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intervention for dental health in poor community


Poor oral and dental hygiene can cause problems for the elderly. This study aims
to analyze the factors associated with dental and oral hygiene in the elderly
consisting of age, gender, education level, occupation, marital status, knowledge,
motivation, physical dependence, culture, anxiety, the elderly's economy and
family. The design of this research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional
approach. The research was conducted in the Work Area of the UPTD Puskesmas
I Penebel. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with a sample size of
80 respondents. The results showed a significant relationship between oral hygiene
and knowledge (p value 0.013, r = 0.277), motivation (p value 0.005, r = 0.311),
physical dependence (p value 0.011, r = 0.285), elderly economy and family (p
value 0.000, r = 0.400), anxiety (p value 0.0185, r = -0.265). There was no
relationship between culture and oral hygiene (p value 0.187, r = -0.149).
Providing dental and oral health information to the elderly during posyandu
activities for the elderly and carrying out dental and oral hygiene checks which
are integrated into mobile health center activities can be done as an effort to
detect and prevent dental and oral health problems in the elderly.



B. Problem Formulation
C. Research Objectives








A. Background

The problems that are often experienced by people in Indonesia are dental and oral
health problems. Oral health problems often experienced by modern society is
dental caries, gum disease and periodontal disease (Sariningsih, 2012). Caries is a
major disease most attack the teeth both at young age and at old age, attacking
permanent and milk teeth (Sediaoetama, 2009). Tooth is a body tissue that is easily
damaged, treated damaged children's teeth are difficult and also take time

Based on Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) (2013), the national prevalence of

oral and dental problems is 25.9% of the Indonesian population. The national
prevalence of children aged 5-9 years with oral and dental problems is 28.9%,
which means that caries is a common disease experienced by children. Yogyakarta
Special Region (DIY) is one of the provinces that has a prevalence above the
national prevalence, namely 32.1% (Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia,

Children often eat sweet and sticky snacks which can stick to the teeth and become
an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria that cause dental caries (Sharlin
and Edelstein, 2015). Sediaoetama (2011) revealed that various types of nutrients
play a role in the formation and health of teeth, carbohydrate components and
those containing sugar are the main components for caries.

School-age children, namely children aged 5-12 years, are more active in choosing
foods they like. This group consumes a lot of sticky snacks and contains lots of
sugar so that many suffer from caries. Problems due to malnutrition but high
calorie food greatly affect body weight, as well as growth processes including teeth
and mouth (Istiany and Rusilanti, 2013).

Tooth decay can cause a child to suffer from toothache, even to the extent of
swelling around the teeth which causes the child to be fussy, cry, unable to sleep
peacefully and not having the desire to eat because of toothache when used for
chewing. If this situation lasts for a long time and repeatedly, the child will lack the
nutrients needed by the body so that it affects the child's growth and development,
both physically and intellectually (Sariningsih, 2012).

The problem of dental caries is not the only health problem experienced in
Indonesia, nutrition has an important role in every individual, the nutrients
contained in food are needed by the body which will produce energy for growth,
maintenance, disease healing and immunity. We must pay attention to nutritional
intake for the body, because someone will have a good nutritional status if the
nutritional intake is in accordance with the body's needs (Par'i, 2017).

The results of RISKESDAS in 2013 regarding nutrition in Indonesia as measured

by the Body Mass Index (BMI) show that the prevalence of wasting in children
aged 5-12 years is 11.2%, some 4.0% are in the very thin category and 7.2% are
classified as thin. The prevalence of fat is 18.8% consisting of 10.8% fat and 8.8%
very fat (Kemenkes RI, 2013).

The cause of nutritional problems is multifactoral (Supariasa et al., 2012). Arisman

(2010) states that child nutrition problems are largely the impact of the imbalance
between incoming and outgoing energy. The problem that arises in children is that
they are very active in playing and many activities, both in the school environment
and in their home / neighbor environment, on the other hand, sometimes their
appetite decreases so that food consumption is not balanced with the calories
needed (Notoatmodjo, 2011).

