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“ MSC(Hons) Plant Pathology”

Submitted by: Usama Zaman

Roll No : PLPT71F20S013

Date : 20 Feb, 2021

Subject : PLPT-7105

Semester : 1st

Course Teacher : Sir Dr Yasir Iftikhar

“Current Status of citrus decline in Pakistan , role of major citrus
disease and their management.”
Citrus occupies a prominent position in fruit industry all over the world. In Pakistan, it ranks first
in terms of area, production and export among other fruits. The quality fruit production is under
serious threat due to a number of diseases and disorders. Among diseases, citrus decline is of
significant importance. As no systematic information is available on the prevalence of this
disease, therefore, surveys were conducted to observe disease incidence, severity and percent
disease index of citrus decline in six tehsils of district Sargodha. Maximum mean disease
incidence was recorded in tehsil Sargodha (94.06%) followed by tehsil Shahpur (93.33%) while
it was the minimum in tehsil Sillanwali (35.73%). Similarly, mean disease severity was found to
be the maximum in tehsil Sargodha (1.47) followed by tehsil Bhalwal and was the minimum in
Sillanwali (0.64). As regards disease index, it was recorded to the maximum in tehsil Sargodha
(29.41%) followed by tehsil Shahpur (26.75%). On the other hand, minimum disease index was
again observed in tehsil Sillanwali (10.36%). It is, therefore, concluded that decline is widely
prevalent in citrus orchards in district Sargodha and warrants strict control measures to abate
yield losses. Keywords: Citrus diseases, disease incidence, disease severity, disease index, low


