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Anal Bioanal Chem (2005) 383: 1098–1105

DOI 10.1007/s00216-005-0120-8


T. Ligor . A. Ludwiczuk . T. Wolski . B. Buszewski

Isolation and determination of ginsenosides in American ginseng

leaves and root extracts by LC-MS

Received: 13 May 2005 / Revised: 12 September 2005 / Accepted: 13 September 2005 / Published online: 9 November 2005
# Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Ginseng saponins (ginsenosides) were extracted antidiabetes, vasodilation and antidepressant, and are
from the root and leaves of locally cultivated American effective in stimulating the memory as well as in the
ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.). For the isolation of prevention of cancer and the ageing process. The most
compounds from plant samples three different extraction abundant forms are Panax ginseng, P. japonicus and P.
methods were utilized: accelerated solvent extraction, the quinquefolium, which grow in North America [1]. Both, P.
ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction and mechanical shak- ginseng (Korean ginseng) and P. quinquefolium (American
ing assisted solvent extraction. The separation of compounds ginseng) are the most used species in medicine. These
was achieved with a water–acetonitrile gradient system species differ imperceptibly in therapeutic properties [2].
using a C18 reversed-phase column. Target compounds Many scientists are of the opinion that the American
were identified in MS2 and MS3 experiments. The relative ginseng (P. quinquefolium) is less stimulating than the
distribution of these ginsenosides in each root and leaf Korean one. American ginseng is generally used as a mild
extract was established. The limit of detection of the method tonic; however its mechanism of action remains unclear
was less than 30 ng/ml. Recovery of ginseng saponins in [3]. Recent publications indicated a weak central nervous
spiked samples exceeded 80%, while the relative standard system (CNS) stimulant activity [4] and a hypoglycemic
deviation ranged from 7.1 to 9.1%. The total concentrations activity and showed the immunomodulating properties [5].
of ginsenosides were 41 and 13 mg/g in root and leaves. Instead, P. quinquefolium is more effective as an adapto-
genic agent and a tonic against stress. In general, saponins
Keywords American ginseng . Leaves . Extraction . and polysaccharides are thought to be responsible for its
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry activity. American ginseng [2] is rich in the Rb1 group of
ginsenosides (Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, mRb2, mRc), which can
explain the sedative and metabolic effects on the CNS.
Introduction Moreover, previous data suggested that administration of
American ginseng leaf extract reduced high blood glucose
The Panax genus consists of approximately 20 species levels [6]. Therefore, American ginseng leaves have
occurring in Asian countries and in North America. Gin- promising potential to be an additional source of ginseno-
seng has been used for thousands of years as a traditional sides, along with ginseng root, in the treatment of diabetes
medicine in many oriental countries. Ginseng extracts have mellitus. Popowich and Kitts [7] suggested that P.
wide pharmacological properties, such as antifatigue, quinquefolium leaves and roots are potentially a source of
rare ginsenosides Rh2 and Rg3. These ginsenosides are not
naturally present in American ginseng, but are products of
a thermal process (conversion of ginsenosides Rg1, Rc and
T. Ligor . B. Buszewski (*) Rd). Rh2 can reduce the proliferation of a variety of
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Ecoanalytics, cultured cancer cells and can influence apoptosis [8]. Rg3
Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University, has also been shown to possess antitumor properties [9].
7 Gagarina Street,
87100 Toruń, Poland Ginsenosides can be described as a glycoside consisting
e-mail: of an aglycone moiety and one or more covalently linked
sugars monomers. However, most ginsenosides contain
A. Ludwiczuk . T. Wolski multiple oligosaccharide units at various positions. 20(S)-
Department of Pharmacognosy with Medicinal Plant
Laboratory, Skubiszewski Medical University, Protopanaxadiol and 20(S)-protopanaxatriol are the core of
1 Chodźki Street, Rb1 group and Rg1 group (Re, Rf, Rg1, glc-Rc) ginseno-
20093 Lublin, Poland sides, respectively (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Structure of 21
22 24
ginsenosides R3O 26
HO 20

12 17 27

19 18 14 15
1 9
3 5 30
29 28

Ginsenoside R1 R2 R3
20 (S)-protopanaxadiol
Rb1 glc-glc H glc-glc
Rb2 glc-glc H glc-ara (p)
Rc glc-glc H glc-ara (f)
Rd glc-glc H glc
20 (S)-protopanaxatriol
Re H -O-glc-rha glc
Rf H -O-glc-rha H
Rg1 H -O-glc glc
Rg2 H -O-glc-rha H
Rh1 H -O-glc H

