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Environment and Application Testbed for

Low-Power Energy Harvesting System Design
Lukas Sigrist, Andres Gomez, Matthias Leubin, Jan Beutel, Member, IEEE and Lothar Thiele, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Energy harvesting systems strongly depend flow to benefit from these evaluations, the conditions under
on the non-deterministic behavior of the environment. Sys- which they are performed have to be consistent to guarantee
tematic and thorough evaluation of these systems demands comparability among them. Furthermore, rapid evaluation is
for tools that consistently reproduce these conditions and
allow for closely integrating highly dynamic applications. required to provide timely feedback in the design flow. Con-
To this end, a testbed is introduced that allows to precisely sequently, the interactions between the testbed and the system
and repeatedly force an energy harvesting system under under test need to be accelerated, in terms of generation of
test using thermal and radiative sources in a controlled the physical environment, consumption of energy, as well as
environment while allowing to sinking arbitrary current pro- in terms of measurements.
files. The coordinated control of the boundary conditions
on the in- and output side enables detailed evaluation, ex- In summary, a testbed for energy harvesting systems has to
ploration and dimensioning of different aspects of energy address the issues related to the environment’s reproducibility
management and harvesting systems. By reproducing en- and wide-ranging electrical load properties, while providing
vironmental traces at a higher rate than normally occurring accelerated evaluation of multi-dimensional configurations. To
in nature, the testbed allows to substantially shorten the
time needed for experimental evaluations. This approach
the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no integrated
enables fast and consistent evaluation of energy harvesting testbeds for low-power energy harvesting systems available
systems under a wide coverage of operating conditions. that satisfy the above requirements in terms of flexibility, mod-
ularity with respect to harvesting technology, high dynamic
Index Terms—Emulation, Energy Harvesting, Environ-
ment, System Design, Testbed range and precision. Building such a testing environment from
commercial off-the-shelf equipment does not only come with
high costs but also hampers reproducability of results due to
I. I NTRODUCTION its ad-hoc composition and need for extensive calibration. In
Testbeds are an invaluable tool for evaluating systems under addition, actuation and measurement components need to be
controlled conditions. In particular in contexts where the tightly controlled in order to guarantee time-synchronization
primary factors affecting the system performance exhibit sig- and to allow for accelerated evaluation using time-scaling.
nificant non-determinism or variability, they enable controlled This work addresses these challenges in evaluating energy
system evaluation and detailed analysis of the impact these harvesting systems by introducing an integrated testbed that
factors have. In the domain of low-power energy harvesting provides controlled emulation of the environment’s physical
systems, jointly managing the energy extraction from a non- properties and the application requirements with a high dy-
deterministic environment and satisfying the dynamic load namic range, combined with high accuracy in terms of actu-
requirements represents a major challenge. Consequently, en- ation, measurements, and time synchronization. Specifically,
ergy management solutions addressing these challenges need the contributions are summarized as follows:
to adapt to highly dynamic operating conditions to operate • The first integrated testbed for low-power energy har-
efficiently. This has also implications on their evaluation: for vesting systems that combines high-dynamic range envi-
thorough characterization, analysis, dimensioning and valida- ronment and load actuation with comprehensive system
tion of these systems, energy harvesting systems need to be observability is designed, implemented and characterized.
evaluated with full coverage of the multi-dimensional and • Two environment emulators that provide consistent re-
widely varying operating conditions. In addition to these production of thermal and visible light properties of the
requirements in terms of dynamic range and precision, the environment are introduced. This enables in-depth analy-
interactions of the testbed with the target system must be time- sis of thermoelectric and photovoltaic energy harvesting
synchronized. Therefore, an appropriate coordination though a systems with full coverage of their harvesting conditions.
global control scheme is required. For a feedback-based design • A centralized feedback controller allows for automated
Manuscript received May 19, 2020; revised September 16, 2020;
measurement campaigns, and enables the speed-up of ex-
accepted October 18, 2020. haustive evaluations of energy harvesting systems through
This research was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation time scaling and a high degree of time-synchronization.
under grant 157048: Transient Computing Systems.
Lukas Sigrist, Andres Gomez, Matthias Leubin, and Lothar Thiele are The presented testbed solution provides fast and consistent
with the Computer Engineering Group, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. evaluation with unprecedented coverage. Three case stud-
Jan Beutel is with the Computer Engineering Group, ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland and the Department of Computer Science, University of ies highlight the significantly simplified, automated and fast
Innsbruck, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. experimental evaluation in the design of low-power energy

