Life and Studies in The Pandemic Times

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Life and studies in the pandemic times

The year 2020 will probably be largely remembered because of the coronavirus outbreak. Huge amount
of people lost their jobs, all students in Europe and USA have been studying at home. But is online
classes that bad?

The first benefit is quite obvious: students are in the comfort of their own home. You have everything in
your surroundings without having to leave a chair. In addition to books and notes, you can use the
computer to find information on the Internet. Moreover, students (and of course teachers) don’t waste
their time on the way to school and after a working day don’t spend it to get back home.

Consequently, students are studying themselves, so, hopefully, they will become more indepented and
mature. In school you always can ask a teacher to explain something once more, but nowadays you have
anyone around you, students have to search an answer themselves. Furthermore, students will learn
how to plan their day, because now you are not depending on a school schedule.

Personally, I think studying at home has some disadvanteges, but overall, it is not really bad. Atlhough
students have more freedom, they must take care of themselves and not put their future at risk.

202 words

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