An important part of the recovery and purification sensitivity and resolution but needs additional sample pre-
process of active compounds from plant material is ex- paration such as hydrolysis followed by trimethylsilyla-
traction. Ginseng saponins from different species of gin- tion; therefore, only protopanoxadiol and protopanoxatriol
seng were extracted with water–methanol mixtures using can be analyzed [22]. The HPLC methods are widely used
ultrasonic extraction [10] and a mechanical shaker at room for analyzing ginsenosides. Owing to ginsenosides being
temperature for 12 h [11]. Others workers applied methanol poor chromophores, the detection is limited to short wave-
with heating under reflux [12] and Soxhlet apparatus for lengths (e.g., 205 nm) and many compounds may interfere
extraction of ginsenosides [13]. These methods are with target compounds. Recently, a method based on
commonly used because of their simplicity and low cost. evaporative light scattering detection was applied [24]. The
However, the conventional methods require large volumes limits of detection for Rg1, Re, Rb2 and Rd are 50, 65, 85
of solvents, which are often expensive or hazardous. The and 40 ng, respectively. Ion chromatography with pulsed
other disadvantages include long extraction time, labor- amperometric detection has good sensitivity, and the limits
intensive procedures, unsatisfactory extraction efficiency of detection for Rg1 and Re are 0.8 and 1.0 ng, respectively
or poor reproducibility. The desire to reduce these disad- [25]. Liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with tandem
vantages has led to the development of newer techniques mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was developed during the last
for ginsenosides extraction, such as micelle-mediated decade [26–28]. This technique is very useful for charac-
extraction [14] and supercritical fluid extraction [15]. terization and quantification of ginseng extracts. The limit
A relatively new technique, known as pressurized liquid of detection for ginsenosides can be at the level of 2 pg,
extraction or accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), has showing that it is the most sensitive method [29].
shown good potential in overcoming major drawbacks of In this investigation LC and MS with multiple frag-
classical extraction methods. ASE was used for extraction mentation for analysis of root and leaves of locally culti-
of active ingredients from medicinal plants and herbal vated P. quinquefolium were applied. Different extraction
materials [16, 17] such as berberine [18] and ginsenosides methods such as ASE, ultrasound-assisted solvent extrac-
[18, 19]. Recently, some investigators have focused on tion and shaking solvent extraction followed by solid-
development of microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) as phase extraction (SPE) for sample preparation and cleanup
an alternative method to the time-consuming conventional were tested. The characterization of target molecules was
method [20]. The results of 15-min MAE were better than carried out using the collision-induced dissociation (CID)
that from 10-ho conventional solvent extraction [21]. spectra from the sodium adduct spectra. The extraction
There are many methods for analyzing ginsenosides, procedures were compared and the relative distribution of
e.g., thin layer chromatography [1], gas chromatography ginsenosides in leaves and root of American ginseng ex-
(GC) [22] and high-performance liquid chromatography tract was established.
(HPLC) [23]. Among these, GC methods will give good

Experimental and placed in ultrasonic bath. Ultrasonification was

carried out for 20 min. The extraction was repeated
Apparatus three times with 50 ml of solvent and then the extracts
were combined.
The apparatus consisted of a HPLC 1100 (Agilent, 3 ASE: The sample was placed in a stainless steel cell and
Waldbronn, Germany) system with a quaternary pump, a extracted at 120°C. Subsequently, the cell was heated at
UV–vis detector, an automatic sample injector and an the preset extraction temperature and the solvent was
Agilent 1100 series LC/MSD Trap VL mass spectrometer continuously pumped through the sample. When the
(Agilent, Waldbronn, Germany) with an electrospray cell was full of the extraction solvent, the cell was
ionization interface. For the MS, the following conditions heated and pressurized (10 MPa) for a fixed time to
were used: capillary voltage 4.0 kV; skimmer 1 65.8; ensure that the sample reached thermal equilibrium.
capillary exit offset 91.6 V; trap drive 43.9. The drying Afterward, a static period occurred during which the
temperature was set at 325°C, the drying flow at 7.5 l/min sample was extracted for 5 min with three static periods
and the nebulizer pressure at 8 psi. The mass spectrometer at the preset extraction temperature and pressure. The
was operated in the positive ion mode and with a scan total extraction time was approximately 25 min (heat-
range m/z 200–1,300 amu. The ASE system (ASE 100) ing plus three static periods).
was purchased from Dionex Corporation (Sunnyvale, CA
Each extract was filtered and evaporated to dryness by a
USA). The HPLC separation was performed on the on a
rotary vacuum evaporator at 60°C. The residue was redis-
150×4.6-mm inner diameter, 5-μm octadecyl L-column
solved in 25 ml of 50% (v/v) aqueous methanol. A 10-ml
(Waters). The flow rate through the HPLC column was
aliquot of this solution was applied to a C18 SPE column
0.9 ml/min and the entire effluent was directed to the mass
(500 mg of bed) that was conditioned with 10 ml methanol
spectrometer. The binary gradient consisting of water and
followed by 10 ml water. After washing with 10 ml water
acetonitrile was used as follows: 0–30 min, isocratic 18%
followed by 10 ml of 30% aqueous methanol, in order to
acetonitrile; 35 min, 30% acetonitrile; 35–40 min, isocratic
remove excessive interferences, the ginsenosides were
30% acetonitrile; 45 min, 35% acetonitrile; 52 min, 40%
eluted with 10 ml methanol.
acetonitrile; and 100% acetonitrile from 52 to 55 min at a
flow of 1.5 ml. Both solvents contained 0.01 % acetic acid.

