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of State
Assignment # 01

Mehtab Alam 1/24/21 MUST

Name: Mehtab Alam
Roll No: FA20-BIR-025
Session: Bs-IR (2020-2024)
Instructor: Mrs. Lubna Tariq
EVOL. of State
Assignment # 01
Political Science:
This word has been derived from a Latin word 'Polis' which means city state.
Therefore, such a knowledge that discusses the problems relating to state is called
Political Science. The literal meaning of the word 'Political Science' is the knowledge of
state. Political Science deals with all those activities of man which he does being a part of
a state.
Political Sciences according to different thinkers
• Aristotle:
Political Science is the knowledge of city state.
• Blunchilli:
Political Science is the knowledge which is related to the state.
• Dr. Garner:
Political Science is related to the beginning and end of state.
• George Seeley:
Political Science is related to the existence of state.
• Stephen Leacock:
Political Science is knowledge about the state.
• Paul Janet:
Political Science is that part of social knowledge which discusses the basic
principles of state and rule.
• E.C. Smith:
Political Science is a branch of social science which discusses the activities
of state and rule especially.
• Professors Laski, Gettles, Gilcrirt:
Political Sciences studies both state and rule.
Modern Definitions:
• Greeves:
Political Science discusses the collision as a result of power, authority and
• David Apter:
Political Science discusses as a whole the relations between rules and public
and their sources and aims.
• Roder and Anderson:
Political Science is the study of behaviors of getting power by different groups and
their organizations.
• Dr. Harold Lasswell:
Political Science studies who get what, how and when another definition by study
of sharing of power.
• Professor David Easton:
Political Science studies the authoritative allocation of values in a society.
• Chamber's 21 1st Century Dictionary:
Political Science is the study of rule and state in which rule, principles of political
aims and ways and methods are discussed.
Scope of Political Science:
• Family:
In ancient times, family had great importance because it was said to be a unit of any
state. These families played an important role in laying the foundation of a state.
• Tribe:
Afterwards, families took the form or shape of tribes— small or big and how these
small Greek states came into being.
• Society:
How did the society come into being? How did it assume the form of a state? What
is the difference between state and society?
• State:
The existence of state is of such an importance that we are to study Political Science very
deeply and we to evaluate the state from every angle. Their formation, importance and
the principles underlying these, have been included into the scope of Political Science.
• Government:
Government is an essential part of state. In modern age, one has to compare and
contrast by studying system of states of different continents.
• Political Institutions:
What does a parliament do in a state? How do the executive, judiciary and parliament?
act in a state? How do these come into existence?
• Associations and Organizations:
Political Science also deals with state organizations, associations and mutual
relations and attitude of individuals among themselves.
• Non-Governmental Organizations:
These organizations are active for the welfare of state and progress of the public all
over the world.
• International Relation:
Both political science and international relations are social sciences that encompass
political systems and philosophies that have a direct or indirect impact on how society
functions. International Relations is concerned with the relationships between political
• Political and Economic Agreements:
These are also part of Political Science.
• Communication and Satellite Revolution:
After World War II, there were industrial, economic and communication revolutions
and these increased the scope of Political Science.
• Mutual Relations of Individuals:
Communication has increased the importance of an individual. Now no state can
dare to deprive an individual of his rights.
• Behaviors of Individuals:
Trumann, Almoral and David Easton were the pioneers to introduce the concept of
individual rights and behaviors.
• Public Administration:
All departments of life in the modern age fall within the scope of Political Science. Public
administration is also part of this subject because state wants to improve many matters on
the ground of discipline and reason which are likely to improve state
affairs more and more.

Relationship of Political Science with other Social Sciences

Political Science is deeply related to all other social sciences because the knowledge
gained about any phase of human behavior and attitudes, about the institutions that men
build, or the ideas to which they respond in the mass, cannot fail to be of use in similar
fields of inquiry.

• Political Science and History:

History is the balance sheet of the activities of man in past and it includes his political
activities also. Therefore, close relationship between political science and history is
• Political Science and Economics:
Economic studies the structure and function of economic organizations like banks,
factories, market business, firms, corporations, transport. Economic condition influences
the political conditions of man. Economic inequalities give birth to revolutions. Political
ideologies are the outcome of economic conditions.

• Political Science and Sociology:

Sociology is the science of society. In Sociology we make the study of the entire social
life of individual which includes all social, economic, religious, culture and political
aspects of his life.
• Political Science and Psychology:
Psychology studies behaviors of individuals in a society. The human desires, motives,
needs and attitudes are the root causes of the political actions.
• Political Science and Philosophy:
Philosophy focuses on the study of logic, ethics and morality. It has special interest in the
areas of personal and collective values on wisdom, equality, freedom, justice and truth.

Sub-Fields of Political Science

• Political Thoughts/Political Philosophy:

Political thought, or political philosophy, studies questions about power, justice, rights,
law, and other issues related to governance.
• International Relations:
Both political science and international relations are social sciences that encompass
political systems and philosophies that have a direct or indirect impact on how society
functions. International Relations is concerned with the relationships between political
• Comparative Politics:
Comparative Politics covers the study of political experience within more than one
nation-state for the purpose of making systematic comparisons.
• International Political Economy:
Political economy is the study of production and trade and their relations with law,
custom and government.
• Public Administration:
Public Administration is one of areas of political science, which deals with the activities,
powers, and functions of central government and local governments.
• Public Policy:
Public Policy deals with making and implementing public policies.

Elements of State:

The State has 4 essential elements.

• Population:
The state is a human institution. So, population is its primary element.
• Territory:
an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state. A definite and more or less
permanent territory is also regarded as an essential element of the state.
• Government:
Government is the political organization of the state. It is the concrete and visible
instrument of state power.
• Sovereignty:
It denotes the supreme power or the final authority from which there is no appeal.

Evolution of state and society:

Modern state is quite different from ancient state but its fundamental position is the same
as, it was in the past. The state is the product of growth, a slow and steady evolution
extending over a long period of time and ultimately shaping itself into the complex
structure of a modern state. These are some forms of state

• Primitive societies
1. Matriarchal society
2. Patriarchal society
• Tribal kingdom
• Oriental states
• Roman empires
• Feudal states
• National states.

The End

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