Production Risk Assessment: Mousehold Heath

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Production Risk Assessment

The Production is bound by law to take reasonable care and measures to ensure that a healthy and safe
working environment is created and maintained for all. Failure to follow appropriate Health & Safety
procedures may invalidate any insurance.

Production title: Project Revamp

Shoot Dates: Monday 5th October

Location this form relates to: [a separate form should be completed for each location]
Mousehold heath

Production contact & phone:

Signature of Assessor: Assessment Date:

(photoshoot with one model and pictures of the landscape)
Using the checklist below, indicate any potential hazard relating to the activity.

No. Hazard Indicate if No. Hazard Indicate if

relevant relevant
1 Access Difficulties Yes 25 Manual Handling

2 Alcohol / Hospitality 26 Night Operations

3 Animals Yes 27 Noise

4 Artist using specialist equipment 28 Portable Power Tools

5 Audience / Stewarding 29 Prop Hazards

6 Compressed Gas / Cryogenics 30 Radiation

7 Confined Spaces etc. 31 Risk of Infection

8 Crowds / Public Yes 32 Scaffolds / Platforms / Stairs / Walkways

9 Children / Young People Yes 33 Scenery Hazards – Movement, Shape,

Suspended, Flown
10 Camera Ops. – Cranes / Cables, 34 Scene Dock Storage
Remotes / Steadicam

11 Building Issues / Structures, etc. 35 Smoking

12 Design / Construction / Materials 36 Special Assistance – Elderly / Disabled

13 Electricity / Electrical Appliances 37 Special Visual Effects – Snow, Smoke,

Dry Ice, Rain, etc.
14 Excavation 38 Sporting Activities

15 Explosives / Pyrotechnics 39 Stunts Yes

16 Fatigue / Exertion / Stress 40 Temperature Extremes – Heat, Cold

17 Fire / Flame 41 Vehicles / Motorcycles – Used in

Filming, Artists Driving
18 Flammable Substances – Petrol, 42 Water – Work on or near Tanks / Yes
Paint, Sprays Boats / Diving / Use in Studio

19 Flight – Aircraft, Balloon, Parachutes 43 Weapons – Firearms, Sharps, etc.

20 Food Preparation 44 Work at Height – Ladders, Roof, Steps,

21 Glass 45 Working Overseas

22 Hazardous Substances – Dusts, 46 Weather – Extremes Yes

Vapours, Fumes, Corrosives, etc.

23 Lasers / Strobes 47 Possible Violence

24 Lifting Equipment – Fork Lift, Trucks, 48 Other

Evaluation and Controls
For each hazard identified in the checklist, state who is at risk (crew / public / audience / artist / etc.),
the nature of the risk, and how it will be controlled.

Identify the likelihood of the hazard taking place and the severity of the hazard as High, Medium, Low.
Likelihood: Almost Certain; Probable; Possible; Remote; Improbable
Severity: Multiple fatality; Fatality; Major injury; Minor injury; Negligible impact

Hazard Who is at Risk Control Measure

No. Risk

3 Me/Model The animal may break / Stay far away from the animals.
and the equipment or attack
equipment someone

46 equipment It could rain on the /

day of the shoot and Go when the forecast says its not going to
break equipment rain and bring waterproof clothing.

8 Me/Model coronavirus /
To stay far away from people and wear a
mask when social distancing not possible.

1 Me/Model Tripping hazards in / Walk carefully and when walking around

woodland (roots)

9 Model Have too look after / Watch what he is doing to ensure he is safe.
him as he is only 8
39 Model The model is jumping / The area is safe to do it and he is not jumping
in the air which could very high.
result in injury

42 Me/Model There is a small pond / Stay away from the pond so it faces no risk.
near the location we
were shooting at

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