Apply Your Learning 4.1-4.6

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Apply your learning 4.1-4.

Section 4.1
1). What does the term "branding" mean in the hospitality and tourism industry? Product or
company associated w/ a name logo or unique characteristic that serves to identify that
product or company
2). Why is building guest loyalty so important to businesses involved in the hospitality and
tourism industry? It leads to increased business and higher profits.

3). Why is active listening an important career skill? Explain your answer.
It demonstrates to guests you care about their business.

Section 4.2
1). How can an employee use the two different viewpoints to ensure a positive guest
experience? Match guests and employee perceptions as much as possible to provide
exceptional guest service.
2). Why is the guest experience cycle not the same for every guest?
Each guest's experience is different based on his or her personality, background, interests, and
personal choices made during the stay.
3). Should the business of guest arrival be the only thing a hospitality employee should focus
on? Why? No. Employees must consistently perform their job tasks during each stage of the
guest cycle in order to meet and exceed guest experience expectations.

Section 4.3
1). Why is providing a seamless guest experience so important?
Guests cannot tell when they shift from one part of the cycle to the next, but they are more
likely to remember glitches during the guest experience over the positive ones.
2). Why does one bad guest experience have a major impact on guests?
It only takes one bad moment to spoil or ruin everything for the guest.
3). Why is making reasonable accommodations for special needs guests so important? Explain
your answer. According to the law, businesses are required to make reasonable
accommodations. Also, it makes guests with special needs feel respected and valued.

Section 4.4
1). List four of the guest service basics and explain why you believe each one should be an
automatic part of the guest experience. Smile and be polite, make eye contact, use the guest's
name, wear your name tag,
2). Select one of the seven Guest Service GOLD ELEMENTS and write a paragraph about why
you think it is an important part of excellent guest service.
3). Why is gaining professional certification an important part of career development? Explain
your answer. It is important, because a professional certification shows that the recipient has
the required knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to receive the designation.

Section 4.5
1). Why is a win-win solution to guest issues important?
The issue is resolved to the satisfaction of everyone involved.
2). List two things you must do to show you are listening to guests.
Making eye contact, not interrupting, not arguing or debating the issue, focusing on feelings
and understanding, and clarifying facts.
3). What type of action should you take when solving a guest problem or complaint?
You should try to negotiate a solution everyone can agree on.
4). Write a phrase you could use to apologize for a guest's inconvenience due to the electricity
being off for an hour.

Section 4.6
1). What is the purpose of asking guests for feedback about their guest experience?
It can determine your success or need for change in meeting and exceeding guest expectations.
2). Why is it important for all hospitality and tourism businesses to continuously monitor guest
satisfaction? Explain your answer.
Continuously monitoring guest satisfaction is important, because (1) it helps businesses make
good decisions impacting the guest experience, (2) tells guests the company or brand is
listening and cares about their opinions, and (3) it helps determine the value guests place on
various services.
3). What could happen if a company or brand fails to measure guest satisfaction?
It can negatively impact revenue and profits.

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