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-pola pikir dalam mendesain-
There are real things, whose characters are entirely
independent of our opinions about them; whose realities affect
our senses according to regular laws, and, though our
sensations are as different as our relations to the objects, het,
by taking advantage of the laws of perception, we can ascertain
by reasoning how things really are, and any man, if he has
sufficient experience and reason enough about it, will be led to
the one true conclusion

Charles Peirce (1956: 26)

Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that considers
words and thought as tools and instruments for prediction,
problem solving, and action, and rejects the idea that the
function of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror pragmatisme/prag·ma·tis·me/ n 1 kepercayaan bahwa
reality. –WIKI- kebenaran atau nilai suatu ajaran (paham, doktrin,
gagasan, pernyataan, ucapan, dan sebagainya),
bergantung pada penerapannya bagi kepentingan
manusia; 2 paham yang menyatakan bahwa segala
sesuatu tidak tetap, melainkan tumbuh dan berubah
terus; 3 pandangan yang memberi penjelasan yang
berguna tentang suatu permasalahan dengan melihat
sebab akibat berdasarkan kenyataan untuk tujuan praktis
An approach that assesses the truth of meaning of
theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical
application. – Oxford Dictionary-
adjective: pragmatic
1.dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way
that is based on practical rather than theoretical pragmatis/prag·ma·tis/ a 1 bersifat praktis dan berguna
considerations. bagi umum; bersifat mengutamakan segi kepraktisan dan
kegunaan (kemanfaatan); mengenai atau bersangkutan
dengan nilai-nilai praktis; 2 mengenai atau bersangkutan
dengan pragmatisme
So, What is it then….???
Di arsitektur bagaimana ?
VM House
Bjarke Ingels Group
Mountain Dwellings
Bjarke Ingels Group
Bjarke Ingels Group
Seattle Library
The Iceberg
Sekolah Santa Laurensia
BYE !!!

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