Article Review Form

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Article Review Form

Name : Alhadid Endar Putra

Student Number : 0906489990

Faculty and Class : Law and class MPK English F

*Title Of Article : Human Agression

*Author : Anthony Storr

*Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article.

Because the Human Aggression Article is explaining about special characteristic of

human like nature of is brutal human being and nature of human being genuine. In the
other hand, the article is very attractive and different from other article.

*Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about.

The article tell us about the aggressive human nature which it effect can destroy
members of his own species. Although in the other side, every human have that nature
since they born. the writers also explain about The human Aggression is a very hard
concept to define, because it isn’t only a necessary safeguard against predatory attack.
It is also the basis of intellectual achievement, of the attainment of independence, an
even of that proper pride which enables a man to hold his head amongst his fellows.

*What is the writer’s message or purpose in writing this article?

The writers want us to take care of our habit and become patient human. He also
wants the study of human aggression can provide a complete answer to finish war
between human and many problems causing by human aggression.

*Give your personal comment on the article as a conclusion of your article review.

I very interesting and like with the concept of the writer, because the writer has
discuss about the hard problem in our society.

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