Comprehensive Progress Report: Ligon Gifted and Talented/AG Basics Magnet Middle

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Ligon Gifted and Talented/AG Basics Magnet Middle 9/24/2020

Comprehensive Progress Report

Mission: Mission
• Wake County Public School System will provide a relevant and engaging education and will graduate students who are collaborative, creative,
effective communicators and critical thinkers.

Core Beliefs
1. Every student is uniquely capable and deserves to be challenged and engaged in relevant, rigorous, and meaningful learning each day.
2. Every student is expected to learn, grow, and succeed while we will eliminate the ability to predict achievement based on socioeconomic status, race,
and ethnicity.
3. Well-supported, highly effective, and dedicated principals, teachers, and staff are essential to success for all students.
4. The Board of Education, superintendent, and all staff, while sustaining best practices, will promote and support a culture of continuous improvement,
risk-taking, and innovation that results in a high-performing organization focused on student achievement.
5. The Board of Education, superintendent, and all staff value a diverse school community that is inviting, respectful, inclusive, flexible, and supportive.
6. The Wake County residents value a strong public school system and will partner to provide the support and resources to fully realize our shared vision,
accomplish the mission, and sustain our core beliefs.

We accept responsibility to see that every child receives their best education through rigor, relevance and relationships. It is our mission to create
Vision: competitive and compassionate 21st century learners.

By June 2021 Ligon Middle School will increase overall proficiency, and all students will meet or exceed growth as measured by the North Carolina End of
Grade test.

! = Past Due Objectives KEY = Key Indicator

Core Function: Dimension A - Instructional Excellence and Alignment

Effective Practice: High expectations for all staff and students
KEY A1.07 ALL teachers employ effective classroom management and reinforce Implementation
classroom rules and procedures by positively teaching them.(5088) Status Assigned To Target Date
Initial Assessment: 2020-2021 School Year Limited Development
Following the 2018-2019 school year Ligon Middle school 10/15/2018
demonstrated a disproportionality in school suspensions. During this
school year African American and Latino students were suspended at a
higher rate than any other subgroup within the school. During this
school year African American Students made up 61% of school
suspensions while Latino students made up 25% of all suspensions,
while only making up 36% of the population. Current implementation
efforts to lower the amount of discipline referrals include; a review of
current discipline patters, the integration of a mentoring plan operated
by the school success coach and the development of a PBIS plan.

2018-2019 School Year

During the 2017-2018 school year Ligon Middle School had a total of
1,098 discipline referrals processed in the WCPSS EASI student
information system. Current implementation efforts to lower the
amount of discipline referrals include; a school wide PBIS plan, monthly
kid talk where teachers meet with student support services to design
student intervention plans.
How it will look Alexis Wengler 06/06/2021
when fully met: 2020-2021 School Year

If this objective is being fully met we hope to decrease our total

number of referrals by at least 10 percent, while decreasing the amount
of lost instructional time and online learning gaps. This data will be
collected through the use of the WCPSS ECATS system.

• Students are able to explain the ROAR expectations for Ligon and
what it means to be “Learning Ready”
• At least 10 students in each grade in the mentorship program
• Keep an updated list/ live document of check-in check out sheet
students and include suggestions for the mentorship program
after kid talk in monthly meetings.
• Recordings of growth in academics, decline in behavioral
referrals, and knowledge of ROAR expectations.
• Maintain clear and coherent expectations for quarterly grade
level incentives.

2019-2020 School Year

If this objective is being fully met we hope to decrease our total

number of referrals by at least 10 percent, while decreasing the amount
of lossed instructional time. This data will be collected through the use
of the WCPSS EASI system.

Actions 0 of 5 (0%)
6/4/20 School wide mentorship program and check-in check-out program with Ashley Yost 06/06/2021
the implementation of the 4-Zones of Regulation.

*Re-create check in/check out sheets

*Re-create refocus sheets

6/5/20 The PBIS team will develop a new school wide behavior plan that Alexis Wengler 06/06/2021
establishes school wide procedures that contain clear and consistent
behavioral expectations. (ROAR)

*Re-create/update PBIS google folder and white binder

*Re-define ROAR and update poster; create posters of expectations for

different areas of the

*Provide staff PD at beginning of the year to norm expectations

*Create a structure for rewarding students for positive behaviors

*Establish quarterly incentives for positive behavior per grade level.