Citrus is an important fruit of the family Rutaceae and is grown throughout the world on both
sides of equator. The quality of citrus fruit varies in different regions based on the climate and
variety (Mahmood and Akhtar, 1996). In Pakistan, citrus ranks first among other fruits and is
grown on an area of 0.193 million hectares with a total production of 2.396 million tons (GOP,
2016). Almost 95% of citrus in Pakistan is grown in Punjab province and the most famous
variety is ‘Kinnow mandarin’. Citrus has high medicinal as well as nutritional value. It is a rich
source of vitamin C, sugar, organic acids, amino acids and minerals like calcium and
magnesium. Citrus is prone to a number of diseases and disorders. Most common diseases are
anthracnose, citrus greening, citrus tristeza virus (CTV), melanose, slow decline and sudden
death of citrus. Soil borne fungi have also been found involved (Iqbal and Mukhtar, 2014; Iqbal
et al., 2014). Disorders include chimera, frost, growth regulator injury, hail damage, mesophyll
collapse, mineral deficiencies, toxicities, phytotoxicity, sunburn and wind damage (Burney et al.,
2007). Among diseases citrus decline is known to occur in all citrus growing areas of Pakistan. It
is a disease of crowns and structural roots and associated with poorly aerated and/or poorly
drained soils. Its symptoms include rapid wilting and declining, sometimes with fruit still on the
tree. Decline affected trees grow poorly and become unthrifty prior to mortality. Major structural
changes occur in the roots in the form of blackened or dead roots, brown lesions extend into and
across the tree and stop at the bud union. A characteristic feature of citrus decline is that the
affected wood gives rancid coconut oil odour, especially when it is heated. There is no gummosis
or pitting of the rootstock (Berkley, 2004). Citrus decline is a global problem in citrus growing
areas. The disease has killed more than 1 million trees in Brazil (Roman et al., 2004). The first
symptoms appear only on adult trees entering their 4-6 th year. The disease generally affects only
bearing trees. Once a tree is affected, it does not recover. Twig blight causes a general decline of
the tree canopy and result in poor growth of flushes. Symptoms may be confined to one part of
the canopy and can be confused with those of other diseases, like greening in South Africa;
tristeza or spreading decline caused by burrowing nematodes (Radopholus citrophilus) in Florida
(EPPO/CABI, 1996a,b,c). The leaves of decline affected citrus trees often show zinc deficiency
symptoms, zinc accumulates in the bark and outer xylem of the trunk, usually prior to visible
symptom development. The significance of these high levels of zinc is not known but its analysis
can be useful for diagnosis (Young and Albrigo, 1980a, b). Citrus decline is rapidly spreading in
district Sargodha and almost all the orchards are suffering from this disease. As no systematic
and detailed information is available on this issue, therefore, the present studies were done to
assess the disease severity, incidence and prevalence of this disease in the Pak. J. Agri. Sci., Vol.
54(1), 9-13; 2017 ISSN (Print) 0552-9034, ISSN (Online) 2076-0906 DOI:
10.21162/PAKJAS/17.5643 http://www.pakjas.com.pk PREVALENCE OF CITRUS DECLINE
IN DISTRICT SARGODHA Faisal Sohail Fateh1 ’ * , Tariq Mukhtar2 , Munawar Raza
Kazmi3 , Nadeem Akhtar Abbassi4 and Asif Mahmood Arif1 1National Agricultural Research
Centre, Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad, Pakistan; 2Department of Plant Pathology, Pir
Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan; 3Country Manager Office,
ACIAR, Islamabad, Pakistan; 4Department of Horticulture, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agric.
University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. *Corresponding author’s e-mail: faisalmyname@gmail.com
Citrus occupies a prominent position in fruit industry all over the world. In Pakistan, it ranks first
in terms of area, production and export among other fruits. The quality fruit production is under
serious threat due to a number of diseases and disorders. Among diseases, citrus decline is of
significant importance. As no systematic information is available on the prevalence of this
disease, therefore, surveys were conducted to observe disease incidence, severity and percent
disease index of citrus decline in six tehsils of district Sargodha. Maximum mean disease
incidence was recorded in tehsil Sargodha (94.06%) followed by tehsil Shahpur (93.33%) while
it was the minimum in tehsil Sillanwali (35.73%). Similarly, mean disease severity was found to
be the maximum in tehsil Sargodha (1.47) followed by tehsil Bhalwal and was the minimum in
Sillanwali (0.64). As regards disease index, it was recorded to the maximum in tehsil Sargodha
(29.41%) followed by tehsil Shahpur (26.75%). On the other hand, minimum disease index was
again observed in tehsil Sillanwali (10.36%). It is, therefore, concluded that decline is widely
prevalent in citrus orchards in district Sargodha and warrants strict control measures to abate
yield losses. Keywords: Citrus diseases, disease incidence, disease severity, disease index, low
yield. Fateh, Mukhtar, Kazmi, Abbassi & Arif 10 district so that control measures may be
adopted to minimize yield losses. Citrus being a major fruit crop of Pakistan has a big share in
exports of horticultural produce. The annual production of citrus in Pakistan was about 2.5 Million
Tons in 2018.

Yield losses about 22% in Kinnow, 25–40% in sweet orange, 15% in grapefruit, 10% in sweet lime,
and 2% lemon are reported. A big share of export quality fruit rejected annually due to the presence
of signs of citrus greening disease on fruit.
At this time there is a need to control this disease by our growers to a reasonable level. There are also
many diseases in the citrus crop which badly affect the fruit quality and its aesthetic look which made
it unacceptable in the local and international markets.

 considered as a bacterial disease assumed to be Originate from China in 1890 as “Yellow shoot
disease”. The disease has symptoms on all over the plants and can be detected from leaves, shoot,
chemical properties and fruits.
This disease is spread by bacteria and the causal organism is gram- negative bacteria
genus Candidatus liberibacter (CL). Symptoms of this disease can be caused by CL asiaticus (CLas)
CL Americanus (CLam), CL africanus (CLaf).

