Social Media

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Digital technology has given birth to social media, which is a very popular place to share and exchange
information nowadays. This type of media, which is attracting more people than traditional media
(newspapers, the radio and television) today, had both negative and positive aspects.

There are several advantages to using social media. Firstly, it gives you the opportunity to educate
yourself, without paying for it. You can follow a huge number educational accounts to learn and
enhance your knowledge. Also, with the help of social media you are able to communicate with people,
who are interested in sharing and gaining valuable information and skills. Secondly, it allows you to
know anout events happening around the world. Social media always provides you the information
about up-to-date events and accidents around the world that have just happened.

On the other hand, social media has its disadvantages. There is a huge amount lies and fabricated
stories. For instance, it is easy to play on people fears and expectations, to disguise the truth. Social
media can be untrustworhty sometimes. What is more, the addictive part of social media can spoil
personal lives as well. This is really bad because some people are cutted off from society, they waste
their individual time that could have been utillized by meaningful activities.

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