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Joe : Good afternoon, Doctor !

Dentist : Good afternoon. What makes you come to see me?

Joe : I have a toothache. It makes me lose my appetite and I can’t sleep well at night.

Dentist : Have you taken any painkiller for that ?

Joe : Yes, I have, but the pain is getting worse and I can’t stand it.

Dentist : Well, please let me take a look at your mouth. Alas ! You have poor oral hygiene. Your
caries needs nerve treatment. Besides, some other teeth need scaling.

Joe : Am I going to be anaesthetized? I am really afraid.

Dentist : No, you are not. This is only minor dental treatment. Expect when being extracted, your
tooth needs no anaesthetic........

Joe: May I drink or eat after this?

Dentist : Centainly. I’ll prescribe antibotics and a pain killer to telieve your complait. You must brush
your teeth every after meal.

Joe : All right, Doc. How much should I pay to you? I hve only a thousand rupiahs.

Dentist : Never mind.


Present Perfect
Have + Past Pariciple
Joe has taken some analgetrics to relieve his tootache

Passive voice with “going to” indicating furure tense

Going to + be+ pas participle

Joe is not going to be anaeshetiezed


Will + infinitive Be going to + infinitive

A decision at the moment of speaking: A decision before the moment of speaking:

Julie: There's no milk. Julie: There's no milk.

John: Really? In that case, I'll go and John: I know. I'm going to go and get some when this TV
get some. programme finishes.

A prediction based on opinion: A prediction based on something we can see (or hear) now:

I think the Conservatives will win the The Conservatives are going to win the election. They
next election. already have most of the votes.

A future fact:

The sun will rise tomorrow.

For promises / requests / refusals /


I'll help you tomorrow, if you like.


1. Joe has a toothache

An earache/ a headache / a stomachache

2. He has taken a painkiller

Medicine/ an analgetic / a sedative
3. Am I going to be anaesthetized?
Operated? / hospitalized ? / injected ?


l. Reading Comperehesion
1. Why was Joe’s toothache relived after he had consulted the dentist?

2. does poor oral hygiene predispose to tooth decay ?

II. Put the following sentences into passive voice. (will future passive)

1. Are they going to feed the cats?

2. Who is going to pay the bill?
3. The teacher is going to give me a second chance
4. They are going to train me for the job

III. Make these sentences below into good english!

1. Apakah dia sudah latihan di lab?
2. Sudahkah pasien mendapatkan kabar terakhir tentang keluarganya?
3. Apakah kamu sudah menuliskan hasil pengkajiannya?
4. Sudahkan perawat itu memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada anda?

What is an article?

An article is an expression of one’s thought on an issue or a subject logically and coherently written in
meaningful paragraphs. Writing an article is a challenging task. It needs creativity, good vocabulary,
good knowledge of the subject and skill to organize ideas. It may be for the purpose of propagating
news, researching results, academic analysis, or debate.

Format of an article

In order to write a perfect article, we must be well acquainted with the topic and must possess wide
range of vocabulary, a thorough knowledge of the subject, some research and excellent organisational
skills. Here is the ideal format :

 Title

(membuat judul untuk artikel akademik/ scientific, format umumnya adalah simple dan jelas.
Tetapi untuk artikel yang lain yang tidak kaku seperti tentang musik/hiburan, judul harus menarik
perhatian semacam tag line/catchphrase)

 Introducing paragraph ( introduce your topic, it must give an idea to the readers what you are
going to discuss about in this note)

membuat introduction umunya terdiri dari dua kalimat, dimana kalimat berupa complex
sentences/connectors bisa digunakan untuk membuat complex dan compound sentence, tapi khusus
linkers, e.g. In spite of, although, nevertheless, sebaiknya di gunakan sekali saja untuk menghindari
resiko kesalahan penulisan yang tinggi)
 Body (this is basically the body of your article where you're going to discuss about terms like
types, causes, reasons, aspects, opinions, studies, and other related information.) An article
without a body is like a head without a body. A body elaborates the topic. You need to
research well on the topic, so that your mind brims up with facts and information. Plan out a
structure and systematize your ideas, so that it is made more clear to the reader. Make sure
that you stick to the topic .This part might have 1 -3 paragraph.

Tipe-tipe transtion words yang umum digunakan di article untuk jenis-jenis pendekatan yang

1. chronological-transition word yang digunakan disini adalah untuk paragraph yang

menjelaskan kronologis waktu, seperti before, after, first, next, then, when, during, later and etc

2. sequential-pada sequential, kata-kata yang digunakan di sini adalah untuk menandakan

tingkatan/urutan kepentingan(order of importance) e.x. First, second, also, finaly, next, in addition,
equally, etc

3. sebab/akibat- digunakan untuk menandakan hubungan sebab akibat seperti because, since,
therefore, as result, cosequently, etc

4. kontras/perbandingan- digunakan untuk menandakan persamaan/perbedaan seperti also,

additionally, just as, as if, as though, like, etc kemudian untuk perbedaan seperti, but , yet, only,
although, whereas, in contrast while, etc

5. penjelasan spesifik/umum- digunakan untuk memberikan penjelasan spesifik/khusus

seperti, for example, such as, like, namely, for instance, that is, in fact, in other words, etc

 Conclusion paragraph (you will sum up all of your article in this last and final paragraph.
You'll give your readers a final conclusion or remainders here.) Wind up in such a way that it
leaves an impact on the readers and they connect not only to the ending but the whole article.

Pada penutup, kata-kata yang digunakan adalah in summary, in conclusion, in brief, as result, on the
whole, summing up, as shown, ultimately, therefore, cosequently, thus, in other words, to conclude, to
summurise, finally.
Ov e rv ie w o f a n Es s a y
In tro du ctio n
Ge n e ra l s ta te m e n ts
a n d in fo rm a tio n a bo u t
th e to p ic
P ar agr a ph 1 Th e s i s s ta te m e n t - lis ts
B o d y P a ra g ra p h s th e m a in id e a s in th e
S u p p o rt th e m a in
P ar agr a ph 2
id e a s o f th e th e s is
s ta te m e n t
B e g in w ith to p ic P a r agr aph 3
s e n te n c e s
Co n clu s io n
B rie f s u m m a ry o f
m a i n p o in ts o f th e

Example :

Consuming Fresh Foods Instead of Canned Foods

Eating is an activity that we as humans do at least two times a day. In the 21st century we live in a
world where the variety of food is immense, and we have a multitude of choices of food to choose
from every day. Although there are many different foodstuffs, they are divided into two main
categories; fresh food and canned food. Fresh food and canned food differ from each other in two
main ways, in flavor and in cost. Introduction

First, the most notable difference between fresh foods and canned foods is in
their flavor. Fresh foods are usually full of flavor and taste because they maintain all of the
natural vitamins and minerals and they are consumed within a short time. Canned food, on the
other hand, often lacks a clear flavor and tastes differently to fresh food since chemical products
have been added to them to increase shelf life. In other words, fresh foods have a greater taste
and flavor as they are consumed without any added ingredients and close to the time of
production. Body

Second, another difference between these two types of foods is the cost. Whereas
fresh foods are cheap to buy, canned foods are much more expensive. For example, with canned
food people pay for the benefit of convenience; they can be bought almost anywhere, there is no
preparation and they can be used at any time. In contrast, fresh foods can be difficult to find
and need to be prepared before eating. Body

In conclusion, fresh foods and buying canned foods are different in their flavor and
cost. When it comes down to a personal choice, it depends on the time each person has to cook and
prepare food and the amount of money they have available to spend on their nutrition. It is important
for everybody to consider their lifestyle and choose healthy foods approppriately. conclusion

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