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Propagation Mechanisms in Agave macroacantha (Agavaceae), a Tropical Arid-Land Succulent

Author(s): Santiago Arizaga and Exequiel Ezcurra
Source: American Journal of Botany, Vol. 89, No. 4 (Apr., 2002), pp. 632-641
Published by: Botanical Society of America
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Accessed: 25/02/2011 17:08

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American Journalof Botany 89(4): 632-641. 2002.




2Departamento de Ecologia de los Recursos Naturales.Institutode Ecologifa,UniversidadNacional Aut6noma de Mexico,

ApartadoPostal 27-3 (Xangari), 58089, Morelia, Michoacin, Mexico; and
3InstitutoNacional de Ecologia, Av. Revoluci6n 1425, Col. Campestre,C.P 01040, Mexico, D.E Mexico

Agave macroacantha can sexually reproduceby seeds and propagatevegetatively by aerial bulbils and ground-level basal shoots
and rhizomes. It forms compact patches apparentlygenerated by the multiplication of ground-level offshoots. We experimentally
evaluated the establishmentand survival of bulbils and seedlings of A. macroacantha in the TehuacainValley, Mexico, between 1991
and 1994 and studied comparativelythe effectiveness of sexual reproductionagainst vegetative propagation.
Seedlings showed low survival rates. Cohorts placed outside nurse plants died in less than 1 yr, while 1-10% of cohorts undernurse
plants survived for more than 2 yr. Herbivoresnegatively affected seedling survival in non-nursedplots. In rainy years, survival rates
increased. Bulbils showed higher survival rates than seedlings.
The excavation of rosettes showed that most are derived from vegetative shoots, as indicatedby remains of rhizomes in their base.
Most rosettes had ground-level vegetative offspring totaling almost three shoots per rosette.
In A. macroacantha,the establishmentof seedlings and bulbils is a rareevent that possibly only occurs under nurse plants in rainy
years, while ground-level cloning is highly effective as a propagationmechanism. These results are consistent with the aggregated
spatial patternof the species.

Key words: Agavaceae; Agave macroacantha;bulbil; seedling establishment;sexual reproduction;shoot; survivorshipcurves;

vegetative propagation.

Plant populations are demographicallymaintainedand re- sexual reproductionseems to constitutea strategythatinvolves

generated through two mechanisms: (1) reproduction,which greaterrisks and mostly serves as a mechanismto explore new
involves the production of either sexually derived seeds or environments (Abrahamson, 1980; Silander, 1985; Eriksson,
apomictic seeds, and (2) vegetative growth, which involves the 1989, 1992). Although normally the successful establishment
production of vegetative offshoots or clones (Harper, 1977, of sexually derived seedlings involves a very low proportion
1985). Both processes may give rise to new individuals, but of all the seeds produced, it nonetheless plays an important
in reproductionthe new plant is originated from a zygote, role in genetic recombinationand in maintainingthe genetic
while in vegetative propagationthe new plant is originated variation of the population (Silander, 1985; Ellstrand and
from a meristem (Harper, 1977). Plants showing both pro- Roose, 1987). Furthermore,the clonal propagationof a genet
cesses, normally known as clonal plants, are very common in may also increasethe chance of successful sexual reproduction
nature(Abrahamson,1980; Cook, 1985). of a single genet, which may reproducerepeatedly,at different
From a morphologicalpoint of view, the development of a times and in different places, through its constituent ramets
plant may be interpretedas a process of modularconstruction (Cook, 1985).
in which growth is determinedby the addition of new mor- The amount of sexual diaspores producedby a clonal plant
phological units or modules. In clonal plants,each independent is regulated by environmentalfactors such as the availability
unit of modular growth is called a ramet and correspondsto of resourcesand the trade-offbetween sexual reproductionand
clonally originatedindividuals.Similarly,a genetic individual, vegetative growth (Cook, 1985; Silander, 1985; Eriksson,
or genet, is defined as the array of ramets derived from a 1992). The theory of resource allocation predicts that the
common zygote, i.e., the set of clonal individuals that origi- amount of resources available for a plant is limited and that
nated from a common parentalstock and thus have the same the onset of reproductionnecessarily implies a competitive
genotype (Harper,1977, 1985). In clonal plants, a single genet reduction in resources available for vegetative growth (Wat-
may occupy large areas extending hundredsof meters (Cook, son, 1984). In some plants, this trade-off between clonal
1985). growth and reproductionis related to direct competition for
The propagules and diaspores (both seeds and vegetative the same reserves in such a way that resource allocation for
offspring) produced by clonal plants seem to play different either one of these two processes develops at the expense of
roles in the life cycle of the plant. In highly unpredictableor the other (Harper,1977; Willson, 1983; Arizaga and Ezcurra,
extreme environments,clonal multiplicationoperatesas a safe 1995).
strategy to perpetuatethe genotype in a given habitat, while Although the dispersal ability of sexual diaspores is an ex-
tremely importantelement in the demographyof plants (Harp-
' Manuscriptreceived 26 July 2001; revision accepted 30 October 2001. er, 1977; Grime, 1979), the probabilityof successful establish-
The authorsthankAbisaf Garcia-Mendoza,Liz Slauson, and an anonymous
ment of seedlings is often extremely low and frequentlycon-
reviewer for their comments and help on the manuscript;and EverardoCas-
tillo, Daniel and Luis Arizaga, Guadalupe Bolafios, Ruben Perez Ishiwara,
strained to narrow windows of opportunityin space or time
and Ernesto Vega Pefia for their help during field work. (Thomas and Dale, 1975; Cook, 1985). In contrast, clonal
4 Author for correspondence(
propaguleshave the advantageof being linked to the parental

