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9th Form Lesson 3: Pollution, a threat to our environment. Ms.


• What are the types of pollution? land / water / air / noise

........................ pollution ......................... pollution ........................ pollution ........................ pollution

• What are the causes?

throwing garbage in the water / in the streets - oil spills in the sea – cars / factories releasing fumes –
logging of the trees – farmers spraying pesticides

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• What are the effects?

forest fires – polluted waters – acid rain – headaches – hearing loss – smog – contaminated food - skin rash

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II. READING: Read the text page 67, SB, and answer the related questions:
1. Who is responsible for pollution?
2. Complete the table.
Visible pollution Invisible pollution
a-……………………………………….…………….. a-…………………………………………………….
b-……………………………………….……………. b-…………………………………………………….

3. Which senses can you use to know that your environment is polluted?

4. These statements are false, correct them with details from the text:
a- Pollution affects only the air we breathe.
b- Discharging waste is the solution to the problem.
c- This has no consequences on the environment.

5. Find words in the text meaning the same as those underlined:

The negative effect (…………………….) of pollution on the environment can be visible or invisible. For example,
small pieces of matter (…………………….) cannot be seen, but rubbish (……………………) is visible. Both destroy
(……………….) the environment and people contribute to this when they throw away (……….…………).

6. What do the words in bold in the text refer to?

*That (line 4) ……………………………………………….
*Which (line 10) ……………………………………...…….
*Who (line 11) ……………………………………………….

• Use “which”, “who” or “that” to make one sentence.

a- The police arrested the man. He was cutting the trees.

b- All motor vehicles produce gases. These gases pollute the air.
c- Dirty streets are a danger to people. They live nearby.
d- Farmers use pesticides. These pesticides harm the environment.

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