’t having a lesson now, w hat would
If you have studied, you’ll do well in today’s test. you be doing?

Instead of will, we can also use these other m odals or The use of the past here is called the unreal past,
the imperative. because it refers to the present or the future, not the
If you are going to the party, you can take this cake
I made. Instead of would, we can also use these other m odals.
If it’s too late, we should call them tomorrow. If I won the lottery, I could leave my job.
I might/may take up French if I pass my English I might feel happier if I went to another school.
Instead of If I w as... we can also say If I were ...,
If you’ve finished, do the next exercise.
especially in form al English.

<) B E C A R E F U L ! If I were Prim e Minister, I w ould introduce new

laws against pollution.
W hen we are talking about the future, we use if...
present tense, not if... w ill... For inform ation on talking about unreal possibilities
in the past (third conditional), see page 196.
If you will see Tina tom orrow r tell her I’m sorry. (X)
If you see Tina tomorrow, tell her I’m sorry. ( / )
Grammar database Unless, in case, as long as * 3 QUICK CHECK
1 W hat does unless mean?
Unless m eans ‘except if ’. We can use it to replace if...
2 W hich phrase m eans ‘because it m ight’?
not in some sentences. W hen it refers to the future, it
is followed by the present tense (like if). 3 W hat does as long as mean?
I’ll be there unless it rains.
(= I’ll be there, except if it rains.)
(= I won’t be there if it rains.)
We can’t use unless to replace if not w hen if not
doesn’t m ean except if.
If I wasn’t ill, I’d play tomorrow. ( / )
(if not doesn’t m ean except z/here because you are
actually ill)
so we can’t say:
Unless I was ill, I’d play tomorrow. (X)
in case
In case m eans ‘because it m ight’. We use it to talk
about things we do to prevent an unw anted result.
W hen it refers to the future, it is followed by the
present tense (like if).
W rite dow n the address in case you forget it.
(= W rite dow n the address because you m ight
forget it.)
as long as
As long as m eans the same as only if. W hen it refers to
the future, it is followed by the present tense (like if).
You can also use so long as w ith the same m eaning.
You can borrow my pen, as/so long as you give it
back to m e at the end of the lesson.
(= You can borrow m y pen only if you give it back
to me at the end of the lesson.)

Grammar database
10 Modals(l)

M odal verbs are auxiliary verbs which express things <I]BE C A RE F UL !

like possibility, obligation, etc.
Like other m odal verbs, can doesn’t have an infinitive,
M odal verbs ...
so after other m odals and when we need a full
• don’t change for person or tense. infinitive we use (to) be able to.
He might go to the cinem a tonight.
I’ll be able to get a better job after I finish
(Not: He m ights go to the cinem a tonight.)
• don’t use do in questions. I m ight be able to see you tom orrow at six.
Can you play the guitar?
I pretended to be able to speak Japanese.
(Not: Do you can play the guitar?)
• are followed by the bare infinitive (w ithout to). expressing obligation: must, have to
I th in k I will call John. M ust is generally used for personal obligation
(Not: I th in k I will to call John.) (feelings of the speaker and hearer, etc) and have (got)
• can be m ade negative using not or -n’t. to for external obligation (rules, laws, w hat other
You shouldn’t speak to your m other like that. people tell you to do, etc). They are both used to talk
(Not: You don’t should speak to your m other like about the present, the future and general obligation.
that:) I must stop eating so m uch fast food.
• don’t have an infinitive. You have to use another (personal obligation)
word or phrase. You must make m ore o f an effort in class.
I hope to be able to attend the meeting. (personal obligation)
(Not: I hope to can attend the m eeting.) I have to be at w ork at nine tomorrow.
The m odal verbs include will, would, can, could, may, (external obligation)
wuld, must, might, shall and ought to. We also use Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?
le phrase have (got) to like a m odal, although it (external obligation)
changes like an ordinary verb. Have you got to wear a uniform at your school?
He has to go to work. ( / ) (external obligation)
He’s got to go to work. (■/)
Does he have to go to work? ( / )
Has he got to go to work? ( / ) To talk about the past we use had to.
Does he have got to go to work. (X) We all had to leave the building w hen the alarm
went off.
■lave got to is generally m ore inform al than have to.
Like other m odal verbs, m ust doesn’t have an
expressing ability: can, could infinitive, so after other modals and w hen we need
Can you open this jar? It’s stuck, (present ability) a full infinitive we use (to) have to.
My cousin can play 10 different musical If I’m late, I’ll have to apologise to the boss again.
instrum ents, (general ability) I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but you’ve failed
I could walk w hen I was just six m onths old. the exam.
general ability in the past)
M ustn’t does not m ean the same as don’t have to.
I wish I could play the violin, (hypothetical ability)
You mustn’t speak while the teacher is speaking.
(Don’t do it.)
You don’t have to get me a birthday present.
(It isn’t necessary, but you can if you want to.)
A lthough you can form questions beginning with
must, it’s very unusual and formal.
Must we argue about this all the time?
Grammar database
It’s m ore com m on to form questions using have to. (= The exam results are probably on the website b
Do we have to argue about this all the time? now.)
W ith non-stative verbs, we often use the co n tin u e.
asking for and giving permission: can, could, may infinitive (be -ing) to talk about actions happening
We use can, could and m ay to ask for and give now or about probable future arrangem ents.
perm ission now, in the future and generally. They should/ought to be having their dinner r.
M ay is m ore polite than could and can, and could is Ben should/ought to be arriving at about sever,
m ore polite than can. o’c lock.
Can I stay at Anna’s this weekend, Mum? expressing certainty: must, can’t
Excuse me. Could I borrow your pen for a second? We use m ust w hen we are (almost) sure about
May I speak to you for a m om ent, M r Connors? som ething now, in the future or generally, often
W hen talking about the past, we norm ally use could. because we have seen some evidence.

