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Name: ................................................................................................................................

Date: ................................................................................................

Class: 7º............

Total Score: 82 Pts./ MARK


II. Colour the picture. (4 Pts.)

Number 1 is pink
Number 2 is yellow
Number 3 is purple
Number 4 is brown
III. Completa las oraciones usando los cuantificadores: few, some, a lot of, too many.
Puedes usarlos más de una vez. (5 Pts.)

1)I can see giraffes 2)I can see penguins 3)I can see cats

4) I can see hippo 5) I can see elephants

IV. Look at the picture and circle the correct word. (5 Pts.)
a. The father / the grandfather is in the garden.
b. The father / the grandfather is in the living room.
c. The mother / the grandmother is in the bedroom.
d. The brother / the sister is in the bathroom.
e. The brother / the sister is in the kitchen.
V. Choose the correct alternative verbs in (Past Tense) (10 Pts).

Charles Darwin
1) Charles Darwin [was / were] a scientist.
2) He [was / were] from Great Britain.
3) Fossils of extinct animals [liked / were] similar to modern species.
4) Many people [listened / were] to the idea of evolution.
5) Darwin [was / came] a good student.

Albert Einstein
6) Albert Einstein [was / went] to Austria in 1875.
7) Albert [was / liked] Science.
8) Albert [was / were] a terrible student.
9) The theory of relativity [was / were] popular in 1905.
10) The theory of relativity [was / were] used to create the atomic bomb.

VI. Read and underline five verbs in past tense (5 pts)

Javiera was a good student. She liked sports very much and specially she loved playing tennis and in the
year 2006, she went to Miami to take part in a championship of tennis.
She arrived to the city, early in the morning, at 7 o’clock and her trainer came to the airport.

VII. According to the text write T (true) / F (false) (10 pts.).

1) ........ Javiera was a student. 6)...........She went to Miami to take part in a


2) ....... Javiera liked tennis. 7)...........She went to Miami 2 years ago.

3) ........ She played table tennis. 8)..........She arrived to Miami in the afternoon.

4) ........ She went to a city in United States. 9)..........She arrived to Miami at 7.

5) ........ She went to Miami on Friday. 10) Her trainer came in the morning to the airport
VIII Look at the picture and write true (T) or false (F). (6 Pts.)

1) There are some fruits. 4) There is 1 apple.

2) There is some pasta. 5) There isn't any milk.
3) There are seven bananas. 6) There aren't any fish.

IX Look at every emoticon and complete each sentence according to de expression.(9 pts)
X. Lee de la letra “a” a la “e”. Observa la hora en la imágen de cada letra (a –b) y
selecciona la alternativa correcta. (5 pts)

Choose the right alternative:

a) 1)It´s four o ´clock
b) 1) It´s half
past one
2) It´s twelve o ´clock
2) It´s half
past two
3) It´s three o ´clock
3) It´s half
past six

c) 1) It´s half past six d) 1) It´s seven o´clock

2) It´s half to eleven 2) It´s twelve o´clock
3) It´s half past ten 3) It´s half past seven

XI Completa las oraciones con los adjetivos posesivos, según corresponda: my, your, his,
her, its, our, their. (7 pts)

1. Ann likes_____________ teachers at school.

2. The boys play with___________ football.
3. My sister and I go to___________ grandmother.
4. The monkey eats___________ bananas.
5. Can I play with____________ computer game, Tom?
6. My father always washes___________ car on Sundays.
7. I love __________ toys.

XII Contesta las siguientes preguntas con base en la imagen: (6 pts)

1. Where is the theater?

a. It is in front of the gas station.

b. It is next to the school

c. It is behind the church

2. Where is the restaurant?

a. It is between the church and the gas station

b. It is behind the circus
c. It is across from the park

3. Where is the mall?

a. It is between Pine Street and Dallas Street

b. It is on Oxford Avenue
c. It is on the corner of Johnson Avenue and Orange Street

4. Where is the park?

a. It is next to the library

b. It is in front of the bank
c. It is across from the restaurant

5. Where the school?

a. It is on the right of the library

b. It is across from the restaurant
c. It is between the police station and the mall

6. Observa bien el mapa. Tu ubicación en el mapa es el punto rojo que dice “You’re here”.
Responde la siguiente pregunta encerrando la alternativa correcta:
How do I get to the church? / ¿Cómo llego a la iglesia?

a. Go down the street, turn left. Walk two blocks and turn right.
b. Take Johnson Avenue and walk three blocks. It’s on the right.
c. Walk one block to Oxford Avenue, turn left, go straight until you get to Pine Street,
turn left. It is the first building on the right.

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