harvesting systems. of novel maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Related under reproducible conditions [10]. In the low power domain,
work is covered in Section II. After introducing the overall emphasis is put on either reproducing illuminance conditions
testbed concept in Section III, the environment emulation, [11], [12] or electrical circuits exhibiting similar behavior [13].
the load emulation and the control system are described in Other works abstracted away the physical environment and
Sections IV, V and VI, respectively. The benefits of the transducers and directly emulate their electrical behavior [14]–
testbed implementation are highlighted in two case studies in [16], or control the input of harvesting circuits to force them
Section VII, before concluding in Section VIII. to recorded operating points [17]. In this work the focus is on
emulating the physical properties of the environment as they
present the original source of the non-determinism introduced
into energy harvesting systems.
In this section, previous work related to the emulation of Electrical Load Emulation: Electronic current sinks are
the environment’s physical properties and energy harvesting available in various forms. Bench-top source measure units
sources in general are covered. Further, solutions presented in (SMUs) [18] can sink currents with high accuracy and are
the area of reproducing electrical loads with dynamic behavior programmable. There also several proposals of custom-built,
are reviewed. configurable loads. Jian et al. designed an interleaved multi-
Environment Emulation: For photovoltaic and thermo- phase pulse width modulation (PWM) scheme to mitigate rip-
electric harvesting considered in this work, the focus lies ples in power consumption [19]. In [20] the author presented
on the emulation of temperature gradients and solar radia- a programmable DC load with different operation modes to
tion. An approach to characterizing thermoelectric generators emulate arbitrary load profiles. Upadhayay et al. developed a
(TEGs) taken in [1] was to experimentally determine their switching-converter-based electronic load with a high band-
electrical and thermal equivalent model parameters, and to width [21]. Programmable DC loads can be used in battery-
investigate their relationship. Alternatively, the I-V-character- lifetime estimation [22], and transducer characterization [8]. In
istics of TEGs were extracted by varying their temperature RF harvesting circuits, low power resistor emulation can also
gradient and connecting different power resistors as load be used for MPPT [23]. While most of the aforementioned
[2]. Wang et al. recently proposed a circuit for combined works report high precision, they aimed at either high power
harvesting from thermoelectric and piezoelectric transducers or low power electronic loads. With focus on the embedded
[3]. In their evaluation, they relied on a testbed consisting energy harvesting domain, the emulator introduced in this
of a shaking table for the piezoelectric, as well as hot/cold work aims to represent embedded system profiles, which
containers and hot-dissipating metal sheets for thermoelectric combine elements of both. It can reproduce currents ranging
harvesting. In the characterization of photovoltaic materials, from a few nA to peak active currents in the 100’s mA range.
accurate reproduction of the solar spectrum is key to perform
low-level characterization of photovoltaic cells like measuring
quantum efficiency [4]. To this end, solar simulators have III. R EQUIREMENTS AND S YSTEM OVERVIEW
been developed for large scale concentrator photovoltaic sys- This section starts with summarizing the requirements for
tems [5]. Similarly, highly accurate commercial sun spectrum the physical environment emulation. Afterwards, an overview
sources exist for device testing [6], but are very costly with about the proposed testbed and its components is given.
over 80 kUSD for an illumination area of 45 cm × 45 cm.
Low-cost alternatives using arrays of colored LEDs and a
well characterized spectrum have been proposed by Bazzi A. Testbed Requirements
et al. for testing photovoltaic cells [7]. Recent work has
also studied the effects of different spectra and intensities The characterization, design and testing of low-power sys-
in indoor photovoltaics, which can experience a mixture of tems that draw all or some of their energy from the envi-
solar and artificial light sources [8]. Similar to previous ronment is challenging due to the close coupling of system
proposals, this work relies on dual-sided temperature forcing components like harvesting devices, energy management, pro-
to reproduce consistent temperature gradients for evaluating cessing hardware and software. In addition, the high dynamic
thermoelectric harvesting. Unlike the characterization testbeds range of electrical quantities due to changing environmental
for photovoltaic cell materials, the novel testbed emulates conditions as well as non-deterministic load requirements
diverse photovoltaic harvesting scenarios with illuminance poses additional challenges for analysis, dimensioning and
levels ranging from dimly lit indoor environments to direct validation of these systems. Therefore, the following major
sunlight. requirements for a suitable testing strategy and the correspond-
ing measurement support can be identified:
Energy Harvesting Emulation: In many harvesting-based
works, spectrum dependencies are often abstracted away, as (i) The characterization and test of individual system com-
the electrical energy input to the system is typically the ponents as well as their interaction in the overall system
decisive factor. In the high power domain, high-end solar must be supported.
array simulators (SASs) can emulate user-programmable I- (ii) The energy harvesting as well as the electric load can
V curves for different irradiance and temperature conditions be evaluated with full coverage of the multi-dimensional
[9]. These SASs are then used to facilitate the development and widely varying operating conditions.