My parents said I could go to the party so I started Your father’s late. He must be stuck in traffic on r
getting ready. way home.
(see pages 181-182 for m ore about reported speech) Hi! You must be M rs Johnson.
W hen we are (almost) sure that som ething isn’t true
asking for and giving advice: should, ought to often because we have seen some evidence, we use
We use should and ought to to ask for and give cant.
advice about now, the future, or generally. That can’t be the postm an at the door. He’s ahead',
You should tell your teacher about your problems. been today.
We ought to call if we’re going to be late.
W ith non-stative verbs, we often use the continuou-
Shouldn’t we start getting ready for the party?
infinitive (be -ing) to talk about actions happening
(for criticising past actions, see page 194) now or about probable future arrangem ents.

expressing possibility: may, might, could, can They must/can’t be having their dinner now.
Kelly must/can’t be going to Athens this weekend
We use can to talk about general possibilities.
In Russia, it can be quite hot in the summer. (for the m odal perfect, see page 194. for will and shu.
referring to the future, see pages 178-179. for would
We use may, might and could to talk about
in conditional sentences, see pages 185 and 196)
possibilities in the present, the future and generally.
We som etim es use may to show that som ething is
m ore likely to happen.
1 W hat follows a m odal verb?
I may be a bit late for Friday’s lesson.
the infinitive without ‘to’/the infinitive with ‘to
Peter might have the right answer for num ber 10.
2 Do m odal verbs have an infinitive?
There could be some easy questions on the exam. yes/no
W ith non-stative verbs, we often use the continuous 3 W hich m odals do we often use for giving advice?
infinitive (be -ing) to talk about actions happening
now or about possible future arrangements:
Ian may be doing his hom ew ork right now.
Sophia might be playing tennis at the m om ent.
I could be going to London this weekend.
(for deductions about past possibility, see page 194)
expressing probability: should, ought to
We use should and ought to to say that som ething is
probably tru e or will probably happen.
M r Davies should have the report by now.
(= M r Davies probably has the report by now.)
The exam results ought to be on the website by
Grammar database
11 Relative clauses

Relative clauses tell us m ore about people and things.

The man who started Microsoft® is now very rich.


relative clauses

Bill Gates, who started Microsoft®, is now very rich.