Fruits Floralbuds
cr. Bulbils



Paniculate Spiculate

Basalshoot Rhizome Rhizomatous

Typeof shoots
Fig. 1. Simplified morphology of a rosette of a paniculateAgave.

plant during their early stages throughtheir vascular systems, sources of food, beverages, fibers, constructionmaterials,and
a fact that allows them a much higher probabilityof survival naturalmedicines (Gonqalvesy Lima, 1956; Callen, 1965; Fel-
in extreme environments(Harper,1985; Pitelka and Ashmun, ger and Moser, 1970; Gentry, 1982). Although most of the
1985). economic uses of agaves depend on plants from wild popu-
Within the group of succulent rosette plants that form the lations, some species are commercially cultivated.
genus Agave, numerous species present both propagation Although many Agave species are characteristicelements of
mechanisms, i.e., sexual reproductionand cloning. The latter arid lands, little informationexists on the productionof dif-
can be achieved in different species throughthe development ferent types of propagulesand diasporesin naturalconditions.
of clonal shoots in differentparts of the rosette, including:(1) This is a study on the reproductiveand propagationstrategies
aerial bulbils produced in the flowering scape, (2) lateral of A. macroacantha,a clonal species with monocarpicrosettes
shoots produced in leaf axils, (3) short basal shoots produced (i.e., semelparousramets).
below the rosette, or (4) long rhizomatousshoots that emerge
from the ground at a distance from the parentalplant (Gentry, METHODS
1972, 1982; Fig. 1). As is the case with other xerophilous
succulents such as cacti (Nobel, 1984; Elheringer,1985; Va- Study area-This study was conducedin the "Helia-Bravo"BotanicalGar-
liente-Banuetand Ezcurra, 1991), the establishmentand seed- den, located in Zapotitldn Salinas (18020' N, 97028' W), 30 km south of
ling stages representthe most vulnerablephases of the Agave Tehuacin, in Puebla, Mexico (Fig. 2). In spite of its name, the gardencontains
life cycle. Seedlings have a limited amount of reserves, a low some 30 ha of native dry scrub, surroundedby a larger area of hundredsof
hectares of naturalvegetation, and we shall refer to it in the rest of this paper
capacity to absorb water, and are exposed to the high varia-
tions in surface ground temperaturesthat characterizearid en- as the "reserve." Elevation is 1407 m, and the climate is arid to semiarid
vironments. Thus, their successful establishment is usually with summer rainfall (Zavala-Hurtado,1982). Mean annual rainfall is 380
confined to rainy seasons (Turneret al., 1966; Nobel, 1977, mm, mean annual temperatureis 21.4'C, and annual evaporative demand is
on the order of 2000 mm (Garcia, 1987; Peters, 1993).
1984; Jordanand Nobel, 1979; Raphael and Nobel, 1986). In The main vegetation is a xerophilous scrub (Rzedowski, 1978), and the
terms of survival probabilities, cloning seems to be a more dominantspecies is the giant columnarcactus Neobuxbaumiatetetzo,growing
efficient mechanism of propagation(Gentry, 1972, 1982). in association with other cacti, succulent rosettes, xerophytic shrubs,and an-
The genus Agave is formed by a group of rosette plants nuals (Zavala-Hurtado,1982). Zapotitlin Salinas is one of the many small
with succulent leaves that are endemic to the American con-
valleys that converge into the large Tehuacin Valley, which in turnforms part
tinent (Gentry, 1982; Alvarez, 1989; Garcia-Mendoza,1995). of the Tehuacfin-Cuicatlfin Biosphere Reserve in the border region between
They are native to North America, Central America, the Ca- Oaxaca and Puebla. The ranges of the EasternSierraMadre,known as Sierra
ribbean, and South America and range in latitude from 40' N de Zongolica and Sierra de Juirez, create a rain shadow that constitutes the
to 60 N. The highest species diversity of the genus is found in main cause of the aridity of the TehuacfinValley (Smith, 1965; Villasefior,
Mexico (G6mez-Pompa, 1963; Alvarez, 1989; Rzedowski, Divila, and Chiang, 1990). In contrastwith other arid zones, the short rainy
1991; Garcia-Mendoza,1995). Agaves have been used by hu- season in the Tehuacin Valley is relatively predictable.The rainy period nor-
mans since pre-Columbiantimes and are still widely used as mally starts in late May and continues until late September.Hurricanesmay

Puebla j C6rdoba

a. '.
OZapotitln .Altepexi


i Vto Oaxaca
Lto Huajuapan
State of Puebla District of Tehuacan
Fig. 2. The study area, Zapotitlin Salinas, located within the District of Tehuac'n, Puebla, Mexico.