System under Test RocketLogger Setpoint Control

and Measurement
Controller Controller
Emulation SmartLoad force sense Distance Adjustment sense force

Traces Centralized
Power Controller Measurement
Traces Traces Peltier TEG/Thermal System Peltier
Element Under Test Element

Figure 1. Overview of the integrated testbed including emulation, mea-

surement, input and output traces as well as the centralized controller. Figure 2. The architecture of the thermal environment evaluation with
two software controlled Peltier elements for consistent temperature
gradient emulation. The adjustable distance enables evaluation of stan-
dalone thermoelectric generators (TEGs) or complete thermal systems
(iii) The measurements should be sufficiently accurate and including thermal guides.
reproducible, but at the same time allow for testing
realistic deployment scenarios in a reasonably short time.
The overall design of the testbed architecture and the
associated testing strategy satisfies these requirements and
provides viable answers to the associated challenges.

B. System Overview
Figure 1 depicts the main components of the proposed
integrated testbed for low-power energy harvesting systems. Its
individual components and controllers, including environment
and load emulation, will be described in detail in the forth-
coming sections. Following requirement (i), the system under
test can be exposed to realistic harvesting environments for
visible light or thermal gradients, see Section IV. In parallel,
Figure 3. The thermal environment emulation. A thermal harvesting
a programmable smart current sink allows the emulation of system consisting of a thermoelectric generator (TEG) and an attached
the energy requirements of an application that could run on copper thermal guide is evaluated in between the two Peltier elements.
the system under test, see Section V. The stateful, time-
and event-triggered emulation of harvesting as well as load
traces allow for a realistic characterization and validation of experimental evaluations. This enables a comparison of the
all individual system components as well as their interaction. system performance under the same environmental conditions.
The RocketLogger component [24] is a mixed-signal tracing In addition, the high dynamic range and time variability of
platform responsible for measuring electrical quantities of the harvesting environment provides major challenges for the
the system under test and the testbed. Its measurements are emulation of the relevant physical properties, such as thermal
used for detailed observation of the system under test and gradients and visible light.
to provide input to the centralized emulation controller. The
RocketLogger, the environment emulation and the smart load A. Thermal Gradient Emulation
are integrated seamlessly to support a wide range of multi- The thermal environment emulation component of the
dimensional operation conditions, as demanded by require- testbed consists of two digitally controlled Peltier elements
ment (ii). The emulation controller supports automated and that offer cooling and heating of a metal plate terminal. Fig-
exhaustive evaluation of multi-dimensional configurations, see ure 2 illustrates the architecture of this emulation component.
Section VI. It coordinates the operation of all components Commercial CP-061HT Peltier elements from TE Technology
of the testbed and allows to explore the system performance are employed for this purpose and the corresponding TC-
at predefined setpoints and to replay stored traces for the 720 unit is used for control. This unit integrates feedback
harvesting environment as well as the electric load. Due to control of the Peltier element’s temperature and measures
the embedded control algorithms, an accurate synchronization the temperature of the forced terminal. Setpoint configura-
between the availability of the emulated energy, the energy tion and measurement readout are exposed through a USB
use of the load and the associated measurements is provided. interface that allows the logical integration into the testbed
Satisfying requirement (iii), the high time precision also allows architecture according to Figure 1. As shown in Figure 3,
time scaling to accelerate the system evaluation experiments. these two Peltier elements are installed on a custom built
frame with the temperature-controllable terminals facing each
IV. P HYSICAL E NVIRONMENT E MULATION other. The adjustable distance between them allows inserting
The emulation of the environment’s physical properties thermal harvesters of various sizes. This enables evaluation of
needs to offer a high accuracy to provide consistency across standalone TEGs, as well as their integration into a thermal

LED LED Dimmer

Mirror Walls
Photovoltaic Cell
Current Extraction
Illuminance Controller
Sensor Peltier force

Figure 4. The proposed solar emulator consists of a dimmable LED light

source, a mirror box for a uniform illuminance distribution, and a Peltier
element to control the photovoltaic cell’s temperature. Temperature and
illuminance sensors enable logging of the emulated conditions.

system including thermal guides. The energy transfer is limited

Figure 5. The seamlessly integrated components of the custom-
by that of the Peltier elements, which can extract/insert up developed solar testbed. The top half represents the mirror-shielded
to 63 W at a 0 °C temperature difference to the ambient. In light box with the LEDs mounted below the heat sink. The bottom of
combination with the external controller, this enables accurate the light box consists of a Peltier controlled aluminum plate to maintain
a constant temperature of the photovoltaic cell during the evaluations
and fast transitions between temperature setpoint. (hidden in the shadows). On the right side of the testbed the control
circuitry is mounted: the LED dimmer with high dynamic range on
top, the SmartLoad (presented in Section V) on the bottom left, and
B. Visible Light Emulation the RocketLogger platform providing the measurement capabilities and
hosting the testbed control (discussed in Section VI) on the bottom right.
In contrast to the thermal emulation with its logical in-
tegration into the testbed, see Figure 1, the solar environ-
ment emulator is also physically integrated into the testbed
as illustrated in Figure 4. This custom-built solar emulator R1
enables consistent emulation of illuminance conditions ranging Configuration Step-Down Current
from dimly lit indoor environments to direct sunlight. In the I2 C Current Regulation
following, the most important design aspects of the emulator Range Regulator