In the first sentence, the relative clause identifies the In defining relative clauses, we ...
m an we are talking about. It is called a defining (or
• don’t use commas.
identifying) relative clause. The sentence does not
Those are the books which I told you about
make complete sense w ithout the relative clause.
The m an is now very rich. (W hich man? We don’t
• can use that instead of who or which ( that is m ore
inform al).
In the second sentence, the relative clause just gives Those are the books that I told you about yesterday.
us extra inform ation. It is called a non-defining
• often leave out the relative pronoun w hen it is the
relative clause. The sentence makes complete sense
object of the clause.
without it.
Those are the books I told you about yesterday.
Bill Gates is now very rich.
In non-defining relative clauses, we ...
Relative clauses are often introduced by relative
• separate the relative clause with commas.
pronouns. We use ...
Ronald Reagan, who was the President of the
which ■* for things U nited States, is ill.
Have you got the book which I lent you?
• can’t use that as a relative pronoun.
who ^ for people Ronald Reagan, that was the President of the
There’s the m an who stole my bag! United States, is ill. (X)
that ^ for people, things, tim es and places • can’t leave out the relative pronoun.
This is the bike that I got for Christm as. Ronald Reagan, was the President of the United
States, is ill. (X)
whose for possession
Tony, whose father is a lawyer, is in trouble with
the police.
* 1 BE C A R E F U L !
when ^ for times
I still rem em ber the m om ent when I saw her for W hen the relative pronoun (which, who, etc) is the
the first time. subject o f the relative clause, you do not need another
where ^ for places subject.
England, where football began, has strong sporting That’s the girl who is going out w ith John. ( / )
traditions. That’s the girl who she is going out with John. (X)
why ^ for reasons Which can also be used to refer to the rest of the
That’s the reason why he’s always late. sentence:

whom for people as the object of the relative He got an A in his exam, which im pressed
clause (in very form al English) and after prepositions everybody.

All students whom the Head has invited to dinner (This doesn’t m ean his exam im pressed everybody.
m ust reply before 5pm. It m eans the fact that he got an A impressed
That’s the m an to whom I gave the money.
Grammar database <3 q u ic k c h e c k * 3 QUICK CHECK

1 W hich relative pronoun do we use for things? 1 W rite the missing preposition.
who/which/whom This is the town ______________ which my mot):i -
2 Here’s the book which I borrowedfrom John. Does was born.
this need any commas? 2 This is the school to that my dad went. Is this
yes/no correct?
3 Do we use that as a relative pronoun in yes/no
non-defining relative clauses?
3 Here’s the house in where my grandma lives. Is th
yes/no correct?
Relative pronouns and prepositions
Where can be replaced by preposition + which.
The resort where we spent our holiday was very
(= The resort in which we spent our holiday was
very quiet.)
Less form ally we can put the preposition at the end of
the clause. W hen the preposition is at the end of the
clause, we can also use that.
The resort which we spent our holiday in was very
The resort that we spent our holiday in was very
We can use other prepositions apart from in. The one
we choose depends on the norm al m eaning of the
The school that/which my m um went to was very
The restaurant at which we m et was closed.
We can do the same thing w ith when.
The day when I won the lottery started badly.
(= The day on which I won the lottery started
(= The day that/which I won the lottery on started
W hen we use where and when, however, we don’t need
a preposition.
I will always love New York, the city where I was
born. ( / )
I will always love New York, the city which/that I
was born in. ( / )
I will always love New York, the city in which I was
born. ( / )
I wHl always love New York, the city where I was
born in. (X)

Grammar database
12 Result clauses:so, such, too, enough
So, such, too and enough can be used to talk about Both 50 and such can be used w ithout a that clause as
results. an em phatic way of saying ‘very’ or ‘really’.
so You’re so stupid! ... adjective ... that... It was such a great film!
adverb too
m any/m uch + noun I \
to o ... adjective + fo r and/or I

adverb full infinitive
. many/much + noun , I /
My brother’s so handsome that he’s thinking of
becom ing a model.
We drove to the station so slowly that we missed They told my dad he’s too old.
our train. They told my dad he’s too old for the job.

I have to do so much homework that I don’t have They told my dad he’s £oo old to do the job.
tim e for hobbies. You’re driving too slowly.
I can’t come out tonight because I’ve got too much
work to do.
<] BE C A RE F UL !
It’s too difficult for me to do.
W hen so is used to m ean as a result, it isn’t followed
by that. Q BE C AR EF UL !
It was very late so I decided to leave. ( / ) Too is used to refer to som ething that is bad or
It was very late so that I decided to leave. (X) negative or that prevents us from doing something.
such It’s too cold to play outside. ( / )
...such... ( a/an + adjective 1 a t... Don’t worry! You are too popular. (X)
+singular noun
adjective + plural noun | W hen the m eaning is positive, use other words and
a lot o f + noun phrases, such as really, extremely (with adjectives or
adverbs) or lots o f (w ith nouns).
It was such a boring lesson that I fell asleep. D on’t worry! You are really popular.
My cousins tell such funny jokes that I can’t help enough
... (not) enough + noun (+for and/or + full infinitive)
We’ve got such a lot of homework that I don’t
Yes, I’ve got enough time.
think I can do it all.
Yes, I’ve got enough time to help you.
In all the above examples, the w ord that is optional.
No, I don’t have enough time to help you.
My brother’s so handsom e he’s thinking of No, there isn’t enough time for us to go shopping.
becom ing a model.
I have to do so m uch hom ew ork I don’t have tim e
(not)... adjective +for and/or
for hobbies. «
adverb full infinitive
My cousins tell such funny jokes I can’t help