extend the rains into October and, rarely, into November. In August, a mid- floral buds and the numberof fruits that developed from them (i.e., the fruit
summer droughtfrequentlyoccurs (Valiente, 1991). set) in all the flowering rosettes located within the study area, totaling 53
The soils of the Tehuacin Valley are shallow and rocky, derived from cal- scapes. During fruiting season (July to November) we took a randomsample
careous sedimentaryrocks, and are frequentlyhalomorphic,with varying de- of 219 capsules that had not yet reacheddehiscence from 38 randomlychosen
grees of salinity and alkalinity.In some hills, the soils form typical limestone individuals (we collected 5-6 unopened capsules per scape). In each capsule
rendzinas.In general, soils have loamy textures,light colors, alkalinepH, low we counted the number of fertile seeds, which are black in color, and the
organic matter,and high carbonatecontents (Aguilera, 1970). numberof abortedseeds, which are light brown. The estimate of total ovules
The economy of ZapotitlainSalinas is based on extracting and processing is determinedby summing the numbersof the fertile and abortedseeds. With
onyx, extracting salt from briny aquifers, and grazing the naturalscrub with both the fruit- and seed-set data, we estimated the mean fecundity of the
goats. Agriculture is limited to the valley bottoms. The collection of wild ramets as the productof the mean numberof capsules formed in a scape and
fruits and wild plants is common, but mostly orientedtowardsself-supply and the mean numberof viable seeds formed within each capsule.
not aimed at external markets. 2. Seed germination-Once the fruits mature, the flat seeds are dispersed
by wind. Some fall directlyon the ground,where they eithergerminaterapidly
Study species-Agave macroacanthais a midsize paniculateagave, endem- or are subject to predation,while others fall in rock cracks, which act as safe
ic to the Tehuacin Valley (Gentry, 1982; Garcia-Mendoza,1995). It is locally sites where radiationconditions are less intense and where escape from pre-
known as "maguey espadita" (little sword), and its rosettes are occasionally dation is more likely. Additionally,a significantproportionof the seeds remain
planted to delimit land plots with hedge-like rows of differentplants. It grows in the dry capsules up in the scape. This aerialseed bank is released gradually
mostly on low-grade slopes forming small colonial aggregations,possibly as during the next 1-2 yr by the slow, progressive opening of the capsules.
a result of its cloning ability. It flowers in early summer,between April and Taking into account the variation in seed age, we quantifiedthe germination
June, coinciding with the end of the dry season. As in all other paniculate capacity of seeds by applying the following treatments:(1) Fifteen lots of 100
agaves, the flowers in the scape of A. macroacantha are developed in lateral seeds each (N = 1500) were germinatedin 1% agar plates in the laboratory
"branches,"which are lateral umbellate clusters. For the sake of brevity, we at 23TCand under 12 h light, 12 h darkness conditions. These seeds were
shall refer to these structuresas "umbels." The flowers are protandrousand produced in 1992 and were approximately 1 mo old when germinated. (2)
the crossing system is mainly allogamous. Its reproductivesuccess is extreme- Five lots of 100, 1-mo-old seeds (N = 500) were germinatedas in (1), but
ly dependent on the presence of nocturnalpollinators, chiefly nectar-feeding under total darknessby covering the tray with aluminumfoil (24 h darkness
bats and, to a lesser extent, moths (Arizaga and Ezcurra,1995; Arizaga et al., at 230C). (3) Eight lots of 100 seeds (N = 800) collected in 1991, i.e., older
2000a, b). The fertile capsules are formed in late summer,between June and than 20 mo and stored under laboratoryconditions, were germinatedunder
October (Arizaga et al., 2000a). Most of the seedlings and many solitary the same conditions of treatment(1).
rosettes are observed growing in association with higher shrubs, a fact that
suggests that these agaves may profit in the early stages of their life cycle
from the shade of nurse plants. Another interesting aspect of the ecology of Vegetativeaerial propagules-1. Bulbil production-To evaluate the effect
A. macroacantha is its capacity to produce a large amount of bulbils in the of goat grazing on bulbil production,we quantifiedbulbil productionin two
areas with varying degrees of protection:(1) In the botanical reserve (i.e., the
scape if pollinators fail to arrive or if grazing damages the flowering stem
(Arizaga and Ezcurra, 1995). "protected" treatment),we evaluated herbivore damage during four repro-
ductive seasons (1992-1994 and 1996) and counted bulbil productionin all
Evaluation of rosette morphology and spatial distribution-During the flowering rosettes found within the reserve, totaling 254 rosettes. The reserve
reproductiveperiod (April to November) of 1992, we selected 188 clumps or is intendedto be protectedfrom grazing, but goats often break in and so only
colonies of A. macroacanthalocalized within the study area, all located in a partialexclusion from herbivoreswas accomplishedin this treatment.(2) For
gentle (140 or 23%) southwestern slope. A clump is normally formed by a the "unprotected"treatment, we evaluated herbivore damage in a grazing
group of rosettes growing less than 1 m apart.Previous excavations of plants commons, 1.3 km south of the reserve, that belongs to the community of
showed that rhizomatous shoots are normally generated less than 1 m away Zapotitlin. During two reproductiveseasons (1995-1996), we counted bulbil
from the parentalrosette. Hence, we assumed that rosette clumps, which are production in all flowering rosettes found in the grazing area, totaling 129
clearly distinguishable in the field, are formed by a population of ramets rosettes.
belonging to a single genet. In each clump, we counted the numberof rosettes 2. Fate of bulbils-For the two areas described above (protectedand un-
(ramets) and measured the height and diameterof each one. In reproductive protected for the period between 1992 and 1996), we markedat the end of
rosettes, we also measured the size of the scape. each reproductiveperiod all the bulbils produced in 86 bulbiferous rosettes
(48 rosettes in the protectedarea and 38 in the unprotectedone), totaling 518
Quantification of propagules-Seeds (reproductive diaspores)-l. Seed bulbils. At monthly intervals duringthe 5-yr period we returnedto both sites
production-Between April and November 1992, we counted the numberof and followed the fate of the recorded bulbils, registering the mortality of

