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Kate Sheehan KLSheehan@frostburg.

Avian Parasite Biologist & Plastic Food Webs Ecologist (251)533-0100


Frostburg State University
314 Compton Science Center
101 Braddock Rd
Frostburg, MD 21532
Office Phone: 301-687-4306 Cell Phone: 251-533-0100
Email: & Website:

Doctor of Philosophy December 2013
Wildlife and Fisheries Biology School of Agricultural, Forest, & Environmental Sciences
Clemson University Clemson, SC GPA 4.0/4.0

Master of Science December 2008

Marine Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
University of South Alabama Mobile, AL GPA 3.8/4.0

Bachelor of Science December 2004

Biology (Marine): Chemistry College of Arts and Sciences
University of South Alabama Mobile, AL GPA 3.2/4.0

Assistant Professor Frostburg State University Aug 2019-Present
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Biology Department
Research Affiliate University of Alaska, Anchorage Jan 2016-Present
College of Arts & Sciences Biology Department
Lieutenant (O-3) United States Coast Guard May 2003-Present
Sector Maryland NCR Prevention Department

R. F. Hechinger, K.L. Sheehan, A. Turner. 2019. Metabolic theory of ecology successfully predicts
distinct scaling of ectoparasite load on hosts. 286. Proc. R. Soc. B. 20191777.
Causey, D., A. Stanek, K. Sheehan, K. Burnham. 2019. Evidence for increasingly rapid
destabilization of coastal Arctic food webs. In: L. A. Kyhn and A. Mosbech (eds.), White
Paper: North Water Polynya Conference 2017, pp. 65 - 71 Aarhus University, Denmark
Sheehan, K. L. 2018. Parasites and plastic particle prevalence and incidence in Double-crested
Cormorants and Lesser Scaup in Arkansas & Mississippi. Final report. USDA/APHIS.
Sheehan, K. L., R. J. Johnson, G. K. Yarrow, B. Dorr, C. Dorr. 2017. The influence of geographical
location, host maturity and sex on intestinal helminth communities of the double-crested
cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus from the eastern US. J. Helminthology. 91: 561-568.
Sheehan, K. L., G. S. Spicer, B. M. O’Connor, R. F. Hechinger. 2017. No one saw this coming:
Subcutaneous deutonymph infection behind the eyes of a Double-crested Cormorant . J.
Parasitology. 103: 295-297.
Kate Sheehan
Avian Parasite Biologist & Plastic Food Webs Ecologist (251)533-0100
Sheehan, K. L., S. T. Esswein, B. Dorr, G. K. Yarrow, and R. J. Johnson. 2017. Using Species
Distribution Models to Define Nesting Habitat of the Eastern Metapopulation of Double-
crested Cormorants. Ecology and Evolution. 7: 409-418.
Sheehan, K. L., D. W. Tonkyn, G. K. Yarrow, J. J. Johnson. 2016. Parasite Assemblages of Double-
crested Cormorants as Indicators of Host Populations and Migration Behavior. Ecological
Indicators. 67: 497-503.


$24,484 – Faculty Incentive Development Grant – Frostburg State University, Mar 2020-Feb 2021
$3,600 – Student-faculty Research Grants, Jan 2017-Jun 2017 & Jan 2019-Jun 2019
$19,000 – USDA Cooperative Agreement – National Wildlife Research Center, Sep 2018-Jun 2019
$8,000 – Faculty Fellowship & Grant – Plastic Debris Assessments in AR, July 2018-Jun 2019
$17,500 – USDA Cooperative Agreement – National Wildlife Research Center, Oct 2017-Sep 2018
$9,827 – NOAA/Sea Grant Woods Hole Institute RAPID award Sep 2017-Aug 2018
$29,000 – Frontiers of Innovation & Scholars Program – University of California, San Diego, Jul-Nov 2016
$168,000/2,125,000 – Postdoc stipend –NSF/NIH EID – University of California, Jan 2014-Jun 2017


Reviewer – NSF GRFP (Ecology & Environmental Science), PLOS ONE, Ecological Indicators, J.
Parasitology, J. Helminthology, J. Env. Sci. & Eng., JEMBE
Council Member, Research Awards Committee Co-Chair, Diversity & Inclusion Committee Member,
Virtual Conference Organizer, Publication Committee Member – The Waterbirds Society
Committee Member/Reviewer – Animal Subjects Committee/IACUC – Southern Arkansas University
Advisory Council Member – Rural Studies Institute- Southern Arkansas University


