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Task 1

1. It gave me a real thrill to finish university.

2. Even though I was treated with ridicule by some people when I started
university after several years.
3. My children’s outstanding academic records were a great source of pride to
4. After two failed relationships, I strongly believe that “mature male” is just an
5. After graduation, I found fulfillment in my life.
6. I remember with affection that one of my teachers inspired respect and
devotion. I have to be thankful for that.
7. I have a lot of admiration for my parents because all the effort they have
8. Infidelity is something I feel indignation because it is completely wrong.

Task 2
1. You can contribute positively to 1. You spend part of your free time
society 2. You do not receive a financial
2. Improve your self-esteem reward for doing this
3. You can highlight volunteering 3. Currently, it is highly risky due to
on your CV Covid 19
4. There are several ways to help,
not only face-to-face

Task 3
Whether you are studying or working, participating in a volunteering program is
highly important because it improves not only your self-esteem but also your
professional profile. Although in our country it is still not very popular to volunteer,
mainly because people do not receive a financial reward, I can proudly say that
volunteering is my passion. In this essay I will explain why I strongly support a
volunteering program.
First of all, although some people think you may be wasting your free time, and that
you could spend your time by sharing moments with your family or simply relaxing
after work or study, volunteering is a way to donate your time and contribute
positively to your community, strengthen relations and develop your social skills.
Secondly, despite the fact that detractors are determined to point out that one main
disadvantage is that you do not receive a financial reward for your work. However,
I can say at first hand that the great satisfaction that the volunteer receives for
helping other people is truly priceless. In addition, you can add value to your
professional profile by highlighting volunteering on your curriculum. Finally, even
though it is true that today it is complicated and even dangerous due to Covid 19,
there are several ways to manage the situation and participate in volunteering,
either in person or online. The important thing is to have the will to want to make a
positive change in society.
In conclusion, participating in a volunteering program provides you several
benefits, you help yourself while helping others. The drawbacks seem to be merely
excuses. Not only you improve your mental health but also you keep yourself
physically active. So, more than a challenge, volunteering is an admiring
opportunity to contribute positively to society

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