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PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.

Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016


PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Part D Disclosure and Transparency
Bagian D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
Transparent ownership structure
Transparansi Struktur Kepemilikan
The Company disclosed Shareholder Structure including
OECD Principle V: Disclosure and the identity ultimate controlling shareholders and the
Transparency shareholders with 5% holding or more.
(A) Disclosure should include, but
not be limited to, material Perusahaan mengungkapkan Struktur Pemegang Saham
information on: termasuk identitas pemegang saham pengendali dan
(3) Major share ownership and pemegang saham yang memiliki 5% saham atau lebih.
Does the information on shareholdings voting rights, including group
reveal the identity of beneficial owners, structures, intra-group relations, Access:
holding 5% shareholding or more? ownership data, and beneficial
• 2015 Annual Report  Shareholder’s
Composition and the Majority and Controlling
D.1.1 Apakah dalam informasi mengenai √
Shareholders (page 76-78)
pemegang saham diungkapkan identitas ICGN 7.6 Disclosure of ownership
Company Profile
pemilik saham, dengan kepemilikan ...the disclosure should include a
saham 5% atau lebih? description of the relationship of
• Company’s Ownership Structure
the company to other companies
Share Ownership Structure and Share
in the corporate group, data on
Information (List of Top 20 Shareholders)
major shareholders and any other
information necessary for a
proper understanding of the • 2015 Annual Report  Shareholders (page 273)
company's relationship with its Corporate Governance
public shareholders.

Compliance Unit - 1-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
The Company disclosed the share ownership structures
and share information of the majority and controlling

Perusahaan mengungkapkan struktur kepemilikan saham

dan informasi saham dari pemegang saham utama
Does the company disclose the direct and dan/atau pemegang saham pengendali.
indirect (deemed) shareholdings of major
and/or substantial shareholders? Access:
• 2015 Annual Report  Shareholder’s
Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan Composition and the Majority and Controlling
D.1.2 √
kepemilikan saham baik yang langsung Shareholders (page 76-78)
dan tidak langsung (jika ada) dari Company Profile
pemegang saham utama dan / atau
pemegang saham dalam jumlah besar? • 2015 Annual Report  Shareholders (page
Corporate Governance

• Company’s Ownership Structure

Share Ownership Structure and Share
Information (List of Top 20 Shareholders)

The Company disclosed the shareholdings of members of

the Board of Commissioners.
Does the company disclose the direct and
indirect (deemed) shareholdings of Perusahaan mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham dari
directors/commissioners? anggota Dewan Komisaris.
D.1.3 √
Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan Access:
kepemilikan saham para direksi/komisaris • Share ownership structure and share
baik langsung dan tidak langsung? information
Board of Directors/Commissioners Share

Compliance Unit - 2-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
• 2015 Annual Report  BoC share ownership in
Danamon (page 289)
Corporate Governance

The Company disclosed the shareholdings of senior

management (Board of Directors).

Perusahaan mengungkapkan kepemilikan saham dari

Does the company disclose the direct and manajemen senior Perusahaan (Direksi).
indirect (deemed) shareholdings of senior
management? Access:
• Share ownership structure and share
D.1.4 √
Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan information
kepemilikan saham langsung/tidak Board of Directors/Commissioners Share
langsung dimiliki Manajemen Senior? Ownership

• 2015 Annual Report  BoD Share ownership in

Danamon (page 336)
Corporate Governance

Does the company disclose group The Company disclosed the Group Corporate Structure,
corporate structure which details the including Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies.
subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures
and special purpose enterprises/ vehicles Perusahaan mengungkapkan Struktur Perusahaan
(SPEs)/ (SPVs)? termasuk anak Perusahaan dan Perusahaan Terafiliasi.
D.1.5 √
Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan Access:
secara detail mengenai kelompok • 2015 Annual Report  Subsidiaries and
usahanya termasuk anak perusahaan, Affiliated Companies (page 82-85)
asosiasi, usaha patungan dan perusahaan Company Profile
tujuan khusus / kendaraan (SPE) / (SPV)?

