Republic Vs Acoje Mining

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G.R. No.

L-18062             February 28, 1963

REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

ACOJE MINING COMPANY, INC., defendant-appellant.

Acoje Mining has a mining camp at Zambales. In 1948, it requested the Director of Posts to open a
post, telegraph and money order office in the camp. One of the requirements stated by the Director
of Post was that Acoje will assume direct responsibility for whatever pecuniary loss may be suffered
by the Bureau of Posts by reason of any act of dishonesty, carelessness or negligence on the part of
the employee of the company who is assigned to take charge of the post office. A resolution was
adopted by the board of Acoje, expressing the company’s conformity to the said condition.

In October 1949, it was discovered that the Bureau of Posts suffered a cash shortage of P13,867.24.
The Bureau demanded that payment from Acoje, however, Acoje denied any liability. Acoje argued
that the resolution of the board of directors wherein it assumed responsibility for the act of the
postmaster is ultra vires, and in any event its liability under said resolution is only that of a guarantor
who answers only after the exhaustion of the properties of the principal, aside from the fact that the
loss claimed by the plaintiff is not supported by the office record.

WON the resolution is ultra vires.

NO. As a rule an ultra vires act is one committed outside the object for which a corporation is created
as defined by the law of its organization and therefore beyond the powers conferred upon it by law
(19 C.J.S., Section 965, p. 419), there are however certain corporate acts that may be performed
outside of the scope of the powers expressly conferred if they are necessary to promote the interest
or welfare of the corporation. Here, the establishment of the local post office is a reasonable and
proper adjunct to the conduct of the business of appellant company, considering that a local post
office in a mining camp which is far removed from the postal facilities or means of communications
accorded to people living in a city or municipality.

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