Journeys B1 Booklet Units 1-6

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Units 1 - 6

Table of Contents

1- Unit One: Making a difference Page: 3

2- Unit Two: Learning from each other page: 10

3- Unit Three: Do it Page: 16

4- Unit Four: looking after yourself page: 23

5- Unit Five: Don’t throw it away Page: 29

6- Unit Six: Somewhere else Page: 36

Unit One
Making a Difference
Vocabulary and Definitions

Word Definition
Responsibility [n] Something that it is your job or duty to deal with

Run [v] If you run something, you manage it.

Environment [n] The air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live

Funds [n] Money needed or available to spend on something

Organisation[n] A group of people who work together in a structured way for a shared

Youngster[n] A young person, usually an older child

Basic [adj] Providing the base or starting point from which something can develop;
simple and not complicated

Disaster[n] Great harm, damage or death, or serious difficulty

Improve[v] To (cause something to) get better

Donate [v] To give money or goods to help a person or organisation

Support [v] To agree with and give encouragement to someone or something

because you want them to succeed

Emergency[n] When something becomes known or starts to exist

Flood[n] To cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that
causes problems

Campaign[n] A planned group of especially political, business or military activities

which are intended to achieve a particular aim

Shortage [n] When there is not enough of something

Particularly [adv] Especially, or more than usual

At risk [exp] In a dangerous situation

Vaccination[n] To give someone a vaccine, usually by injection, to prevent them from

getting a disease
Permanent [adj] Describes something that exists or happens all the time

Acronym [n] An abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of
something, pronounced as a word

Convention[n] A large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a

similar interest, or a large meeting for a political party

Religion[n] The belief in and worship of a god or gods, or any such system of belief
and worship

Symbol[n] T sign, shape or object which is used to represent something else

Demonstrate [v] To show; to make clear

Imagination[n] The ability to form pictures in the mind

Explanation[n] The details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear or
easy to understand

Operation[n] The fact of operating or being active

Guardian[n] Someone who is responsible for taking care of somebody eho cant take
care of himself / herself

Extend [v] To (cause something to) reach, stretch or continue; to add to something
in order to make it bigger or longer

Sibling[n] A brother or sister

Bring up [phr v] Take care of a child until he or she is an adult

Get on [phr v] Like somebody and be friendly with them

Grow up [phr v] Change from being a child into an adult as you get older

Look after [phr v] Take care of a person, animal or thing, and make sure they are safe and
have everything they need

Set up [phr v] Start a company , organisation

Take after [phr v] Look or act like one of your older relatives


1- Complete the sentences with a word from the list [You may need to make some changes]

[funds - youngsters – basic – disasters – donate – support – floods – emergency – run –


1) The company launched a huge advertising ……………………..

2) Call this number if any unforeseen ……………………..should arise.
3) This is one of the worst natural ………………………ever to befall the area.
4) This summer the region was struck by devastating …………………...
5) I strongly ……………………… the view that education should be available to everyone.
6) The company has …………………. more than £30,000 to local charities.
7) The hospital is trying to raise…………. for a new kidney medicine.
8) The new educational scheme is for ………………..between the ages of 10 to 15.
9) Aren't food and shelter …………………… human rights?
10) Bill Gates used to …………………. Microsoft.

2- Confusing words
Blouse /shirt
1) She wore a colourful ………….. with brown trousers.
2) He wears a crisp white ……………………. to the office every day.
Cushion /pillow
3) She plumped up the sofa …………………. before the guests arrived.
4) She buried her head in the ……………… and wept.

5) They found a paint that exactly …………………… the existing paint on the walls.
6) The top of the box ……………… badly and some of the contents had spilled out.
7) You will have to try out the various tennis rackets to find out which one ………………. you best.
Desk /office/study
8) He was sitting at his …………………. working when we got home.
9) What time do you usually leave the ……………………?
10) After I graduated, I turned my small bedroom into a/an …………………….

3- Word Formation: change the words in brackets to give a meaningful sentence.

1) The chairman is one of the most …………………… people I know. [Organise]

2) He was at a disadvantage because of the poor ……………………. he had received.
3) There have been some problems but …………………‟s a good system. [Basic]
4) I don't have a picture of this, so you'll just have to use your …………………….
5) I can think of one possible …………………………… for her behaviour. [Explain]
6) This book is very …………………………… allows pair work and group work [communicate]
7) The aim of the trip was to make ………………contact with potential customers. [ inform]
8) You may need to have a delicate eye ………………………… [Operate]
9) We were a very physically ………………………family, giving lots of hugs and kisses.
10) They were given ……………………against tetanus. [vaccinate]

4- Choose the best answer to the following questions:

1) Workers need to be given an incentive to ……………………… their performance.

a) supply b) fund c) improve d) help
2) Their economy continued to suffer …………………………… in raw materials.
a) less b) shortage c) supporting d) floods
3) She was unable to find a ………………………… job. All the offers were just temporary.
a) permitting b) recent c) donating d) permanent
4) Some homeless children were born and ……………….in orphanages.
a) brought in b) brought up c) brought out d) brought about
5) A judge ruled that the public should have access ……………..the area.
a) to b) of c) around d) with
6) You seem to be on very familiar terms ………………..your tutor.
a) to b) with c) of d) into
7) Social services keep lists of children who are homeless or ………………risk.
a) for b) at c) in d) of
8) When I started my new job, it took me a while to set …………….my stuff.
a) off b) away c) up d) from

9) He takes ……………..his mother's side of the family.
a) in b) after c) off d) of
10) I don't really get…………………..with my sister's husband.
a) on b) at c) away d) up

5- Read the sentences and underline the correct form of the verb.