6/5/20 The PBIS team will review student discipline data monthly to monitor Alexis Wengler 06/06/2021
implementation of school wide procedures and behavior expectations,
to determine professional learning needed by staff, strategies working
to impact behavior, and respond to disproportionate subgroup data.

6/5/20 PLTs and grade level meetings will engage in “kid talk” monthly to Alexis Wengler 06/06/2021
support students in need of behavior interventions.
6/5/20 The PBIS team will meet monthly to identify additional behavior Alexis Wengler 06/06/2021
strategies for teachers to use with students in need of intervention.

Core Function: Dimension A - Instructional Excellence and Alignment

Effective Practice: Curriculum and instructional alignment
KEY A2.04 Instructional Teams develop standards-aligned units of instruction for Implementation
each subject and grade level.(5094) Status Assigned To Target Date
Initial Assessment: Limited Development
2020-2021 School Year 10/16/2018
EVAAS data shows growth in academic areas one year out of eight.
Some PLT teams have developed quarterly benchmark assessments.
ELA and Math PLT teams create common assessments and unit/lesson
plans according to the Open Up and MVP Math Curriculum and the EL
Curriculum. PLTs meet every week to make instructional decisions
based on common assessments, I-Ready data and Quickr data. Using
this data is currently inconsistent across all PLTs. Instructional learning
rounds were used to encourage conversations about best practices in
all content areas. Glows and grows were shared with all staff through
the daily bulletin. Instructional rounds have not been consistent over
the years and there is a need to make it a systematic process. Currently
core teachers are working on intervention plans centered around the
EOG, EOC’s, NCFE’s and instructional plans are being shared with grade
level admin to ensure the needs of all students are being met whether
being provided remediation or enrichment. Academic core teachers at
Ligon were given planning days on protected teacher workdays for a
minimum of 3 hours, where they are able to plan out long-term
instruction. The school IRT and administration have also reviewed and
revamped school wide PLT structure which includes the
implementation of new protocols, agendas, and re-designed oversight.
Under this new design many SPED teachers are able to join content
PLTs. At this point ELL teachers would have to be consulted on teacher
workday planning time.

2019-2020 School Year

School wide instructional walkthroughs are done on a weekly basis so

that all teachers have the ability to watch instruction done by their
colleagues. Academic core teachers at Ligon are also being given
planning days where they are able to plan out long-term instruction.
The school IRT and administration have also reviewed and revamped
school wide PLT structure which includes the implementation of new
protocols, agendas, and re-designed oversight.
How it will look Anne Waechter 06/06/2021
when fully met: 2020-2021 School Year

When the objective is fully met we anticipate an increase in student

proficiency and growth as seen by common assessments, iReady, EOG,
EOC, NCFE and EVAAS data. We expect to see growth due to the
integration of more common assessments and more strategic usage of
best educational practices, and PLT evaluation of student performance
data. PLTs will evaluate student performance data and make
instructional decisions based upon collected data. PLT minutes will
reflect evaluation of student performance, creation of common
assessments, creation of lessons that integrate collaboration, and
aligned standards for units of study. We also anticipate at least 80
percent of staff to participate in peer instructional rounds at least once
per quarter to reflect on practices and collect implementation data.

2019-2020 School Year

When the objective is fully met we anticipate an increase in student

proficiency and growth due to the integration of more common
assessments and more strategic usage of best educational practices.
We also anticipate at least 80 percent of staff to participate in a peer
walkthrough at least once per quarter.

Actions 0 of 5 (0%)
6/5/20 PLTs will develop and agree on, rubrics and other measures that will Anne Waechter 06/06/2021
clearly set the criteria for mastery for each student.

6/5/20 PLTs will use instructional round feedback and student achievement Anne Waechter 06/06/2021
data, such as iReady and common assessments, to determine lesson
alignment to the standards and shifts.

6/5/20 PLTs will identify standards and benchmarks that are key to student Anne Waechter 06/06/2021
mastery in each unit of study so that teachers can design lessons that
6/5/20 SPED and ELL personnel will join and or consult with content PLTs to Anne Waechter 06/06/2021
provide insight on best instructional practices that meet the specific
learning needs of SPED and ELL students.

