Angel of Death

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Angel of Death

Walking home was horrible. My feet were killing me from the bright red heels I bought

on sale from Payless. The streets were empty; there was practically no life on the streets of

Houston. The only things open were bars and pubs.

             Finally! I thought, I'm three blocks away from my apartment. Silently, I took my heels to

my hand and slipped them off. Running to the next street, I pass an alley way. I stopped to study

the alley. The shadows started to move in my presence. My eyes could be playing tricks on me, I

thought. As, I rubbed the eyelids, my eyes began to hurt.

               Come to me, I heard a man's voice in my head.

             "No!" I screamed, into the darkness. I quickly brought my hands, upon my head to try to

cancel the voices. "No!" I screamed again, and again. Sweat filled my palms, as I screamed. My

knees buckled as I fell to the floor. Laughter filled my ears. Foot-steps came closer and closer till

there was no room for It to walk.

               I slowly opened my eyes, as if my life depended on it.

    A beautiful man was standing there. His eyes pitch black, hair ruffled, finger nails extended.

They looked sharp enough to slice through skin. Black wings expanded from his back, feathers

falling into my face. A pure white robe hugged his broad shoulders and wrapped around him


            "Do not be alarmed," he started. “I am not here to harm you". Even if you say that you

could be tricking me, I thought.

             I screamed, as my hands started to burst into flames. The flames didn't burn me, they

didn’t give me blisters, and they didn't hurt. My eyes widen, as I began to wave my hands in the
air. Then a ball of fire exited my hands and hit this beautiful angel being. I screamed and ran for

my life to the apartments.  

             "Foolish girl," I heard his shuffle back into the alley way. My flaming hand burnt out.

My hands looked normal as if nothing happened to it. Adrenaline rushes gave me the best feeling

ever. I tried to opening the door to the building that contained my apartment. The sound of

flapping wings filled my ears. I strained my eyes to see in the figured in the darkness. The pale

white beautiful face of His appeared before my eyes. Leaving him to swoop in.

            He carefully came before me and leaned in for a kiss. His lips moist and hot had touched

my lips. I tried to push him back.     

            “You can’t run from me Witchling (name of a new witch or practicing witch),” he

breathed into my mouth. I wished I had that fire thing again, I thought.

            “Please,” I begged, “Don’t hurt me”. Crying into his chest, making his shirt wet.

            “I, shall not if you come with me,” he held out a hand. Knowing this was going to end

badly I just went along with what he said. I grabbed his had tightly, as he began to carry me into

the night.

            His wings flapped and the cold breeze brushed against my face. I looked toward the

ground as I saw one single black rose begin to grow.

            “Where are you taking me?” I asked him.

            “Nowhere Belladonna,” how did he know my name? And what does he mean nowhere?
            I began to panic in his arms. “Stop that!” he softly said, “I don’t want to drop you”. I

stopped moving in his arms.

            His mouth pressed against my neck. A sharp pressure began to build up. Pain, quickly

filled my emotions, as he leaned into my neck. I screamed as he began to suck my life essence

out of me. I kept hitting him on the back the wings got in the way. He let me go; licking my

blood wound and tried to drop me. I clung to him, about to let go.

            “Azrael,” I said, as plummeted to the ground (Azrael is the Angel of Death).

                                                                   Copyright 2010

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