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KTR Weekly Activity Report for PAUT on 3GI

Reported Weld
DATE DAY TEAM Planned / Executed Activities Completed NOTES Accept/Reject

Team 1 AM Preparation for upcoming validations (report templates) 100% 01. No Site Delays today N/A
RA PM Analysis & Report of 00065-03 CW-M253A-M252A-015-01 After PWHT (P-003) 50% Analysis ongoing
15-Feb Mon
Team 2 AM Scan of F22 16x42 Coupon Test-283 50% N/A
SKB PM Scan of F22 16x42 Coupon Test-283 100% N/A

Team 1 AM Analysis & Report of 00065-03 CW-M253A-M252A-015-01 After PWHT (P-003) 100% 01. Delay as scheduled weld was not prepared by VLS site team. No scanning was possible in the morning. Accept
RA The weld was made ready for scanning after 13:00 and was completed with the assistance of team 1.
PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A N/A
16-Feb Tues
Team 2 AM Scan of LTCS 24x31.5 00003-02 CW-R361A-R362A-202-01 After PWHT DELAYED 0% N/A
SKB PM Scan of LTCS 24x31.5 00003-02 CW-R361A-R362A-202-01 After PWHT 100% N/A

Team 1 AM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A 01. No Site Delays today N/A
RA PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A N/A

17-Feb Wed AM Scan of F22 16x52 00005-14 FW-07 (C1.3) Before PWHT 50% N/A
Team 2
PM Scan of F22 16x52 00005-14 FW-07 (C1.3) Before PWHT 100% N/A

PM Analysis & report of F22 16x42 Coupon TEST-283 100% Accept

Team 1 AM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A 01. No Site Delays today N/A
RA PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A N/A
18-Feb Thu
Team 2 AM Analysis & report of F22 16x52 00005-14 FW-07 (C1.3) Before PWHT 100% Accept
SKB PM Analysis & report of LTCS 24x31.5 00003-02 CW-R361A-R362A-202-01 After PWHT 100% Accept

AM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A 01. Delay as calibration shed was not heated overnight and all cal blocks were frozen. Calibrations had to be N/A
Team 1
put on hold for over an hour while we waited for blocks to be unfrozen.
PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A 02. Scheduled weld was not prepared by VLS site team and as a result site scanning had to be cancelled for N/A
19-Feb Fri today as the weld would not be ready until after lunch and scanner and all equipment was required after
Team 2
AM Scan of LTCS 24x31.5 00003-07 CW-R362A-R363A-202-01R1 After PWHT DELAYED 0% N/A
lunch for work on validation preparation.
PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A N/A

Team 1 AM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A 01. Delay as calibration shed was not heated overnight and all cal blocks were frozen. Calibrations had to be N/A
RA put on hold for over an hour while we waited for blocks to be unfrozen.
PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A N/A
20-Feb SAT
Team 2 AM Scan of F22 16x52 00005-14 FW-07 (C1.3) After PWHT 50% N/A
SKB PM Scan of F22 16x52 00005-14 FW-07 (C1.3) After PWHT 100% N/A

Team 1 AM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A 01. No Site Delays today N/A
RA PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A N/A
21-Feb SUN
Team 2 AM Analysis & report of F22 16x52 00005-14 FW-07 (C1.3) After PWHT 100% Accept
SKB PM Preparation for upcoming validations (Setups and calibrations) N/A N/A

Additional Requests for 2 teams Permanent Requests

1 Extension of Calibration Workshop 1 Punch Marks as agreed at 200mm from weld centre line in 4 cardinal positions

2 Regular Water Deliveries. Coffee Lady is getting Angry at the local guys for taking 2 Monitor running of heater in Calibration workshop.
3 3 We are experiencing delays in the issue of NDT requests. We are unable to proceed with reporting and sign off
until these have been receved. Requests should be issued based on the planned week schedule.
4 4 Better planning and execution of site weld preparation is needed. As can be seen from this week, failure to
prepare and heat the welds can have a significant impact on productivity.
Week 7 Results
Week 7 Completed Welds
Material & Construction Before / After NDT Request Planned Scanning
Day Date Zone Iso No. Weld No. Analysis Result
Size ID. PWHT No. PWHT Completed