1) On Sundays we go/are going out for lunch.

2) The sun sets/is setting in the west.
3) David doesn’t sing/isn’t singing in the concert next Tuesday.
4) Next, you add/are adding salt and pepper to the sauce.
5) Do you know what Keith does/is doing at the moment?
6) Don‟t disturb Lucy. She is studying/studies.
7) I don’t believe/am not believing what she is saying.
8) The teacher is happy because the students make/are making good progress.
9) I am thinking/think of buying a new car.
10) I see/ am seeing your point now.

6- Check the underlined verbs and correct the wrong ones.

1) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. […………………………………………………………….]

2) The water boils. Can you turn it off? […………………………………………………………….]
3) Look! That man tries to open the door of your car. [……………………………………………….]
4) Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? [………………………………………….]
5) The moon goes round the earth. […………………………………………………………….]
6) I must go now. It gets late. [……………………………………………………………………]
7) I usually go to work by car. […………………………………………………………………...]
8) 'Hurry up! It's time to leave.' 'OK, I come.'[…………………………………………………...]
9) I hear you've got a new job. How do you get on? [………………………………………..…….]
10) Let's go out. It doesn‟t rain now. […………………………………………………………….]

7. Rewrite the following sentences:-
1) We have an English lesson every day. (at the moment)
2) I'm going to the club on Thursday. (on Thursdays)
3) Grandpa played football when he was young. (used)
4) Dad is drinking coffee now. (never)
5) I don't mind living in the city although I didn't like it in the past. (used)
6) She always goes to school early. (Does)
7) Rana used to be naughty. (didn't)
8) Samy doesn't mind wearing glasses as he wore glasses when he was young. (used)
9) I'm visiting my uncle tomorrow. (not)
10) Ahmed is playing football on Tuesday. (usually)

Unit Two
Learning from each other
Vocabulary and definitions
Word Definition
Peer A person who is the same age or has the same social position or the same
abilities as other people in a group
Tutor A teacher who works with one student or a small group, either at a British
college or university or in the home of a child
Except Not including; but not
Colleague One of a group of people who work together
Individually Separately
Strengths The ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort
Weaknesses When someone or something is not strong or powerful
Historical Connected with the study or representation of things from the past
Confidence The quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans,
or the future
Expand To increase in size, number or importance, or to make something increase in
this way
Gain To get something that is useful
Sort of In some way or to some degree
Pretend To behave as if something is true when you know that it is not
Treat To behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way
Respect To feel or show admiration for someone or something that you believe has
good ideas or qualities
Comfortable Providing pleasant feeling when you do it
Session A formal meeting
Huge Enormous
Pressure A difficult situation that makes you feel worried or unhappy
knowledge Understanding of or information about a subject which a person gets by
experience or study
Degree You get this when you finish university
Literacy The ability to read and write
Graduate A person who has finished university
Educate Teach people something
Timetable Plan of when lessons will take place


1- Complete the following sentences with a word / expression from the list [You may need to
make some changes]

[colleague – individually – strength – benefit – historical – confident– expand – respect – treat

– stay tutored]

1) The number of managers has ………………… from 700 to 1,300.

2) Don't …………………. me like a child!
3) You must place these events in their ……………………. order.
4) I'm fully ………………. of winning the first prize in the competition.
5) Her childhood memories were a great source of …………………… when her mother was killed.
6) He treats his grandparents with great ……………………..
7) ……………………., students have little power, but collectively they can be more influential.
8) One of the many ………………………. of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the
9) I'd like you to meet a ………………………of mine from the office.
10) Students should ………………………for hours every day to get improved.

2- Confusing words
1) The workers barely …………………. enough to live on.
2) The match was eventually ……………….. on penalties.
3) She has …………… weight since the World Championships.

4) The party has won a …………………… victory at the polls.
5) This building is of great ………………………importance.

6) Parents still tend to ………………. boys differently from girls.
7) Our factory ………………. directly with its customers.

Section /session
8) He works in the embassy's political …………………….
9) Both ……………………….. are scheduled for 10 o'clock.
Colleague /college
10) I got interested in politics when I was at ………………………
11) We're entertaining some …………………… of Ben's tonight.

3- Expressions with (make); Fill each gap with words from the list.

[money – party – beds - fortune – landing – noise – trouble – choice – living – mistakes]

1) Don't worry, we all make………………..

2) He had a reputation for making ………………….in the classroom.
3) Don't make so much……………………….
4) She made a …………………. on the stock market.
5) The plane was forced to make an emergency landing because of bad weather.
6) Our first ……………………for a site was already made.
7) I'm sorry I didn't make the …………….. last night.
8) He works as a doctor and he makes a decent …………………………
9) A movie with big name stars in it should make ………………………
10) Come on, children, it's time for making your ………………………

4- Complete each idiom with a word from the list. [make necessary changes]

[lessons – teach – skip – heart – read – pet]

1) It is dangerous to ignore the ……………………. of the past.
2) ………………..between the lines, I think Clare needs money.
3) The accident …………………….me a lesson I will never forget.
4) She decided to ………………. the afternoon's class.
5) If you want to get improved in Physics, you need to learn it by …………………..
6) Jane is the teacher‟s ……………….