Compliance Unit - 3-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
• 2015 Annual Report  The Structure of
Danamon Group Financial Conglomeration
(page 411)
Corporate Governance

• The Company’s Subsidiaries


Quality of Annual Report

Kualitas Laporan Tahunan
Does the company's annual report disclose the following items:
Apakah laporan tahunan perusahaan mengungkapkan hal-hal sebagai
OECD Principle V (A):
(1) The financial and operating The 2015 Annual Report explained and disclosed the Key
results of the company; Risks.
(2) Company objectives, including
ethics, environment, and other Laporan Tahunan 2015 menjelaskan dan
public policy commitments; mengungkapkan risiko-risiko utama.
(3) Major share ownership and
Key risks Access:
voting rights, including group
D.2.1 structures, intra-group relations, √ • 2015 Annual Report  Implementation of Risk
Risiko-risiko utama
ownership data, beneficial Management and Disclosure of Risk exposure
ownership; (page 178-249)
(4) Remuneration policy for Operational Review
members of the board and key
executives, including their • 2015 Annual Report  Risk Management (page
qualifications, the selection 374-376)
process, other company Corporate Governance
directorships and whether they

Compliance Unit - 4-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
are regarded as independent by The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the Corporate
the board; Objectives including the Company’s vision and mission.
(6) Foreseeable risk factors,
including risk management Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan tujuan
Corporate objectives system; Perusahaan termasuk visi dan misi Perusahaan.
D.2.2 (7) Issues regarding employees √
Tujuan Perusahaan and other stakeholders; Access:
(8) Governance structure and • 2015 Annual Report  Vision, Mission and
policies, in particular, the content Corporate Values (page 60-61)
of any corporate governance code Company Profile
or policy and the process by
which it is implemented. The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the Financial
Performance Indicators.

OECD Principle V (E): Channels for Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan indikator kinerja
Financial performance indicators disseminating information should keuangan.
D.2.3 provide for equal, timely and √
Indikator kinerja keuangan cost-efficient access to relevant Access:
information by users. • 2015 Annual Report  Financial Highlights
(page 6-10)
ICGN 2.4 Composition and Main Highlights
structure of the board
The Annual Report 2015 disclosed the Non-Financial
ICGN 2.4.1 Skills and experience Performance Indicators, such as the Corporate
Governance Report, Sustainability Report and Corporate
ICGN 2.4.3 Independence Social Responsibility which covers all stakeholders in the
Non-financial performance indicators
D.2.4 ICGN 5.0 Remuneration √
Indikator kinerja non keuangan
Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan indikator kinerja
ICGN 5.4 Transparency non-keuangan, seperti Laporan Tata Kelola Perusahaan,
Laporan Keberlanjutan, dan Laporan Tanggung Jawab
Sosial Perusahaan yang mencangkup seluruh

Compliance Unit - 5-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
UK CG Code (2010) kepentingan dari pemangku kepentingan Perusahaan.
A.1.2 - the number of meetings of
the board and those committees Access:
and individual attendance by • 2015 Annual Report
directors. o Corporate Governance
o Corporate Social Responsibility
CLSA-ACGA (2010) CG Watch
2010 - Appendix 2 The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the Dividend Policy.
(I) CG rules and practices
(19) Disclose the exact Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan Kebijakan
remuneration of individual Dividen.
Dividend policy directors.
D.2.5 √
Kebijakan dividen
• 2015 Annual Report  Dividend Policy and the
Allocation of Net Income (page 155)
Management Discussion and Analysis

The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the details of whistle-

blowing policy.

Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan rincian

Details of whistle-blowing policy Kebijakan Whistleblowing.
D.2.6 √
Rincian Kebijakan Whistleblowing Access:
• 2015 Annual Report  Whistle Blowing System
(page 403-405)
Corporate Governance

Biographical details (at least age, The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the biographical
qualifications, date of first appointment, details of Board of Commissioners and Board of
D.2.7 √
relevant experience, and any other Directors.
directorship of listed companies) of

Compliance Unit - 6-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
directors/commissioners Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan biografi detail
mengenai anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.
Biografi detil (sekurangnya: usia,
kualifikasi, mulai diangkat, dan Access:
pengalaman yang relevan, dan jabatan • 2015 Annual Report  Board of
lainnya) direksi/komisaris Commissioners Profile (Page 63-65)
Company Profile
• 2015 Annual Report  Board of Directors
Profile (page 67-70)
Company Profile

• 2015 Annual Report  Board of

Commissioners Profile (page 281-285)
Corporate Governance

• 2015 Annual Report  Board of Directors

Profile (page 333-335)
Corporate Governance

Trainings attended by the Board of Commissioners and

Board of Directors were disclosed in the 2015 Annual
Training and/or continuing education
program attended by each
Pelatihan yang dihadiri oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
diungkapkan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2015.
D.2.8 √
Pelatihan dan/atau program pendidikan
berkelanjutan yang diikuti direktur/
• 2015 Annual Report  Training Program to
Enhance Competency of Commissioners and/or
Directors (page 297 for BoC and page 349 for
Corporate Governance

Compliance Unit - 7-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the number of Board
of Commissioners and Board of Directors meetings.

Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan jumlah rapat

Number of board of
Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.
directors/commissioners meetings held
during the year
D.2.9 √ Access:
• 2015 Annual Report  BoC and/or BoD
Jumlah rapat yang diadakan direksi/
meetings held during the year (page 292-294
komisaris sepanjang tahun
for Board of Commissioners and 338-345 for
Board of Directors)
Corporate Governance

The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the attendance details

of each member of Board of Commissioners and the
Board of Directors in the meetings.

Attendance details of each Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan rincian

director/commissioner in respect of kehadiran dari Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi dalam rapat
meetings held yang diadakan.
D.2.10 √
Rincian kehadiran dari masing-masing Access:
direktur / komisaris dalam rapat yang • 2015 Annual Report  BoC and/or BoD
diadakan meetings held during the year (page 292-294
for Board of Commissioners and 338-345 for
Board of Directors)
Corporate Governance

Details of remuneration for each member The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the remuneration
of the board of directors/commissioners cumulatively for the members of Board of
D.2.11 X
Commissioners and Board of Directors.

Compliance Unit - 8-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
Rincian remunerasi untuk setiap direktur / Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan secara kumulatif
komisaris remunerasi bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

• 2015 Annual Report  Remuneration (page
296 for BoC and page 348 for BoD)
Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Confirmation Statement

Pernyataan Konfirmasi Tata Kelola Perusahaan
OECD Principle V (A) (8) The 2015 Annual Report contains a statement confirming
full compliance to and implementation of the Good
UK CG Code (June 2010): Listing Corporate Governance.
Does the annual report contain a 9.8.6 R (for UK incorporated Laporan Tahunan 2015 mengungkapkan pernyataan
statement confirming the company's full companies) and 9.8.7 R (for yang menegaskan kepatuhan Perusahaan dan
compliance with the code of corporate overseas incorporated pelaksanaan Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik.
governance and where there is non- companies) state that in the case
compliance, identify and explain reasons of a company that has a Premium Access:
for each such issue? listing of equity shares, the • 2015 Annual Report  Corporate Governance
following items must be included Statements (page 267)
D.2.12 √
Apakah laporan tahunan berisi in its annual report and accounts: Corporate Governance
pernyataan yang menegaskan kepatuhan a statement of how the listed
perusahaan dengan aturan tata kelola company has applied the Main • 2015 Annual Report  Responsibility for
perusahaan dan di mana ada Principles set out in the UK CG Annual Reporting (page 52-53)
ketidakpatuhan, mengidentifikasi dan Code, in a manner that would Management Report
menjelaskan alasan untuk setiap masalah enable shareholders to evaluate
tersebut? how the principles have been • 2015 Annual Report  Statement of the
applied; a statement as to Implementation of Good Corporate Governance
whether the listed company has Policy (page 407)
complied throughout the Corporate Governance
accounting period with all