LED (ext.)
as integrated into the testbed shown in Figure 5 are discussed.
Controller PWM Dimming D1
Light Source: The light source in the testbed consists of Cout
light-emitting diodes (LEDs). They are compact, cost effective M2
and their illuminance is well controllable over a large range. In Output Filter
addition, their short warm-up time guarantees a fast and accu- Figure 6. To provide control over a large illuminance range from 10 lx
rate response during emulation. The high efficiency of LEDs to 120 000 lx, a custom two-stage LED dimmer circuit was developed.
also simplifies heat management when emulating the high It combines step-down current regulation and pulse width modulation
(PWM) dimming. Multiple of these channels are provided for controlling
illuminance levels of direct sunlight. On the downside, LEDs a total of 36 power LEDs.
cannot accurately reproduce the spectrum of the sunlight.
However, as was show in [7], this approach could be extended
to an array of colored LEDs to improve the reproduction of the light box, while the configuration with dual sided mirrors
spectrum. In the emulator, Aventrix 2x2 matrices consisting of exhibited only minimal variability.
four NVSWE21A LEDs were employed as light source. Their LED Illuminance Control: The illuminance of the LEDs
high efficiency and luminous flux enable emulation of direct is controlled by either adjusting their supply current, or using
sun light conditions. A total of nine modules were mounted a constant current source and pulse width modulation (PWM).
on a heat sink to cover a test area of 180 mm × 180 mm. To There exist control modules for either approach, but they
avoid high supply voltages, the control of these LED modules are typically not made for high-accuracy dimming and their
is distributed to four dimmer circuits that are discussed below. precision is often not specified. Therefore, a custom LED
Illuminance Uniformity: For consistent evaluation of driver was implemented to provide accurate control of a wide
photovoltaic cells it is important to illuminate them uniformly illuminance range. The dimmer circuit shown in Figure 6
[25]. Simulation of the illuminance distribution showed that combines a constant step-down current regulation using an
a uniform illuminance distribution is achieved when the LED LM3409HV buck controller and PWM dimming. To provide
light sources are arranged in an evenly spaced grid and the a high dynamic range, the step-down regulator is operated
light is reflected at the boundary of the light box. Conse- at two different currents, and PWM dimming is used for
quently, mirrors are used for shielding the light box. Illumi- detailed illuminance control. Unfortunately, PWM dimming
nance measurements with only one of the mirrors removed introduces ripples in the output current that could be captured
confirmed that the illuminance differs up to 10 % across the by photovoltaic cells. To reduce this undesired effect to a

Relative error [%]
Emulation error Controller
3 State Machine
2 Current Trace
1 I2 C AV Rlo Rmed Rhi V
0 AV = 100
Triggers Rsh
101 102 103 104 105 Control
Illiminance level [lx]
Figure 8. High-level schematic of the SmartLoad programmable current
Figure 7. The illuminance emulation shows a high accuracy of 8.8 lx +
sink. A feedback controlled MOSFET sinks a current that is set by
0.5 % over the range from 10 lx to 120 klx. A significant increase in
the digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The controller exposes an I2 C
emulation error below 100 lx shows the limitations of the presented
interface for configuration and replays current traces in time- and event-
emulator for extremely low illuminance levels.
triggered manner.

