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Lecturer: Mrs. Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd.

January 13, 2012

Review Text
A. Definition

 Text that critique or evaluate an art work, event for a public audience.

B. Social Function or Purpose

 To critique or evaluate an art work, event for the public audience.

C. Generic Structure

 Orientation
 Imperative recount (summaries)
 Evaluation
 Evaluative summation

D. Language Features

 Focus on specific participant

 Using adjective
 Using long and complex clauses
 Using metaphor

E. Example

Rolando Hanglopo NPM. 0910253745162 1

Lecturer: Mrs. Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. January 13, 2012

Reviewed by: Rolando Hanglopo

Ayat Ayat Cinta1

1. Orientation
Ayat ayat cinta is Habiburahman El Shirazy’s novel which tells about an
Indonesian student, named Fahri who goes to study at Al Azhar University in
Egypt,Kairo. It is the most favorite novel in Indonesia. It defeats Harry Potter in
4 votes difference.
2. Interpretative Recount (summaries)
Ayat ayat cinta tells the scene in Egypt perfectly, so the readers can feel
what hot of Zahara desert in summer although they have not been vasit it. It
start when Fahri meets Aisyah at the metro in the middle way to Damsis. Aisyah
interested in Fahri’s personality as Al Azhar University student who would like
to advocates her when she allows an old American woman sit in her seat. Then
she applys for him that is reprisented by her uncle, Eqbal Hakan Erbakan to
fahri AL Qur’an teacher, syaik Utsman. Their marriage makes many woman
get broken heart,including Maria. She paint and unconscious.
The climax occurs when fahri is slandered by noura that he has violeted
her, so he is thrown into the jail. Maria is an expert witness to release fahri
from the jail, so aisyah bless his husband to marry her to makes she conscious
and gives her testimony in the court.
3. Evaluation
I would rather say that ayat ayat cinta is a romantic novel than religious
one. I can feel its romantic nuance when I read it. Fahri is an Al Azhar
University’s student. By kind of his personality he is loved by many woman,
including Aisyah and Maria. Aisyah is fahri’ wife who wears veil. Maria is a
Fahri neighbour in his flat, and she is also his second wife.
4. Evaluative Summation
Ayat ayat cinta is a good novel. I personaly think that it is a diamond of
Indonesian books, and it is written by the best writer, Habiburahman El Shirazy.
He succed to jigger religious novel to be a nice romantic one. The writer uses
the first person point of view “I” to tell the main figure in his novel, so that the
readers feel as if they take part directly in this novel.

Rolando Hanglopo NPM. 0910253745162 2

Lecturer: Mrs. Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. January 13, 2012

Ayat Ayat Cinta1

Ayat ayat cinta is Habiburahman El Shirazy’s novel which

tells about an Indonesian student, named Fahri who goes to study at ______1234567=
Long and Complex
Al Azhar University in Egypt,Kairo1. It is the most favorite novel in Clause
Indonesia. It defeats Harry Potter in 4 votes difference.
Ayat ayat cinta tells the scene in Egypt perfectly, so the
Circumtance of
readers can feel what hot of Zahara desert in summer although they Place
have not been visit it2. It start when Fahri meets Aisyah at the metro
in the middle way to Damsis. Aisyah interested in Fahri’s personality Present Tense

as Al Azhar University student who would like to advocates her when

Focus on
she allows old American woma sit in her seat 3. Then she applys for specific
him that is reprisented by her uncle, Eqbal Hakan Erbakan to fahri AL
Qur’an teacher, syaik Utsman. Their marriage makes many woman
get broken heart,including Maria. She paint and unconscious. Saying Verb
The climax occurs when fahri is slandered by noura that he
has violeted her, so he is thrown into the jail4. Maria is an expert Circumtance of
witness to release fahri from the jail, so aisyah bless his husband to Manner

marry her to makes she conscious and gives her testimony in the
Action Verb
I would rather say that ayat ayat cinta is a romantic novel than Metaphor
religious one. I can feel its romantic nuance when I read it 5. Fahri is
an Al Azhar University’s student. By kind of his personality he is
loved by many woman,including Aisyah and Maria. Aisyah is fahri’
wife who wears veil6. Maria is a Fahhri neighbour in his flat, and she Mental Verb
is also his second wife7.
Ayat ayat cinta is a good novel. I personaly think that it is a
diamond of Indonesian books, and it is written by the best writer,
Habiburahman El Shirazy. He succed to jigger religious novel to be a
nice romantic one. The writer uses the first person point of view “I”
to tell the main figure in his novel, so that the readers feel as if they
take part directly in this novel.