6/5/20 Each PLT will determine, agree upon, and know the key concepts, Anne Waechter 06/06/2021
principles and skills that students need for each unit of study

Core Function: Dimension A - Instructional Excellence and Alignment

Effective Practice: Student support services
KEY A4.01 The school implements a tiered instructional system that allows
teachers to deliver evidence-based instruction aligned with the Implementation
individual needs of students across all tiers.(5117) Status Assigned To Target Date
Initial Assessment: Limited Development
2020-2021 School Year 10/16/2018
While Ligon Magnet Middle School increased the percentage of
students proficient in all subjects to 71 percent overall as a school,
subgroups such as SWD (-3.78), EDS (-7.30), AIG (-3.34), Black (-8.99),
and Hispanic (-2.61) students did not make growth for the 2018-2019
school year. Currently, the above mentioned groups with the exception
of AIG students are not on pace to meet their long-term proficiency
goals as well, as shown in the table below.

Currently Ligon has an Intervention Team that meets weekly and

monitors the progress of students receiving tier 2 and tier 3
interventions. Students receiving tier 3 interventions are placed in an
intervention class which they attend as an elective daily. Students are
determined to be in need of interventions based off of the ECATS Early
Warning System.

2018-2019 School Year

While Ligon Magnet Middle School increased the percentage of

students proficient in all subjects to 71 percent overall as a school, only
4 subgroups in Math and 5 subgroups in reading met their long-term
proficiency goal. Current implementations to ensure a tiered
instructional system include; increased focus of the implementation of
strategic interventions, and additional planning days for the
implementation of the new math and ELA curriculum.
How it will look Brandon McRae 06/06/2021
when fully met: 2020-2021 School Year

Full implementation of this indicator would include a response to the

academic and behavioral needs of students through MTSS team
meetings and referrals, CORE planning, supplemental, intensive and
strategic interventions that result in student success. Student outcome
data would indicate growth and an increase in the number of students
proficient in the areas of literacy and math.

2019-2020 School Year

Overall increase in growth and proficiency across all sub-groups due to

the implementation of strategic interventions.

Actions 0 of 6 (0%)
6/5/20 AIG Teachers will identify gifted students that have not made growth Brandon McRae 09/30/2020
for two consecutive years and create an individualized plan to monitor
and nurture these students.
6/5/20 The Intervention team will meet regularly with all stakeholders to Brandon McRae 06/06/2021
review data, create plans, and evaluate the effectiveness of the
programs that support students.
6/5/20 Intervention team will establish criteria to identify students in need of Brandon McRae 06/06/2021
additional support.
6/5/20 Teachers will implement universal screeners and progress monitor Brandon McRae 06/06/2021
students receiving interventions bi-weekly.

6/5/20 All teachers will deliver instruction that is tightly aligned to the grade- Brandon McRae 06/06/2021
level standards and instructional shifts.

6/5/20 Teachers will utilize the intervention matrix and data gathered from a Brandon McRae 06/06/2021
variety of sources, including iReady, universal screeners, and
assessments, to guide and differentiate instruction, including
remediation and enrichment, based on student need.
KEY A4.06 ALL teachers are attentive to students' emotional states, guide
students in managing their emotions, and arrange for supports and Implementation
interventions when necessary.(5124) Status Assigned To Target Date
Initial Assessment: Limited Development
2020-2021 School Year 10/16/2018
Ligon GT Magnet Middle School recognizes the importance of SEL;
however, it has not been able to give it the priority it deserves. Efforts
to implement Positivity Project as a school wide SEL curriculum and
Staff SEL PD have not been consistent. Ligon is recommitting to SEL by
introducing the Second Step SEL program in the upcoming 2020-2021
school year. Ligon is also committed to supporting its Staff by making
SEL PD more readily available to them.

2019-2020 School Year

During the 2017-2018 school year Ligon Middle School had a total of
1,098 discipline referrals processed in the WCPSS EASI student
information system. Current implementation efforts include; "The
Positivity Project", "minute" counseling sessions with student services,
and restorative justice practices.