bulbils in the scape, the abscission of bulbils from the scape, and their final 35
fate on the ground.
3. Axillary shoot production-We conducted periodic observations in the Cl)
same rosettes (N = 383) in the protected and unprotectedareas to determine a-
2 25
the numberof lateralshoots producedabove ground,in the axils of the leaves.
4. Basal and rhizomatousshoots (vegetativeground-levelpropagules)-We 20
excavated ten randomly selected clumps (genets) by carefully removing the 0 15
top layers of the soil (see Bihm, 1979) until the undergroundstems, rhizomes,
and lateral root system were exposed. In each rosette (ramet) we registered: Z 10
(a) the diameterand height of the rosette, (b) the vertical buried depth of the
main stem, (c) the number of basalshoots and their respective size, and (d)
the number and size of rhizomatousshoots.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Propagule establishment dynamics-Seedling establishment-To evaluate
the establishment dynamics of A. macroacantha seedlings, we performed a Rosettes perclump
factorial experiment with two levels of radiation (open space and under a
Fig. 3. Frequencydistributionof clump size in 188 A. macroacanthacol-
nurse plant), two levels of predationexposure (exposed to predatorsand ex- onies. The line shows the prediction of the Poisson distributionunder the
cluded), two planting seasons (dry and rainy season), and three replicates assumptionof randomclumping.
within each treatment.Three cohorts of nursed seedlings from seeds collected
in 1991 and germinatedin 1% agar gel at 25?C were planted under one of
three randomly selected Mimosa luisana shrubs with canopy cover of about started with the assumptionthat the mortalityof a cohort, which defines the
2 m2. Flores-Martinez(1994) estimated a minimum shrub cover of 0.235 m
survivorshipcurve, may belong to one of three basic types: (1) type I mor-
for the nurse plant to effectively have some protective effect on cactus estab- tality, in which the initial mortalityrate (ko)increases with time (i.e., the risk
lishment. The open space cohorts were planted 30 cm northof three randomly of mortality increases with the age of the cohort); (2) type II, in which the
selected A. macrocantha rosettes, with no other canopy shading them. Each
mortalityrate is constant (the mortalityrisk is the same for any age); and (3)
cohort was planted in a 30 x 30 cm plot. Vertebratesand larger insects were
type III, in which the risk of mortality decreases with time (i.e., the initial
excluded by covering the plots with 12-mm wire mesh; smaller insects were
mortalityrate ko decreases with time). Mathematically,this can be written as
excluded by applying a contact insecticide (Clordane)in the perimeterof the a system of two simultaneousdifferential equations:an/at = -kn, and ak/at
plot each week for the first 70 d. The seedlings were planted 1 wk after = bk, where t = time; n is the number of survivors, k is the instantaneous
germinating.Planting was done in the following two contrastingperiods: (1) mortality rate, and b is a shape parameterthat describes the type of survi-
Dry season establishmentwas simulatedby planting the seedlings in Decem- vorship process. If b > 0, then k will increase with time, and the resulting
ber 1991. Seedlings were hardenedoff after planting by watering them daily curve will be of type I. If, on the other hand, b < 0, then k will decrease
for the first 2 wk and every 4 d thereafterfor three more occasions. The with time, and the resultingcurve will be of type III. Finally, if b = 0, then k
survivorship analysis was done on the seedlings that survived the acclimati- will remainconstantwith time, and the survival dynamicswill be of type II.
zation period. (2) Rainy season establishment dynamics were evaluated by
Integratingthe two previous equations, we get the nonlinear survivorship
planting the seedlings in early June 1992, at the beginningof the rainy season. function: n, = no exp[-kob (exp(bt) - 1)], where n, is the number of sur-
Because the soil was wetter at this time, the acclimatizationof the seedlings vivors at time t; no is the initial size of the cohort (at time t = 0); ko is the
was done by watering only for the first week. initial mortality rate (at t = 0); and b is a parameter,defined above, that
We planted 100 seedlings in each plot. Because of the high seedling mor- describes how kochanges with time.
tality during acclimatization,the plots in the dry period treatmentwere uni- This model was fitted to both the seedling and the bulbil survival counts
formly thinned to an initial number of 75 seedlings at the beginning of the by means of nonlinearregression. Once the parametersof the function (koand
survival counts, while the wet season treatmentretained the original density b) were estimated, we comparedthem by means of t tests. These results were
of 100 seedlings per plot when counts started. Surviving seedlings in both corroboratedwith the test of Peto and Peto for survivorshipcurves (Pyke and
treatmentswere then periodically counted after 1 wk, thereafterat increasing
Thompson, 1986).
intervals of 2, 5, and 10 wk. Both experimentswere ended in April 1994. To
characterizethe environmentalconditions of the site, we placed two raingaug-
es (Peters, 1993) and a maximum-minimumthermometeron the southwest-
facing slope where the experimentswere done. Rosette morphology-The nonreproductiveadultrosettes of
A. macroacantha had an average diameter (? 1 SE) of 25.3
Bulbil establishment-To evaluate the establishment dynamics of A. ma-
(?0.3) cm and an average height of 29.4 (?0.3) cm (N =
croacantha bulbils, we used 102 bulbils collected in 1991 from flowering
1092). In contrast, reproductive rosettes were significantly
scapes. Due to the low number of bulbils, this experiment was reduced to
larger, with an average diameter of 41.5 (?1.9) cm and an
analyzing the effect of bulbil size as a factor leading to successful establish-
ment. We divided the bulbils into three categories: small (<4.0 cm height, N
average height of 33.6 (?1.8) cm (N = 53). The scapes had
a mean height of 2.14 (?0.13) m and an average of 12.5
= 48), intermediate(4.0-5.9 cm, N = 30), and large bulbils (?6 cm, N =
24). The bulbils were planted under three nurse shrubs (Acacia coulteri) of
(?0.5) umbels, which occupied the top 70.0 (?7.0) cm of the
similar size, excluding in all cases larger predatorswith 12-mm wire mesh. scape. The density of rosettes in each colony varied between
At the time of planting (November 1991), the bulbils had not yet developed
1 and 47 ramets. The distribution, however, was highly
roots. The bulbils were planted in a 40 X 40 cm plot, 30 cm north of their skewed, with a mode of 1 rosette per clump and a mean of
nurse shrub. Rows of bulbils of different sizes were mixed within the plot in 5.9 rosettes (Fig. 3). This distributionof rametclump densities
order to avoid the systematic placement of a given bulbil size in a fixed differs significantly (X2= 435.0; df = 12; P < 0.0001) from
position under the canopies. Survival counts started in mid-November 1991 the predictions of the Poisson distribution (Fig. 3). Clumps
and were performedat increasing intervals of 1, 2, 5, and 10 wk for 30 mo. with only one rosette, and also clumps with more than 12
rosettes, are significantly more abundantthan could be ex-
Analysis of survivorshipcurves-To evaluate the characteristicsof the sur- pected by chance alone, a fact that highlights the highly ag-
vivorship process we used a nonlinear model developed for this study. We gregated natureof ramet development.