Compliance Unit - 9-
PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
relevant provisions set out in the
UK CG Code; or not complied
throughout the accounting period
with all relevant provisions set
out in the UK CG Code, and if so,
setting out:
(i) those provisions, if any, it has
not complied with;
(ii) in the case of provisions
whose requirements are of a
continuing nature, the period
within which, if any, it did not
comply with some or all of those
provisions; and
(iii) the company’s reasons for

ASX Code: Under ASX Listing Rule

4.10.3, companies are required to
provide a statement in their
annual report disclosing the
extent to which they have
followed the recommendations in
the reporting period. Where
companies have not followed all
the recommendations, they must
identify the recommendations
that have not been followed and
give reasons for not following
them. Annual reporting does not
diminish the company’s obligation
to provide disclosure under ASX
Listing Rule 3.1.

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PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
Disclosure of related-party transactions (RPT)
Pengungkapan Transaksi Pihak Terkait (Hubungan Istimewa)
The Company disclosed the policies of Related Party
Does the company disclose its policy Transaction and Affiliated Party Transactions.
covering the review and approval of
material/significant RPTs? Perusahaan mengungkapkan Kebijakan mengenai
Transaksi Pihak Terkait dan Transaksi Pihak Terafiliasi.
D.3.1 Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan √
kebijakan mengenai review dan Access:
persetujuan untuk transaksi pihak terkait • Policies on Corporate Governance
yang material/ signifikan? Related Party Transaction Policy
OECD Principle V: Disclosure and
Affiliated Party Transaction Policy
(A) Disclosure should include, but
The Company disclosed the name of the related Parties
not limited to, material
and the type of transactions.
Does the company disclose the name of information on:
the related party and relationship for (5) Related-party transactions.
Perusahaan mengungkapkan nama-nama pihak terkait
each material/significant RPT?
dan tipe transaksi.
ICGN 2.11.1 Related party
D.3.2 √
Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan transactions
nama pihak terkait dan hubungan untuk The company should disclose
• 2015 Annual Report  Related Parties (page
setiap transaksi pihak terkait yang details of all material related-
material / signifikan? party transactions in its annual
Management Discussion and Analysis
Does the company disclose the nature, The Company disclosed the name of the nature and
rationale and value for each value for each significant RPT.
material/significant RPT?
Perusahaan mengungkapkan nama, jenis nilai untuk
D.3.3 √
Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan setiap transaksi dengan pihak terkait.
sifat, dasar dan nilai untuk setiap
transaksi pihak terkait yang material/

Compliance Unit - 11-

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
• 2015 Annual Report  Related Parties (page
Management Discussion and Analysis

Directors dealings in shares of the company

D.4 Pengungkapan transaksi saham perusahaan yang dilakukan oleh anggota
Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris

OECD Principle V (A): (3) Major The Company has the Principles of Personal Investment
share ownership and voting rights Policy (Insider Trading) and the transactions of
Company’s shares were disclosed in the 2015 Annual
ICGN 3.5 Employee share dealing Report..
Companies should have clear
rules regarding any trading by Perusahaan memiliki Kebijakan Investasi Pribadi (Insider
directors and employees in the Trading) dan transaksi saham Perusahaan diungkapkan
Does the company disclose trading in the
company's own securities. dalam Laporan Tahunan 2015.
company's shares by insiders?
D.4.1 ICGN 5.5 Share ownership √ Access
Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan
Every company should have and • Policies on Corporate Governance
perdagangan saham perusahaan oleh
disclose a policy concerning Principles of Personal Investment Policy (Insider
orang dalam?
ownership of shares of the Trading)
company by senior managers and
executive directors with the • 2015 Annual Report  Share Ownership of
objective of aligning the interests Commissioners (page 289) and Share
of these key executives with Ownership of Directors (page 336)
those of shareholders. Corporate Governance

