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1) In order to effectively manage up, what things should Grace learn about herself?

Grace needs to understand that she is only 15 months old in the organisation and though she wants
to explore her career and the type of work she would like to do she is very new, she also needs to
understand how the organisation functions and understand the hierarchy of the organisation
thereby analysing how to to be a part of the organisation and make yourself heard. She also needs
to understand that London is her boss and she should let him know about her ideas rather than
directly going to Bill who is Landon’s Boss.

2) In order to effectively manage up, what things should Grace learn about Landon?

Grace needs to understand that London is her boss and there is a hierarchy system in the
organisation which teen needs to follow and respect also at the same time she needs to know that
London is doing what is best for the organisation and what is best for her he cannot give her
responsibilities at such early stage in her career. She also needs to understand that she cannot go
behind the back of a boss and speak to other colleagues and also to the bosses Boss.

3) Should Grace send the email to bill, what would be the impact of it on Landon and on Grace?

No Grace should not send that email to bill I would like to back my answer by stating that in the case
study she already went behind her boss's back by speaking to the employees and speaking directly
to to her boss's boss which put London in a lot of trouble and already pissed him enough. Grace
already portrayed Landon in a very negative light by emailing Bill and should not go any further and
risk her career by emailing him again. The likely impact on it would be that Grace pisses Landon to
such an extent that he would not like her to be a part of the organization or would now want her to
work in his team on his projects, this would create a negative impact on Grace as Grace is new and
would like to succeed in her career which, such a negative response by her first boss would
eventually lead to her having difficulties in her future career paths.

4) Imagine Grace has come to you for help; develop a plan for her to manage her relationship
with Landon in order to meet her goals?

As mentioned in the end of the case study London would like to have another meeting with her in a
day or two I would suggest Grace to wait for some time and listen to what London has to say. At the
same time I would also bring to her notice that she is very young to the organisation and should not
expect London or Bill to put her in projects where only keep players were going to be a part of also
as Landon mentioned in the case study the software issue was to be handled by the IT department.
Her idea about bringing change to the organisation was commendable but at the same time the path
she took was wrong she should not have gone behind London's back. From the mistake she made
while dealing with the client it is pretty evident that Grace has a lot to learn professionally and
emotionally to and she should focus on this aspects and learn from London who handle the situation
in a very commendable way. I will also bring to her notice that the way she handled the meeting
with London with being unresponsive was incorrect and showed her in a very negative light which
could have led to her losing a job and thereby impacting her entire career. I would suggest her to
grow in the organistation and also grow as an individual and later try to achieve these goals with the
help of Landon, at such an early stage it is difficult for her to pitch something so strong to Landon,
she should try once again in the future with a better plan and a better approach.

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