Quantification of propagules-Seeds (reproductive dia- bulbils. The shedding scapes in the reserve dropped a mean
spores)-l. Seed production-The scapes of A. macroacantha of 5.6 (+0.8) bulbils, while the plants in the grazingcommons
(N = 53) formed on average 170 (?16) floralprimordia.Some shed 2.2 (?0.8) bulbils. (3) Of those bulbils that fall to the
of these floral buds were grazed by domestic cattle, to a lesser ground, a small proportion may eventually become estab-
degree by caterpillars of microlepidoptera,and other buds lished. However, this seems to be a rare event in the arid en-
were aborted.Only a mean of 24 (?4) fertile capsules formed vironmentsof Zapotitlin. In our 5 yr of observations,we only
in each scape, i.e., 14.0% fruit set. Each capsule carried a counted four successfully established bulbils from a total of
mean of 117 (?4) fertile seeds, representing59.8% of the total 78 bulbils that were followed after shedding. These four bul-
number of seeds per capsule. The total mean fecundity in A. bils were shed in 1992, a relatively wet year (Fig. 4), and fell
macroacantha was of 2808 seeds per scape (24 capsules x underthe nurse plants M. luisana and Jatrophaneopauciflora.
117 seeds). In all other years, bulbils that were shed failed to take root on
2. Seed germination-Four days after initiation of the ex- the ground. (4) Sixty-six to 96% of the annualcrop of bulbils
periment,recently collected seeds germinatingunderalternat- that are produced remain in the scapes and slowly dry up
ing light/darknessconditions had the highest germinationrate with them, remaining viable for a year or more until they die
(76%; +2%); seeds germinated in total darkness had 70% (Fig. 1).
(?2%) germination,and the seeds that had been stored for 20
mo had 59% (?2%) germination.These differences are sta- Axillary shoot production-Of the 383 plants observed over
tistically significant (x2 = 18.4, df = 2, P = 0.0001) and a 5-yr period, only one plant showed the development of two
suggest that older seeds lose some of their germinationability. lateral shoots that originated in the axils of the rosette leaves
Biologically, however, the differences seem to be relatively (Fig. 1). These results, coupled with the fact that axillary
minor: 8 d after initiation of the experiment,the stored seeds shoots are rarely observed in the field, suggest that this prop-
had increasedtheir germinationrate to about 85%, a value not agation mechanism in A. macroacanthais highly infrequent.
significantlydifferentfrom that of the recently collected seeds.
Basal and rhizomatousshoots-Agave colonies (N = 10)
Bulbils-1. Bulbil production-Highly significantdifferenc- contained 1-7 well-defined ramets each, totaling 44 adult ro-
es (X2 = 57.4, df = 5, P < 0.0001) were found between the settes with a mean diameterof 28.0 (?1.5) cm, a mean height
unprotectedand the protectedareas in terms of the numberof of 22.9 (?2.7) cm, and a vertical undergrounddepth of the
grazed scapes. Only 38% of all scapes (N = 254) were grazed main stem of 6.6 (?0.5) cm. We found 80 live rhizomes of
in the reserve, whereas 85% were grazed in the unprotected variable length, the longest one being 78 cm, mostly un-
area (N = 129). Although these differences were obtainedby branched, with a mean diameter of 2.9 cm (?0.6; N = 64).
comparing different years for both sites, and hence represent Eighteen of the 80 rhizomes (23%) were starting to develop
an invalid replication,a similar trendwas observed when bul- small terminal rosettes (i.e., they were transitioningfrom un-
bil production was measured at both sites simultaneously in determinedto determinedgrowth; Bell, 1991), while the rest
1996. Additionally, significant variation in the proportionof were still in the exploratory,undeterminedgrowth phase. We
grazed scapes (X2 = 32.4, df = 3, P < 0.0001) was found also counted 47 basal shoots, with a mean diameter of 8.9
within the reserve, ranging from 5% damage in 1996 (a year (?2.4) cm and a mean height of 5.8 (? 1.0) cm. In short, we
in which protectionwas successfully enforced)to 64% damage found a mean of 2.9 offspring ground-level shoots for each
in 1994 (a year in which enforcementwas very low). adult rosette, including 1.1 basal shoots, 0.4 determined(i.e.,
In both sites, the grazing commons and the botanical re- established)rhizomes, and 1.4 undetermined(i.e., exploratory)
serve, a similar proportion(37% for the pooled data set) of rhizomes (Fig. 1).
the grazed scapes formed bulbils, and 26% of the bulbiferous
scapes shed some of their propagules to the ground. In con- Propagule establishment dynamics-Seedling establish-
trast, only 5% (? 1%) of scapes that were not grazed (N = ment-1. Dry season establishment dynamics (1991 co-
156 in the reserve and N = 19 in the unprotectedarea)formed horts)-Seedlings placed in open, non-nursed plots showed
bulbils, possibly as a result of deficient pollination (Arizaga rapid mortality, and none survived after 245 d (Fig. 5a, b).
and Ezcurra, 1995). The proportionof ungrazedscapes form- Initial mortalitywas higher in the plots that were exposed to
ing bulbils was similar in the reserve and the grazing unpro- predators,and in both treatments(exposed to predatorsand
tected area. In both sites, 26% of all scapes thatformedbulbils excluding predators)the shape of the curve was type I (i.e.,
shed some of these to the ground (+ 1 SE) (3.9 ? 1.0 bulbils the initial mortalitytended to acceleratewith time; see param-
per plant were shed). No significant differences were found eters in Table 1). In contrast,the initial mortalitiesin seedlings
between years or between sites. planted under the shade of the nurse plant M. luisana tended
2. Fate ofbulbils-Under field conditions we observed that to decrease with time resulting in a type III curve (Fig. 5c, d
bulbils may have the following final fates: (1) Some bulbils and Table 1). No significant differences were found between
are predatedin the scape by insects (mostly by caterpillarsand shaded plots exposed to predatorsand those excluding them.
secondarily by grasshoppers)and to a lesser degree by goats At the end of the 30-mo experiment,2.4% (+ 1.1) of the initial
and cattle. (2) A certainproportion,which varies significantly seedlings had successfully established and survived in these
according to the site and the year (X2 = 63.8, df = 4, P < plots.
0.0001), are shed and fall to the ground. In 1992, 1994, and 2. Rainy season establishmentdynamics (1992 cohorts)-
1996, 32%, 34%, and 0%, respectively, of all bulbils were The curves in this experiment showed similar trends to those
shed in the reserve and only 4% were shed in the grazed com- observed in the previous cohort: non-nursedplants showed a
mons in 1995 and 1996. Shedding may be related to the den- convex, type I survivorshipcurve with rapidlyincreasingmor-
sity of neighboring canopies that brush against the drying talities. All non-nursedplants had died at the end of the first
scape. The plants that do shed bulbils droppeda mean of 3.9 3 mo (Fig. 6a, b and Table 1). Nursed plants showed concave,