Compliance Unit - 12-

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
External auditor and audit report
Eksternal Auditor dan Laporan Auditor

OECD Principle V (C): An annual The 2015 Annual Report disclosed the audit fees/cost.
audit should be conducted by an
independent, competent and Laporan Tahunan 2015 Perusahaan mengungkapkan
Are audit fees disclosed? qualified, auditor in order to mengenai biaya audit.
provide an external and objective
D.5.1 √
Apakah biaya audit diungkapkan? assurance to the board and Access:
shareholders that the financial • 2015 Annual Report  Company
statements fairly represent the Accountant/External Auditor (page 372)
financial position and Corporate Governance
performance of the company in
Where the same audit firm is engaged all material respects.
for both audit and non-audit services:
OECD Principle V (D):
Apabila perusahaan audit yang sama External auditors should be
menyediakan jasa audit dan non-audit: accountable to the shareholders
and owe a duty to the company
to exercise due professional care In 2015, the Company did not use the non-audit services
in the conduct of the audit. as it disclosed in the 2015 Annual Report.
ICGN 6.5 Ethical standards Pada tahun 2015, Perusahaan tidak menggunakan jasa
Are the non-audit fees disclosed?
(Audit) non-audit sebagaimana diungkapkan dalam Laporan
The auditors should observe high- Tahunan 2015.
D.5.2 Apakah biaya jasa non audit √
quality auditing and ethical
standards. To limit the possible Access:
risk of possible conflicts of
• 2015 Annual Report  Company
interest, non-audit services and
Accountant/External Auditor (page 372)
fees paid to auditors for non-
Corporate Governance
audit services should be both

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PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
approved in advance by the audit In 2015, the Company did not use the non-audit services
committee and disclosed in the as it disclosed in the 2015 Annual Report.
Annual Report.
Pada tahun 2015, Perusahaan tidak menggunakan jasa
Does the non-audit exceed the audit fees?
non-audit sebagaimana diungkapkan dalam Laporan
Tahunan 2015.
D.5.3 Apakah biaya non audit melebihi biaya √
• 2015 Annual Report  Company
Accountant/External Auditor (page 372)
Corporate Governance

Medium of communication
Media Komunikasi
Does the company use the following modes of communication?
Apakah perusahaan menggunakan jenis komunikasi berikut?
OECD Principle V (E): The Company has the Quarterly Reporting available on
Channels for disseminating the website.
information should provide for
Quarterly reporting equal, timely and cost-efficient Perusahaan mempunyai Laporan Triwulan yang tersedia
access to relevant information by pada situs web.
D.6.1 √
Pelaporan Triwulanan users.
ICGN 7.1 Transparent and open • Financial Information
communication Quarterly Reports
Every company should aspire to
transparent and open The Company has its own website
communication about its aims, its
Company website
challenges, its achievements and Perusahaan mempunyai situs web.
D.6.2 √
its failures.
Website Perusahaan

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PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
ICGN 7.2 Timely disclosure The Company has Analyst Briefings materials and audio
Companies should disclose recordings available in the website.
relevant and material information
concerning themselves on a Perusahaan mempunyai material Analis Briefing dan
Analysts' briefings
timely basis, in particular meeting rekaman suara pada situs web.
D.6.3 √
market guidelines where they
Analis Briefing
exist, so as to allow investors to Access:
make informed decisions about • Investors Materials
the acquisition, ownership Analyst Briefing
obligations and rights, and sales
of shares. The Company has News section on the website.

