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Camilo Buritica: Task’s Manual

UF Letters:

1) Enter the customer’s matter.

2) Look up for the NOH (Located in Net Docs/ Hearings)
3) Open the UF letter Template (L:\Camilo Buriticá\ERE Upload DOCS\Redaction\UF no appeal)
4) Use the Claimant Address from the NOH to paste it in the first page of the template.
5) Use the Hearing Office address (Located Upper-Right of the first page of the NOH) to paste it on
the second page of the template.
6) Under each address, change the name for the actual claimant’s name.
7) In the Upper-right corner of the template, change the date for the actual date.
8) Print with Foxit to save a PDF for each page (Ctrl+P – Change printer to Foxit – change pages to
9) In sales force, sent the PDF with the client’s address to the client via E-mail.
10) Upload the PDF with the Hearing Office address to the ERE.
11) Save a Screenshot of the number which appears after upload the file to the ERE.
12) Upload both letters and the screenshot to the Salesforce (Claimant’s letter goes to
Correspondance and ERE letter and the screenshot go to Hearings).


1) Select the correspondent template for the WD (Clients request, Clients work, Non-contact)
2) Look up for the NOH (Located in Net Docs/ Hearings)
3) Use the Claimant Address from the NOH to paste it in the first page of the template.
4) Use the Hearing Office address (Located Upper-Right of the first page of the NOH) to paste it on
the second page of the template.
5) In the second page, change the information of the client (Date of birth [DOB], SSN, etc.)
5.1) DOF (Date of file): It’s the date filed in the Hearing section of the Salesforce.
6) Print with Foxit to save a PDF for each page (Ctrl+P – Change printer to Foxit – change pages to
7) The second page must have an extra info, which is a WD form. You can locate it in the Billing
Specialist Templates.
8) Fill the information required in the Form.
9) Send the first page of the PDF to the client. The second one goes to the ERE.
10) Take a Screenshot of the number in the ERE after the File has been uploaded.
11) Upload both PDF’s and the Screenshot to Salesforce (To client goes to Correspondance,
screenshot and ERE goes to Hearing)
AC Denied

1) Enter the customer’s matter.

2) Look up for the AC decision information (Located in NetDocs/Appeal)
3) Open the UF letter Template (L:\Camilo Buriticá\ERE Upload DOCS\Redaction\AC Denied)
4) Use the Claimant Address from the NOH to paste it in the first page of the template.
5) Look the date in the AC denied letter found in the Appeal section of NetDocs.
6) In the first line of the letter, change the date that appears there for the date in the AC letter.
7) Print the letter with foxit
8) Send the letter to the client.
9) Save the letter to NetDocs/Appeals


1) Look at the docket for the dates required for Assure.

2) Request the dates in the Assure website.
3) After requesting the dates, go to the claimant’s matter in Salesforce and download this from
a. Complete E-file (rename it as Case File)
b. Hearing Summary (Rename it as Hearing Brief)
c. Notice of Hearing.
d. If applies, the 5-day letter.
e. Download and edit the Fee Agreement and Form 1696 located on NetDocs/Client
f. The 1696 must have ALL claimant’s information, and you must erase the name of Andrew
Kirkendall and his signatures.
4) After downloading that, upload it to assure with this type of docs:
a. Case File / Case File
b. Hearing Brief / Hearing Brief
c. Notice of Hearing / Notice of Hearing
d. 5-day letter / Medical Evidence
e. Fee Agreement / Fee Agreement (Sent TO of Counsel)
f. 1696 / Form 1696 (Sent TO of Counsel)
5) Fill the Pre-Hearing Information (Located on the Upper-Right corner)
6) When Assure assigns an attorney for the case, write the contact letter and upload it to Assure.
7) Wait for the attorney to sign the 1696 and Fee Agrement.
8) After the attorney signs the Docs, you must download the docs and upload it again to the ERE.
9) Take a Screenshot of the Upload Number.
10) Upload the 1696, Fee Agreement and screenshot to NetDocs/Hearings.
11) After the hearing, you will receive to your E-Mail a Post hearing Notice, Send that to Sharon

Assure is a delicate matter, so they will be constantly sending E-mails about Pre-hearings, contact info of
the claimant, Wrong information upload, ETC. Try to keep’em updated about everything.

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