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Meeting Record sheet 3

Date: 12th March Time: 9:00 AM Places: All saints room A32 Present: Katie producer

Issue discussed Decision/ person responsible for


The meeting started with the group talking about the Katie- Director/ presenter
shoot date and deciding who is bring, what equipment. Daryl- Camera operator
Katie agreed to bring her Camera, tripod, and lunches for Sam- Sound operator
the group. Sam agreed to bring his microphones, and Cara Cara- Safety Assistant
agreed to bring a first aid kit, as she knows how to uses it.

It was also agreed that everyone would make their own At the first location, they will meet
way there, and pay for it. Sam has offered to help Katie at the visitor centre, then follow Mr
bring the supplies, so they will meet at 8:00 AM and get to Humes to the location
Epping forest at 8:30.
At the second location they will
We will meet at the first location between 8:30 and 9:00 meet at the entrances and go in
AM, and Mr Humes will meet the crew at the visitor together, so no one gets lost.
centre, then show them to a place he said will be perfect
for the film.

The cast members would need to provide their own

clothes, with strong footwear. Hannah has also agreed to
provide a shoulder bag for Little Ava, and Katie will provide
a Bird book.

At the second location Katie and Cara will make the set, for
the news reporter, and Cara will make sure it is safe. They
will bring it together on the day of the shoot, and spend
the first 2 hours of the day setting up the set, making it

The meeting finished at 10:20 AM

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