5- Choose the correct answer in the following sentences.

1) Some children fail to develop normal …………………..relations.

a) colleague b) peer c) friend d ) bear
2) The University conferred on him the ………………. of Doctor of Laws.
a) decade b) award c) design d) degree

3) Children who miss a lot of schoolwork through illness are usually allowed at home a specialized
a) teacher b) peer c) tutor d) classmate
4) Most of the students here need help with …………………… and numeracy.
a) Literature b) literary c) literate d) literacy
5) There aren‟t many job opportunities for university ……………………….
a) graduate b) graduates c) graduation d) graduating
6) We recognize the need to ……………………. doctors on how to deal with these patients.
a) educate b) revise c) graduate d) learn

6- Put the verbs into the correct form (past continuous or past simple):-

1) Jane was (wait)……………… for me when I (arrive)……………………...

2) 'What …………….. (you/do) this time yesterday?' 'I was asleep.'
3) '…………………… (you/go) out last night?' 'No, I was too tired.'
4) 'Was Carol at the party last night?' 'Yes, she ……………….. (wear) a really nice dress.'
5) How fast ………………. (you/drive) when the accident ……………… (happen)?
6) John ……………… (take) a photograph of me while I ……………….. (not/look).
7) We were in a very difficult position. We …………………. (not/know) what to do.
8) I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last …………….. (see) him, he …………… (try) to find a Job
in London.
9) I ……………. (walk) along the street when suddenly I ……………… (hear) footsteps behind me.
Somebody ……………….. (follow) me. I was frightened and I ……………. (start) to run.
10) When I was young, I ……………… (want) to be a bus driver.

7- Put the verb into the more suitable form,( present perfect simple or continuous):-

1) Where have you been? ……………………………… (you/play) tennis?

2) Look! Somebody ……………………….. (break) that window.
3) You look tired. ………………………… (you/work) hard?
4) '…………… (you/ever/work) in a factory?' 'No, never.'
5) 'Jane is away on holiday.' 'Oh, is she? Where …………………….. (she/go)?
6) My brother is an actor. He ………………….. (appear) in several films.
7) 'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. I ……………..…… (not/wait) long.'
8) 'Is it still raining?' 'No, it ………………….….. (stop).'
9) I ………… (lose) my address book. ……………….…. (you/see) it anywhere?
10) I ………… (read) the book you lent me but I ……………. (not/finish) it yet.

8. Read the sentences and underline the correct word:-

1) Dalia stayed up late, so she gets/got/is getting up late.
2) Did it rain/Does it rain/Has it rained heavily last night?
3) I fell asleep while I was watching/watched/have watched the film.
4) We have seen/saw/were seeing an accident as we were walking home.
5) John painted/ has painted/was painting the door when his children returned home.
6) I just have/have just/have just been finished my homework.
7) Grandpa has just been ill since/for/yet last Tuesday.
8) Don't worry. I'll mend it. I have worked/have been working/worked on it for about two hours.
9) I have trained/have been training/trained all this week for the final match next Friday.
10) What have you been doing/you have been doing/ did you do since this morning.

9. Rewrite the following sentences:

1) I started doing judo two years ago. (since)
2) The train left the station a short time ago. (just)
3) He did his homework. His mother called. (while)
4) Are you studying your lessons now? (all day yesterday)
5) Father came to find his so watching TV. (As)
6) I travelled to Paris last summer. (ever)
7) He finished doing his homework two hours ago. (for)
8) I read a story yesterday. (all day)
9) Omar joined the police on his twenty-first birthday. (since)
10) I have been studying English for two hours. (How long)
Unit Three
Do it!
Vocabulary and definitions
Word Definition
Detect To notice something that is partly hidden or not clear
Biking Going somewhere by bicycle
Announcement Something that someone says officially
Thrill To make someone excited / pleased
Conjuror A person who performs magic to entertain people
Psychology The scientific study of the way the human mind works and how it affects
Must something which is necessary
Connected Related to
Fold To bend something, paper or cloth
Focus on To look directly at an object so that you can see it more clearly
Model A copy
Coordinate To make various different things work effectively as a whole
Goodies Objects which people want or enjoy
Popular Liked, enjoyed or supported by many people
Geocaching A game of hiding treasures and using GPS to find them
Boogaloo [do] A certain dance when you swing your shoulders up and down real quick!
Funky Dancing with strong rhythm
Combine Mix; put two or more things together
Art The skill of creating things
location The place where you can find something
Creative Producing unusual ideas
Successful Having achieved a lot
Energetic Having a lot of energy
Basic Providing the start point from which something can develop
Scrapbook A book with empty pages where you can stick important things
Somersault A rolling movement or jump
Arts and crafts Activities where you can make things by hand
Operation [do] An activity which is planned to achieve something
President The person who has the highest political position in a country
Hang up End a phone call by putting the phone down or pressing a button
Take up Start sth new, especially for pleasure
Find out Get information, learn, discover
Show off Let people see sth that you are proud of
Turn up Arrive
Get up Stand up after lying in bed, sitting in a chair

1- Complete the following sentences with a word / expression from the list [You may need to make
some changes]

[thrill –art – location – seminar – fabulous – psychology – conjurors – geocaching – popular –


1) I want an outfit that'll make me look ……………………..