Major Diseases of Citrus in Pakistan:

Among the citrus diseases in Pakistan citrus greening, citrus slow decline ,citrus canker and
citrus whither tip are most damaging and are gaining importance. Leaf mottling is the best foliar
symptom for the diagnosis of greening .Fruits on severely affected trees are small, lopsided and
poorly coloured ,remaining dull green, hence the name greening given to the disease. Causal
organisms of this disease has been remained the subject of debate. The highest incidence and
severity of this disease has been reported in Peshawar followed by Sargodha. The first evident
symptom of citrus slow decline (CSD) is drying of twigs and reduction in terminal growth. These
trees are not killed but maintain life on a limited scale and produce a reduced crop of inferior
fruit.. Symptoms of the disease can appear on fruit, leaves and twigs of infected plants, and
typically consist of small, round blister-like formations called lesions. These lesions are usually
raised, crate-like and are tan to brown in colour and surrounded by an oily, water soaked margin.
Citrus wither tip caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. is one of the serious diseases
throughout the country .Symptoms appear initially from top and transmit downward to bottom of
infected tree. Diseased twigs start drying at tips and all affected parts become silvery gray and
develop black dots. Defoliation and death of the entire plant also occur under severe conditions.

Citrus canker:
Asiatic citrus canker induced by X. axonopodis pv. Citr .has re-emerged as potential threat to
citrus plantation throughout the world (Gottwald et al., 2001). The citrus cultivars previously
known to be resistant to this pathogen have now become susceptible. Once this disease becomes
endemic in an area, it is very difficult to manage with commercially acceptable methods under
favorable conditions for disease development (Das, 2003).In the present studies emphasis was to
conduct survey in different tehsils of district Bhakkar to ascertain the occurrence/ incidence of
citrus canker on Kinnow (Citrus reticulata) cultivar and evaluation of different toxicants for its
management. The incidence of citrus canker varied from 7-7.5% in different localities in three
tehsils of district Bhakkar. This might be due to some factors including environmental conditions
prevailing during the month of January-February. Similar results have been reported by Khan et
al., (1992a) who recorded 10-12.5% incidence of citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas
campestris pv.citri in three tehsils of Faisalabad district. As far as the management of citrus
canker is concerned, the most effective mean is by supplementing the use of resistant cultivars
with integrated system of compatible cultural practices and phytosanitory measures, including
quarantine and regulatory programmes (Das, 2003). One component of integrated disease
management is the use of chemicals for bacterial plant pathogens. Worldwide use of copper
based bactericides is considered to be the standard control measure for citrus canker (Koizumi,
1985; Leite & Mohan, 1990).Copper application as multiple doses reduced the bacterial
population on the leaf surfaces on the susceptible host (Stall et al., 1980). Effective suppression
of the disease by copper sprays depends on several factors, such as the susceptibility of the
Citrus greening:
Using recommended method and time for transplanting of citrus nursery plants . Using disease
free nursery plants . Ploughing under shadow of trees . Hoeing and weeding . Removal of crop
Destruction of diseased plants/parts . Pruning and removing of disease shoots . Drum beating
Remove the soil from around the affected trees without damaging the roots and use Redo mill
and Elite .Use of Bordeaux paste after cutting affected branches from the trees .Cut & remove
the affected trees & spray Formaldehyde at the spots from where diseased shoots have been
removed and use Bordeaux Mixture .Removal of fruit present in extra amount on tree and control
termite attack around the stem and root.
Pheromone traps 4-6 per plant for fruit fly. To control any disease in any crop the first and prior
step is management. Through proper management we can control this disease at beginning stage.

As this disease is spread through insect the most important thing is to control vector to avoid the
spread of infection. The management of HLB includes proper nutrition and foliar application of
readily absorbable nutrient, irrigation management and through pH adjustment to recommended

As this is a bacterial disease so it is very much difficult to control this disease. The most
effective and recommended control is removal of affected plant and replanting of disease free
and resistant plants.

Use of screen houses to reduce the vector movement and also to reduce the insecticidal residues.
Methomyl or melathion spray on tree at 10-12-day interval to control vector. Tamarixia
radiata also prove affective to control aphid. Different insecticides like Carbofuran and
Dimathoate show the best result to control psylla.
To control the citrus greening mother plant should be checked on regular basis and kept in
isolation to avoid infestation through insects (psylla) Hot water treatment of grafting wood at 48-
50°C for few minutes. Trees with 50-70% infestation should be eradicated. Tetracycline
hydrochloride proves beneficial in controlling the symptoms on leaves.

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