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Violin 1 FIDDLIN’ WITH THE CLASSICS iged by DEBORAH BAKER MONDAY ASCAP) Allegro deciso (J=120) Hallelujah Chorus beet os rr = TB) Boil Them Cabbage Down Ode 10 Joy ti — ———— 2 @ z oe eg gO ee TT tee mf 1 is 7 17] ae =; ———— —_; oon v S35? a 7 a coed ' vere? Blighty bounes [a] Gt ttt =e o> tt > 25) gm div = @'s sis sig = eo LJ —_ Fidalin’ with the Classics - Vin. 1 Violin 2 FIDDLIN’ WITH THE CLASSICS Arranged by DEBORAH BAKER MONDAY , (ASAP) Allegro deciso (J= 120) = Se SSS SS = ap eee oe we wee oe - leas a a 5. Eine kleine nachimusik & 7 —_ el —_ = —~ — ; - SS = z : SS sept fe te tet = [9] Hattetyjah Chorus Lt Lica tne ———— : — 5 ft = : e i” * * twee ee i] Bott Them Cabbage Down eto Jo 4 2 yt LSS SSS oo 7. z 7 ses 16 ° m , F SSS oss Spear: SSS 9 itp tl igegs eee fa wo 5 Gi eS oS = ieee eee Be bie js, ° _ z a 5 x - oe we le 6 joe he yee FH sae Fidalin’ with the Classics - Vin. 2 a Dixie 7 m ——— —— —— —— © = aa et oe t oat =f aaa Viola FIDDLIN’ WITH THE CLASSICS Arranged by DEBORAH BAKER MONDAY IASCAP) 2 Allegro deciso (J= 120) SEmne eine nachimusik Ba SS a — Li Liza Jane Hallelujah Chorus Iptyorat toe tow : SSS . aaa Ode 10 Jox 1B) Boil Them Cabbage Down . 2 1 Bi a op - 2 2, te as : £ r === ee ee Sf 7 2 —— ei 4 _ C ee a -—eee —* =e Fidalin’ with the Classics - Via. Violoncello FIDDLIN’ WITH THE CLASSICS Allegro deciso (J= 120) Arranged by DEBORAH BAKER MONDAY (ascar) ; =—— ee — 3ep SS = = : f => 7 “S_—_ Eine kleine nachtmusik ye _——s| ot tps 5 SS SS Se = ae (9) Hallelujah Chorus Lil Liza Jane 7 2 Pyrat et eS ae ost SS“ ———— ——o = [BB tho Ces Do Otte to. ize - Be = —— - Ss —- Fidalin’ with the Classics - Vel. Double Bass FIDDLIN’ WITH THE CLASSICS Allegro deciso (= 120) 2S SS f ° _ = [E] Bie Meine nachimusie Hallelujah Chorus a Det ce [13] Boil Them Cabbage Down Ole to Jo pies — <= = . tr — ae 78 (7) aro oF piss. slap Fidalin’ with the Classics - D.B. at] Dixie Piano FIDDLIN’ WITH THE CLASSICS Arranged by DEBORAH BAKER MONDAY (AScAP) Allegro deciso (J= 120) Saar vee ra eae laa aS — DB] Haltetiah Chorus Lit Lica Jane [13] Bout Them Cabbage Down Ode to Joy SS SSS SS = SS r 1s 6 =H Fidalin’ with the Classics - Piano ad oe 3s Se +S BS ee 2S = 0 at 3 — Ea \ SSS SSS] vO peseeess F5558 —S P | [ese eee = Fidalin’ with the Classies - Piano Pe aS eaerre $ P | = =2 See SS ? - Sf

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