You’re old enough to go to school on your

own now.
It’s not w arm enough for us to go swimming.
I didn’t learn the vocabulary well enough to pass
the test.
Grammar database * ] B E CAREFUL! ^9 Q U I C K C H E C K

Too and enough are not followed by a that clause. 1 I went home fo r to get m y keys. Is this correct?
The coffee was too hot that I couldn’t drin k it. (X)
The coffee was n ot cold enough that I could drink 2 W hich phrase m eans the same as in order?
itr(X) so that/as for/so as
3 W hich is correct?
I studied not to fa il the test./I studied in order not r
* 3 QUICK CHECK fa il the test.

1 W hat do we use too to refer to?

something positive/something negative
2 It was so hot that I got a headache. Is this correct?
3 He’s old enough that he can drive a car. Is this

Infinitives of purpose
We can use a full infinitive to refer to som eone’s
I rang to speak to George.
We left early to get to the station on time.
I rang for to speak to George. (X)
We left early for getting to the station on time. (X)
We can also use the phrase in order before the full
infinitive. In general, in order is m ore form al than the
full infinitive alone.
I am w riting in order to request further
inform ation.
In form al contexts, we can use the phrase so as
before the full infinitive. So as isn’t very com m on in
The Prim e M inister today m et MPs so as to inform
them of his decision.
W ith a negative infinitive and with stative verbs,
we norm ally use in order not or so as not. We don’t
norm ally use the full infinitive on its own.
We left early in order/so as not to be late.
I studied hard in order/so as to be ready for the

Grammar database
13 The causative
I’m having my hair cut tomorrow. W ords like wonderful, impossible, perfect, etc, are
We got our garden done last week. ungradable. We th in k of these as things you either
are, or aren’t. In other words you are either perfect or
W illiam should have his car cleaned. It’s a mess!
you aren’t. We don’t th ink of these ideas as being on
We use the causative w hen som ebody else does a scale.
som ething for us. We often use it for things we pay
We use different words with gradable and ungradable
other people to do. Like the passive (see pages
adjectives and adverbs.
176-177), we use the causative w hen the person who
does the action is unim portant or obvious or for
emphasis. We form the causative using ... gradable adjectives and adverbs
• have in the right form + object + past participle James i s ............................... tall.
We can also use the verb get instead of have. Get is less In this sentence, we can use words that refer to degree
formal. As with the passive voice, we can use by when or am ount.
we want to say who does the action.
You should have your arm looked at by a doctor. a little
with when we w ant to refer to the tool or equipm ent. a bit
You look like you’ve had your hair cut with a knife rather
and fork! James is quite tall,
This structure can also be used to refer to things that incredibly
other people did/have done to us but which we didn’t
ask them to do, for example, stealing som ething of ungradable adjectives and adverbs
The m atch w a s ............................... amazing.
I’ve had m y bag stolen. (= My bag has been stolen.)
In this sentence, we can use words that m ean
^ Q U I C K C H E CK

1 W hen do we use the causative? absolutely

The m atch was completely amazing,
2 W hich verb can be used to form the causative,
apart from have7. totally
3 W hich is correct?
Get your hair cut./Get cut your hair. <1 B E C A R E F U L !

Quite with a gradable adjective m eans ‘fairly’.