o 35
-3 300 0
- 250
c 20 --200 a
D -o150o
a 15
F- 50

1 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8
S1992 - 1 1993
Yearsand months

E500oo-- b
400-.................. .....................




1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Fig. 4. Climatic conditions at Zapotitlin Salinas: (a) Climatic diagramfor the study site. Precipitationis shown in black bars, monthly minimumtemperature
in open squares, and monthly maximum temperaturein closed triangles. (b) Total annualprecipitationin the study site from 1990 to 1994. The long-termmean
annualrainfall is 380 mm (Garcia, 1987; broken line). The values for 1990 and 1991 were taken from Flores-Martinez(1994); all other values were taken from
the present study.

type III curves, with initial mortalitiesleveling off with time with the survivorshipcurve analysis or with Peto and Peto's
(Fig. 6c, d). Similarly to the dry-season cohort, at the end of test. Hence, we pooled the differentsize-specific bulbil counts
the 22-mo experiment,2.4% (? 1.1) of the initial seedlings had under each nurse tree into a single data series and fitted one
successfully survived in the nursed plots. No significant dif- survivorshipcurve for all bulbil sizes. Once established, bul-
ferences attributableto grazing could be found in the experi- bils had lower initial mortalitythan seedlings, and these initial
ments involving nursed seedlings. mortalitiestended to decrease rapidlywith time, in a markedly
3. Cohortcomparison-When both cohorts were compared, concave type III curve (Fig. 7 and Table 1). Thirty months
we found that the survivorshipcurves of the nursedseedlings after being placed under a nurse tree, 56% (?4.04) of the
did not differ in their parameters(Table 1). However, it was initial bulbils had successfully rooted and survived in the
found that both the initial mortality(ko)and the shape param- plots.
eter (b) had higher values in the rainy season cohort, i.e., the
non-nursed plants died faster when planted during the rainy DISCUSSION
season. Identical conclusions were obtained from the test of
Peto and Peto for survivorship data. It is interesting to note The importance of seed production, germination, and es-
that 1992 was an anomalous year; it had an abnormallyhigh tablishment-Seed production-In most plants, only a frac-
amount of rain in Januaryand February(a normally dry sea- tion of the flowers develop into fertile fruits because flowers
son), high rainfall in the early summer (May and June), and are predated,may fail to pollinate successfully, or may abort
an extremely dry late summerand fall (July-October;see Fig. after pollination (Stephenson, 1981; Herrera,1987). On aver-
4a, b, for 1992). This contrasts with the normal precipitation age, a rosette of A. macroacanthaproduces some 2800 seeds
pattern,which is markedlyseasonal with high rainfallin June- (24 fertile capsules per scape X 117 fertile seeds per capsule).
October (see Fig. 4a, b for 1993 and 1994). This is only 14%of the approximately20000 seeds that could
be potentially produced if the average 170 flowers present in
Bulbil establishment-No significantdifferenceswere found a scape developed. This fecundity seems low when compared
in bulbil survivorship between the three size classes, either to other agaves (Table 2), although many of these other esti-

