Business Communication OUTLINE Spring 2021

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Course Details

Course Title: Business Communication

Course Code: MGT 163 Prerequisite: None
Program: BSACFSACF Credit Hours: 3

Course Faculty
Ms. Tauheed Sohail
Business Communication
Consultation Hours:

Introduction to the Module:

Business Communication includes both verbal and nonverbal communication and hence includes both written &
oral communication. This module aims to enhance the communication skills of the student for effective
communication within and outside the organization. This module incorporates the important elements of organizing
and planning, and teaches the student to plan holistically and include analysis of the targeted audience for all types
of communication as well as the corporate culture of the organization thus ensuring the most effective
communication. The scope of this module is wide and covers communication regarding employment as well.

Department of International Business BSACF

& Marketing 2K20
Course Objectives
NUST Business School A&B
This course will help
National students understand
University and explain:
of Sciences & Technology
1. Why one needs to be able to communicate well.
2. How to identify and overcome business communication barriers.
3. How to analyze and adapt messages to the targeted audience.
4. The impact of corporate culture on business communication.
5. How to craft different types of business messages by creating infographics, making effective word choices,
sentence construction, and paragraph organization for internal & external communication.
6. How to adapt written communications for international audiences.
7. Why nonverbal communication impacts business communications.
8. Techniques for making business meetings effective.
9. Productive & non-productive methods of communicating in teams.
10. How to write employment communication that attracts employers.
11. How to prepare for different types of interviews.
12. Specify delivery techniques for use before, during & after a presentation.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of communication in the business world.

2. Conduct a thorough audience analysis and employ relevant techniques to write internal & external business
3. Successfully follow-up on internal & external communication.
4. Send appropriate nonverbal cues to the audience.
5. Demonstrate skills that maximize presentation delivery in meetings & presentations
6. Communicate successfully & effectively in oral & written employment communication.
7. Build relationship of trustworthiness & tact.
Program Learning Goals and Objectives
General Learning Goals & Objectives BBA Program:
1. A baccalaureate-level knowledge of business administration
2. Understanding of the macroeconomic environment, of state of industries and of the functional areas of
different types of organizations
3. The ability to identify, formulate, and solve business problems using appropriate methodologies and tools
(quantitative as well as qualitative)
4. The ability to communicate effectively and function well in teams
5. An appreciation of professional and ethical responsibilities

Required Course Material 

Course Slides

Text book 
Business Communication by Bovee, Thill & Chatterjee 
11th Edition - Pearson
Reference books 
Business Communication by Mary Ellen Guffy 
Communicate by Rudolph & Kathleen Verderber  
Business Communication Technologies by Hilary Beck, Jill
Harvey, Aliisa Mylonas & Rhomnda Rasmussen 
Fire up your communication Skills by Bob Smith 
Business Communication by Nikson & David Siddons  
Business and Administrative Communication by Kitty O. Locker  
Communicating in Groups & Teams by Gay & Donald Lumsden 

Course Evaluation (Grade Breakup)

Grading will be done as per NBS criteria. The breakup of the grade points is as follows: (Unconfirmed if previous
grading breakup is being followed or not)
Final Exam           60 %
Quizzes 20%
Assignments/Cases 20%

Mapping Program Objectives & Goals with Course Learning Outcomes


Students get a number of opportunities
to demonstrate their ability to
Goal 1- A baccalaureate-level
communicate effectively in written & Cases, Assignments and
knowledge of business
oral communication (CLO 6) Exam
All assignments except the final
project are individual assignments.
Goal 2 - Understanding of the
macroeconomic environment, of In both case studies and all writing
Assignments, Quizzes &
state of industries and of the assignments the environment and
functional areas of different types of audience will have to be analyzed.
Goal 3 - The ability to identify, Analytical thinking is a major Assignments, Quizzes &

formulate, and solve business
problems using appropriate component of all pre-writing phases. Exam
methodologies and tools
Goal 4 - The ability to communicate
The students have to work together to
effectively and function well in Assignment
analyze for some assignments.
Goal 5 - An appreciation of
professional and ethical Are included in all assignments. Assignments

