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Kayla Poholek
Physical Activity Log

Week of _______
Sept 26
Due Every Friday
Please Don’t Turn
in Before Then
How can you be successful in
● 60 minutes of exercise every day
● Log your minutes by timing your exercises, and enter them into
the spaces provided.
● If you need help or a little inspiration, reach out to myself or a
fellow student.
● Be honest and commit to improving your health!
Physical Activity Log
DAY Activity(s) How Long? Rate your
Monday Walking 4hr 3

Tuesday walking 1hr 2

Wednesday walking 30min 1

Thursday Walking 1hr 2

Friday Walking 4hr 3

Weekly Physical Activity Reflection

How did you feel this week? Was it difficult to incorporate

movement into your days while distance learning? What would you
do differently, if anything? Please offer additional thoughts.

I felt very tired this week and I had a lot going on. I think some days were harder than others to incorperate
excercise because of school and ccri but I when I am at work I am constantly satndidng and walking around the
big store and lifting boxes so that helps me keep active. In the future I would try to excersise more on
werdnesdays but they are very busy for me so sometimes it isnt really possible.

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