2) The restaurant is deservedly …………………… with all who enjoy Mexican food.
3) The answers we give will reflect our own ………………………..
4) ……………….is like the game of hide - and - seek but with a treasure and GPS devices.
5) We „re giving away lots of free …………….. – T-shirts, hats and DVDs.
6) It's a mystery to me how the …………………….. made that rabbit appear.
7) Professor Mackay will give a ……………………… on musical settings of Verlaine's poetry.
8) The meeting is taking place at a secret ………………………..
9) The open …………………… exhibition will allow new artists to exhibit their work.
10) She felt a ……………………. of excitement as the mountains came into view.

2- Confusing words
1) I don't like going out ………………… at night.
2) He thought back to all those ………………….. nights at home watching TV.

3) I was very …………………. about driving again after the accident.
4) She gets very ………………when she is tired.

5) He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very …………………….. about my problem.
6) „Do you want to come too?‟ „Yes, that would be …………………..‟

7) I was too …………………….. to admit that I was scared.
8) She ought to be thoroughly ………………. of herself - talking to her mother like that!

9) This ……………………. novel was first published in 1938.
10) Do you prefer ……………………. music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?

3- Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition [you may use one preposition
more than once]
[up – out – off – on – with – to ]
1) Can I connect my printer …………….. your computer?
2) We soon found……………….. we'd been mistaken.
3) Any minute now she'd get…………….to find herself at home safe in bed.
4) It was dark by the time we turned ……………… at the station.
5) My daughter has got lots of free time now, so she is taking ……………singing courses.
6) The Suez Canal was built to connect the Red Sea ………….the Mediterranean.
7) At the moment, aid agencies are focusing their efforts …………….. women and children.
8) Don‟t hang …………….on me - we must talk!
9) He‟s just showing …………………because the girl he loves is here.
10) Dave, I‟m relying ……… you to take care of the dog while I‟m away.

4- Choose the best answer in the following sentences.

1) She‟s very …………………….she writes poetry and paints.
a) challenging b) creative c) energetic d) difficult
2) He finds French pronunciation quite ……………………...
a) successful b) fit c) difficult d) hiking
3) I have had a ………………………. and rewarding career as a teacher.
a) basic b) geo-caching c) stylish d) challenging
4) I tried aerobics but it was too ………………… for me. It needed lots of enthusiasm.
a) energetic b) individual c) impressive d) adventure
5) Tom Cruise is a hugely …………………………. actor.
a) performer b) popular c) unknown d) somersaults
6) We try to ………………………… our activities with those of other groups.
a) co-ordinate b) discover c) pressing d) played
7) Her heart …………………….a complete somersault when she saw him.
a) made b) performed c) climbed d) became
8) She successfully …………………….. her career with family life.
a) creates b) shows c) combines d) makes
9) After dinner, Brian performed several …………………….. tricks.
a) enjoy b) develop c) conjuring d) device
10) Doctors ……………………… an emergency operation for appendicitis last night.
a) made b) performed c) shows d) became
5- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1) “Do you think I should go and see that film?”

„Yes, I‟m sure …………………….it.”
a) you enjoy b) you are enjoying c) you‟ll enjoy d) you‟ll be enjoying
2) “I can‟t find it anywhere.”
“Why don‟t you ask Steve? Perhaps………………………where we put it.”
a) he‟s going to remember b) he‟ll remember
c) he‟ll be remembering d) he‟s about to remember
3) I ……………….lunch with Martin tomorrow at that new Mexican restaurant.
a) Have b) would have c) am having d) was about to have
4) I‟ll ask Nina what she thinks ……………….we make a final decision.
a) before b) since c) until d) yet
5) Make sure you take your keys with you because I …………………. the dog for a walk when you
get back.
a) will take b) am going to take c) will be taking d) take
6) “It‟s cold today, isn‟t it?
“……………….on the heating?
a) Am I turning b) Do I turn c) Will I be turning d) shall I turn
7) “Have you got the tickets for the concert yet?”
“No. I ……………… them yesterday, but I had to work late, so I didn‟t have time.”
a) got b) would get c) was going to get d) am going to get
8) …………… be driving to London, or taking the train?
a) Shall b) Will c) Are d) Do
9) I ……………. on that shirt when I saw how expensive it was.
a) would try b) will try c) will be trying d) was about to try
10) I‟ll phone Jeremy as soon as I ……………..home.
a) get b) am going to get c) will get d) will be

6. Read the sentences below carefully. Some of them are correct and some have a word which
should not be there. If a sentence is correct, put a tick [√] next to it. Otherwise, underline the
word which should not be there.

1) ---- Since Owen failed the exam, he‟ll probably have going to do it again.
2) ---- I won‟t book the holiday until I will get paid at the end of the month.
3) ---- He was on to the point of going to bed when the doorbell rang.
4) ---- Elaine is going to be start her new job tomorrow.
5) ---- One day, when I‟m older, I‟ll move to New York.
6) ---- will you could tell me if you find anything out?
7) ---- Will you be going to the supermarket on Monday?
8) ---- Tina was going to watch the film, but then she fell asleep.
9) ---- I thought I would have time to go to the gym for later.
10) ---- I will be playing golf with Chris this time on tomorrow.