100 100

a a
10 10

100 100

b C b
_ 10 0 10

100 - 100

lCo 0


1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

0 200 400 600 800
Time(d) Time(d)
Fig. 5. Survivorshipcurves and data for A. macroacanthaseedlings plant- Fig. 6. Survivorshipcurves and data for A. macroacanthaseedlings plant-
ed during the dry season (December 1991 cohort): (a) non-nursed, nonex- ed during the rainy season (June 1992 cohort): (a) non-nursed,nonexcluded;
cluded; (b) non-nursed,predator-excluded;(c) nursed, nonexcluded; and (d) (b) non-nursed,predator-excluded:(c) nursed, nonexcluded; and (d) nursed,
nursed, predator-excluded.Vertical interval lines show 1 SE (see Table 1). predator-excluded.Vertical interval lines show 1 SE (see Table 1).

mates of seed set lack an explicit explanationof the method- 38% of all scapes in the protectedreserve. Otherauthors(e.g.,
ology used and may possibly be only the result of extrapola- Smith, 1965; Meyrin, 1980; Gentry, 1982) have long reported
tions. Three main factors seem to playing an importantrole in the damagingeffect of goats on these naturalsystems. We have
decreasingthe fecundity of A. macroacantha:(1) Predationof also identified evident goat damage in many other agave spe-
reproductivestructuresby insects and principallyby goats was cies in Tehuacain,such as A. kerchovei,A. marmorata,A. pea-
an important factor throughout our study. Goats consumed cockii, A. potatorum,A. salmiana var.ferox, A. stricta, and A.
85% of all scapes in the grazed unprotectedarea and predated triangularis.(2) The local winds may also have a strongeffect

TABLE1. Parameters of the nonlinear survival curve for the different seedling treatments and for bulbils. The 1991 cohort was planted during the
dry season, and the 1992 cohort was planted during the wet season: ko = initial mortality rate, b = shape parameter, r2 = fit (variance fitted
by the model/total variance), and SE = standard error. Similar superscript characters indicate values of the two parameters that do not differ
significantly at P = 0.05.

Cohort Nursing Predation SE(k,) b SE(b) r.

1991 Open Excluded 0.0462A 0.0043 0.1173A 0.0133 0.98
1991 Open Non-excl. 0.0780B 0.0125 0.0422B 0.0230 0.92
1991 Nursed Excluded 0.0973B 0.0103 -0.0400c 0.0088 0.82
1991 Nursed Non-excl. 0.1013B 0.0102 -0.0234c 0.0098 0.88
1992 Open Excluded 0.2810c 0.0437 0.2500D 0.0885 0.99
1992 Open Non-excl. 0.2590c 0.0471 0.3180D 0.1064 0.99
1992 Nursed Excluded 0.1040B 0.0062 -0.0220c 0.0060 0.96
1992 Nursed Non-excl. 0.1078B 0.0084 -0.0350c 0.0069 0.88
Bulbils - - 0.0387A 0.0046 -0.0757c 0.0109 0.66

l0 (1979) found 92% germination rate in recently collected A.

deserti seeds.
Seedling establishment--All seedlings plantedin open, non-
nursed space died within 3-8 mo. Seedlings planted under
nurse shrubssurvived for 2.5 yr, but the demographictoll was
considerable;only some 2.4% of the initial cohorts survived.
.0 Similar high mortalities have been reportedfor the Sonoran
Desert where planted seedlings died within the next 63 d (No-
bel, 1977; Jordanand Nobel, 1979).
Seed predation,principally by ants, showed detectable but
S1 quantitativelylow effects in the 1991 cohort and in open spac-
0 es. Survival behavior was very similar in the 1991 and the
200 400 600 800 1000 1992 cohorts. In all cases, the main factorcontrollingseedling
Time(d) establishmentwas the protective shade of a nurse plant. These
results suggest that A. macroacantha depends critically on
Fig. 7. Survivorshipcurves and data for A. macroacanthabulbils planted nurse plants for the survival of seedlings during the establish-
in November 1991 under nursing shade. Vertical interval lines show 1 SE
(see Table 1).
ment phase in the hot tropicaldesert of Zapotitlin, in the same
manner as cacti and other succulents depend on nurse plants
in most deserts (Turneret al., 1966; Steenbergh and Lowe,
on flower and bulbil retention. This seems to be especially 1969; Jordanand Nobel, 1979; Valiente-Banuetand Ezcurra,
importantin dense scrubs, where under windy conditions the 1991).
spiny canopy of neighboringplants often detaches the repro- There was a surprisinglack of differencesbetween the 1991
ductive structuresfrom the scape. (3) Lastly,A. macroacantha "dry" cohort and the 1992 "rainy" cohort.In reality,the 1991
is pollinized chiefly by bats and secondarilyby moths, and its cohort started during an abnormally wet winter and spring,
fertilization is strongly pollinator limited (Arizaga et al., while the 1992 cohort had to start its survival process during
2000b). The failure of bat pollinators to arrive in sufficient an exceptionally dry summerand fall (Fig. 4). It is likely that
numbersin some years may decrease significantlythe number in a more normal year the cohorts planted in midsummer
of fertile capsules produced in a given scape (Arizaga and would survive better,but this remainsto be tested. In any case,
Ezcurra, 1995). our results highlight the potentially critical importanceof at-
mosphericanomaliesin the establishmentof this desertspecies
Germination-The seeds of A. macroacanthashowed a high and possibly of many others.
germinationcapacity (>80% after 8 d), high longevity (85% In follow-up sampling done in 1998, we found that the es-
germinationrate in 8 d after 20 mo in storageunderlaboratory tablished seedlings of the 1991 cohort had decreased from
conditions), and did not seem to be very sensitive to photo- eight to four, while the 1992 cohort still maintainedthe four
period stimuli. This hardy behavior contrastswith reportsfor survivors it had in 1994. This new value brings the 7-yr sur-
the related Manfreda (Agave) virginica, a plant of temperate vival probability of nursed seedlings to 1.5%. This value is
zones that requires alternatingtemperaturesto break its dor- possibly overestimatedas the experiment startedwith germi-
mancy and greatly decreases its germination with long-term nated seedlings that were wateredfor a few days to allow them
storage (Baskin and Baskin, 1971). Freeman (1973, 1975), an initial advantage.It is difficult to estimate at this point what
however, has reported germination values for A. lechuguilla the probabilityis that the seeds in a scape will produce suc-
and A. parryi that are similar to ours, while Jordanand Nobel cessful offspring. Our establishmentexperiment showed that

