Debanjoy Basak 6Bbah-B 1823136 Production Management

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Debanjoy Basak

Production Management

Ans1) 1. Job Production:

Under this strategy particular, extraordinary or non-normalized items are created as per the
orders got from the clients. As every item is non-normalized differing in size and nature, it
requires separate occupation for creation. The machines and gears are changed in such a way
in order to suit the necessities of a specific work. Occupation creation includes discontinuous
interaction as the work is conveyed as and when the request is gotten. It comprises of uniting
of material, parts and segments to gather and commission a solitary piece of gear or item.
Boat building, dam development, connect building, book printing is a portion of the instances
of occupation creation. Third technique for plant format viz., Stationery Material Layout is
appropriate for work creation.
Characteristics: -
The Job Production has the accompanying qualities: -
1. An enormous number of universally useful machines are required.
2. An enormous number of laborers familiar with various positions should be utilized.
3. There can be a few varieties underway.
4.Some adaptability in financing is required due to varieties in responsibility.
5. A huge stock of materials, parts and instruments will be required.
6. The machines and gear setting should be changed and readjusted to the assembling
7. The development of materials through the cycle is irregular.

2.Batch Production:
Batch Production relates to dreary creation. It alludes to the creation of products, the amount
of which is known ahead of time. It is that type of creation where indistinguishable items are
delivered in groups based on request of clients' or of anticipated interest for items. This
strategy is by and large like occupation creation aside from the amount of creation. Rather
than making one single item as in the event of occupation creation, a cluster or gathering of
items are delivered at one time. It ought to be recollected here that one clump of items may
not take after with the following cluster.
Under group arrangement of creation, the work is separated into tasks and each activity is
done in turn. Subsequent to finishing the work on one activity it is given to the subsequent
activity, etc. till the item is finished. Batch Production can be clarified with the assistance of a

1.The work is of overlapping nature.
2.There is a practical format of different assembling measures.
3. One activity is completed on entire bunch and afterward is given to the following activity,
4. Same sort of machines is orchestrated at one spot.
5. It is for the most part picked where exchange is occasional or there is a need to create
extraordinary assortment of products.

3.Flow Production:
This strategy includes a nonstop creation of normalized items for an enormous scope. Under
this strategy, creation stays persistent fully expecting future interest. Normalization is the
premise of large-scale manufacturing. Normalized items are delivered under this strategy by
utilizing normalized materials and gear. There is a consistent or continuous progression of
creation acquired by orchestrating the machines in a legitimate grouping of tasks. Interaction
format is most appropriate strategy for large scale manufacturing units.
Flow Production is the assembling of an item by a progression of tasks, each article going on
to a succeeding activity at the earliest opportunity. The assembling cycle is broken into
independent activities.

Characteristics: -
1.The units stream starting with one activity point then onto the next all through the entire
2. There will be one sort of machine for each cycle.
3. The items, apparatuses, materials and strategies are normalized.
4. Creation is done fully expecting request.
a)For an Industrial unit manufacturing drugs and medicines – Batch Production will be
used here as the drugs and medicines are prepared in batches with an expiry rate.

b) For a Commercial bank- Job production is best as the demand of work is changing
though classification and categorization of unit is done such that one particular set of
employees take care of one single unit of a bank and then it will be under batch production as
even with that the job itself of one person for the client may differ.
c) For a Car company- Flow Production will be used because in this the parts are to
collected in one place and then it has to be assembled.

