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1. If all the constraints of LPP are satisied by the solution of the model,
then the solution is called - Feasible Solution
2. If there is no other superior solution to the solution obtained for LPP,
then the solution is - Optimal Solution
3. For LPP, there may be more than one combination of values of the
decision variables yielding the best objective function value, then it
is called - Alternative Optimal Solution
4. For a LPP if the objective function value can be icreased/decreased
infinitely without any limitation, then it is called - Unbounded
5. If there is no combination of values of decision variables satisfying all
the constrants of LPP, then it is - Infeasible Solution
6. Graphical method is used to solve LPP the number of variabes are –
7. Big M Method is used to solve constrants with - Less than equal to
8. Which variable is used for equal to type constraints? -  Artificial
9.  Which variable is used for greater than equal to type constraints? -
Artificial Variable
10. Which variable is used for less than equal to type constraints? - Slack
11. Slack Variable denotes ____ resources – Unused
12. Gomory's cut is used as which method? - Dual Simplex
13. Which method is used to solve 'C" or '≥' type constraints? – NONE
14. In the optimul simplex table, if the set of basic variables contains
atleast one artificial variable, then it is called – Infeasible Solution
15. If the constrant co-efficients of catering variable in the simplex table
are either less than or equal to xero, then the solution is -
16. The total cost of the inventory system is – Maximised
17. In replacement analysis, the total cost of the system is –  
18. Which technique is dealt with uncertainty situations related to
management decisions - Project Management
19. Which technique deals with probabilitive situation where models fail
to provide solutaions to real life problems? – Simulation
20. Which technique deals with consruction of a bridge? -  Simulation

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