Unit Four
Looking After Yourself
Vocabulary and definitions
Word Definition
Life expectancy the length of time that a living thing, especially a human being, is likely to live
Factor a fact or situation which influences the result of something
Major Important
Effect Result
Pass down to teach or give something to someone who will be alive after you have died
Generation All the people who live in one place
Guarantee a promise that something will be done or will happen
Common Sense the basic level of practical knowledge and judgment that we all need to help us
live in a reasonable and safe way
Back up Support
Belief the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true
Seriously Badly or severely
Issue Problem
Separate Divide into parts
Fiction Books that are not based on real people or facts
Findings Information that is discovered during examination
Role Part
Mental relating to the mind
Boost to improve or increase something
Get rid of to remove or throw away something unwanted
Regularly happening very often
Give away Give sth for free
Extreme very large in amount or degree
Myth A story from ancient times
Pregnant Of women having a baby in her womb
Vision an idea or mental image of something
Due to Because of
Medieval Related to the middle ages
Witchcraft the activity of performing magic to help or harm other people
Claim to say that something is true or is a fact, although you cannot prove it
Verdict An opinion or decision about sth
Evidence Facts that sth is right
Ancient Very old
Invention something which has never been made before
Expert a person with a high level of knowledge or skill
Bandage Long, thin piece of cloth that is tied around an injured part of your body
Sling A piece of cloth which is tied around your neck to hold an injured arm in place
Prescription A piece of paper on which a doctor writes a list of the medicines you need
Infection A disease, caused by bacteria or a virus that affects a part of your body
Ambulance If you are sick or injured, you might go to hospital using it
plaster You stick plaster on your skin to cover a small cut

1- Complete the following sentences with a word/expression from the list [You may need to
make some changes]

[generation – expert – regularly – vision – connection – pregnant – belief – myth – guarantee –


1) There is a great ……… ….. that people who wear glasses are more intelligent.
2) Someone was standing in my line of …….. ….. so I couldn't see the screen.
3) The company offers a full money-back… ….………..
4) ………. ….means connected with Middle Ages.
5) My sister is ………. …… with twins.
6) He shared his father's ………. … that people should work hard for their living.
7) Anna helped Rachel re-establish her ………… ….. with her brother.
8) He …....... ….. got up at four in the morning.
9) …........ …. agree that a balanced diet is the key to great health.
10) I was aware of a real …… … between us.
2- Confusing words
1) An armed gang ………… a bank in Main Street last night.
2) Thieves ………… jewellery worth over $10,000.

3) The bottle ……………… two litres.
4) A gas station that basically …………. of two gas pumps and a vending machine

5) The battle has become part of national …………...
6) He had found the clue to unlock the whole ………………

7) Every member of staff must have a clear ……………..
8) Tackling a player without the ball is against the ……………..

9) She very kindly …………. me her bicycle yesterday.
10) You can ………….. the book from the local library.

3- Fill in the blanks with a word, preposition or a phrase to give meaningful sentences.

1) It‟s only common ……………to let her know what‟s happening.

2) Tim inherited his family trade, which passed ……….from generation to generation.
3) There is no truth ……….. the reports of his resignation.
4) You should be able to separate fact from………………
5) Do you think she would be good …………. the job?
6) Medical experts think that they can prevent your eyesight ………..getting worse.
7) If I tell you a secret, will you ……………it.
8) The team‟s success was due ………..their great efforts in training.
9) She died ………. result of her injuries.
10) John's ……………… the leading role in this year's play.
11) I can‟t get ………...of this headache.
12) Some people believe that cats have connection ……………evil spirits.

4- Fill in the blanks with do or make

1) She says she'll be around once she's …………. her chores.

2) It's your turn to …………… the dishes.
3) Tonight we‟ll …………. a report on the situation in central Africa.
4) He ………….. a drawing of a yacht.
5) The company ………….. a healthy profit on the deal.
6) Who ……….the decision to go on with the project?
7) Remember to ………….. your breathing exercises every day.
8) Simon finds it hard to …………friends with other children.
9) He went to the barber to ………his hair.
10) We need to …….…plans for the future.

5- Choose the correct answer in the following sentences

1) He had his arm in a/an ……………

a) bandage b) sling c) ambulance d) connection
2) Have you got any …………………..? I've cut my finger.
a) flu b) infections c) plasters d) slings
3) Would you like to wait while the pharmacist makes up your …………….?
a) description b) reflection c) prescription d) experts
4) Wrap the ………………… firmly around the injured limb.
a) Infection b) bandage c) prescription d) hand
5) She spoke on the …………… of private health care.
a) matter b) tissue c) issue d) difficulty
6) Tom always says silly things, that‟s why I don‟t ……him seriously.
a) find b) gain c) make d) take
7) We saved a few …………….. of bread for the birds.
a) crusts b) dusts c) contains d) boost
8) The world changed rapidly after the ……………. of the telephone.
a) finding b) invention c) discovery d) connection
9) The new service helped …………… profits by 10%.
a) boot b) boost c) boast d) encourage
10) Archaeologists are excavating the ruined temples of this …………..civilization.
a) modern b) regular c) fortunate d) ancient

6- Some of these sentences need a/an. Correct the sentences which are wrong. If the
sentence is already correct, put 'RIGHT'.