Ans2) ABC Analysis is one of the instruments that empower organizations to control their
expenses. It gives point by point data that empowers the checking of how assets have been
used inside an organization. It empowers the administration to assess whether expenses relate
with the end goal of their spending.
Importance in Automobile Industry:-
1.Utilizes the effect of Cost saving
2.It allows the inventory planners to organise high priority items aligning to customer
3.It allows proper resource allocation starting from Class A items to class C items.
Benefits of ABC analysis:-
1.Better Control of High-Priority Inventory
ABC Analysis places more tight and more continuous controls on high-need stock. High-
need stock, or class A stock, is the class of stock that clients demand frequently. In
assembling, class A stock additionally can incorporate the things regularly utilized in the
creation of merchandise. Since Class A stock is straightforwardly connected to the
achievement of the organization, it is imperative to continually screen the interest for it and
guarantee stock levels coordinate that request.
2. More Efficient Cycle Counts
Under the ABC Analysis, you can apportion we assets all the more proficiently during cycle
tallies. A cycle check is the way toward tallying just certain things on booked dates. The
recurrence of we cycle tallies and the things you decide to incorporate rely upon how
regularly we stock varies.
Whenever stock is coordinated by class, you can zero in customary cycle depends on class A
stock. Contingent upon we requirements, it very well might be important to consider class B
stock rarely as two times every year and class C stock just once each year. The ABC
investigation technique saves time and work checking just the stock needed by the cycle for
the class of stock as opposed to tallying all stock things each cycle.
Limitations Of ABC analysis:-
1.Strife with Other Cost Systems
The ABC Analysis doesn't meet Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
necessities and furthermore clashes with customary costing frameworks. In the event that we
business utilizes ABC strategies it should work two costing frameworks, one for inside use
under the ABC strategy and another for consistence with GAAP. Customary costing
frameworks produce the figures needed by GAAP. Customary costing frameworks allot cost
drivers by the real unit cost, instead of by the action level of the expense driver. Thus, ABC
cost tasks regularly vary from conventional expense framework tasks.
2.Requires Substantial Resources
The ABC Analysis requires a larger number of assets to keep up than customary costing
frameworks. At the point when cycle checks are performed, class A stock should be regularly
examined to decide whether the stock actually comprises of high-need things. On the off
chance that a stock piece is not, at this point utilized or requested as often, it is moved to
another stock characterization. This steady cycle requires significantly more information
estimation and assortment.

Production Planning and Control

PPC is a process or method of bringing together the factors of production like man, labour,
raw material etc. It helps firms to achieve firms production process in more economical way.
Need for Production Planning and control are:-
 Successful use of firms' assets.
 To accomplish the creation destinations concerning quality, amount, cost and
idealness of conveyance.
 To get the continuous creation stream to satisfy clients shifted need regarding quality
and submitted conveyance plan.
 To assist the organization with providing great quality items to the client on the
ceaseless premise at serious rates.
1.Materials Function:
Crude materials, completed parts and purchased out segments ought to be made accessible in
required amounts and at expected opportunity to guarantee the right beginning and end for
every activity bringing about continuous creation. The capacity incorporates the particular of
materials (quality and amount) conveyance dates, assortment decrease (normalization)
acquirement and settle on or purchase choices.
2.Machines and Equipment:
This capacity is connected with the itemized investigation of accessible creation offices,
hardware down time, upkeep strategy system and timetables. Worried about economy of
dances and installations, gear accessibility. Consequently the obligations incorporate the
examination of offices and making their accessibility with least personal time in view of
3. Strategies:
This capacity is worried about the examination of choices and choice of the best technique
with due thought to imperatives forced. Creating particulars for measures is a significant part
of PPC and assurance of succession of Operations.
4. Interaction Planning (Routing):
It is worried about determination of way or course which the crude ought to follow to get
changed in to completed item.

