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Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive,

mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these

2.1 when a person has inability to perform any standard or normal person usually

2.2 Yes for example in United states I often see in the internet videos about how
people treat a disabled white guy better from a black guy

2.3 People In our community are treated with respect and has priority lanes and
special treatment

2.4 Yes because even though they are disable they are still human which should be
treated equally by every single person.

2.5It depends on how they act and respond towards me

2.6 It started to change when I fully understood how hard it is to have an

disability,how to cope up and make modification towards lifestyle especially on how
people see’s you are.

2.7 Yes by means of promoting and convincing that they can still be functional again
and that it is not the end yet by means of teaching them modifications on how to live
normally or near normal as much as possible.

2.8 it can be, it depends on how a person looks at It because will is a skill.

3. watching “mad max – fury road “ made me realize that im not doing even half my
best to face real life struggle an have given up already on few problems which I find
impossible to get through because in the movie that even though she is a R AE
amputee she never gave up her dreams to free all the people that are ruled by a
heartless old man no matter how long or whatever risk she might take through ups
and downs then eventually she succeeded.

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