1) Jim goes everywhere by bike. He hasn't got car. [ ]

2) Ann was listening to music when I arrived. [ ]
3) We went to very nice restaurant last weekend. [ ]
4) I clean my teeth with toothpaste. [ ]
5) I use toothbrush to clean my teeth. [ ]
6) Can you tell me if there's bank near here? [ ]
7) My brother works for insurance company in London. [ ]
8) I don't like violence. [ ]
9) Can you smell paint? [ ]
10) We need petrol. I hope we come to petrol station soon. [ ]

7- Complete the sentences using these words. Sometimes you need the plural ( -s).
[chair – experience- experience - furniture - hair – information - job - luggage - permission
progress - work]

1) I didn't have much ----------just two small bags.

2) They'll tell you all you want to know. They'll give you plenty of ----------
3) There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of ----------

4) We have no ----------, not even a bed or a table.
5) 'What does Alan look like?' He's got a long beard and very short -------------
6) Carla's English is better than it was. She's made ---------------
7) George is unemployed. He's looking for a------------
8) George is unemployed. He's looking for -------------------
9) If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for ----------------
10) I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got enough ----------------
11) Rita has done many interesting things. She should write a book about her ----------

8- Fill in with much, many or a (lot) of where necessary

1) We didn't spend ………… money.
2) Sue drinks …………… tea.
3) Jim always puts ………… salt on his food.
4) We'll have to hurry. We haven't got ………….. time.
5) Did it cost …………….. to repair the car?
6) It cost ………….….. to repair the car.
7) He baked too…………..loaves of bread.
8) I don't know ………..… people in this town.
9) I use the phone …………. at work.
10) They've got so ………… they don't know what to do with it.
9. Choose the correct answer:-
1) How few/many/much/little pupils are there in your class?
2) Sara is on a diet. She eats a little/much/many/a few rice.
3) I have got much/a few/ a little/many pen friends all over the world but my brother has got a very
4) A few/little/much/many flowers grow in winter.
5) They are very poor. They live on little/few/much/many money.
6) There's many/much/few/little rain in winter.
7) How much/many/few/little does this computer cost?
8) We ate a little/many/much/a few sandwiches this morning. Not many.

Unit Five
Don’t throw it away!
Vocabulary and definitions
Word Definition
environmental Connected with the natural conditions in which people, animals or plants live
movement The act of moving from one place to another
dump To get rid of sth that you no longer want
involve If a situation or an activity involves sth, that thing is an important or necessary
part of it
exist Real
industrial Connected by industry
process A series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result
packaging The process of wrapping goods
decompose To be destroyed gradually by natural chemical process
statistics A collection of information shown in numbers
greasy Covered in a lot of oil
floating Not fixed in one particular position
mistake Not to understand correctly
landscape Everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in
the country
recyclable That can be used again
pesticide A chemical used to kill harmful insects
fertiliser A substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully
organic Produced without using chemicals
ban To decide or to say that sth is not allowed
consumer A person or a country that buys goods or uses services
endangered Could be harmed or damaged
Set example A person that is thought to be a good model for others
protected To make sure that sth or sb isn‟t harmed, injured or damaged
End up To find yourself in a situation that you didn‟t expect to be in
Throw away To get rid of sth that you no longer want
Stand for To refer or be symbol of sth else

1) Complete the following sentences with a word / expression from the list [You may need to
make some changes]
[environmental – movement – involve – exist – industrial – packaging – process – greasy –
decompose – statistics]
1) According to the official … …..…..15,000 Syrians were killed.
2) Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of …….. ……
3) Many customers are influenced by designer names and fancy …….. …...
4) Most of the ….. … automated in this factory.
5) This food's a bit …….., isn't it?
6) We should keep in mind the … …..effects of pollution.
7) Parents should …….. … themselves in their children's education.
8) Do you believe that ghosts ….........?
9) China is the world's leading … …..nation. Most of our products are made there.
10) Some types of plastic can take 500 years to…… …..

2) Confusing words
Dump /dumb
1) She was born deaf and … …….
2) You should take the rubbish to the … …..
3) I accidentally … … my drink all over my boss.
4) I've …… ……. a cup of tea for you.
5) Louis Braille… … alphabet to help blind people.
6) We are trying to…...the truth about his disappearance.
Junk /waste
7) I'm not going to … …… any more time on the problem.
8) He sits around eating …... food all day.
Make of /make from
9) The juice is made ………… grapes.
10) We need to think of new ways to make money ……….. our existing products.
3) Fill in the blanks with a correct preposition to give meaningful sentences.
1) It takes 70% less energy … …..recycle paper.
2) Decisions were often made … … the basis of incorrect information.
3) Many of the bronze statues were melted … ….. make weapons.
4) Think … … what you are going to do next.
5) The rubbish dump is made … ….. millions of plastic bags.
6) One of their children died …..cancer.
7) If you go on like this, you will end… prison.
8) In your opinion, what should be done …..this situation?
9) You left your jacket, but I can drop it … ….on my way to work tomorrow.
10) I don‟t need that old chair – you can throw it… …….
11) I didn‟t understand the movie so I just turned the TV … ….
12) We should look deeply …..the problem to know how to go over it.
13) „The book is by T.C Smith.‟ „What does the T.C stand…?

4) Choose the best answer in the following sentences.