When the general strategy and arrangement of activities is fixed and measure sheet for every
activity is accessible, at that point the tasks times are assessed. This capacity is completed
utilizing broad investigation of tasks alongside strategies and steering and standard occasions
for activity are set up utilizing work estimation methods.
6. Stacking and Scheduling:
Booking is worried about planning of machine burdens and obsession of Starting and fruition
dates for every one of the tasks. Machines must be stacked by their ability of playing out the
given assignment and as per their ability.
This is the execution period of preparation. It is the way toward putting creation exercises
into action through arrival of requests and directions. It approves the beginning of Production
exercises by delivering materials, parts, devices, installations and guidance sheets to the
8. Expedition:
This is the control apparatus that keeps a nearby perception on the advancement of the work.
It is a legitimate advance subsequent to dispatching which is classified "follow-up" or
"Progress". It co-ordinates widely to execute the creation plan. Advancing capacity can be
separated in to three sections, for example follow up of materials, follow up of work in
measure and follow up of get together.
9. Examination:
It is a measure control instrument. In spite of the fact that the parts of value control are the
different capacity, this is of a lot of essential to PPC both for the execution of the current
plans and in scope for future arranging. This structures the reason for knowing the
impediments as for techniques, measures and so on which is a lot of helpful for assessment
10. Assessment:
This stage however dismissed is a vital to the improvement of profitable proficiency. An
intensive investigation of the relative multitude of variables affecting the creation arranging
and control assists with distinguishing the shaky areas and the restorative activity concerning
preplanning and arranging will be affected by a criticism. The achievement of this
progression relies upon the correspondence, Data and data social occasion and investigation.
Ans5) Case Introduction

Pentagon plastics is an infusion forming organization and the issue looked by it is that their
smash hit part was being utilized by an instrument producer and in the end introduced into
Ford vehicles. Portage presented all out quality administration and without a moment to spare
tasks considering its development of its quality administration program.

Articulation of issue

 Jaydeep Julmani, the creation supervisor is hoping to satisfy new needs on his
creation at Pentagon plastics
 Delays happening in planning of items because of orders being met from stock.
 Jaydeep might want to take motivation from Hewlett Packard's presentation of JIT for
better creation arranging.


a) JIT is producing without a moment to spare. Under JIT, just when the request is endorsed
by the client is an assembling eliminate conveyed by the organization. This extras stock and
capacity expenses and expands creation measure execution. During the execution of JIT into
an organization's assembling strategy, various firms, for example, Dell, Toyota, Hp are allies
of JIT Manufacturing. The key advances included were:

 JIT needs creation, when the client favours the request, to plan a powerful large scale
manufacturing measure. To coordinate the JIT strategy, a consistent large scale
manufacturing framework must be fabricated that works easily and productively when
the request is confirmed.
 Implementing TQM, TQM is the full control of value. TQM assists with improving
the assembling interaction generally consistency. It likewise limits the creation of
waste. To work on JIT creation, the standards of TQM can be applied to the creation
 The association needs to investigate client orders and afterward fabricate a creation
system that chips away at balanced out creation volumes.

 The meaning of Kanban is exceptionally nitty gritty in JIT, if it's not too much
trouble, present Kanban. At the point when the client orders are checked to advance
JIT, Kanban assists with obtaining crude material in parts. It is basically a sign used to
start the provider acquirement measure.
 The Kanban card with the providers must be concurred in association with and new
agreements must be endorsed with them. The providers need to affirm the JIT
methodological acquirement measure.
 If an organization decides to follow JIT, it should pull out its present stock.
Continually diminishing its stocks. The organization should utilize its in-house stock
and pick the obtainment cycle. The beginning of JIT advancement in the business will
be energized.
 Improved item plan: In request to make the perfect time creation powerful, the
organization's item configuration should be as per the JIT technique. To make the
item more refined and successful, pointless ornamentations can be disposed of.

b) Indeed. JIT could work in Pentagon plastics. JIT should zero in on bringing their stock as
per the orders set by clients. Despite the fact that its fundamental, separating among minor
and significant items, the creation cycle should be shaped so that both item arranges are given
equivalent significance and delivered simultaneously. They should likewise get stock as per
orders to forestall overloading or for this situation, now and then understocking. Whenever
Pentagon has finished these essential advances, they can proceed with the excess ones like
Kanbans, working with providers and so on.

c) These are the advantages of JIT to Pentagon plastics –

 Decrease in product costs

 Improvement of productivity
 Improvement in quality of products
 Better design of the injection moulds.


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