Assignment 8: Name: Alpapikabaka Section: Bs Crim 1

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Assignment 8

NAME: alpapikabaka

Instructions: Read about Martin Heidegger’s, The Question Concerning Technology, and then
look at the photos below (a) bring forth or (b) challenge forth? Encircle the letter of your answer
below each photo and be ready to explain your choice to the class. Still group report by pair and
state the danger of this technology, the advantages and the disadvantages.

a. bring forth a. bring forth

b. challenge forth b. challenge forth

The image is a factory pollution. It is a The image is the use of water dam. It is a
challenge forth because it challenges the challenge forth. Water dams can be beneficial
nature and cause environmental damage. This yet it is controversial because it worsen the
issue particularly these factories is releasing impact of climate change, increase sea levels,
greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels or force people to relocate because of the
carbon emissions that causes pollution which is destruction of land composition and stability. It
harmful to the people and the environment. also changes the overall biology of the life in
the river by changing the natural water flow.

a. bring forth
b. challenge forth
The image is the youth participating in waste
segregation and recycling. It is bring forth
because recycling conserves our resources and
it can convert into materials that might be
useful. In addition, recycling saves energy and
it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions,
which reduce the amount of waste that may
cause pollutions and helps to tackle climate
a. bring forth a. bring forth
b. challenge forth b. challenge forth
The issue highlighted in the image is the The problem described in the picture is the use
development of our agriculture. This picture of wind energy. In our opinion about the image
shows bring forth because this is where we is that it is bring forth. This indicates a
get our primary source of our food and water development because the problem of wind
supply in agriculture. Agriculture is also one of power helps to minimize the use of carbon
the key sources of a country's economy. emissions that are greenhouse gases which
Danger of agriculture cause global warming.
The risk to farm workers from agriculture is Danger of wind power
exposed to a wide range of environmental Wind energy may have negative effects on the
hazards that are potentially hazardous to their environment, including wildlife, fish, and plant
health and well-being. Increased rates of habitat loss, fragmentation, or destruction. In
respiratory diseases, noise-induced hearing addition, spinning turbine blades is hazard for
loss, skin disorders, some cancers, chemical animals such as birds and bats that fly.
toxicity, and heat-related diseases are Advantage
experienced by farmers and farm employees. An unlimited, free, renewable resource (the
Advantage wind itself), economic value, maintenance
Farming provides opportunities to raise people costs, and wind harvesting facility placement
in developing nations out of poverty. Farming, are the key advantages of wind power
starting with farmers and continuing with farm Disadvantages
machinery manufacturers, food processing The wind is not constant in intensity and it
plants, shipping, utilities and manufacturing ranges from zero to gale force. This implies that
and generates more employment. wind turbines do not generate the same amount
Disadvantage of power all the time. Sometimes they generate
Due to absence of practical knowledge, no energy at all.
farmers cannot operate the machines properly
that is a disadvantage of modern farming. The
cost of maintenance is very high.
Environmental damage can result from overuse
of machines. It is successful, but it has side
effects and disadvantages.
a. bring forth
b. challenge forth

Mining is the problem depicted in the image. This image is challenge forth because mining
threatens our nature by causing erosion, deforestation, sinkholes, habitat loss and even producing a
large amount of waste rocks to be mined. This affects our wellbeing, as well as our nature, as it is
 Danger
Miners are exposed to dangerous airborne pollutants such as silica dust and other mineral dust on a
daily basis. This puts them at a higher risk over a long period of time for developing respiratory
diseases such as pneumoconiosis, aka the black lung, and silicosis.
 Advantage
Mining help to attain a high number of jobs for the local population are also provided by the
mining industry. Unemployment rates are very high, particularly in many poor countries on our
planet, and mining jobs are essential for the local population in order to make enough money to
Therefore, mining can also be crucial, particularly in structurally poor regions where people don't
have too many other job opportunities.
 Disadvantage
The following are the disadvantage of mining
 Soil pollution
 Groundwater pollution
 Deforestation
 Depletion of natural resources
 Mining implies the destruction of habitats
 Endangerment of species
 Loss of biodiversity
 Landslides
 Ecological imbalance
 Indigenous people may have to leave their home
 Serious health issues related to mining
 Contamination with heavy metals

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