Gradable and ungradable adjectives Quite w ith an ungradable adjective means

and adverbs ‘completely’.
There are two different kinds of adjective and adverb.
Words like happy, big, angry, slowly, quickly, etc, are 'Q q u ick check
gradable. This m eans we think of these ideas as a 1 W hich of these is gradable?
scale. perfect/cool/wonderful
2 W hich of these is ungradable?
beautiful/ impossible/tall
big very big extremely big incredibly big 3 W hich of these do we use w ith ungradable
Grammar database
14 Modals (2): modal perfect
Modal + perfect infinitive (have + past participle) The m odal perfect continuous can be form ed using
m odal + have + been + -ing to refer to actions in
You must have felt great w hen you got your exam
progress at a point in the past or to emphasise the
duration of an action.
You shouldn’t have spoken to her like that.
You can’t have been doing your hom ew ork all th: -
You drove w ithout a licence? You might have killed
time! I don’t believe you!
D arren must have been sleeping w hen we called
Paul might have forgotten our date.
him yesterday.
Could you have left your keys at the hotel?
must, can’t, couldn’t *9 q u i c k c h e c k
We use must/can’t + perfect infinitive to talk about 1 W hen does the m odal perfect refer to?
guesses about the past that we are (almost) sure of. the past/the present/ thefuture
Often, we are (almost) sure because we have some 2 W hich of these is used to criticise other people?
evidence. cant have done/should have done/m ust have done
There’s John’s coat. He must have forgotten it. 3 W hich m odal is missing?
Angie hates sweet things. She couldn’t/can’t have There’s John. H e ______________ have got back
eaten the cake that was in the fridge. fro m Canada.
should, ought to
The unreal past
We use should/ought to + perfect infinitive to criticise The past simple is not always used to refer to the
people (or ourselves) for things they did/didn’t do. past. It can be used to refer to the present, or even
Oh, no! I should have called Tony at six and I the future, w hen it is used after certain phrases or in
forgot! (I didn’t call him.) certain types of sentence. This is called the unreal pa- :
We shouldn’t have left the dog at hom e on its own. We use the unreal p a s t ...
(But we did.)
• in hypothetical conditional sentences
You really ought to have invited M aria to your If I won the lottery, I’d buy a new house.
wedding. (But you didn’t.) (seepage 185)
You ought not to have copied Rita’s hom ework. • to talk about unlikely hypothetical situations using
(But you did.)
suppose or imagine
may, might, could Imagine you got an A in the exam.
How would you feel?
We use may/might/could + perfect infinitive to talk
about things that possibly happened/didn’t happen in • to talk about present wishes
the past. I wish I had m ore money, (see page 196)

How does Lisa know about the party? I suppose • after would rather w hen we are talking about thine
Jane may/might/could have told her. we w ant/don’t want other people to do
I’d rather you came at six tomorrow.
The thieves might have escaped through the
window. • after it’s (high or about) tim e
Don’t you think it’s about tim e we left?
Peter might not have known about the meeting.
• in polite requests and questions
I’m sorry, Sir. Did you w ant something?
$ ) B E C A RE F UL !

Might/could + perfect infinitive can also be used *9 q u i c k c h e c k

to talk about an unreal (hypothetical) possibility,
som ething that was a possibility in the past but which 1 Does the past simple always refer to the past?
we know didn’t happen. yes/no
2 W hich is correct?
You might have hurt yourself jum ping off the wall
I ’d rather you don’t do that./I’d rather you didn’t
like that!
do that.
Don’t ru n across the road again! You could have
been killed! 3 Imagine you won the lottery. Does the speaker thin •
this is likely or unlikely?
Grammar database
15 The future (2)
We have already looked at some ways of talking about I’ll have been living here for ten years at the end of
the future in Unit 6 (see pages 178-179). Here are June.
some other ways.
Future perfect: will + have + past participle I started now the end of June
living here
I’ll have finished my hom ew ork by 8 o’clock.
I won’t have spoken to John by the tim e I see you. j
- 4 -
We use the future perfect to show that an action will 10 years
happen at some point betw een now and a tim e in the At the end of June, I can say: I have been living herefor
future. 10 years.
now 8 o’c lock So, now I can say: I will have been living herefor 10
I'll have finished m y homework b y 8 o 'clock. years at the end ofJune.