minimum, a high modulation frequency and output filtering is the sensor measurements results in the relative emulation
used. The step down regulator’s range and the PWM signal are errors shown in Figure 7. These results indeed confirm a
controlled by a microcontroller that exposes an I2 C interface high accuracy of the emulated illuminance of 8.8 lx + 0.5 %.
for digital control of the illuminance level. A noticeable increase in error is however reported for very
Temperature Control: As the performance of photovoltaic low illuminance levels below 100 lx. This is predominantly
cells is considerably affected by the ambient temperature attributed to the low PWM frequency that had to be chosen
[26], a CP-036HT Peltier element is included to control the for the low illuminance range to prevent the step-down current
temperature of the panel inside the light box. The same TC- regulator from overheating. In a redesign with stricter focus
720 controller used in the thermal environmental emulator is on thermal design, this can likely be resolved and the accuracy
employed for precise temperature control and measurement. improved.
This guarantees consistent evaluation of solar harvesting when
the LEDs emit significant amounts of heat at high illuminance
levels, and enables temperature dependent performance anal- V. E LECTRICAL L OAD E MULATION
ysis of photovoltaic cells. This section introduces the SmartLoad component of the
Environmental Condition Measurement: The emulated integrated testbed, see Figure 1, a programmable current
illuminance level and the temperature are monitored for the sink that emulates the application’s energy requirements. The
purpose of dimmer calibration and feedback on the emulation stateful, time- and event-triggered emulation of current traces
consistency when traces with fast transients are emulated enables replaying of synthetic or recorded current consumption
(see also the discussion regarding accelerated emulation in behavior of low-power systems.
Section VI-B). The temperature of the emulator plate is read Similar to the environment emulation, the SmartLoad has to
out from the Peltier controller that measures this temperature provide consistent emulation, while covering the full range of
for feedback control. Four TSL4531 ambient light sensors are current consumption in today’s low-power systems that range
placed at the edges of the illuminated test area to measure from nA to 100’s mA. The emulation requires update rates
the illuminance. With a wide measurement range from 3 lx and response times of typical embedded system in order to
to 220 klx and a specified sensitivity of 1 lx, these sensors faithfully reproduce energy consumption traces. To employ the
accurately cover the illuminance range emulated in the testbed. SmartLoad for transducer characterization, it has to support
accurate current sinking at zero input voltage to allow for short
circuit current characterizations.
C. Characterization of the Solar Environmental Emulator
The accuracy of the solar emulator is evaluated to confirm
that it satisfies the requirements of consistent emulation of a A. SmartLoad Architecture
wide range of illuminance levels. Prior to characterization, it The architecture of the SmartLoad is illustrated in Figure 8.
was calibrated in a two-step approach using the integrated light In the following, the analog current sink circuit and the digital
sensors as a reference. First, the LED output illuminance EV control used for accurate replay of current traces are covered
is translated into an LED current ILED using a linear model. in detail.
Subsequently, the duty cycle for each current channel/range Current Sink: The analog front-end uses a
combination is calibrated using a 3rd order model to match CSD18542KTT power MOSFET M1 as controlled current
the current ILED . The high efficiency of the LEDs enables the sink. The feedback measurement from the shunt resistor Rsh
emulation of illuminances from 10 lx up to 230 klx, which is amplified by an AD8421 instrumentation amplifier. This
represents an illuminance higher than that direct sunlight signal is compared to the reference level set by an AD5761R
(120 klx). With this coverage, photovoltaic harvesting sce- digital-to-analog converter (DAC). The amplified signal
narios with very high dynamic range can be emulated. The difference provided by an OPA130 operational amplifier
accuracy of the emulation is evaluated by sweeping the full (op-amp) controls the MOSFET M1 . For precise current
illuminance range. Comparing the setpoints of the sweep to control and to provide a high dynamic range, the shunt

Table I Table II

Name Range Accuracy Range % of Step Size Time

High Range 5 mA to 500 mA 0.01 % + 80 µA 90 % 32 µs
High Range
Medium Range 50 µA to 5 mA 0.008 % + 100 nA 99 % 173 µs
Low Range 0 µA to 50 µA 0.003 % + 2.25 nA
Medium 90 % 15 µs
Range 99 % 138 µs

resistor value Rsh used for feedback measurement can be 90 % 145 µs

Low Range
switched between three values. This enables more precise 99 % 340 µs
control using the DAC and at the same time keeps the burden
voltage at the input terminals low. An offset voltage of 1 V 10.6 5
can be inserted into the current path to enable current sinking SmartLoad current
at zero input voltage. This is important for current sinking 10.4 Input voltage 4

Current [µA]

Voltage [V]
from low voltage sources such as thermoelectric generators 3
(TEGs) or to perform short circuit current characterization of 10.2
transducers. 10
Control Loop Stability: The feedback control circuit 1
was modeled to optimize it for stable operation and highly 9.8 0
accurate current control over the full operating range. Using 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
the device-specific transfer functions of the op-amp, MOSFET, Time [s]
and amplified shunt resistor measurement, the circuit’s stability
and output offset error were analyzed. A high feedback gain of
Figure 9. The input voltage step rejection evaluation of the SmartLoad
AV = 100 for the linear amplifier was selected to reduce the shows short current spikes of about 0.3 µA at the lowest current range.
offset error in the output current. To increase the very small
stability margin at this amplification, a phase lag compensator
was added in front of the power MOSFET to obtain a robust the lowest range, since the leakage current of the MOSFET
current control (not shown in Figure 8). will be in the range of several 10 nA.
Event-Triggered Emulation: The digital-to-analog con- Dynamic Behavior: Table II shows the worst case step
verter (DAC) is controlled by a microcontroller to provide response times of the SmartLoad when performing a full range
stateful replay of stored current traces. Using the I2 C interface, current step. The values shown represent the delay from the
current traces are downloaded to the SmartLoad, and the replay time a new setpoint was set until the output has reached 90 %
of them is configured and controlled. In the present implemen- or 99 % of the step size. In summary, the maximum delay
tation, a replay is triggered through the control interface or of the SmartLoad is less than 400 µs if switching the current
external triggers. However, the functionality of the SmartLoad range. This performance is sufficient to faithfully emulate the
controller is extendable to support more complex state ma- behavior of typical low-power systems.
chines and state-dependent digital outputs. Such extensions Input Voltage Step Rejection: The last parameter evalu-
allow for digital reconfiguration of the energy management ated is the SmartLoad’s behavior under input voltage steps
dependent on the application state. from 0 V to 5 V forced by the SMU. The result of this
experiment when sinking a current of 10 µA at the lowest
B. Characterization of the Electrical Load range is shown in Figure 9. Only very short spikes of about
0.3 µA for less than 2 ms were observed in this current range,
While the requirement of sinking short circuit currents as the current sink’s feedback loop has to adapt to the changed
at zero input voltage is guaranteed by design, the accuracy operating point. In the high current range these spikes were
and dynamic response behavior of the SmartLoad was eval- so small that they disappeared in the measurement noise of
uated experimentally. Prior to evaluating its performance, the the SMU. This input voltage rejection is strong enough to
SmartLoad was calibrated. A Keithley 2450 source measure guarantee repeatable and accurate emulation of the current
unit (SMU) was used to source the current and to preform consumption under the voltage variability of typical energy
reference measurements. Current sweeps were performed for harvesting systems. In specialized use cases with highly dy-
all three current ranges to determine their individual linear namic voltage supplies, the feedback loop can be optimized
calibration parameters. further.
DC Accuracy: Table I shows the DC performance of
the SmartLoad 4 h after calibration. This evaluation was
performed again using the SMU as source and for reference VI. C ENTRALIZED E MULATION C ONTROL
measurements at an input voltage of 0 V. The results show a To satisfy the requirement of seamless integration and
very high accuracy of the sunk current for all three ranges. joint control of the physical emulators and the SmartLoad,
Higher input voltages likely result in a larger offset error in these components are integrated in an overall testbed. Global