† undergraduate student co-authors; ‡ graduate student co-authors
Sheehan, K.L. 2020 Amassing and use of the consumed plastics and parasites database for waterbird
systems. The Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, virtual. Oral presentation.
†‡Sheehan, K.L., A. Hunter, E. Bengston, N. Thurston, G.S. Spicer, R.F. Hechinger. 2019. Quill feather
mite and feather distribution on shorebirds. The Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Princess Anne,
MD. Oral presentation.
Sheehan, K.L., R.F. Hechinger. 2019. Parasite Habitat Scaling Trends. The Waterbirds Society Annual
Meeting. Princess Anne, MD. Poster.
‡Sheehan, K.L., K. Hanson-Dorr, B. Dorr, S. Clements, T. Christie, B. Davis. 2019. Parasites and Plastics
in Waterbirds Foraging Near Aquaculture Facilities in the Southeastern US. Association of
Southeastern Biologists, Memphis, TN. Oral presentation.
‡Sheehan, K.L. R.F. Hechinger, V. Padula, D. Causey. 2019. Parasite and microplastics of seabirds from
the Western Aleutian Islands, AK. Pacific Seabird Group, Kawaii, HI. Oral presentation.
Sheehan, K.L. 2018. Parasite Communities of Cormorants and Scaup roosting near aquaculture ponds in
the southeastern US. Association of Southeastern Biologists. Myrtle Beach, SC. oral presentation
Kate Sheehan
Avian Parasite Biologist & Plastic Food Webs Ecologist (251)533-0100
†C. Sanchez, K.L. Sheehan. 2018. Spatial distribution of terrestrial microplastic pollution: modeling
debris abundance and distribution in Columbia County, Arkansas. Association of Southeastern
Biologists. Myrtle Beach, SC. poster.
K.L. Sheehan, R.F. Hechinger. 2017. Prevalence and Abundance of Parasites and Plastics in the Diets of
Seabirds from the Western Aleutian Islands, Alaska. The Waterbird Society. Reykjavik, Iceland.
K.L. Sheehan, R.F. Hechinger. 2016. How the metabolic theory of ecology helps us predict avian
ectoparasite infracommunity carrying capacity. The Waterbird Society. New Bern, NC.
†K.L. Sheehan, P.N. Albers, R.F. Hechinger. 2016. Do ectoparasite infracommunities of coastal birds
follow the metabolic theory of ecology? American Society of Parasitologists. Edmonton, Ab, Canada.
Sheehan, K. L. 2016 Parasite assemblages of Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus)
differentiate host populations and migration behavior. Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los
Angeles, CA. oral presentation.
†Sielski, R., K.L. Sheehan, R.F. Hechinger. 2016. Morphological responses of shore birds to parasite
infections of kidney worms and tracheal gapeworms. Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los
Angeles, CA. poster.
†Bengston, E., K.L. Sheehan, R.F. Hechinger. 2016. Feather quill mite infections of coastal birds from
California. Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los Angeles, CA. poster.
†Yawata, N., K.L. Sheehan, R.F. Hechinger. 2016. The influence of habitat availability on intestinal
helminth parasite communities of coastal birds. Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los
Angeles, CA. poster.
Sheehan, K. L., R. H. Hechinger. Does what you eat dictate what infects you? Bird diet groups and their
parasites. 2015. Waterbirds. Bar Harbor, ME. oral presentation
Sheehan, K. L., R. H. Hechinger. What mites and lice might be doing to shorebirds. 2014. Waterbirds. La
Paz, BC, MX. oral presentation
‡Sheehan, K. L., S. T. Esswein, R. J. Johnson, B. Dorr. 2014. Nesting habitat suitability of two Double-
crested Cormorant subspecies. Waterbirds. La Paz, BC, MX. oral presentation
K. L. Sheehan, S.T. Esswein, Landscape characteristics associated with successful breeding colonies of
the Double-crested Cormorant. Ecological Society of America. Minneapolis, MN. poster
Sheehan, K. L., R. J. Johnson, G. K. Yarrow. 2013. Parasite assemblages as useful indicators of host
movement. American Society of Parasitologists. Quebec City, Quebec, CA. oral presentation
Sheehan, K. L., R. J. Johnson, G. K. Yarrow. 2013. Intestinal parasites of Double-crested Cormorants
culled in the eastern United States. Assoc. of SE Biologists. Charleston, WV. oral presentation
Sheehan, K.L., R. J. Johnson, G. K. Yarrow. 2013. Parasites of culled resident and migratory Double-
crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus). 15th Annual Wildlife Damage Management Conference.
Clemson, SC. oral presentation
†Gearhart, S. L., M. G. Lange, M. McMillan, C. Palmer, M. Phillips, B. Stocks, K. L. Sheehan, R. J.
Johnson. 2013. Pond depth influences on freshwater benthic communities. Association of Southeastern
Biologists. Charleston, WV. poster
†Begrowicz, A. S., C. Brownell, K. B. Frady, K. L. Sheehan, R. J. Johnson. 2013. Influence of avian
guano on primary productivity in shallow freshwater ponds. Association of Southeastern Biologists.
Charleston, WV. poster
Kate Sheehan
Avian Parasite Biologist & Plastic Food Webs Ecologist (251)533-0100
†Begrowicz, A. S., C. Brownell, K. L. Sheehan, R. J. Johnson. 2013. The role of vegetation in structuring
aquatic communities. Assoc. of SE Biologists. Charleston, WV.poster
†Adler, C., A. S. Begrowicz, M. Chromik, K. L. Sheehan, R. J. Johnson. 2013. Birding on campus: using
citizen science as an introduction to avian research. Assoc. of SE Biologists. Charleston, WV. poster