I finish m y hom ew ork at some point betw een * 3 q u ick ch eck

these times.
1 I’ll havefinished by 6 o’clock. W hen will I finish?
This m eans that at 8 o’clock I can say: I have finished before 6/after 6
my homework.
2 Can we use other m odals instead of will in the
So, now I can say: I will have finished my homework by future perfect?
8 o’clock. yes/no
We can also use other m odals (might, may, should) 3 W hat tense is used to talk about an action
to talk about actions that will possibly or probably happening at a point in the future?
happen betw een now and a point in the future.
„ , , . ,x Transferred negation
Cali me on m y mobile because we may/might
have left by m idnight, (possibly) 1 don,t th in k Laura is com ing to the party.
T i u i I don’t suppose we’ll have the picnic because it’s
I should have finished my hom ew ork by six, so . . rr r
give me a ring then, (probably) raining.
W hen we w ant to express a negative idea using think,
„ , ... , suppose, believe or imagine, we norm ally make these
Future continuous: will + be + -ing , . , , ,
verbs negative and not the second verb.
This tim e next week, I will be lying on a tropical Ti - i T >^j ,.,w
^ 1 r I th ink I c a n t come on Saturday. (X) (not natural)
I don’t think I can come on Saturday. ( / )
now This time next w eek ... (m ore natural)
eg W ednesday (eg next W ednesday Sam says she thinks she doesn’t have your book:
m orning) m orning) ( / ) (not natural)
" t ................................................................ ....... t .....Sam says she doesn’t think she has your book. ( / )
... 7 will be lying on (m ore natural)
a tropical beach
........................................................................................ We don’t do this with the verb hope.
We use the fu tu re continuous to talk about an action I don’t hope we lose the m atch tomorrow. (X)
Happening at a point in the future. (Com pare j hope we don’t lose the m atch tomorrow. ( / )
his with the present continuous and the past
We can also use may and might to talk about actions * 3 Q UIC K C H E C K
possibly happening at a point in the future. j W hich is better?
Don’t call at one o’clock tom orrow because I I think he’s not coming./I don’t think he’s coming.
may/might be having my lunch, (possibly) „ r, , , , , , ,T
° ' 2 1 don t hope my mum has forgotten my birthday! is
this correct?
Future perfect continuous: will + have been + -ing yes/no
We use the future perfect continuous to talk about
actions that are in progress up to a point in the future.
Grammar database
16 Conditionals (2): third
We c a n t change the past. W hen we w ant to imagine Wishes about other people’s behaviour:
the past being different, we can talk about it using the wish + would
th ird conditional.
We can use wish to talk about things that other peopl
do that annoy or irritate us.
hypothetical (unreal) possibility, past
I wish you wouldn’t speak w hen I’m speaking.
Third conditional: if... past perfect... would have I wish you would stop m aking that noise.
... past participle
If I had known about the party, I would have gone.
(I didn’t know about the party. I didn’t go.) 4 ] BE C A R E F U L !
We wouldn’t have been on tim e if we hadn’t run. We don’t say: I wish I w o u ld ... (X)
(We ran. We were on time.)
Instead of would, we can also use these other modals. We only use wish to talk about hypothetical
situations. W hen we w ant to talk about real
If I had know n about the party, I might have gone.
possibilities in the past, present or future, we usuallv
(I’m not sure.)
use hope.
If we had had enough m oney last night, we could
I hope we have a good tim e next Saturday.
have gone to the cinem a. (It w ould have been
possible.) I hope you enjoyed the party last night.

* 9 q u ick ch eck iQ q u i c k c h e c k

1 Does the third conditional refer to a real 1 I wish I was still in bed! W hat does this refer to?
possibility? the past/the present/the future
yes/no 2 I wish I would stop smoking. Is this correct?
2 W hat does the third conditional refer to? yes/no
the past/ the present/the future 3 I wish I pass the exam next week. Is this correct?
3 Can we use other m odals, apart from would? yes/no

Wishes and regrets

The tenses we use with wish are like the tenses we use
in hypothetical conditional sentences (past to talk
about the present, past perfect to talk about the past).
You can see this because we can use I f o n ly ... as an
em phatic form of I wish ....

Wishes about the present/future: wish + past

(simple or continuous) (or past modal)
I wish I was/were taller. (If only I was/were taller!)
Don’t you wish you knew m ore languages?
I wish I was having G erm an lessons.
I wish I could come with you next week.

Wishes about the past (regrets): wish + past perfect

We wish we had seen that film w hen we had the
I wish I hadn’t told H annah all m y secrets.
Alphabetical index of Grammar database points
Articles 172
Causative (The) 193
Com paratives and superlatives 175
C onditionals (1): zero, first, second 185
C onditionals (2): third 196
Countable and uncountable nouns 177
Future (1) (The) 178
Future (2) (The) 195
Gradable and ungradable adjectives and adverbs 193
Indirect questions 182
Full infinitives (with to) and -ing forms after verbs 183
Infinitives of purpose 192
M odals (1) 187
M odals (2): m odal perfect 194
Passive (The) 176
Past continuous 168
Past perfect continuous 174
Past perfect 174
Past simple 168
Prefer, would rather, had better 184
Present continuous 166
Present perfect continuous 171
Present perfect 171
Present simple 166
Q uestion tags 180
Relative clauses 189
Relative pronouns and prepositions 190
R eported speech 181
Result clauses: so, such, too, enough 191
Stative verbs 167
Transferred negation 195
Unless, in case, as long as 186
Unreal past (The) 194
W ishes and regrets 196
Would, used to, be used to 170

U n its 1 -2 U n its 3 - 4
1 Find the answers online! Find the answers online!