control enables automated and exhaustive evaluation of multi- 2.5

dimensional configurations. Scaling of the time domain accel- Relative error

Error [%]
erates the evaluation to provide accelerated system evaluation, 1.5
but demands careful consideration of potential side effects.
A. Automated Emulation Control
The emulation of the physical environment and of elec-
100 101 102 103 104
trical consumers is combined with the mixed-signal tracing
capabilities of the RocketLogger platform [24]. The extensible Delay after setpoint update [ms]
architecture of the logger is leveraged to implement the mech-
anisms for central control of the emulation and measurements. Figure 10. The setpoint characterization measurement of an AM-5412
photovoltaic cell shows drastically increased error if the analysis is
Time series inputs specify which environment parameters and performed using data points too close to the setpoint change.
current consumption to emulate, as is illustrated in Figure 1.
During the experiments, various energy flows, environment
conditions and system states are traced. This enables detailed too quickly. Due to the much slower dynamics of thermal sys-
analysis of the system performance and behavior of the energy tems, the average settling time when adjusting TEG setpoints
harvesting system. is several minutes. To prevent these errors from happening, the
testbed control provides a setpoint characterization mode. In
B. Controlling the Time Domain this mode, the testbed control performs steady-state detection
based on the algorithm presented in [27]. Using this feedback
To accelerate the experimental evaluation, the time domain
mechanism, the characterization is automatically accelerated
of the emulated traces can be scaled. Time scaling with a user-
in a controlled manner. A system designer only provides the
defined procedure is performed directly on the timed traces of
list of setpoints instead of time series data and the signal and
the system. This flexibility allows to not only scale with a
analysis time window to use for steady-state detection. The
fixed speed-up factor, but also selectively using time-variant
time window is dependent on the system dynamics, but could
scaling methods. The accelerated replay of these traces leads
be identified using a setpoint update experiment similar to the
to much faster transients that need to be emulated. Therefore, it
analysis shown in Figure 10. This highly-effective procedure
is crucial to consider that these transients can only be emulated
is demonstrated in the transducer characterization case-study
within given bounds (see the step response characterizations
in Section VII-A.
in Sections IV and V). Developing a general methodology to
determine the speed-up factor is difficult for many reasons: the
parameters of the system under test like thermal and electrical VII. C ASE S TUDIES
capacities, or fast transients in the recorded trace can result Three case studies demonstrate how the testbed supports
in faster dynamics than the testbed can emulate. This can rapid evaluation in various aspects of the energy harvesting
significantly distort the experimental evaluation and may even system design. First, the automatic characterization thermo-
lead to invalid conclusions. However, tracing the emulated electric generators (TEGs) and photovoltaic cells is performed.
conditions with the integrated sensors enables their compari- The second case study highlights that fast and accurate evalua-
son to the specified input traces and allows to validate whether tions are possible by speeding up the evaluation. The final case
the dynamics of the trace were emulated successfully. While study focuses on the evaluation of an energy-driven execution
incorporating the sensor feedback ensures valid environment using an event-triggered application.
emulation, a similar mechanism is necessary to validate the
correct behavior of the energy harvesting system under test. A. Automated Transducer Characterization
Thanks to the fully-integrated harvesting testbed and its
C. Rapid Setpoint Characterization centralized control, the characterization of the transducers
A typical task in system design is evaluating a large number requires very little effort: exposing the transducer to the
of setpoints for design space exploration. Therefore, rapid desired operation conditions in the thermal or solar testbed and
setpoint characterization is important for high coverage and connecting its output to the SmartLoad are all the necessary
fast feedback. However, changing too rapidly between the set- steps. The testbed control automatically handles sweep and
points can seriously distort the measurements due to transient steady state detection of the specified list of setpoints. Fig-
effects. An analysis highlighting this issue for an AM-5412 ure 11 shows an exhaustive multi-dimensional characterization
photovoltaic cell characterization is shown in Figure 10: it of an AM-5412 photovoltaic cell, i.e., the transducers output
shows the deviation of the measurements from the long-term power as a function of the illuminance and voltage levels of
average within a 1000 ms window starting at the specified the emulated operating point. The cell was characterized for
delay after the setpoint update. This can lead to a significantly the full range from an illuminance level of 100 lx (dimly lit
increased error if performing the analysis too early. Similar indoor) to 120 klx (direct sunlight), and from open-circuit to
behavior has been observed when performing thermoelectric short-circuit conditions. The plot consists of a total of 2160
generator (TEG) characterization and switching the test point characterization points that were recorded in less than 80 min.

