Training Module: Display Merchandising Importance

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Training module: Display Merchandising

Importance: for any department to have successful sales the display of the
merchandises is essentially important. The main reason behind
merchandising is to display the products in optimum manner so
as to raise sales by improving the range of the customer
perception of the products, providing the prices and the quality
details for making informed buying decisions. The major
manner in which food is displayed within the merchandising
unit for the customer is in accordance to the guidelines enlisted
in the HACCAP based food safety program and protocols.

Objective: the major reason behind this module is to be able to understand

the need for the HACCAP based food safety program and
protocols and their need and inevitable display of the fresh
products to catch people’s attention. The needs for the
requirement to display the products must be understood
properly for effectivising the merchandising processes and for
stock rotation purposes.

Evidence: the evidence is to improve the display of fresh produces in the

food display unit. All the training questions are to be correctly
answered. All the unit standards prescribed under 167 and 168
of this module needs to be completed along with the food
safety program under the training module provided.

Table of Contents
Table of contents........................................................................................................................1



Instore fly buys special...............................................................................................................4

Displaying all chilled and ambient products..............................................................................5

For mesclun salad.......................................................................................................................6


Training module review: display/ merchandising......................................................................8

Glossary of terms.......................................................................................................................9
Importance: in order to make the displays innovative and creative for the customers to gain
appeal and easily gain attention to the products.

Dept. Produce
No. Task Reason action
1 Keeping Competitive pricing The in store pricing policies are kept within the
competition pricing checklist and the produce
manager is the person in charge.
2 Range of products The range of products are provided within the
Food stuff guidelines and are referred to the
products manager who is in charge
3 Allocation of space For the purpose of promotional activities the
space allocation needs to be increased, as per the
in store special and the advertised products.
Moreover new seasonal lines of fruits like
apples, mangoes, bananas should be allocated
proper spaces for gaining attention. For products
which are not in promotion the space allocation
needs to be decreased to accommodate the other
products which need to be displayed. For
products which are no longer seasonal in nature,
the products.
4 Ticketing The layout of the stocks should be such that
proper ticketing is done on the prices, the
various ingredients, finger cabinets and stock
layout for mirror back is displayed.
5 Quality of products The displayed items should have high quality
for perusal
6 Color contrasts This helps in bringing better attraction and
attention to customers thereby increasing appeal
to buy
7 Grouping products The product groups are based on classification
so that it is easy for the customers to buy the
products as per the grouping. Grouping is done
as per the seasonal vegetables and fruits, berries,
root crops, summer, winter , grocery categories,
citrus, tropical and more.
8 Quality controls and checks The quality of the produces within the retail
areas like the fruits, vegetables, groceries etc are
checked again and again for quality damaged,
and these damaged items are removed so that
the main attention falls on the high quality
products and not damaged goods.
9 Rotation Each fill should be re-inspected frequently so
that the poor quality stocks are removed and the
expired stocks are dumped. The old stocks are
kept up so that they are bought first.
Displaying all chilled and ambient products
Dept. Produce
No. Task Reason action
Rotating stock using FIFO guidelines. The products are to be stored in
optimum temperature. The packaging is ensured that it is not damaged. The
cross contamination must be reduced to prevent displayed products to look
1 The daily operating temperature of all Chilling to be done at 0-4degrees
the instruments must be checked. Celsius, and then rejected at 7 degree
Celsius, to maintain the thermometer at
Corrective action must be taken for ice point should be checked all times
those products outside the range of thoroughly.
temperature. Appropriate corrective actions must be
made at all times to report any cases.
2 Writing down all the various points that Prioritizing after checking the display
needs to be filled and the display area unit-
requirements met for the filling  All special or advertised lines of
 The fast volume sold products
 The empty shelves
3 The trolley should be taken back to the This is done to stack all the stocks
workroom or the chiller properly
4 Taking all the products from the chiller The items which are fragile should not
and the work station and stacking on the be kept at the bottom and the IFO
trolley method should be followed
5 Putting everything in the trolley and The trolley should not be parked in areas
then going to the display area again which will reduce space for movement
for the customers across the store
6 Taking all the existing stosk of product Using the rotation of first in first out
from the shelves products, all the new stocks should be
inside the shelves and the old existing
stocks should have face up for buying
7 Visually make sure that all the shelves Wiping shelves with cloth and dusters
are neat and clean
8 Putting all the new stocks back on the
9 The load lines should be obeyed in areas This is to make sure that the temperature
wherein temperature control equipment controlled products are always within
are to be used. safe zone and not in danger of damage.
The dates of the all the products should The best before date should not be
be checked and the new or old products exceeded while selling to customers.
must be moved discarded so that so that
product expired soon will be bought first
and to reduce wastage
10 The products packing should be The damaged products should be
thoroughly checked for damage, bruise, removed after scrutiny
improving quality of packaging,
integrity of packaging, and reducing any
form of slime, mold, greening of the
potatoes, wilting or any discoloration of
rhubarb etc
11 The greening potatoes or the damaged Potatoes when green becomes poisonous
leaves of the rhubarb is to be removed as do the leaves of the rhubarb which are
12 Facing all the stocks up for easy visual
13 Checking all the tickets and information Correcting the price product quantity of
the tickets thoroughly
14 This is done in order to reduce any form
of pest contamination or damage,
For mesclun salad moreover staffs should watch over the
The containers which has the salad children and displays kept intact for
should always be kept clean and closed better visual access.
15 Using signs which says to use tongs This is to avoid forms of cross
instead of using bare hands for getting contamination and bacterial infection
16 The processes of rotation as mentioned The older stocks needs to be used first
shoud eb properly maintained and the later new ones needs to be used
later on and the different dates should
not be mixed up totally
17 If the stocks are contaminated again, it
should be removed from the displayed
18 All the utensils, scales, tongs, shelves, To avoid any chances of cross
trays, cupboards should be cleaned and contamination
sanitized and also ensuring that all
utensils to be sanitized to prevent cross
Dept. Produce
No. Task Reason/action
1 Taking the trolley out of the store to
designated wastage dump area
2 Checking the dates of the products and Placing within the trolley
removing all products which have
3 Taking the trolley and placing it in a
free bench with all the produce
4 Getting the book with wastage follow From the products of office
5 Opening the next entry within the book
6 Fill in all the details within the book Writing everything clearly
7 Throw all the products within the bin After writing all the details

Date Product Qty Retail Total Sign

15/4 Bananas 20
Note: all the different products are to be written and recorded individually within the wastage
entry handbook, so that managers get the opportunity to assess every stage of the production.

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