Montana Digital Academy Summer 2011 Information For Local Schools, Students and Parents

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Summer  2011  Program  

Montana  Digital  Academy  is  pleased  to  offer  a  two-­‐tiered  online  summer  school  program  for  Summer  2011.    Based  on  feedback  
and  input  from  our  partner  districts,  students  and  parents,  we  have  developed  a  model  that  we  believe  meets  the  needs  of  
both  credit  recovery  students  and  those  seeking  to  supplement  their  regular  education  program.  

Information  for  Districts  

Timelines  and  Deadlines  

Because  of  tight  timelines  in  our  summer  program,  these  deadlines  are  absolute.    

April  1,  2011   Registration  open  for  MTDA  Original  Credit  courses.  
April  29,  2011   Registration  open  for  MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery  program.  
June  6,  2011   Registration  deadline  for  MTDA  Original  Credit  courses.    No  late  registrations  will  be  accepted.  
June  14,  2011   MTDA  Original  Credit  Course  Summer  Session  #1  begins.  
MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery  begins.  
June  16,  2011   Drop  deadline  for  MTDA  Original  Credit  Course  Session  #1  
June  30,  2011   Registration  deadline  for  MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery.  
July  15,  2011   Last  day  of  MTDA  Original  Credit  Course  Session  #1.  
July  18,  2011   MTDA  Original  Credit  Course  Summer  Session  #2  begins.  
July  20,  2011   Drop  deadline  for  MTDA  Original  Credit  Course  Session  #2  
August  17,  2011   Last  day  of  MTDA  Original  Credit  Course  Session  #2.  
Last  day  of  MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery.  

Montana  Digital  Academy  is  happy  to  work  with  Montana  school  districts  to  provide  a  flexible  and  innovative  summer  program  
to  assist  both  your  credit  recovery  students  and  those  students  looking  to  gain  original  course  credit.  

Although  schools  will  retain  their  local  control  and  create  a  system  as  they  see  best,  MTDA  recommends  these  best  practices  
for  a  successful  summer  program:  

• Students  participating  in  the  summer  program  must  express  interest  and  motivation  to  complete  the  summer  
course.    To  help  conserve  resources,  MTDA  asks  that  districts  do  not  place  students  into  MTDA  summer  programs  
who  aren’t  interested  in  the  program  or  do  not  have  local  support.    Please  consider  using  tools  like  our  student  
readiness  survey  to  help  determine  if  the  student  has  enough  support  to  succeed  in  an  online  course:    

• Local  schools  should  consider  the  availability  of  computer  access  in  the  homes  of  students  taking  courses  very  
carefully.    Students  will  need  access  to  a  computer  for  an  average  of  1-­‐4  hours  a  day  for  credit  recovery  courses  and  
3-­‐5  hours  a  day  for  original  credit  courses.    In  our  initial  alpha  program  during  Summer,  2010,  our  local  sites  noted  
that  the  availability  of  a  proctored  computer  lab  access  at  school  dramatically  increased  the  success  of  those  

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• Local  schools  should  carefully  consider  the  availability  of  local  site  facilitators  or  mentors,  especially  for  students  in  
the  credit  recovery  environment.    There  is  a  strong  correlation  between  local  school  support  for  students  and  their  
success  in  an  online  course.  We  do  not  recommend  that  a  summer  school  program  consist  of  enrolling  students  in  
MTDA  courses  without  local  support.    This  is  especially  true  for  those  students  without  an  abundance  of  motivation  to  
recover  credit  or  a  solid  home  support  system.  Many  students  without  local  adult  support  will  find  it  difficult  to  
complete  courses.  

• Due  to  the  tight  schedule  of  the  summer  session,  students  must  start  and  stop  courses  on  schedule.    Local  assistance  
may  be  required  to  help  guarantee  student  success.  


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Information  for  Students  and  Parents  
Montana  Digital  Academy  will  offer  two  different  summer  programs  for  students,  MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery  and  MTDA  
Original  Credit  courses.  

MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery  

MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery  is  designed  for  students  that  have  previously  failed  a  course  and  are  looking  to  recover  

How  much  time  will  I  spend  to  recover  the  credit?    That  depends  on  what  your  learning  needs  are.  MTDA  Connect  Credit  
Recovery  is  designed  to  target  instruction  to  individuals  based  only  on  the  content  you  missed  in  a  previous  course.    After  you  
take  a  pretest,  you  may  be  exempted  from  parts  of  the  curriculum  based  on  your  past  knowledge  and  skills.    Some  students  
could  take  as  little  as  20  hours  to  complete  a  semester-­‐long  course;  others  may  take  upwards  of  60  or  more  hours.  