1) Can you see those pieces of wood … …. in the water

a) drowning b) floating c) sinking d) swimming
2) I'm sorry. I … … you for George.
a) misspelled b) recognised c) mistook d) know
3) It's a thirty thousand tonne … ….ship.
a) containing b) contains c) contained d) container
4) He had … ……money from her.
a) demanded b) lent c) loan d) wasted
5) The map shows location of the new… ….for the waste.
a) landslide b) landscape c) landmark d) landfill
6) Glass products are completely … ……...
a) recycling b) recyclable c) recycable d) recycles
7) What a … …. waste of money!
a) shocked b) shockingly c) shocking d) shock
8) Many people are concerned about the threat to human health from chemical …... in our food
a) consumer b) pesticide c) organic d) bin
9) He spread … ….. on the field with a rake.
a) fertiliser b) endangered c) analyser d) reduction
10) Are you in favour of … …….food or not?
a) original b) organic c) origin d) chemical
11) There is a campaign to … …smoking in public places.
a) allow b) let c) ban d) encourage
12) The Middle East is the biggest … …… for Chinese products.
a) producer b) consumer c) buying d) user
13) The sea turtle is an/a … ….. species.
a) in dangered b) dangered c) endangered d) danger
14) Jim… …. a good example for his friends by buying only recyclable products.
a) sits b) sat c) sets d) sitting
15) Some pieces of music are … …. by copyright.
a) protected b) reduced c) banned d) reopened

5) Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous (I was doing), past perfect (I had
done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing).

1) It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours … …. (have) a party.

2) We were good friends. We … …. (know) each other for a long time.
3) John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he ….…. (walk) so fast.
4) Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. ……...… (run)
5) When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ……. … (eat).
6) When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty but
their stomachs were full. They ……. …… (eat).
7) Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He …….. ….. (look) for his contact lens.

6) Choose the best answer from a, b , c or d

1) Jim is away on holiday. He ------- to Spain.

a) is gone b) has gone c) has been d)goes
2) Everything is going well. We ----------- any problems so far.
a) didn't have b) don't have c) will not have d)haven't had
3) Linda has lost her passport again. It's the second time this ----------.
a) has happened b) is happening c) happens c) happened
4) You're out of breath. ------------?
a) Are you running b) Have you run c) Do you run c) Have you been running?
5) Where's the book I gave you? What --------------- with it?
a) have you done b) have you been doing c) do you do d) are you doing
6) We're good friends. We ---------------each other for a long time.
a) have known b) have been knowing c) knew d)is knowing
7) It's two years--------------Joe.
a) that I don't see b) that I hadn‟t seen c) since I last saw d)for I have seen
8) They -------------- out after lunch and they've just come back.
a) went b) have gone c) had gone d) are gone
9) --------------- a car when they were living in London?
a) Had they b) Did they have c) Were they having d)Have they
10) The Chinese ----------------- printing.
a) has invented b) have invented c) had invented d) invented
11) The man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he ---------------- before
a) hasn't flown b) didn't fly c) hadn't flown d) weren't flying

7) Complete the sentences with ‘a,’ ‘an,’ ‘the,’ where necessary.

1) „How much are ……. ……... leeks?‟ „They‟re 80 pence......... pound.‟

2) I went to ……. Wonderful concert by ….. London Symphony Orchestra.
3) ……… local school is soon to be closed.
4) I usually go to ……. work by ……. train.
5) Is ….. meat in …… oven?
6) Is this …… first time you‟ve been to…… Isle of Man?
7) He‟s …… art teacher and she‟s …….. electrician.
8) A lot of people give ……….. money to ……… charity at this time of year.
9) What …… beautiful face that child‟s got!
10) …….. British usually have ……… butter on their bread.

8. Rewrite the following sentences:-

1) First she finished the exercise, then she watched TV. (After)
2) Ali washed his hands, then he ate his dinner. (Before)
3) She went shopping but first she visited her sister. (When)
4) Before arriving at the stadium, the match ended. (by the time)
5) After finishing breakfast, I prepared my school bag. (as soon as)

Unit 6
Somewhere Else
Vocabulary and definitions
Word Definition
Package tour a holiday at a fixed price in which the travel company arranges your travel, hotels
and sometimes meals for you
Luxury something which gives you a lot of pleasure but which you cannot often do
Full board when all your meals are provided at the hotel or rooms that you are paying to stay in
Slum a very poor and crowded area, especially of a city
Neighbourhood the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or the people who live in this area
Racial happening between people of different races
Majority the larger number or part of something
Freedom The right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to
Alley a narrow road or path between buildings
Rate the speed at which something happens or changes
Gang a group of young people, especially young men, who spend time together behaving
Culture Customs and beliefs
Aware of knowing that something exists
Flash to show something for a short time
Can afford to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time
Destination the place where someone is going
Carnival public enjoyment and entertainment involving wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and
eating and drinking, usually held in the roads of a city
Costume the set of clothes typical of a particular country or period of history
Exhausted extremely tired
Atmosphere a feeling that a place has of being pleasant and interesting or exciting
Sightseeing the visiting of interesting places, especially by people on holiday
Slave a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for them
Jewellery decorative objects worn on your clothes or body which are usually made from valuable
metals, such as gold and silver
Tip a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something
Go sour having a sharp, sometimes unpleasant, taste or smell
Go halves to divide the cost of something with someone
Fame when you are known or recognized by many people because of your achievements,
Champion someone or something, especially a person or animal, that has beaten all other
competitors in a competition
Cabin a small, simple house made of wood
Flight attendant someone who serves passengers on an plane
Travel agent a person or company that arranges tickets, hotel rooms, etc. for people going on holiday
or making a journey
Hand luggage bags that a passenger carries with him/her onto an aircraft or bus
Souvenir something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event