†Butts, A., K. Frady, K. L. Sheehan, R. J. Johnson, G. K. Yarrow. 2013. Influence of Double-crested
Cormorants in food web productivity in freshwater ponds. 15thAnnual Wildlife Damage Management
Conference. Clemson, SC. poster
Sheehan, K.L. 2012. Parasites of resident and migratory Double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax
auitus). American Society of Parasitologists. Richmond, VA. oral presentation
Sheehan, K.L., R.J. Johnson. 2012. Intestinal parasites of resident and migratory Double-crested
cormorants (Phalacrocorax auitus). Assoc. of SE Biologists. Athens, GA. oral presentation
†Davis,W., J. Holladay, M. Kral, L. Mumma, D. Saari, M. Vereen, B. Williams, K.L. Sheehan, R.J.
Johnson. 2012. Distribution of aquatic organisms in a restored pond system. Southeastern Biology:
Assoc. of SE Biologists 73rd Annual Meeting. Athens, GA. poster
Sheehan, K.L., R.J. Johnson, G. Yarrow. 2012. The wormy world of resident and migratory double-
crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus). Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference.
Clemson, SC. oral presentation
Sheehan, K.L., P. Jodice. 2011. Intestinal Parasite Assemblages of Double-Crested Cormorants: A
Comparison of Three Lake Colonies in Minnesota USA. American Society of Parasitologists.
Anchorage, AK. oral presentation
Sheehan, K.L., P. Jodice, W. Bowerman. 2011. Intestinal Parasite Assemblages of the Double-Crested
Cormorant: A Comparison of Three Lake Colonies in Minnesota USA. Waterbirds. Grand Island,
NE. oral presentation
‡Anton, A., J. Cebrian, K.L. Heck, C.M. Duarte, K.L. Sheehan, M.E.C. Miller, and C.D. Foster. 2010.
Decoupled effects (positive to negative) of nutrient enrichment on seagrass ecosystem services. Bays
and Bayous. Mobile, AL. oral presentation
‡Sparks, E., J. Cebrian, K. Sheehan. 2010. Juncus roemerianus Morphology and Colonization in Two
Marsh Restoration Designs. Bays and Bayous. Mobile, AL. oral presentation
Sheehan, K.L. 2010. Intestinal parasites of the double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus), in
northern Alabama. Southeastern Society of Parasitologists. Asheville, NC. poster
Sheehan, K.L., K.D. Lafferty, J. O’Brien, J. Cebrian. 2009. Impacts of avian induced eutrophication on
trematode metacercariae. American Society of Parasitologists. Knoxville, TN. oral presentation.
Sheehan, K.L., J. O’Brien, J. Cebrian. 2008. Parasite assemblages of the common grass shrimp along the
Alabama gulf coast: seasonal distribution and use as an environmental indicator. American Society of
Parasitologists. Arlington, TX. oral presentation.
Sheehan, K.L., J. Cebrian, J. Valentine, J. O’Brien. 2008. Spatial and seasonal variability of parasite
assemblages of the common grass shrimp in Mobile Bay. Meeting of the Association of Southeastern
Biologists/Southeastern Society of Parasitologists, Spartanburg, SC. oral presentation
†Schober, J., K. Sheehan, J. O’Brien. 2008. Effect of the trematode Microphallus turgidus, on growth of
the common grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, under laboratory conditions. Meeting of the Assoc.
of SE Biologists/Southeastern Society of Parasitologists, Spartanburg, SC. poster
Kate Sheehan
Avian Parasite Biologist & Plastic Food Webs Ecologist (251)533-0100
Sheehan, K.L., J. O’Brien, J. Cebrian. 2007. Spatial and temporal abundance patterns of the common
grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, and the trematode parasite, Microphallus turgidus, in the north
central Gulf of Mexico. Meeting for the American Society of Parasitologists, Merida, Mexico. oral
Sheehan, K.L., J. O’Brien, J. Cebrian. 2007. Spatial and temporal abundance patterns of the common
grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, and the trematode parasite, Microphallus turgidus, in the north
central Gulf of Mexico. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Atlanta, GA. oral presentation
‡Anton, A., J. Cebrian, K. Sheehan, M-E. C. Miller, C.M. Duarte. The effects if eutrophication on the
nursery-role and ecological services provided by seagrass meadows. Benthic Ecology Meeting,
Atlanta, GA. oral presentation
Sheehan, K.L., J. O’Brien, J. Cebrian. March 2007. Spatial and temporal abundance patterns of the
common grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio, and the trematode parasite, Microphallus turgidus around
the Mobile Bay, AL. Graduate Student Symposium, Ocean Springs, MS. poster
Sheehan, K.L., J. Cebrian and J. O’Brien. November 2006. Effects of nutrient-rich water on the
parasitism of the common grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio on Gaillard Island, AL. Bays and
Bayous Symposium, Mobile, AL. poster
†‡Goff, J., K. Sheehan, J. Stutes, D. Patterson, M. Miller, D. Foster, J. Cebrian. November 2006. The
impact of tropical storms on the primary productivity and metabolism of shallow coastal lagoons.
Bays and Bayous Symposium, Mobile, AL. oral presentation
‡Plutchak, R., C.D. Foster, A. Anton, K. Sheehan, J. Goff. November 2006. The effects of artificial oyster
reefs on primary production and nutrient flow in shallow coastal creeks. Bays and Bayous
Symposium, Mobile, AL. oral presentation
Kate Sheehan
Avian Parasite Biologist & Plastic Food Webs Ecologist (251)533-0100