1 In what year did Facebook go online? 1 A philatelist collects stamps.

W hat does a deltiologist collect?

2 W hat was the plane called that the

W right brothers m ade their first 2 W hat does an arctophile collect?
successful flight in ? _____________

3 W hich state is Brisbane in? 3 W hat’s the form al word (like the words
in questions 1 and 2) for som eone who
collects coins?______________
s^a 4 W ho was the m ain founder of
Facebook?______________ 4 W hat’s the form al word for som eone
w ho collects wild birds’ eggs?
5 W hat did Frank W hittle invent
in 1928?______________
3 5 If som eone’s an am ateur vexillologist,
6 W hat is the busiest airport in a== 3 w hat are they interested in?
New York called?____________

7 W ho was the first m an to step onto 6 The Prim e M inister of the UK works
the M oon?______________ at 10 D ow ning Street in London. W ho
works at num ber 11? (clue: the answer
8 W hat is another nam e for the London is in the form the C... of the E...)
U nderground? The T______________

9 In what year did the Space Shuttle 7 PAYE in Britain stands for ‘pay as you
stop flying?______________ earn. Pay w hat?______________

10 In which year did the first m odern 8 If som eone describes him /herself as
•! helicopter take off?______________ a ‘tonsorial artist’, w hat do they cut?
'-••• 3

9 In Britain, the letters NI stand for

‘N orthern Ireland’. They also stand for
som ething that workers pay. W hat?

10 If a shop sells som ething ‘retail’, it sells

it to a custom er who’s a m em ber of
the public. W hat’s the word for when
a business sells som ething to a shop,
so the shop can later sell it retail?
Units 5-6 Units 7-8
Find the answers online! 1 Find the answers online!

1 W hat did the first text message ever Chinese food is often eaten using thin
sent say?______________ pieces of w ood or plastic rather than
knives and forks. W hat are they called
2 W hat was the hottest tem perature ever in English?______________
recorded in E urope?______________
In January 2012, the cruise ship Costa
3 In which country could you watch Concordia had a very serious accident
CBS and N B C ?______________ w hen it hit a rock off which Italian
4 W hat are the seven colours of the
rainbow ?______________ Jamie Oliver, a famous chef, m ade
a TV series for people who need to
5 There used to be a show called Dallas cook very quickly. W hat was the
on TV. Was it a game show, a chat program m e called?______________
show or a soap o p era?______________
4 W hich city has these airports: New ark
6 W hat do m eteorologists m easure with and LaG uardia?______________
the Beaufort scale?______________
5 If you’re eating Bombay Duck,
7 The title of the show Big Brother comes w hat kind of m eat are you eating?
from which b o o k ?______________

L.--- 8 Large storm s in the Atlantic Ocean are 6 In which city is Waverley train station?
-- . ’’J
called hurricanes. W hat are they called
in the Pacific O cean?______________
7 W hich two m en created
9 W hen talking about the internet, what W orcestershire sauce?
does www stand for?______________
8 In Britain, if you order ‘bangers and
10 June is usually a sunny m onth in m ash’ at a cafe or restaurant, you’ll
London. W hat was unusual about 2nd c-.--.
e g.--'.... 3
receive a dish w ith m ashed potato and
June 1975?______________ w hat else?______________

9 Only one city in the w orld is in

two continents. W hich city?

10 The city in question 9 had two nam es

in English before it got its m odern
name. O ne starts with B and the
other starts with C. W hat are they?
-> Units 9-10 U n its 1 1 - 1 2
C Find the answers online! 1 Find the answers online!

1 In which year did Apple® start selling 1 The University of W arwick isn’t
apps through their App Store? actually in the town of Warwick.
W hich city is it in ? ____________

2 W hich Australian soap opera did BA stands for Bachelor of Arts. MA

the actress Isla Fisher appear in? stands for M aster of Arts. PhD stands
for a phrase in Latin. W hat is the most
com m on English translation of this
3 In CD-ROM , what do the letters ROM Latin phrase?_____
stand fo r? ______________
You hear these words in a lecture:
4 W hat was Justin Bieber’s first album integer, prime, differentiation, complex,
called? _____________ quadratic, imaginary. W hich subject is
the lecture about? ____________ __
5 W hat is M adonnas full name?
= 3 The set of school exams that m any
^=3 British students take w hen they’re 15
6 W hen was the iPhone® first released? or 16 years old changed its nam e in
1988. W hat are the exams called now?

