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4 year B.M.T
Strategic Mgt
Business section

Basic concepts of strategic Management

Ch 1- part 2
Sheet 2

Join our Group : Business Administration ( Kareem Mohamed ) Call us on : 0122-328-3664
 Policies :-
Policy: - is abroad guide line for decision making that links the formulation of a strategy
with its implementation
‫ ِي االرشادات المي بتتأكد وَ تتفيذ االصرتاتيحية املطموبة‬: ‫الضياصات‬
 Companies use policies to make sure that employees throughout the firm make decisions
and take actions that support the corporation's mission objectives and strategies.
 Strategy implementation: -
 The process by which strategies and policies are put into action through development of
programs. budgets and procedures.
‫وضع االصرتاتيحية يف اطار التٍفيذ‬
‫ الشزكة وضعت اصرتاتيحية عمشاُ حتكل اهلدف دا‬ISO‫ شزكة عاوسة تاخد شّادة اه‬: ‫وثال‬
The strategy implementation includes :
‫ ٌكاط‬3 ‫عمشاُ االصرتاتيحية حتكل االِداف املزغوب فيّا البد وَ توافز‬
Programs:is a statement of the activities or steps needed to accomplish a single- use plan
‫ تضتعني خبرباء يف دلاهلا وِكذا‬, ‫تكدً بزاوخ تدريبية وثال لمىوظفني‬
Budget: A statement of a corporation programs in terms of dollars, a budget lists the
detailed cost of each program.
‫ حتدد كن ٌشاط ِاتعىموا يف الربٌاوخ ِايتكمف كاً ؟؟‬: ‫امليشاٌية‬
Procedures:- ((SOP)) Sometime termed standard operating procedures, are a system
of sequential steps or techniques that describe in detail how a particular task or job is to be
‫ خطوات واجزاءات اٌّاء املّاً املطموبة وٍٍا‬: ‫ مبعين‬, ‫اجزاءات التشغين املعيارية‬

Evaluation and control :-

Is the process in which corporate activities and performance results are monitored so that
actual performance can be compared with desired performance
‫ اٌي اتأكد وَ تٍفيذ اخلطوات الضابكة ووكارٌتّا باالداء الفعمي‬: ‫عىمية التكييي واملزاجعة‬
‫ بكارُ وابني وايٍبغي اُ يكوُ وواِو قائي بالفعن‬: ‫مبعين‬
Performance: - is the end result of activities and it includes the actual outcomes of the
strategic management process.
‫ ِو الٍاتخ الٍّائي لالصرتاتيحية المي طبكتّا‬: ‫االداء‬

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feedback learning process: arrows are drawn coming out of each part of the model and
taking information to each of the previous parts of the model (( revise or correct designs
based on performance))

 Triggering event (Henry Mintzberg) :

Is something that acts as a stimulus for a change In strategy. some possible triggering events
are :
‫وواقف ممكَ حتصن يف الشزكة جتعن الشزكة تكوً بتغيري االصرتاتيحية بتاعتّا‬
 New CEO
 External intervention
 Threat of change In ownership
 Performance gap
Strategic inflection point.
Strategic decision making (exam - exam - exam) :
Focuses on the long run future of the future of the organization
‫ ِو قزار طوين االجن وتعمل بالشزكة يف املضتكبن ومتثن ٌكطة حتوه يف حياة الشزكة‬: ‫الكزار االصرتاتيحي‬
Manufacturing Technology ‫ الشزكة قزرت تغري‬: ‫وثال‬
Characteristics of strategic decision making includes:-
1- Rare: - strategic decisions are unusual and typically have no precedent.
‫قزار بيتاخد وزة واحدة يف حياة الشزكة‬
2- Consequential:- strategic decisions commit substantial resource and demand a great
deal of commitment from people at all levels.
‫ الشزكة قزرت تغري وَ تكٍولوجيا التصٍيع بتاعتّا يتبعْ اٌّا ِادرب العىاه بتوعّا عمي الٍعاً اجلديد‬: ‫ مبعين‬, ‫قزار لْ توابع‬
3- Directive: - strategic decisions set precedents for lesser decisions and future activities
throughout an organization.
‫قزار بيوجْ وضتكبن الشزكة‬

 Mintzberas modes of strategic decision making:

1- Entrepreneurial mode: -
 Strategy is made by one powerful individual
 The focus is on opportunities, problems are secondly
 Strategy is guided by founders own vision