Rolando Hanglopo NPM. 0910253745162 3

Lecturer: Mrs. Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. January 13, 2012

Application Letter
A. Definition

 It is a formal or business letter that is used to looking for jobs either in

goverment or private sector instancies.

B. Social Function or Purpose

 Used to looking for jobs either in goverment or private sector instancies.

C. Generic Structure

1. Your address/senders anddress (but not your name) usually goes in the top
right-hand corner, but may alternatively go on the left.
2. The date: this can go on either the right or the left.
3. The name and / or job title ( if you know them) and address of
person/corporation you are writing to
4. To address someone (greeting): if you don’t know name, you write
- Dear Sir
- Dear Madam
- Dear Sir/Madam
- Dear Sir or Madam (especially BrE)
5. To address someone (greeting) by name , use their title and surname
- Dear Dr Smith (BrE)
- Dear Dr. Smith: (AmE)
- (not Dear James Smith or Dear Dr James Smith)
6. Body
- The first paragraph say why you are writing that letter
- The second paragraph give further details
- The final paragraph includes a polite ending

Rolando Hanglopo NPM. 0910253745162 4

Lecturer: Mrs. Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. January 13, 2012

7. Closing
 To end formal letters in American English you use:
- Sincerely
- Sincerely yours
- Yours truly
 In British English you should write:
- Yours sincerely if you have addressed the person by name.
- Yours faithfully if you have begun the letter dear Sir/Madam, etc.

Rolando Hanglopo NPM. 0910253745162 5

Lecturer: Mrs. Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. January 13, 2012

26 Windmill
26 Windmill RoadRoad
Bristol Bs2 6DP
Bs2 6DP address

13 January2012
13 January2012 Th
Ms. Emma
Ms. Emma Campbell
Personnel manager
Personnel manager
The name and /or job title & address
Multimedia Design
Multimedia Design of the
4 Kennington Road
4 Kennington Road person you are writing

London SE1
London 8 DD
SE1 8 DD

Dear MsMs
Dear Campbell
Campbell To address (greeting) someone
by name
I am
I amwriting
writingto toapply forfor
apply thethe
position of of
position assistant designer
assistant advertised
designer in in
advertised thethe
evening Post
evening of of7 June.
Post Please
7 June. Pleasefind enclosed
find a copy
enclosed of of
a copy mymyCV.

The first paragraph say why you are writing that

I have a degree in graphic design from Anglia Polytechnic University. Since
graduation last summer I have been working for EMS Corporate Imaging on a
I have a degree in graphic design from Anglia Polytechnic University. Since
contract basis. I have become particularly interested in interactive and
graduation last summer I have been working for EMS Corporate Imaging on a
multimedia work and now wish to develop my career in that direction. I wolud
contract basis. I have become particularly interested in interactive and
welcome the chance to work as part of a small , dynamicteam where I could
multimedia work and now wish to develop my career in that direction. I wolud
make a significant contribution while developing my skills yet further. I would be
welcome the chance to work as part of a small , dynamicteam where I could
happy to show you fortofolio of my work.
make a significant contribution while developing my skills yet further. I would be
happy to forword
I look show youtofortofolio of my
hearing from work.
you. The second paragraph give further
Yours sincerely

I look forword to hearing from you.

Rolando Hanglopo The final paragraph includes a polite

Yours sincerely Signature

Rolando Hanglopo

Rolando Hanglopo NPM. 0910253745162 6

Lecturer: Mrs. Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. January 13, 2012

Rolando Hanglopo NPM. 0910253745162 7

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