Perusahaan mempunyai bagian untuk berita pada situs


Media Briefing/press conferences Access:

D.6.4 √ • The Company’s News
Media Briefing/Konperensi Pers News

• 2015 Annual Report  External Affairs (page

Corporate Governance

Timely filing/release of annual/financial reports

Penyampaian Laporan Tahunan/Laporan Keuangan tepat waktu
Are the audited annual financial report OECD Principle V (C) The Company had the Financial Year end as at December
released within 120 days of the financial 31, 2015 and the released audited financial report was
year end? OECD Principle V (E) OECD on the March 1, 2016, therefore it is within 120 days.
D.7.1 Principle V-(A) √
Apakah laporan keuangan tahunan Tahun buku Perusahaan berakhir pada tanggal 31
audited dirilis dalam waktu 120 hari ICGN 7.2 Timely disclosure Desember 2015 dan laporan keuangan yang telah diaudit
setelah tahun buku berakhir? dirilis pada tanggal 1 Maret 2016, yaitu dalam 120 hari.

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PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
ICGN 7.3 Affirmation of financial Access:
statements • Annual Report  Independent Auditor Report
The board of directors and the (page 504)
corporate officers of the company Consolidated Financial Statements
should affirm at least annually the
accuracy of the company's The Company had the Financial Year end as at December
financial statements or financial 31, 2015 and the released annual report was on March
accounts. 1, 2016, therefore, it was within 120 days.
Is the annual report released within 120
Tahun buku Perusahaan berakhir pada tanggal 31
days of the financial year end?
Desember 2015 dan Laporan Tahunan dirilis pada
tanggal 1 Maret 2106, yaitu dalam waktu 120 hari.
D.7.2 Apakah laporan tahunan dirilis dalam √
waktu 120 hari setelah tahun buku
• 2015 Annual Report  Responsibility of Annual
Reporting (page 52-53)
Annual Report

The President Director and the Chief Financial

Officer/Director had signed and assume the
Is the true and fairness/fair accountability of the 2015 Annual Report which has
representation of the annual financial complied with the prevailing regulation.
statement/reports affirmed by the board
of directors/commissioners and/or the Direktur Utama dan Direktur Keuangan telah
relevant officers of the company? menandatangani dan bertanggung jawab atas
D.7.3 √ akuntabilitas Laporan Tahunan 2015 dan kepatuhan
Apakah kebenaran dan kewajaran yang terhadap peraturan perundangan yang berlaku.
disampaikan dalam laporan keuangan
tahunan ditegaskan oleh dewan direksi / Access:
komisaris dan / atau petugas yang relevan • 2015 Annual Report  Board of Directors
dari perusahaan? Statement regarding the responsibility for the
consolidated financial statements (page 500)
Consolidated Financial Statements

Compliance Unit - 16-

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
Company website
Website Perusahaan
Does the company have a website disclosing up-to-date information on the
Apakah perusahaan memiliki website yang mengungkapkan informasi terkini
sebagai berikut:

The Company has the information on its business

OECD Principle V (A) operations on the website.

Situs web mengungkapkan informasi mengenai

Business operations OECD Principle V (E)
operasional usaha Perusahaan.
D.8.1 √
Operasional Usaha ICGN 7.1 Transparent and open Access:
communication • Business Operation
Your Personal Finance
ICGN 7.2 Timely disclosure Growing Your Business

Compliance Unit - 17-

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
The Company’s website has the Financial Statements
from current and prior years consisted of the Audited
Financial Statements, Monthly Financial Reports,
Quarterly Financial Reports, Published Financial
Statements and Financial Highlights.

Situs web Perusahaan mengungkapkan Laporan

Keuangan dari tahun terkini dan tahun-tahun
sebelumnya yang terdiri atas Laporan Keuangan Audited,
Financial statements/reports (current and Laporan Keuangan Bulanan, Laporan Keuangan
prior years) Triwulanan, Laporan Keuangan Publikasi dan Ikhtisar
D.8.2 √
Laporan keuangan/laporan tahunan
(terkini dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya)
• Company’s Financial Information
Financial Information

• 2015 Annual Report in Company’s website 

Consolidated Financial Statements
Annual Report

• 2015 Annual Report  Company’s Financial

Statements (page 499)
Consolidated Financial Statements

The Company’s website has the materials provided in

Materials provided in briefings to analysts briefings to analysts and media.
and media
Situs web Perusahaan menyediakan materi briefing bagi
D.8.3 √ analis dan media.
Menyediakan materi dalam briefing bagi
analis dan media Access:
• Investors Materials
Analyst Briefing

Compliance Unit - 18-

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No

The Company’s website disclosed Company’s

Shareholder Structure.