TABLE2. Production of different propagation structures in the genus Agave, according to published literature. Agave chrysoglossa and A. vilmo-
riniana are the only species belonging to the subgenus Littaea; all the rest belong to the subgenus Agave. Asterisks denote cultivated species,
zero values indicate that the trait is reported as not found on that species, and dashes indicate lack of published information on that particular

Species Seeds Bulbils shoots Source

A. americana* 0 5 Gentry, 1982; Granados, 1993

A. angustifolia* 100 8-15 Gentry, 1982; Granados, 1993
A. chrysoglossa 500 000 0 - Gentry, 1972
A. deserti 65 000 0 - Nobel, 1977
A. fourcroydes* 0 many 5-8 Gentry, 1982; Benitez, 1965
A. macroacantha 2800 5-7 2.3-10 This work
A. macroacantha 2064 0 - Arizaga et al., 2000b (with pollinators)
A. macroacantha 153 17 (0-50) - Arizaga et al., 2000b (without pollinators)
A. palmeri 38 000 0 - Howell and Roth, 1981 (with pollinators)
A. palmeri 1600 0 - Howell and Roth, 1981 (without pollinators)
A. salmiana 0 4-7 Martinez-Morales and Meyer, 1985
A. sisalana* 0 2000-3000 - Alvarez, 1987
A. tequilana* - 15-20 Valenzuela, 1994
A. vilmoriniana* 10 000 >2000 0 Gentry, 1982; Szarek and Holmesley, 1996

none of the seeds that fell in the open survived and that only Basal shoots and rhizomes-In contrast with the question-
a fraction of less than 1.5% of seeds that fell under a nurse able importanceof bulbils as reliable mechanisms for clonal
plant survived. However, no data is available regarding the propagation,basal and rhizome shoot production was unde-
number of seeds predated, the proportionof seeds that fall niably very effective as a cloning mechanism.Most (98%) of
under nurse plants, the chances of successful germinationin the rosettes excavatedhad one or more ground-levelvegetative
the field, or the probabilityof establishmentif no acclimati- offspring, either consisting of basal shoots, developed rhizome
zation is given to the seedlings. propagules,or developing rhizomes, totaling almost three off-
In any case, these very low survival numbers suggest that spring shoots per rosette. Most of the independent rosettes
seedling establishmentis an extremely rare event, a fact that were formed from similar vegetative shoots, as indicated by
seems to be confirmedby the very small numberof seedlings the remains of dead rhizomes in the base of the stem and by
that have been observed in the field. Between 1991 and 1998, their funnel-like form. Of the 44 randomly selected plants,
we failed to detect any new seedlings thatestablishednaturally only one small individual, 8 cm in diameter,had a rounded
in the study site. Sampling done in 1997 in the reserve re- stem base and no traces of decomposed rhizomes, a fact that
vealed the presence of 16 isolated juvenile plants with some suggests that it was originated from seed. The idea that
evidence of having establishedfrom seed: they had a rounded ground-levelcloning is the main propagationmechanismin A.
macroacantha is also consistent with the highly aggregated
undergroundstem quite differentfrom the funnel-likebase that
results from rhizomes and basal shoots. Furthermore,these spatial patternof the clumps.
The formation of basal and undergroundshoots may vary
plants were grown in isolation, without any other colony near-
by from which they could have been derived as bulbils. These significantly in differentAgave species from less than 5 to 15
or more clonal offspring per rosette (Table 2). Other authors
juveniles showed a mean diameter(? 1 SE) of 7.9 (?0.8) cm, have also reportedbasal shoots and rhizomes as a main mech-
a mean height of 5.3 (?0.6) cm, and 8.4 (? 1.9) photosynthetic
leaves. Based on a size-age model we developed (see Arizaga, anism of colonization that has a demographicquantitativeim-
1999), we estimated the age of these plants to be about 14 yr. portance that surpasses that of sexual reproduction(Gentry,
This would set the age of establishmentaround 1983, a year 1972, 1982; Freeman and Reid, 1985; Raphael and Nobel,
that brought an unusually high rainfall to central Mexico. 1986). A consequence of this naturaltrait is the widespread
Various authors (Gentry, 1972; Nobel, 1977; Raphael and use of cloning to propagatecultivated agaves, with the con-
Nobel, 1986) have also pointed out that recruitmentfrom seed sequence of decreased genetic variation in those crops (Co-
in agaves is an extremely rare event. Additionally,it has been lunga-GarciaMarin and May-Pat, 1993, 1997; Colunga-
reported that atmospheric anomalies may play a role in re- GarciaMarfn, Estrada-Loera, and May-Pat, 1996). When
asked, agave farmers in the TehuacainValley failed consis-
leasing harsh environmental restrictions: Jordan and Nobel tently to recognize the seeds of their own plants.
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