Контроль аудіювання 5 клас (2 семестр)

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We Go to Australia

1. Постав речення у правильній послідовності згідно з текстом.

1.___ Mr. Wilmot got a letter.
2.___ The family took the ship.
3.___ The Wilmots lived in London.
4.___ They spent six weeks in the sea.

2. Познач правильні твердження і виправ неправильні.

___ 1. Aidan was the eldest daughter.
___ 2. Mrs. Wilmot works at school.
___ 3. February is spring month in Australia.
___ 4. The Wilmot’s got a house and a farm in Australia.

3. Дай відповіді на запитання.

1. How many sons had Mr. Wilmot?

2. What was the name of the youngest daughter?

3. How many weeks did the Wilmots spend on the ship?

4. Did Mr. Wilmot take his children with?

We Go to Australia

The Wilmots were an English family. They lived in London. The father,
Mr.Wilmot, worked in an office and the mother, Mrs. Wilmot, looked after the
house and the children. There were three children in the family: a son, Aidan, who
was thirteen years old, and two daughters, Harriet, she was twelve, and Rose, who
was ten.
One day their father got a letter from Australia. The letter said that Mr. Wilmot’s
uncle was dead, and that his house and farm in Australia were now Mr. Wilmot’s
house and farm. Mr. Wilmot decided to go to Australia and take his family with
So one day in January they got on a big ship to go to Australia. They were on the
ship for three weeks. They got to Australia after six weeks on the ship. It was
summer because January, February, March and April are summer months there.

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