7 W hich avenue in New York is famous

for its theatres?______________ 5 W hat were they called in 1987?

8 In which decade was the com puter

m ouse invented?______________ 6 W hat’s another w ord for a chemist?
(clue: it starts with the letter ‘p’)
9 The Twilight series of novels are
popular children’s books. W ho is the
w riter?________ ___ 7 A fam ous w riter gave a London
children’s hospital a great gift when
10 W hen was Einstein born, and when he said the hospital could have all the
did he die? m oney earned by a play and novel he
had written. W hat was the nam e of the
w riter?______________

8 W hat was the nam e of the hospital?

9 W hat was the nam e o f the m ain

character in the play and novel?

10 W hat’s the m ore com m on way to refer

to the scapula in the hum an body?

Units 13-14

Units 15-16
Find the answers online! 1 Find the answers online!

1 W ho painted the Mona Lisa and where 1 W hat’s the nam e for a garden with a
is it? ______________ num ber of fruit trees? (clue: it starts
w ith the letter ‘o’) ______________
2 W omen first com peted in the
heptathlon at the Olympic Games” 2 CFCs can be harm ful to the
in which year and in which city? environm ent. W hat do the letters CFC
stand for?______________

3 How m any symphonies did Beethoven 3 W hat’s another noun from the word
com pose?______________ ‘environm ent’? ______________

4 In which decade was the game of 4 If som eone’s good at m aking plants
volleyball invented?______________ grow, we m ight say they have what
kind of fingers? ______________
5 W hich fam ous Spanish painter
was born in 1881 and died in 1973? 5 A m eteorologist would say that rain
and snow are two different kinds of
what? (clue: the word starts with the
6 W hich of these is not a race in the letters ‘pre’) ______________
3 Olympics®: 400m, 5,000m, 7,000m or
3 10,000m?______________ 6 Policemen are som etim es know n as
‘bobbies’. This w ord refers to which
7 How did the painter Vincent van Gogh g==i| UK politician from the 1800s?

8 W hich country won the football 7 The w ord ‘jail’ m eans ‘prison. There’s
W orld Cup in 1950?______________ another word with a very sim ilar
m eaning and the same pronunciation.
9 W hich story by Charles Dickens How is it spelled?______________
describes what happens to
M r Scrooge?______________ 8 Porridge was the nam e of a very
popular British sitcom set in a prison.
10 W hich famous tennis tournam ent W hat was the nam e of the fictional
takes place in London each summ er? prison in the show ?______________

9 ‘Porridge’ is a traditional dish eaten at

3 breakfast. In British slang, though, if
^ 3 som eone ‘does porridge’, w hat do they

10 A forest is bigger than a wood, and a

w ood is bigger than a what? (clue: it’s
five letters and starts w ith the letter c’)
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A lively, motivating and interesting B1+ level book specifically designed
with teenagers in mind, Laser B1+ provides comprehensive coverage
of the grammar, vocabulary and skills required at B1+ level as well as
focusing regularly on exam-type tasks.

Laser B1+ features

• Sixteen interesting and engaging topic-based units
Syllabus based on the B1+ level of the Council of Europe’s Common European
Framework of Reference
• Word Box sections covering topic-based vocabulary, collocations, phrasal verbs and
word formation
Useful Phrases sections presenting functional phrases and expressions
• Soundbite sections clarifying emphasis and stress patterns
• Revision sections after every two units
• Sixteen detailed and structured writing planners
A page-faithful Digibook version of the Student's Book
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lite Practice Test, a Test Generator and a series of teacher support videos
• Access to Macmillan Practice Online for Laser B1+ providing a range of interactive
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Student's Book with Student's CD-ROM and MPO ISBN 978-0-230-47068-2
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Workbook without key, plus audio CD ISBN 978-0-230-43369-4
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Class Audio CD ISBN 978-0-230-43376-2

The Laser B1+ Student's CD-ROM is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7 8 8, and with Macintosh OSX 1 0 .5 ,1 0 .6 ,1 0 .7 & 10.8.

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