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5/16/2019 Check and configure the start-up of UXP Browser

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5/16/2019 Check and configure the start-up of UXP Browser

Check and configure the start-up of UXP Browser

In the previous sec ons, we have checked the presence of mandatory files and placed them in the correct places. We now go ahead and configure the system so that
Browser.war and Iris.war know where to find the files.

Webserver start-up op ons

At run me, UXP Browser war file serves up the screens, which are defined in the generated folder. The loca on of this folder is configured in the webserver start-up script.
For example in jboss, this will be defined like this

CALL %JBOSS_HOME%\bin\standalone.bat %STARTUP_OPTS%

The webserver start-up script should have some of these lines already defined, add the ones that are missing.

SET UXP_HOME variable is typically where the Temenos folder resides e.g D:\Temenos





-Djboss.http.port=9089 -b









A detailed explana on of each op on is available in the appendix below. With examples of produc on se ngs, test se ngs and development se ngs. For ge ng going,
only the mandatory se ngs highlighted are needed.

The example given above is typical of the op ons set and used for development tes ng and screen development. It is not recommended for produc on use.

DS ini file configura on

Design Studio is used to maintain the models, crea ng new ones and edi ng exis ng ones. Once a model has been prepared, it will need to be generated (the genera on
phase) one or more models.

At design me, the following op ons are required by Design Studio. They are similar to those required by the webserver start-up. They are used to configure the loca on
of the generated folder. In further examples below we will generate one or more models and observe them appearing in the relevant loca ons.

Open up the DesignStudioT24.ini file with a text editor, check the file has these op ons. If not, add them at the end of the file. This file is normally found here

-Degen.options.forceGeneration=Y and configure t… 2/4

5/16/2019 Check and configure the start-up of UXP Browser





We will test genera on and some basic edi ng of models later in the document. This configura on is not needed to test run me.

Test the default supplied artefacts

The configura ons are now compete enough to start up the system and see UXPB in ac on.

The Browser url would be something like this h p://

The ip address can also be localhost if the browser is running on the webserver.

Start the web server, login and test a few enquiries or version to see that the system is func oning correctly.

The supplied generated zip file will contain the necessary generated artefacts but is unlicensed and will not work on a live produc on system.

On the command line type enq customer.scv and configure t… 3/4

5/16/2019 Check and configure the start-up of UXP Browser

Published on: 06/05/2019 and configure t… 4/4

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