Many factors cause malnutrition, this is not due to nutritional intake alone, but
infectious diseases can also affect a person's nutritional state (Par'i, 2017).
Malnutrition is caused by disease disorders. If calorie consumption is too low than
needed, it can cause body weight to be less than normal (Istiany and Ruslanti,
2013). Sariningsih (2012) states that in a condition where the teeth and mouth are
sick, the nutritional process is disturbed and can result in reduced food intake so
that it can interfere with the child's development and development.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the background description, the following problems can be formulated:
"Is there a relationship between dental caries status and children's nutritional
status among SDN 3 Sedayu Bantul students?"
C. Research Objectives
1. General Purpose
It is known that the relationship between dental caries status and children's
nutritional status in SDN 3 Sedayu Bantul students.
2. Special Purpose
a. The knowledge of dental caries status in SDN 3 Sedayu Bantul students.
b. He knows the nutritional status of children in SDN 3 Sedayu Bantul.


Oral and dental health is an important part that needs to be maintained in order
to stay healthy. However, teeth and oral hygiene are often neglected or even
forgotten. As a result, it is not uncommon for various diseases to arise in the oral
cavity. Caries is one of the most common diseases in the oral cavity. Based on
data obtained in the 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), the DMF-T data
was 4.1 for the West Java region. The DMF-T index in the 12-14 year age group
is DMF-T = 1.4. In the 15-24 year age group, the DMF-T index data were
obtained = 1.8. In the age group 25 - 34 years, the DMF-T index data was
obtained = 3.8. Whereas in the age group over 35 - 44 years, the index was found
to be 13 DMF-T 5.4. The DMF-T index jumped further in the 45-54 year age
group by 7.9. The economic factor is one of the problems with the lack of public
attention to oral health. It is common knowledge that the cost of dental care is
very expensive. In low socioeconomic groups, dental care is a luxury. Poverty
causes ignorance which results in remote access to health services, including
dental health. However, in high socioeconomic groups maintaining oral health is a
necessity. By using a research method with a cross-sectional design. As well as
the sampling method using Proportional Random Sampling technique.
One of the factors associated with dental and oral hygiene is individual factors
consisting of age, gender, education level, occupation and marital status.
Respondents who are female have the motivation and awareness to perform better
 Four primary studies, two evaluation studies and one systematic review met the
inclusion criteria. No nutrition interventions or reviews to promote oral health in
school-aged refugee children were found. There is limited weak evidence for the
effectiveness of community-based nutrition interventions to restore healthy body
weight in refugee settings. A systematic review also reported weak evidence of
correction of child body weight as a result of community-based nutrition
interventions in refugee camps.
as we know that dental health is something that needs to be taken care of by
ourselves by cleaning teeth regularly and consulting the nearest health center.
however, there are various things that prevent some people from having their
teeth checked in public health facilities, one of the causes is poverty.
The uneven construction of health facilities is also a factor that causes many
people to not understand how to maintain dental health.
Tooth decay or known as caries is a disease that attacks and destroys teeth. Can
occur in children's teeth as well as adult teeth. As a result of dental caries in
children, it usually causes pain so that the child cannot chew properly and will
adversely affect the nutritional status and growth of the child (Anonymous, 1993).
Based on the results of the Household Health Survey (SKRT) in 1995, dental and
oral diseases found in the community still range from diseases that attack hard
tissue of the teeth (caries) and periodontal disease, which states that 63% of the
Indonesian population suffers from active tooth decay (damage to untreated
teeth). Average individual caries experience (DMF-T = Decay Missing Filling-
Teeth) ranged between 6.44 and 7.8, which means that it has exceeded the DMF-
T index set by WHO, namely 3.As for the prevalence of periodontal disease, it
shows 42.8 ( Herijulianti et al, 2002). The high rate of dental and oral diseases is
currently very much influenced by several factors, including community behavior.
Based on the 1995 SKRT and the 1998 National Socio-Economic Survey, it was
stated that the community had not realized the importance of maintaining oral
health. This can be seen from 22.8% of Indonesia's population who do not brush
their teeth and 77.2% who brush their teeth 8.1% who brush their teeth on time.
Public awareness for dental treatment is still low, 87% of people who suffer from
toothache do not seek treatment, 12.3% go to a dental health facility already late
(Herijulianti, et al, 2002). As for the Central Java region, according to the results
of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2007) organized by the Health Research
and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia,
the DMF-T index data was obtained 5.4. 67.8% experience caries while 43.1%
active caries


Conclusion: This scoping review found no community-based nutrition

interventions for school-aged refugee children to promote oral health and
restore healthy body weight. There is limited and weak evidence for the
effectiveness of community-based nutrition interventions to restore healthy
body weight in refugee settings. There is a need to conduct an early phase
study to develop and co-produce community-based nutrition interventions
to promote oral health and healthy body weight for children residing in
long-term refugee situations and to investigate the feasibility for their


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