50 Table III

Power [mW]
30 Speed-Up Duration Nmeasured Nexpect Error
20 1× 46 h 33091 baseline –
10 2× 23 h 16459 16546 −0.52 %
5× 9h 6492 6618 −1.91 %
0 10× 4.5 min 3229 3309 −2.42 %
20× 137 min 1627 1655 −1.67 %
100 50× 55 min 603 662 −8.89 %
0 0.5
50 100× 27 min 183 331 −44.70 %
1 1.5 2 25
2.5 3 3.5 0
Voltage [mV] Illuminance [klx]
optimize the energy management system.
Figure 11. The automated transducer characterization enables rapid
and exhaustive evaluation over a wide range of operating points. The B. Rapid System Evaluation
illustrated characterization of an AM-5412 photovoltaic cell at a tem-
perature of 25 °C consists of 2160 setpoints that were recorded in only This case study demonstrates the feasibility of accelerated
76.6 min. system evaluation by emulating real-world illuminance traces
at much higher rate than they occur in nature. It is con-
7 firmed that accurate results are obtained when increasing the
6 trace replay rate, thus enabling significantly shorter evaluation
5 times. In general, the limits of the speed up may depend on
Power [mW]

all components of the system under evaluation, for example

the physical harvesting mechanism, the sensor, the energy
management and the application that is running on the energy
2 consumer. In case there is no information about the imposed
1 speed limits, then an iterative approach is a safe way to
0 determine bounds on the achievable acceleration factor.
10 The experiment uses a 46 h long illuminance trace that was
8 recorded close to a window in an office scenario, where a
4 mixture of artificial and indirect natural light can be exploited
0 100 200 300 2
400 500 600 0 for harvesting. A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) sensor tag
700 Gradient [K] consisting of an AM-5412 solar panel and an AEM10941
Voltage [mV]
harvesting chip that supply a TI CC2650 system on a chip
Figure 12. The thermal capacitances of the testbed and limited output
power of the testbed demand for 30 h for a 461 setpoint characterization (SoC) is used as sample application. For this case study,
of a thermoelectric generator (TEG). The steady state detection guaran- the performance of the BLE tag, characterized by the total
tees accurate measurements without transient effects originating from number of executions N , is analyzed. The baseline trace is
setpoint switching.
replayed at rates that match that of the recording (1×), and
up to 100 times faster (100× speed-up). The experimental
Similarly, Figure 12 shows the characterization performed for results are summarized in Table III. The number of executions
a TEG241-150-29 TEG. Due to the thermal mass of the entire Nmeasured for the accelerated trace replay (2 up to 100×) are
system and the limited output power of the Peltier element, compared to the baseline (1×) where the trace is replayed
the delay for reaching a stable setpoint measurement is much at the recording rate. The accuracy of the experiment is
higher. For this reason the recording of the 461 setpoints evaluated by comparing Nmeasured to the theoretically-scaled
took about 30 h. However, the fully automated process allows baseline value Nexpected . At extreme speed-up factors beyond
the characterization to run in parallel to other system design 20× the emulated illuminance changes too rapidly for the
optimizations and guarantees accurate setpoint measurements. harvesting circuit that dynamically adapts to the environment
The exhaustive transducer characterization provided by the at a fixed interval, leading to inaccurate results. For 20× and
testbed enables informed selection of the best-performing smaller speed-ups only small deviations of less than 2.5 % are
system components. Furthermore, it facilitates system opti- observed. These high speed-up rates enable drastically reduced
mization for specific application scenarios. Examples include evaluation times, and enable a more agile design process of
scenario-specific system transducer optimization [28], iden- harvesting systems thanks to the rapid evaluation feedback.
tifying and validating transducer models and parameters, or
optimizing system parameters for calibrating maximum power C. Energy-Triggered Application Execution
point tracking (MPPT). In the following case studies the results The last case study demonstrates the use of the testbed in the
of the photovoltaic cell characterization built the foundation to end-to-end evaluation of an energy management system from