Situs web Perusahaan mengungkapkan Struktur

Shareholding structure
Kepemilikan Saham Danamon.
D.8.4 √
Struktur Kepemilikan Saham
• Company’s Ownership Structure
Share Ownership Structure and Share
Information (List of Top 20 Shareholders)

The Company’s website has information on the Group

Corporate Structure.

Group corporate structure Situs web Perusahaan menyediakan informasi mengenai

Struktur Grup Perusahaan.
D.8.5 √
Struktur Kelompok Perusahaan
• General Information
Group Structure

The Company’s website has downloadable Annual

Report from current and prior years.

Downloadable annual report Situs web Perusahaan memiliki Laporan Tahunan yang
dapat didownload dari tahun terkini dan tahun-tahun
D.8.6 √
Laporan Tahunan yang dapat di-download sebelumnya.

• Downloadable Annual Report
Annual Report

Compliance Unit - 19-

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No

The Company’s website has Notices of AGM and/or


Situs web Perusahaan menyediakan Panggilan RUPS

dan/atau RUPSLB.
Notice of AGM and/or EGM
D.8.7 √ Access:
Panggilan RUPS dan/atau RUPSLB
• Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 
o Invitation to 2016 AGMS
o Invitation to 2015 AGMS
o Invitation to 2015 EGM

The Company’s website has the Minutes of AGM and/or


Situs web Perusahaan menyediakan/mengungkapkan

Risalah RUPS dan/atau RUPSLB.
Minutes of AGM and/or EGM
D.8.8 √ Access:
Risalah RUPS dan/atau RUPSLB
• Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
o Summary Minutes of 2016 AGMS
o Summary Minutes of 2015 AGMS
o Summary Minutes of 2015 EGM

Company's constitution (company's by- The Company’s website has the Company’s Constitution.
laws, memorandum and articles of
D.8.9 association) √ Situs web Perusahaan mempunyai Konsistusi

Compliance Unit - 20-

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
Self Assessment of The ASEAN CG Scorecard 2016

Danamon Self
Disclosure and Transparency Explanation and References
Part D Pengungkapan dan Transparansi Penilaian Sendiri
Penjelasan dan Referensi
(2015 Annual Report /Laporan Tahunan 2015)
Guiding Reference Yes No
Konstitusi Perusahaan (Badan Hukum Access:
Perusahaan, Memorandum dan Anggaran • Company’s Constitution
Dasar) o Articles of Association
o Corporate Governance Manual
o Code of Conduct
o Policies on Corporate Governance
o CSR Policy and Summary

Investor Relations
Hubungan Investor
The Company provides the contact details via website
and annual report for the shareholders’ and
stakeholders’ communication purposes.
Perusahaan menyediakan kontak detail pada website
dan Laporan Tahunan yang ditujukan kepada pemegang
Does the company disclose the contact saham dan pemangku kepentingan lain untuk tujuan
details (e.g. telephone, fax, and email) of komunikasi.
the officer responsible for investor
relations? Access:
ICGN 7.1 Transparent and open • Company’s contact details
D.9.1 Apakah perusahaan mengungkapkan √
communication Contact Us
rincian kontak (misalnya telepon, fax, dan
email) dari petugas yang bertanggung
• 2015 Annual Report  Corporate Identity (page
jawab untuk hubungan investor?
Company Profile

• 2015 Annual Report  Information Access to

the Company/Investor Relations (page 392-393)
Corporate Governance

Notes :
- √ : Comply
- X : Not fully comply
Compliance Unit - 21-

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