Calibration curve
Chemicals and reagents
The standard curves for five concentrations ginsenosides
Ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rg1, Rc and Rd were purchased were prepared for determination of saponins in plant
from Roth (Karlsruhe, Germany). Deionized water was extracts. Standard solutions of Rb1, Rb2, Rg1, Rc and Rd
from a Milli-Q system (Millipore, USA); acetonitrile and were prepared in 90% acetonitrile by sequential dilutions of
methanol (both LC–MS grade) and octadecyl C18 Baker the stock solution to a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml.
Bond were from Baker(Deventer, The Netherlands). Acetic The calibration curve was established for each com-
acid 99.99+% was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Stein- pound at a concentration level of 0.08–1.20 μg/ml. Stan-
heim, Germany). dards were analyzed before the analysis of each batch of

Plant material and extraction

Results and discussion
A four-year-old American ginseng plant (P. quinquefolium)
cultivated in the Department of Industrial and Medical Several methods for the analysis of Panax species have
Plants, University of Agriculture (Lublin, Poland) and been published to date. A number of works reported that
collected in September 2001 was used in the investigations. the separation of ginseng extract constituents was accom-
The plant was authenticated by the taxonomist of the Marie plished using a long gradient of up to 60 min in with a
Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin, Poland). composition of water and acetonitrile [10, 12, 14]. To
Three different extraction methods were applied: me- obtain an acceptable separation of major saponins and
chanical shaking, ultrasound-assisted extraction and ASE. other interference compounds (saccharides, chlorophylls,
In all cases dried and pulverized plant material (2.0 g) and etc.) a 52-min chromatographic run was used. From the
50% (v/v) aqueous methanol as a solvent were used. analytical point of view, the baseline resolution between
Rg1 and Re is rather difficult, especially in the presence of
1 Shaking: The plant sample was extracted three times
higher concentrations of one them.
(20 min for each extraction) with 50 ml of fresh sol-
SPE is a widely used pretreatment method which has
vent in a mechanical shaker and the extracts were
the property of removing interferences from a sample ma-
trix. Therefore, this method can be used for cleanup og
2 Ultrasound-assisted extraction: The mixture of sample
ginseng extracts. Recoveries were determined by addition
and solvents was transferred to an Erlenmeyer flask
Table 1 Recoveries of ginsenosides (n =4) obtained for SPE shows that the recovery for all ginseno-
Compound Recovery (%) sides was between 83.8 and 89.6% for all saponins. Lower
values were reported for Rb2 and Rd—83.8 and 89.6%,
Rb1 91.2±8.8 respectively. The relative standard deviation (RSD) did not
Rb2 83.8±7.9 exceed 9.5% for any of the compounds. For Rg1, the lowest
Rc 92.1±8.3 value of the RSD (7.1%) was observed.
Rd 89.6±9.1 The ginseng saponins extracted from root and leaves
Rg1 85.3±7.1 were analyzed using HPLC with MS detection. The [M
+Na]+ ions were observed in positive MS mode. The
abundances of protonated species [M+H]+ were very weak
of 12.5 ml of standard solution to 12.5 ml of 50% metha- or not observed at all. Figure 2 shows the mass spectra
nol–water extract. The average recovery and standard obtained from ginsenoside; it does not contain traces of
deviation are shown in Table 1. The analysis of the results protonated cations. Probably, the labile nature of proton-

x106 Intens.
x10 4
+M S, 36 .0m in (#2394) Rg1 +M S, 36 .0m in (#2394)
5 4 [M+H]+ 801 m/z 823. 7
3 773.5
2 778. 8 780. 4 801.6
793.5 805.0
772.4 79 9.8 802.5
3 1 785.2
795.0 796.3 807.1 809.7
770 775 780 785 790 795 800 805 m/z