 Douglas R. Phillips Award for Graduate Student Excellence, April 2013
 Best Graduate Student Presentation. Natural Resources Research Symposium, April 2011
 Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research Grant, American Museum of Natural History, 2008
 Graduate Fellowship, Alabama Center for Estuarine Studies, University of South Alabama, 2008
 Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research Grant, American Museum of Natural History, May 2006
 Best poster, SETAC, Southeastern Meeting, February 2005

 Session Chair, General Session/Conservation/Meeting with the Journal Editor, Waterbirds Nov 2020
 Session Chair, Aquatic Ecology, Association of Southeastern Biologists, Myrtle Beach, SC Mar 2018
 Session Chair, Waterbird Disease, Parasites, and Contaminants, Waterbirds, New Bern, NC Sep 2016
 Session Chair, Ecology. American Society of Parasitologists, Quebec City, QC, June 2013
 Meeting Committee Chair, SEEC, Clemson, SC Mar 2012
 Session Chair, Ecology. American Society of Parasitologists, Anchorage, AK Jun 2011
 Session Chair, Cormorants and Related. Waterbirds Mar 2011

 Ecology – Ecological Society of America, American Association for the Advancement of Science,
British Ecological Society, Association of Southeastern Biologists, California Academy of Science,
The Wildlife Society
 Ornithology – The Waterbirds Society (Council Member, Conservation Committee Member), British
Ornithology Union, Carolina Bird Club, Santa Barbara Audubon Society Member
 Parasitology – American Society of Parasitologists, Southeastern Society of Parasitologists, Southern
California Academy of Sciences – Parasitology Group, Wildlife Disease Association

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