1 Monday 15/02/2021 CWS
Coupon TEST-283 Before UT070 100% Accept

2 Tuesday 16/02/2021 49A
058-2600-LLL-ISO-000-000-00003-02 CW-R361A-R362A-202-01 After UT.82.POST 100% Accept

3 Wednesday 17/02/2021 49A
047-2900-LLL-ISO-000-000-00005-14 FW-07 C1.3 Before UT.118 100% Accept

Analysis and reporting and validation

4 Thursday 18/02/2021 Office

Site delays and lack of site prep resulted in

5 Friday 19/02/2021
no scanning

6 Saturday 20/02/2021 49A
047-2900-LLL-ISO-000-000-00005-14 FW-07 C1.3 After UT.118.POST 100% Accept

Analysis and reporting and validation

7 Sunday 21/02/2021 Office
Summary of Welds pending Examination
Active Production Scope Waiting For Inspection (NDT Request Issued) Febuary 2021

Backlog of Validated Inspections

49A LTCS 24 x 31 058-2600-LLL-ISO--000-000-00003-17 (24") CW-R361A-R603A-273-01 After UT.22.Post

58 LTCS 24 x 31 058-2600-LLL-ISO-000-000-00004-20 (24") CW-R601A-R602A-202-01 After UT.66.Post

49A LTCS 24 x 31 058-2600-LLL-ISO-000-000-00003-02 (24") CW-R361A-R362A-202-01 After UT.82.Post

49A LTCS 24 x 31 058-2600-LLL-ISO-000-000-00003-22 (24") CW-R366A-R251A-202-01 After UT.30.Post

49A LTCS 24 x 31 058-2600-LLL-ISO-000-000-00003-07 (24") CW-R362A-R363A-202-01 After UT.006.Post

49A LTCS 24 x 31 058-2600-LLL-ISO-000-000-00003-08 (24") CW-R363A-R364A-202-01 After UT.068.Post

49A LTCS 24 x 31 058-2600-LLL-ISO-000-000-00003-13 (24") CW-R364A-R365A-202-01 After UT.023.Post

After Repair &
49A LTCS 12x53 045-2900-LLL-ISO-000-000-00013-26 (12") CW-R363A-R364A-201-01 UT.21.R1.Post
Repair Schedule
13/02/2021 Module F22 18x58 047-2900-LLL-ISO-000-000-00055-02 CW-M253A-M253B-003-01 P-058 UT.91 Marked UP
49A F22 16x52 047-2900-LLL-ISO-000-000-00005-08 FW-03 UT.096.R1
Module F22 20x51.5 047-2900-LLL-ISO-000-000-00093-10 CW-M255A-M256A-003-01 P-020 UT.114.R1
49A F22 16x52 047-2900-LLL-ISO-000-000-00005-21 FW-04 D1.1 UT.116

Non Validated Backlog

Area Size& Material Line Joint Number Priority FAB Date
45 LTCS 3"x16mm 045-2900/ 00013-42 CW-R601A-R602A-201-01 1 27/09/2019
45 LTCS 3"x16mm 045-2900/ 00013-44 CW-R602A-R603A-201-01 1 05/10/2019
47A F22 18"x58mm SSA 047-2900 /00055-01 CW-M253A-M253B-003-02 2 27/11/2020
58 LTCS 12"x17.48 058-2200 / 00015-03 CW-R602A-M615A-249-01 3 27/01/2020
58 LTCS 12"x17.48 058-2200/ 00016-01 CW-R602A-M615A-260-01 3 04/02/2020
58 LTCS 8"x12.7 058-2200/ 00017-01 CW-R602A-M615A-262-01 4 18/02/2020
58 LTCS 8x12.7 058-9200 / 00250-01 CW-R602A-M615A-259-01 4 30/01/2020
58 LTCS 8"x18.26 058-2200/ 00018-01 CW-R602A-M615A-263-01 5 05/02/2020

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