643.6 719.6
200 400 600 800 1000 m/z

Intens. +M S, 46.0m in (#3085)

x106 Intens.
x10 4
1071. 6
+M S, 46.0m in (#3085) Rb1
6 1. 5
1083. 4 [M+H] 1109 m/z 1119.7

1. 0 1093. 2
1099. 6 1113. 6 1131 .8
1097. 5 1105.2
1064. 9 1117. 7
4 0. 5 1090.9
109 5.1
0. 0
1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 m/z

789. 7
200 400 600 800 1000 m/z

Intens. +M S, 47.1m in (#3164)

x106 In tens.
+M S, 47 .1m in (#3164) Rc

4 1027.8
[M+H] 1079 m/z 1101.7
4 1019.1
2 1039.6
10 44.5 1054.6
3 1 1012.6
1064. 4 1072.6
1079.4 1083.6
1001. 3 1009.5 1024.2 1060.4
2 1000 1010 1020 1030 10 40 1050 1060 1070 1080 m/z

789. 6
200 400 600 800 1000 m/z

Intens. +M S, 4 8.2m in (#3927 )

x10 7 Intens.
+MS, 48.2m in (#3927) Rb2
5 [M+H]+ 1079 m/z
4 1101.7
4 1080.8
9 97.6 1045. 5 1062.0 1078.2 1090. 7
1014. 7 1027. 5
2 1000 1010 1020 1 030 1040 105 0 1060 1070 1080 m/z

200 400 600 800 1000 m/z

Intens. +M S, 50.6m in (#3432)

x10 6
9 30.6 +MS, 50.6m in (#3432) Rd
[M+H]+ 947 m/z 952.5 9 54.6
6 96 9.7
2 960.1
929. 8 958.8
934. 9 949. 5 951. 3
1 925. 6
4 927. 4
932.4 944. 7 945.9
928.6 955. 5
920 925 930 93 5 940 945 95 0 955 m/z
789. 7
200 400 600 800 1000 m/z

Fig. 2 Positive ion mass spectra of ginsenosides: Rg1, Rb1, Rc, RB2, RD. IN enlarged views protonated cation regions

Intens. +MS2(1131.8), 9.4min (#246)





400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 m/z

+MS3(1131.8->789.6), 9.5min (#197)
x10 4




0.5 789.6
627.5 1178.2
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 m/z

Fig. 3 The MS spectra of Rb1. a 1,131.7→fragment scan; b 1,131.7→789.6→fragment scan