Join our Group : Business Administration ( Kareem Mohamed ) Call us on : 0122-328-3664
 The dominant goal is growth of the corporation
‫الكزارات االصرتاتيحية تؤخذ عَ طزيل وؤصط الشزكة‬
‫ ِو الضبب فيّا‬Founder‫ وايكزوصوفت بيكوُ اه‬, ُ‫ اواسو‬, ‫ وععي التغيريات المي بتحصن يف الفيط بوك‬: ‫وثال‬
2-Adaptive mode:-
The decision making made is characterized by reactive solutions to existing problems rather
than a proactive search for new opportunities.
This mode is common in universities, hospitals and a large number of government agencies.
. ‫ سي الٍعاً املوجود يف جاوعات‬, ‫الكزارات االصرتاتيحية وش بتؤخذ اال يف حالة حدوث وشكمة ٌتيحة لطغوطات خارجية‬
‫ املؤصضات احلكووية‬, ‫وضتشفيات‬
3-Planning mode:-
 This decision making made involves the systematic gathering of appropriate information
for situation analysis.
 It includes both the proactive search for new opportunities and the reactive solution of
existing problems.
‫التخطيط ٍِا بيشىن مجع املعمووات وحتميمّا وَ اجن الوصوه لفزص جديدة وحموه لمىشاكن‬
4 - Logical instrumental ism:
 This strategic decision made is added by ((Quinn))
 It is a synthesis of the planning , adoptive, and to a lesser extent the entrepreneurial
 in this mode, top management has a reasonably clear idea of the corporation's mission
and objectives.,
 the strategies developed as a series of partial (incremental commitment rather than a
total strategy
 strategic Decision Making process : ‫حفغ بالرتتيب‬
1- Evaluate current performance results
2- Review corporate governance
3- Scan-and assess the internal corporate environment
4- Scan and assess the external corporate environment
5- Analyze strategies (SWOT) factors.
6- Generate , evaluate and select the best alternative strategy
7- implement selected strategy
8- Evaluate implement strategies

Join our Group : Business Administration ( Kareem Mohamed ) Call us on : 0122-328-3664
 strategic Audit :
Provides a checklist of question by area or issue , that enables a systematic analysis to be
made of various corporate functions and activities.
َ‫ املّاً المي بيكوً بيّا املوظفني ودا بيحصن وَ خاله دلىوعة و‬, ‫ اٌتا كاوديز تعترب وزاجع عمي االٌشطة‬: ‫املزاجعة االصرتاتيحية‬

End of ch (1)
‫ لمحزوب عمشاُ ٍِتابع عميْ املادة وع بعض‬join ‫ياريت تعىموا‬

1-A strategic decision is rare, consequential, and directive.
2-Mintzberg's entrepreneurial mode is sometimes referred to as "muddling through"
since this decision- making mode tends to be more reactive than proactive in the
search for new opportunities.
3-Logical incrementalism is a useful decision-making mode when the environment is
rapidly changing and when it is important to build consensus.
4-The strategic audit is an all-inclusive list of critical questions needed for a detailed
strategic analysis of any business.
5-A budget is a statement of a corporation's programs in terms of dollars.
6-Performance results are monitored at the strategy formulation phase of the strategic
management process.
 Answer :
1 2 3 4 5 6

Join our Group : Business Administration ( Kareem Mohamed ) Call us on : 0122-328-3664
1-As defined in this course, a policy is
A) the purpose or reason for a corporation's existence.
B) a statement of activities or steps needed to accomplish a single-use plan.
C) a broad guideline for making decisions that links the formulation of strategy with its
D) a comprehensive master plan stating how a corporation will achieve its mission
and objectives.
E) a statement of a corporation's programs in dollar terms.
2-The process by which strategies and policies are put into action through the
development of programs, budgets, and procedures is
A) strategy formulation. B) strategy control.
C) strategy implementation. D) strategy development.
E) strategy evaluation.
3-Which of the following is NOT a part of strategy implementation?
A) performance evaluation B) budgets
C) programs D) procedures E) operational planning
4-A program is
A) a detailed cost statement in terms of dollars.
B) A system of sequential steps.
C) A statement of the activities needed to accomplish a single-use plan.
D) The process by which strategies and policies are put into action.
E) none of the above
5-FedEx stipulates specific employee behavior including how a driver dresses
to how keys are held when approaching a customer's door. This is an example
of a
A) program. B) budget.
C) procedure D) policy.
E) control.
6-A set of sequential steps or techniques that describe in detail how a
particular task or job is to be done is referred to as
A) a standard operating procedure. B) a systems operating procedure.
C) a standard operating program. D) a standard outside procedure.
E) a systems operating plan.

Join our Group : Business Administration ( Kareem Mohamed ) Call us on : 0122-328-3664
7-Which of the following is NOT one the four triggering events listed in the text
that are the stimulus for a strategic change?
A) intervention by the organization's bank
B) annual strategic planning conference
C) threat of a takeover
D) new CEO
E) awareness by management of decreased profitability
8-According to Henry Mintzberg, the three most typical approaches to strategic
decision-making are
A) entrepreneurial, adaptive, and planning.
B) entrepreneurial, logical incrementalism, and planning.
C) logical incrementalism, strategic planning, and systematic scanning.
D) environmental scanning, formulation, and implementation.
E) directive, rare, and consequential., founded by Jeff Bezos and reflecting his vision, is an example
of which mode of strategic decision-making?
A) adaptive
B) entrepreneurial
C) logical incrementalism
D) planning
E) none of the above
 Answer :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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Parts 1 2

Join our Group : Business Administration ( Kareem Mohamed ) Call us on : 0122-328-3664

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