Course Content (Weekly)

Weekly breakdown is given below
Session Outcomes (Students
Week Lecture No. and Topic Reading
should be able to…)

Understand & explain the

importance of business
communication to businesses.
Foundations of Business
Explain the process of
1 Slides communication.
Identify possible barriers to
Barriers to Communication
effective communication.
(CLO #1)

9 Cs of effective Business Promote positive workplace

Communication   Slides relations through communication.
(CLO#2 & 5)

Social Etiquette
Understand why diversity is
becoming important.
How not to let our beliefs &
3 Audience Analysis  values impact cross cultural
Case Study
Be able to check for cultural
generalizations in communication
(CLO#1, 2 & 3)

Memo Writing (Internal Organize hardcopy and electronic
4 Slides
Communication) memos (CLO #2)
Routine & Positive Messages Organize routine& positive
5 (Internal Communication) Slides messages
(CLO # 2 & 3)
Improve the tone of negative
Negative Messages
6 Slides
Use different ways to organize
negative messages.
(CLO # 2 & 3)
Manage emotions intelligently
7 Emotional Intelligence Slides and rationally
(CLO # 6 & 7)
Manage emotions intelligently
8 Emotional Intelligence Slides and rationally
(CLO # 6 & 7)
9 Brochure designing Slides
Choose information for reports.
Learn different ways to organize
& present information effectively
Report & Proposal Writing Slides in reports.
Write proposals with budget and
costs sections.
(CLO #2, 3 & 6)
Prepare different types of
Resume Writing
10 Slides Write an effective cover letter to
Cover Letters
accompany the résumé
(CLO# 5 & 6)
Social Etiquette
Answer common interview
Interview Skills
11 Slides Use appropriate body language to
show confidence
Follow-up on the interview.
(CLO# 4, 5 & 6)
Select & organize information for
Designing & Delivering effective presentations
12 Slides Deliver effective presentations
Presentations Handling questions
(CLO # 1, 2, 4 & 5)
13 Business Etiquette Slides Social Etiquette
& Ethics Meeting Etiquette
Etiquette of Conversation
Recognize the negative impact

that poor etiquette can have.
Establish credibility with internal
& external audience
(CLO # 6)
Dressing etiquette (create your
own persona or follow the
Corporate Protocol: Dress codes &
15 Slides & Videos company dress code)
Table etiquettes 
Be aware of the different eating
16 Any missed classes

Course Policies
Class Participation
 This class involves readings & a few writing sessions. You are required to come
prepared with the readings before coming to the class.
 The class involves group work. Please be ready to listen to others and incorporate their
ideas and be respectful to their input. Nevertheless, do not feel reluctant at any point to
bring your points into the discussion. The course aims to work towards building the best
communication skills in all the students.

 You are required to attend all the sessions. 75% attendance is a must in order to qualify
to take the final exams. In case of some medical or any other emergency, you are
required to inform your faculty about the same prior to taking the leave.

 I assume that all students have the basic computer skills like Microsoft Word, Excel,
Power point and Publisher. In case you need help with this, the computer labs are
functional from 9:00 am till 9:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
 There will be no late submissions for this class. In case of an emergency please inform
your instructor prior to the submission date.
 If directed submit your assignments via the LMS portal otherwise submit hard copies.
The former is to check the submissions for plagiarism through plagiarism software.
 Any assignments to be submitted via LMS should be submitted by 12:00 hrs (A.M.) on
the due date.
 Any late submissions will not be marked.

Academic Dishonesty:
You are responsible for knowing and enacting academic conduct that is in line with the
University’s statement entitled “Academic Dishonesty” available at:

The statement highlights examples of unacceptable behavior which include, but are not limited
to, the following:

 Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information,
or study aids in any academic exercise; copying from another student’s examination;
submitting work prepared in advance for an in-class examination; taking an examination
for another person or conspiring to do so.
 Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as
one’s own in any academic exercise; failure to attribute direct quotation, paraphrase, or
borrowed facts or information.
 Please login to the following website for a detailed description of university’s policies
regarding attendance, discrimination policies, admission procedures etc.
http:// www.

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