How it will look Rachel Wolf 06/06/2021

when fully met: 2020-2021 School Year

Full implementation of this indicator will include improvements in

students’ social emotional state based on surveys, classroom
observation data, and behavior referrals. Students will show growth in
SEL competencies due to school wide implementation of SEL curriculum
and staff professional development. Teachers will be equipped to use
evidence based strategies to handle students’ SE needs and will arrange
for additional supports and interventions when necessary.

2019-2020 School Year

When this objective is fully met the overall growth and proficiency rate
of students on the North Carolina EOG will increase due to a decrease
in the amount of lost instructional time.

Actions 0 of 3 (0%)
6/5/20 The formation of a SEL Team to assist with the implementation of the Rachel Wolf 06/06/2021
Second Step program, provide teachers support and mentorship, and
address issues throughout the implementation process.

6/5/20 Second Step Rollout which will involve staff training on Second Step, 26 Rachel Wolf 06/06/2021
lessons taught to all students during the year and monitored by the
administration, and pre and post surveys for students and staff.
6/5/20 Staff professional development to include training in the Second Step Rachel Wolf 06/06/2021
curriculum, trauma awareness, restorative practices, positive strategies
for the classroom, the referral process for students needing more
emotional support, and a staff book study on SEL.

Core Function: Dimension E - Families and Community

Effective Practice: Family Engagement
KEY E1.06 The school regularly communicates with parents/guardians about its
expectations of them and the importance of the curriculum of the
home (what parents can do at home to support their children's Implementation
learning).(5182) Status Assigned To Target Date
Initial Assessment: Limited Development
2020-2021 School Year 10/16/2018
Additionally, Ligon holds an annual Meet the Teacher Event before
school for all students/families and an Into the Blue orientation for all
new students/families before school begins. We also have an Open
House within the first 4 weeks of school for parents to learn about each
subject's curriculum on their child’s schedule for the first quarter.
Parent conferences are held at parent or teacher’s request with all
teachers present as set up by grade level counselors.

2019-2020 School Year

Ligon Middle School is working to reach out to the community to create

a partnership to help with student achievement. Currently Ligon has
begun a "Helping Hands" program to work with student mentoring,
begun the development of a school business alliance, established an in
house pantry, and met with local community organizations to ensure
that all the needs of our students are being met. Ligon has also enlisted
the help of an outside consultant to gain more parental and community
How it will look Gary Duvall 06/06/2021
when fully met: 2020-2021 School Year

When this indicator is fully implemented student attendance will

improve, parent Panorama survey data will improve and
parent/teacher communication will improve through physical and
digital outreach as outlined in action steps.All teachers will maintain
family communication through documented student led conferences, in
person and virtual events as well as making that information available
electronically. Improvement in all categories leads to increased
confidence that all families have been engaged throughout the school

2019-2020 School Year

When this objective is fully implemented student growth and

proficiency will increase across all sub-groups due to an increase in
family engagement.

Actions 0 of 4 (0%)
6/5/20 Every teacher will maintain a classroom Google Site throughout the Gary Duvall 09/30/2020
school year that includes student and family expectations as well as
dues dates for current assignments and resources for parents to assist
their child in that class. Teachers will have an online learning platform
(Google Classroom or Canvas) for their students to access current
assignments. All teachers will send website information to Link or
Laiosa to add to Ligon website and will include the website within email

6/5/20 Twice a year (by end of Q1 & 3rd Q) homeroom teachers will hold Gary Duvall 06/06/2021
student-led conferences (in person or via Google Meet) utilizing Digital
Portfolios to showcase student learning in all classes. Teachers will
work together with all pertinent staff to gather information on shared
students regarding attendance, behavior, work completion or any other
areas of concern.

6/5/20 Throughout the year, parents who could not attend in-person school Gary Duvall 06/06/2021
events such as Open House and Meet the Teacher, will be given the
opportunity to attend virtual meetings offered through Google Meets
on a different day/time. If parents are not able to attend in person or
via Meet then all information presented will be shared electronically
(PowerPoint, etc., or recorded presentation)via email or posted on the
teacher's website.
6/5/20 Parents will be surveyed twice a year (September/ April) using the Gary Duvall 06/06/2021
Panorama Survey. The survey will be available for one month for
parents to complete. Print and online surveys will be available as well
as Spanish language versions.

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