ated molecules might have resulted in decomposition of ized by R2 with a value higher than 0.990. The highest
these species in the ion source region. value was noted for Rb1 (0.999). A lower value of R2 was
However, the sodium adducts for ginsenosides were reported for Rg1 (0.992). These data show that the varia-
observed by other researchers [3, 30–32]. The LC–MS data bles are characterized by high correlation in the concen-
collected, which yielded [M+Na]+ parent ions and a very tration range examined.
little fragmentation, provided evidence for ginsenosides. The method validation (repeatability, intermediate pre-
Besides, these ion sodium adducts can be analyzed in MS2 cision and linearity) showed that this method is suitable for
and MS3 mode and yielded characteristic fragmentation the analysis of ginseng saponins. The recovery was in the
patterns including evidence of sugar loss. On the basis of range 83.8–92.1%. Repeatability was evaluated on three
these data ginsenosides were easily identified in purified samples; each sample was injected six times. The RSD of
ginseng fractions after SPE cleanup. the results did not exceed 10%. For intermediate precision
The cleavage reaction in MSn occurs predominantly at (two workers, each preparing three samples) the RSD was
the glycosidic linkage [25]. The glycosidic linkages and below 14.2%.
attached sugars can be determined from the CID spectra of This method was applied for the identification and the
sodiated ions, both molecular and fragment. Figure 3 quantification of target compounds in ginseng extracts. The
shows CID mass spectra obtained of ginsenoside Rb1. The identification of the compounds was established by compar-
ion observed at m/z 789 corresponds to a fragment ion ison with the authentic reference compounds in terms of
arising from loss of sugars (−R3) from Rb1. However, the retention times and mass spectra.
ion at m/z 365 is common to fragment [Ogluglu+Na]+. The
ion at m/z 627 corresponds to loss of glucose (at −R1) from
sodiated species [M−Ogluglu+Na]+.
Sodiated molecular ions [M+Na]+ of ginsenosides were Table 2 Sodiated molecular ions of ginsenosides
integrated and the peak areas were used for quantification
(Table 2). Compound Molecular Molecular ion sodium
The limits of quantification and data on precision are weight adduct [M+Na]+m/z
shown in Table 3. The limit of detection of the described RB1 1,108 1,131
method was below 30 ng/ml. The repeatability of the
RB2 1,078 1,101
method expressed as a RSD for peak areas at the lowest
RG1 800 823
concentration was generally below 4.5%. Only one com-
RC 1,078 1,101
pound (Rg1) was characterized by a RSD value higher than
RD 946 969
5%. The linearity of the calibration curves was character-
Table 3 Regression parameters of calibration curves after sonically assisted extraction the concentration of
Compound Calibration range R 2
RSD (%) a
LOQ ginsenosides was similar—26.02 mg/g.
(μg/ml) (μg/ml) The highest extraction efficiency was observed during
shaking extraction (total concentration 41.02 mg/g). The
Rg1 0.08–0.120 0.997 5.6 80 analysis of the results obtained for shaking extraction
Rb1 0.08–0.120 0.999 4.4 80 shows that the concentration of ginsenosides was between
Rc 0.08–0.120 0.995 3.6 80 0.32 mg/g for Rg1 and 30.52 mg/g for Rb1. A lower ef-
Rd 0.08–0.120 0.998 4.2 80 ficiency of extraction was reported for ultrasound-assisted
Rb2 0.08–0.120 0.992 3.9 80 extraction. The lowest concentration was observed for Rb2
and Rg1 (0.82 and 0.87 mg/g, respectively) but the highest
RSD relative standard deviation, LOQ limit ofquantification
Calculated for n=6, at a concentration of 0.08 mg/ml of each concentration was detected for Rb1. The amount of com-
compound pounds in the extracts obtained after ASE was similar to that
mentioned before. The highest concentration was noted for
Rb1 (17.26 mg/g) and the lowest for Rg1 (0.55 mg/g). The
amount of Rb1 was always significantly higher than that of
Target ginsenosides were detected in all extracts. other ginsenosides; however, the concentration of Rg1 did
Figure 4 shows typical chromatograms obtained from not exceed 0.87 mg/g.
root and leaf extracts. The method precision calculated as a RSD was found to
The results in Table 4 show that the extraction efficiency range from 3.9 to 10.4% for saponins. The RSDs were
of saponins in American ginseng by ASE is comparable to quite similar for all the methods tested, but higher values
that obtained by sonication. The total amount of saponins were observed for lower concentration of ginsenosides
after ASE extraction from ginseng root was 26.03 mg/g but in plant extracts. The lower method precision can be ex-

x10 6



35 40 45 50 55 60 Time [min]

x10 6


2 5

1.0 1

35 40 45 50 55 Time [min]

Fig. 4 The total ion chromatogram of root (a) and leaf (b) extracts. Ginsenosides are eluted in the following order: 1-Rg1, 2-Re; 3-Rb1,
4-Rc, 5-Rb2, 6-Rd
Table 4 Comparison of extraction methods
Compound ASE (root) ASE (leaves) Ultrasound assisted Mechanically shakena Fraction of ginsenosides
Concentration RSD Concentration RSD Concentration RSD Concentration RSD Root Leaves
(mg/g) (%) (mg/g) (%) (mg/g) (%) (mg/g) (%)

Rg1 0.55 3.9 0.22 4.2 0.87 8.5 0.32 10.4 0.8 1.6
Rb1 17.26 9.8 0.58 4.2 16.81 3.9 30.52 3.9 73.3 4.2
Rc 2.67 5.8 1.32 6.1 2.65 4.1 2.98 4.8 7.2 9.5
Rb2 0.62 10.2 3.78 5.2 0.82 6.3 0.65 7.2 1.6 27.4
Rd 4.93 4.3 7.91 7.3 4.91 5.1 7.15 4.3 17.2 57.2
Total 26.03 13.81 26.06 41.02

plained by both the heterogeneity of the sample and a Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank to S. Witkowski (S.
matrix effect; however, this problem is frequently con- Witko, Łódż, Poland) for donation of LC–MS grade solvents and E.
Cichaczewska (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń) for technical
nected with biological samples. assistance during the experiments. This work was supported by
The contribution of both Rb1 and Rd to the total content UMK grant No. 328-Ch.
of ginsenosides was 60 and 25%, respectively. Ginsenoside
Rc was detected at a lower concentration than Rb1 and Rd
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