1) Complete the following sentences with a word from the list [You may need to make some
[package – luxury – board – destination – flash - carnival – sightseeing – afford – atmosphere
– alley]

1) She tries to create a/an ………………… of calm and security for her children.
2) „Do you require a full or half ……………… room in our hotel?‟
3) Whenever you are in a poor area, you shouldn‟t …………….your money or credit card around.
4) There is a local …………… in Rio each year involving music and dancing in the streets.
5) They were on a …………….. trip to the Pyramids.
6) We got lost and ended up miles away from our intended ……………..
7) You've just won three weeks in a/an …………….. hotel.
8) In poor…………., crime rates are very high
9) The ………………..was wrapped in plain brown paper.
10) I couldn't possibly …………… eat in that expensive restaurant.

2) Confusing words: fill in the blanks in the following sentences

1) I can't believe you didn't notice that guy in the giant chicken ……………...
2) It is the ……………… here to put flowers on the graves at Easter.

On board/abroad
3) For a holiday……….you need a valid passport.
4) „Have the passengers gone ……………the ship?‟

5) Jackson is a ………….. English name.
6) Some …………. international companies refused to do business with them.

3) Word formation: Change the words in brackets to give a meaningful sentence.

1) We live in a quiet, residential ……………….. in the south of the city. [neighbour]
2) He became internationally ………………… for his novels and poetry. [famous]
3) The cost of …………………in that club is 10,000 English Sterling. [member]
4) Badly fed children suffer a lot of minor ……………….. [ill]
5) He's won the …………………. for the third time in a row.[champion]
6) Her mother did not approve of her ………………. with Ahmed. [friend]
7) One of the biggest ………………… facing us may be climate change. [dangerous]
8) Mountaineering is a dangerous ……………… sport. [mountain]
9) He lived in the same house throughout his …………………. [ child]
10) Kate felt great ……………….. for those who had lost their houses.[sad]
Expressions with ‘go’
4) Fill in each gap with a word from the list.

[halves – sour – walk – away – bald - wrong – with – to – shopping – mad]

1) Everything was going …………… my life. I lost my job and divorced my wife.
2) Let‟s go for a …………… It‟s a beautiful sunny day.
3) I had two weeks ………….go until the end of my exam.
4) I don‟t think this shirt goes ……… the new brown trousers.
5) Jane wants to go …………….with me to get her new dress.
6) Go ……and think about it, then let me know your opinion.
7) He started going ……………….in his twenties. By thirty, he had no hair at all.
8) He left the food out of the fridge for a whole day and it went ………….
9) I‟ll go ……………if I have to wait much longer.
10) Brian and Josh are twins but when they buy clothes they go ……………as they have different

5) Choose the best answer in the following sentences

1) They failed to win the destination/majority in the last elections.

2) He was born in a(n) alley/slum with very bad living conditions.
3) I don't think you've been altogether honest/aware with me.
4) She treated her daughter like a(n) tip/slave.
5) He lives in a hostel/carnival for the homeless.
6) A buffet car/travel agency is the part of the train where you can buy a drink or a snack.
7) They first met each other in a ship boarding/cabin.
8) I was described / exhausted from the day's work.
9) Jokes are an important part of our costume/culture.
10) A flight attendant/agent is a person whose job is to serve and take care of people on an aircraft.

6) Underline the correct modal verb

1) Wendy might/must help you if you ask her nicely; it depends on how busy she is.
2) I‟ve looked everywhere for the letter, but I needn’t/can’t find it.
3) Ann mustn’t/couldn’t ride a bike until she was 12 years old.
4) Jamie must/should be very tired; he is going to bed now.
5) When we were younger, we would/ought to go for long bike rides every weekend.
6) I was able to/have to call Stella; it‟s her birthday tomorrow.
7) That suitcase looks heavy. Must/Shall I help you carry it?
8) Guests must/might check out by 11 o‟clock at the latest.
9) You might not/don’t need to walk; I can give you a lift.
10) That shop can/may be open today, I‟m not sure.

7) Complete the sentences with can, could, may, might, should or must in the positive or

1) Richard's only three but he ……………. swim very well.

2) You've had that headache for two days. I think you…………. go to the doctor.
3) I don't think we…………… go to the beach because it…………… rain this afternoon.
4) I lived in Germany as a child so I…………….. speak German then but I…………….speak it now.
5) You …………………..remember to take your passport tomorrow.
6) ……………………you close the door, please?
7) We …………………move house next year but we're not sure yet.
8) Passengers…………….. smoke when the plane is taking off.
9) I think you………… tennis with Sally – she………… really well.
10) We………….. remember to pay this bill before the weekend - it's very important. If we don't, we'll
have no electricity.

7. Rewrite the following sentences:-

1) This restaurant isn't good. It's always empty. (be)
2) He is very pleased because he passed his exams. (must)
3) Perhaps Hala is in her office. (be)
4) You have been travelling all day. You look very tired. (be)
5) I didn't see him in the party. (can't)
6) They were happy because they won the match. (been)


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