Trigger Signal 85

Efficiency [%]
Energy 75
Solar Panel Management Application
70 800 µJ, 10 mW
Environment SmartLoad 800 µJ, 40 mW
60 1800 µJ, 10 mW
Energy Harvesting Testbed 55 1800 µJ, 40 mW
Figure 13. The experimental setup used for the energy management 102 103 104
unit (EMU) evaluation. Triggered by the EMU, the SmartLoad replays Illuminance level [lx]
the stored current trace.

Figure 14. System efficiency analysis of the energy management

the physical signal, through internal power conditioning to the unit (EMU) for two different burst sizes (800 µJ and 1800 µJ) and load
power configurations (10 µW and 40 µW) at a wide range of ambient
final consumption of electrical energy. For this purpose, a so- conditions. In lower illuminance conditions, a significant advantage in
called energy management unit (EMU) is used to implement system efficiency is observed for smaller burst sizes. There is also a
the energy management principles introduced in [29]. The marginally lower efficiency as the energy burst is consumed with higher
EMU accumulates the energy extracted from a transducer in
a small energy buffer. This buffer, typically a small capacitor,
allows decoupling the efficient extraction of energy from sup- function of the illuminance. The values represent the average
plying the application, as the application is triggered no earlier efficiency of 42 application executions at the lowest, and
than the required energy is buffered to satisfy the requirements up to 500 executions at the highest illuminance level. The
of the next execution step of the application. Once enough evaluation confirms the results presented in [29] and shows
energy is buffered, a trigger signals the application to execute a decreasing efficiency at low illuminance levels. With its
and the buffered energy is provided as burst. Employing this rapid and automated evaluation of multiple system parameters,
energy burst execution scheme, the EMU promises reliable and the testbed enables additional critical insights. The smaller
efficient operation over a wide range of harvesting conditions energy burst size of 800 µJ not only significantly increases
that exhibit high variability. the system efficiency, but allows system to operate at even
In this case study the EMU performance was evaluated at lower illuminance levels below 200 lx (compared to 300 lx at
different environment conditions, trigger configurations and 1800 µJ). This is due to the lower buffer voltage level of 3.5 V
application profiles to understand their impact on the system compared to 4.8 V at which the application is triggered and
efficiency. The efficiency is defined as ratio between the energy consequently a more efficient input voltage upconversion of
extracted from the transducer and the actual energy used the EMU. Contrasting the efficiency for different application
by the application to execute. The experiment setup used power levels, a decrease is observed for the higher energy
is summarized in Figure 13: the EMU is supplied from an consumption rate. However, this decrease that is attributed to
AM-5412 photovoltaic cell and employs a 220 µF capacitor the output voltage regulation stage of the EMU is small in
as energy buffer. The integrated passive MPPT is configured comparison to the other parameters examined.
to extract energy at 75 % of the periodically sampled open The insights gained in this case study highlight that thor-
circuit voltage of the photovoltaic cell. This value represents ough energy harvesting system evaluation is only possible by
the optimal MPPT configuration that was extracted from the performing end-to-end system analysis. The testbed presented
transducer characterization in Section VII-A. The SmartLoad enables such evaluations by jointly emulating the harvesting
replays previously stored current consumption profiles. It is environment and electrical energy consumption. It is only
triggered by the EMU and supplied at a voltage of 2.0 V. To through controlled and repeated experimentation of the energy
understand their impact on the system efficiency the following input and output that hidden internal dependencies can be
three parameters were adjusted for different iterations of the found in complex energy and power management techniques.
(i) the illuminance levels were varied from dim artifi- VIII. C ONCLUSION
cial light (200 lx) to bright indoor daylight conditions An integrated testbed for emulating the physical environ-
(10 klx), ment conditions and dynamic energy requirements of generic
(ii) the energy burst size was configured to 800 µJ and electrical loads was introduced. The emulation of the envi-
1800 µJ to understand the effect of higher or lower ronment’s thermal and visible light properties is combined
trigger levels by partitioning the application into different with the capability of sinking current traces in a time- and
sized steps, event-triggered manner. The consistent reproduction of the
(iii) finally, the impact of consuming the energy of a burst high dynamic range at the source and sink of energy enables
at different power levels was studied by consuming the in-depth evaluation of energy harvesting systems with unprece-
energy budget at 10 mW and 40 mW. dented coverage. It is complemented with a tight integration
The observed system efficiency for different burst sizes of precision measurements and feedback control to tackle the
and power consumption levels is shown in Figure 14 as a challenges of rapid evaluation without compromising accuracy.

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