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•• 1 Change and conseqLlences

Unit aims
Task t Tas~ 2
Descnl:lIng trends Understandmg questIOns
Related verbs and nouns ExpreSSing soluttons
Understanding data Linking phrases
USing trigger wards

Task 1 Describing trends

1 The gTaphs relate to sales of media technolog . .
Which graph a- h d o au think shows sales for each
item in the p hotos 1-4?
iii -
2 Match each grapb (a-h) w ith the most appr p riate
description below (1- 10).
] Sales of auelio cassettes fell steaelily. .......... ~...... .~
2 iPo sales rose gradually . .................. II
3 Plasma TV sales fluctuated wildly, but the trend
was upward . ..................
4 Sales of video cassettes nuctuated wildly, and the
tTend was downward ............ _.. ... _
5 Total digital camera sales dropped slightly.
....... - ..........
6 Sa es of audio cassettes fell and then levelled off. m
7 The sales of MP3-players rose gradually and then

climbed sharply. ............. _....
B Purchases of video casse tte recorders d lined
dramatically . ......... ,' .......
9 Sales of games consoles decreased and then
levelled off ................... m.---------------
10 CD sales dropped suddenJy............ .......

II 3 Underline the verbs in 2 used to describe tren d

Example iii ~
I Sales of audio cassettes kU steadily.

4 The verbs in 2 are modified by adverb such as

steadily. Find the adverbs and decid e wheth r they
mean slow or fast changes. Complete the lists below.
Slow .. ~~~!~~ .,

6 ••••
UNIT 1 Charlge alld COli eqllell"s
••• • •
Related verbs and nouns

5 S en tc'n Cf:~ containin g verb phrQs es s uch as jeJl steadily call often b e re\-\'J.iLLen
u sing the correct form of there islare and a related noun. Read the examples.
Th en rewri te sentences a-j below.
Th co nsumption of cho colate fell steadily. (verb + adverb)
There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate . (there was a + adjective +
n oun )
There has been a dramatic rise in the produ crioD o f films . (there has been a +
adjeCtive + n oun)
Th production of film has risell dramaticalry. (verb + adverb)
a Spice expons fr om Afri ca fl uc tuated wildly over the p eriod.
There were ........................................ ................................. .. ..................................... .
b Th e development of n ew products fell gradually.
Ther was ...... ............. ..... .......................................................................................... .
c There has been a noticeable decrease in res ~a r ch investmen l.
Research ......................... ............... ........... ........ ... .. .................................................. ..
d The purchases of ti.cket dropped significantly last month .
Th ere ~,v as ............................................................................................................ ..
e On the Internet, th e illu rober of sites rose significantly.
There wa .................................................................................................................. ..
There was a su.dden decrease in th e sale o f mangos.
The sale .... ...... ........................................................................................................... .
g At the them e park. there "vere very slight fluctuations in the number of
The number ................................................................ ............................................... .
h There was a gradual declin e in sugar impons.
Sugar .......................................................................................................................... .
The quality of food in supermarkers has tncreased slowly .
Technique •• Th ere h as ................................................................................................ .......... ......... .
• Include a variety of Th e number of air travellers fluctuated remarka bly.
• structures In your
• writing. Use both There ........ .. ................ ................................. .. ........................................ ..................... .
• verb +adverb a 1d

• adjective + noun

6 Phrases such as the consumplion oj chocolate can often be rewritten as just two
• structures In '{our nouns. Read the examples. Th en find and revyTitt' olh J examp les in 5 .
Task 1 answer.
• Express nouns as
The . of or as TWO The consumptioll oj chaco/ate can become Chocolate cOllsumption .
• nouns The production offt/lns can become Fillll production . (not Films production).

••••• 7
Understanding data

7 Read the graph and th e Ta sk 1 q uesli.o n. Wh l was the in me in dollar for:

a The Tea Room in January? $160,000
..... .. ......... . .. ..... .....

b Internet Express in Jul y?

c Wi-fi Cafe in November?
d are Co I in D eember?
e The Tea Room in February ?

Task 1 Changing trends in cafe income

.200 - . - - - - - - - - - - - --
Y0 1/ should spend about 20 111 in lites 011 this task.
180 + - - - - - - - - - - - + _
160 -I--.or--~-------_I__
The graph sholt·,\, I lJe income of faLl r cafes
i/l Ne w York over lasl year. 140 -l--'rl'---1.---I.------.--- I - -
Sutnmal'iZl! the informalion by selectil)D - ------c ~..,....,.,-A__+_
;3 100 -+-:..:---
Technique and reporliJ.ID the maill featt/res, and g"' 80 +---~.""""~--->.,_.-.,1'-~-
m a ke com pllri ons wh ere relevallt. 60+----~~-----~~~~
To l1el~ you read
the graph. write the Write at least 150 words. __ The TeB Room
2 0 +-~~~-~------
• Ilames nt tile t.afes -+- Internel Express
at the end of each --- WI ·II Ca fe o +--.--~r_r_~~~~~-r~
- - Cafe Cool J F M A M J J A SON D
Il n~

8 Answer these questions about rhe graph.

a Wh at do the lett ers , F, M, etc along th b llom of the graph mean?
b Wh a t do s OOOs mean .
e What P Ite m an yo u s 'C?
d What comparison s can you make?

9 Read the model text and decide wherher each missing phras
n oun, or an adverb.
1 adverb
Model text

me graph providef, informa1ion about the increase to $120,000 , furthermore, the 10 March options
inc.ome trend~ of fo ur c.afe~ over the la5t inc.ome for both Internet £,y.pre5s and the a-g w ith gaps
1- 7 in Ib e model
i ear Wi-fi Gafe'J ............ in Duember. The
There are two baf,ic. general trendf,: former ey.perienc.e.d 4 .... ... ..... to June, but
after Ihat, inc.ome rose S .. .. ..... ... ending a I adily
downwar and upward. As regards the
the ~ear at approy.imate\~ $1'30,000. b then rocketed
fir5t, the earning5 for The Tea \Zoom, \~ere
down over the ~ear, falling I ... ... .. .. .. from UKe\o ise, the trend for Wi-fi waf, upward, e dou bled
alm05l $ \ ~O,OOO earning5 a month tO jU5t Between Janua'1 to :ru\~, earnings d significant 11'
under $50,000 in December, I. .... ........ from $')0,000 to nead'j $100 ,000
e also ended the
and I .. .......... to around $lqO,ooo.
B-t contrast, the inc.ome for ihc other thre.e year lip
, ak5 went up b'j vat"(ing degrees,There It if, noticeable that the inc..ome fo r The a steady fall
"las :2. ., ... ....... in Gafe c.ool' (') 5ale5 over i ea \Zoom i5 lowel' in tne winter montho il ris '
the fir~t ten month5, followed b'j a sudden than for the. olne.r tnree. c.afes. ""

8 ••••

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