What  courses  are  available?    The  full  MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery  catalog  is  available,  including:  

Advanced  Biology,  Semester  A     Economics,  Semester  B  

Advanced  Biology,  Semester  B     English  7,  Semester  A  
Advanced  Calculus,  Semester  A   English  7,  Semester  B  
Advanced  Calculus,  Semester  B   English  8,  Semester  A  
Advanced  English  Lit  and  Comp,  Semester  A   English  8,  Semester  B  
Advanced  English  Lit  and  Comp,  Semester  B   English  9,  Semester  A  
Algebra  1,  Semester  A   English  9,  Semester  B      
Algebra  1,  Semester  B   English  10,  Semester  A  
Algebra  2,  Semester  A   English  10,  Semester  B  
Algebra  2,  Semester  B   English  11,  Semester  A  
American  History  1,  Semester  A   English  11,  Semester  B  
American  History  1,  Semester  B   English  12,  Semester  A  
American  History  2,  Semester  A   English  12,  Semester  B  
American  History  2,  Semester  B   Geography,  Semester  A  
Art  History  and  Appreciation   Geography,  Semester  B  
Basic  American  History  1,  Semester  A   Geometry,  Semester  A  
Basic  American  History  1,  Semester  B   Geometry,  Semester  B  
Basic  American  History  2,  Semester  A   Health  
Basic  American  History  2,  Semester  B   Life  Science,  Semester  A  
Biology,  Semester  A   Life  Science,  Semester  B  
Biology,  Semester  B   Physical  Science,  Semester  A  
Chemistry,  Semester  A   Physical  Science,  Semester  B  
Chemistry,  Semester  B   Pre-­‐Algebra,  Semester  A  
Civics,  Semester  A   Pre-­‐  Algebra,  Semester  B  
Civics,  Semester  B   US  Government,  Semester  A  
Computer  Applications  and  Technology   US  Government,  Semester  B  
Consumer  Mathematics   World  History,  Semester  A  
Economics,  Semester  A   World  History,  Semester  B  

Will  I  be  assigned  a  teacher?    Each  MTDA  Connect  student  will  be  assigned  an  academic  coach  that  is  a  licensed  Montana  
teacher  to  monitor  their  progress  and  facilitate  learning.  

When  must  I  be  done  with  the  course?    There  is  an  absolute  deadline  of  August  17,  2011  to  finish  this  course.    There  is  no  
extended  semester  or  time  available.  

MTDA  Original  Credit  Courses  

MTDA  Original  Credit  courses  are  designed  for  students  taking  the  course  for  the  1  time  for  original  credit  or  students  
retaking  a  course  that  need  a  complete  curriculum  for  success.  

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How  much  time  will  I  spend  on  a  MTDA  Original  Credit  course?    MTDA  Original  Credit  courses  were  designed  to  provide  a  
complete  semester  experience  in  a  23-­‐day  class  semester.    Students  should  plan  for  a  minimum  of  3  hours  a  day  of  engagement  
time  to  complete  the  course.    Instructors  will  be  enforcing  regular  deadlines  in  the  course  and  assisting  students  with  staying  on  
a  pace  to  be  successful.  

What  courses  are  available?    MTDA  will  offer  a  limited  schedule  of  courses  during  its  two-­‐session  summer  program:  

Session  1  (June  14,  2011  to  July  15,  2011)   Session  2  (July  18,  2011  to  August  17,  2011)  
Biology  A   Biology  B  
US  History  A   US  History  B  
Algebra  I  A   Algebra  I  B  
Digital  Photography  (1  semester)   Digital  Photography  (1  semester)  
Physics  A   Physics  B  
Health  (1  semester)   Psychology  (1  semester)  
Physical  Education  I  (1  semester)   Physical  Education  II  (1  semester)  
Web  Design  (1  semester)   American  Government  (1  semester)  
English  III  A   English  III  B  
English  IV  A   English  IV  B  

Will  I  be  assigned  a  teacher?    Each  MTDA  Original  Credit  course  is  assigned  an  instructor  that  is  a  licensed  Montana  teacher  to  
monitor  progress  and  facilitate  learning.  

When  must  I  be  done  with  the  course?    There  is  an  absolute  deadline  of  July  23,  2011  to  finish  the  first  session  and  August  17,  
2011  to  finish  the  second  session.    There  are  no  extensions  available  for  either  Session  1  or  Session  2.  


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For  More  Information  
For  more  information,  please  contact:  

Registration  and  Program  Questions  Concerning  MTDA  Original  Credit  Courses  

Jason  Neiffer  
Curriculum  Director  
(406)  480-­‐6832  

Registration  and  Program  Questions  Concerning  MTDA  Connect  Credit  Recovery  

Ryan  Schrenk  
Instructional  Coordinator  
(406)  243-­‐6122    

General  Program  Information  

Rayleen  Hicks  
MTDA  Administrative  Associate    
(406)  243-­‐4619  

MTDA  Summer  2011  Handout  for  Students  

Version  1.3  
Modified  11  March  2011  

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