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Mrs. Reanna Langert

Room B 109- KFHS
E-mail: ​
Work Phone (757) 923-5240
Cell Phone (434)755-1200

Theatre Arts II: Dramatic Literature and Theatre History

The Theatre Arts II standards are designed to help students integrate and build upon concepts
and skills acquired in Theatre Arts I. Through various modes of expression and performance,
students will investigate dramatic literature, theatrical styles, and historical periods. Students will
study and respond to a variety of theatre experiences that will refine their communicative,
collaborative, analytical, interpretive, and problem-solving skills. Students will expand their
artistic abilities and appreciation of the theatrical arts.

Class Guidelines and Expectations

1. Be here.​ EVEN VIRTUALLY. You need to be present for all Google Meets, other class meetings,
enrichment if required, coursework, videos (live or prerecorded), and of course, complete all tasks

2. Be responsible​. Have everything you’ll need, such as your charged Chromebook, paper, a pen, and
work that is due. All assignments, discussions, Module tasks and projects are due at the specified time
in Canvas. at the beginning of class on the due date. ​Late homework may not receive full credit. ​Major
projects, such as essays and speeches, may be accepted for half-credit within 24 hours of the due date.
After that, no credit will be given. You are responsible for getting any missed notes or assignments that
were given during an absence (Not logging into Canvas on a daily basis). Obviously, things that can be
completed during your absence from logging into Canvas are still expected to be completed on the day it
is due, unless during extenuating circumstances with teacher approval. If you suffer an extended illness,
contact me to discuss a schedule for you to turn in your work. ​REMEMBER: ​it is your responsibility to
stay informed.

3. Be respectful.​ You are expected to be courteous and respectful to all students, teachers, and guests.
There will be no swearing, name-calling, or snide comments. ​PHONES ARE NOT PERMITTED ​during live
meets unless you are using it to join the meet.​ Students’ microphones on their Chromebooks are to be
muted. Students may raise their hand to speak or type into the chat box if provided.

4. Be awesome.​ Think for yourself. If you merely parrot back to me things that I have already said in
class, you will have a boring year. If you simply stand in front of class and mimble a skit for example,
you are going to have a rough year. If, however, you are willing to think deeply, take risks, work like a
madman, and come out of your shell, then you’ll love this class, and we will have a blast in Theatre I..

5. Follow​ the rules set forth in the student code of conduct/handbook.

Materials: 1st 9 Weeks

Charged Chromebooks

Notebook paper (if you need)

Pens/pencils (if you need)

Grading Scale
Grades follow this scale:
A 100-93 B- 82-80 D+ 69-67
A- 92-90 C+ 79-77 D 66-63
B+ 89-87 C 76-73 F- 62-and below
B 86-83 C- 72-70
Grade Weighing System 
The grading scale is ​90-100= A​, ​80-89= B​, ​70-79= C​, ​60-69= D, 59 and below= F​

Tests/Projects 35%
Quizzes 30%
Class work 25%
Homework 10%
No extra credit is offered.​ Grades will be posted on TAC and updated regularly.

Need to Reach Me?

Feel free to talk to me by calling Room 109 before school (anytime) or after school (by appointment) if
you have questions or concerns regarding your progress in my class. Tutoring/Enrichment is offered; see
KFHS bell schedule for details. If you need to reach me after-hours, the best way is via email at
reanna.langert​​. ​ I try to answer all emails within 48 business hours. I cannot always answer
emails after 4:00 pm. If you email me after that time, I might not be able to reply until the next business
day. For emergency situations, you may text or call my ​PERSONAL ​cell phone, which is (434) 755-1200.
This is a privilege to help you, so please do not abuse it nor play prank games with my number. I’m trying
to help you. I can change my number and revoke the privilege at any time. Yes, parents may contact me
using my cell phone as well.

Plagiarism is intellectual theft. You will cite any source you use with MLA documentation. We will cover
this method at the beginning of the year and review it as the course progresses. If you are caught
plagiarizing a paper, you will receive a zero on the paper or any plagiarized assignment for that matter
and asked to do the assignment again but correctly. Proof of plagiarism will be provided to you.


Netiquette Guidelines

Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Your instructor and fellow students wish to
foster a safe online learning environment. All opinions and experiences, no matter how different or
controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the tolerant spirit of academic discourse. You
are encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea but you are not to attack an individual.
Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful course community. The
following netiquette tips will enhance the learning experience for everyone in the course:

● Do not dominate any discussion.

● Give other students the opportunity to join in the discussion.
● Do not use offensive language. Present ideas appropriately.
● Popular emoticons such as ☺ or / can be helpful to convey your tone but do not overdo or overuse
● Avoid using vernacular and/or slang language. This could possibly lead to misinterpretation.
● Never make fun of someone’s ability to read or write.
● Share tips with other students.
● Keep an “open-mind” and be willing to express even your minority opinion. Minority opinions have to
be respected.
● Think and edit before you push the “Send” button.
● Do not hesitate to ask for feedback.
● Using humor is acceptable



1. ​Be Prepared/Stay Informed

2. ​Sleeping in Class: ​Do not sleep during Google

Meets or Chats. Sleeping during live instruction
will first result in a verbal warning. A second
offense will result in a call home. A third offense may result in teacher contact to the administrative team.

4. ​Turning in Late Work or Refusal to Perform:​: Late work may possibly be accepted even if the student wasn’t
absent, but in those circumstances the assignment will only receive a grade no higher than a 50, which is much
better than a 0. If the student was absent, the following applies (following the school-wide absence policy of 5
business days to turn in work). If the student refuses to perform, it is an automatic zero.

5. ​Illegal Items​. Use or sight of illegal or inappropriate items during virtual meetings (e.g. cell phones, mp3
players, photos, mirrors, makeup, hair brushes, iPods,) will result in a warning. A second infraction will result in a
call home. A third infraction may result in teacher contact to the administrative team. Students seen with
government illegally possessed items will be reported to the administration.
1. ​Respect Yourself​. Good character is more important than a good grade! Cheating or other academic dishonesty
will result in a possible zero and a call home for ​all involved parties​. Also, I enforce the ​dress code​, so be aware of
how you present yourself during virtual meetings or you will be asked to turn off your camera. If you violate the
dress code you are obligated to correct your violation to turn video back on.

2. ​Respect Others​. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Raise your hand to speak and never use rude,
critical, or otherwise inappropriate language. This is our virtual classroom ,and it is a safe environment for learning
and sharing. Disrespect and bullying will not be tolerated.

Tardies & Absences 

1. ​Tardies​. You must join any virtual meetings that are live in order to be considered present. If you must be absent,
there will be a recording you are responsible for viewing upon your return or logging into Canvas.

2. ​What did I miss?​ If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed before or after our virtual
school day.

3. ​Make-up Work​. If your absence is excused, you have five days from the absence for each day that you’ve missed
to submit work. Grades are posted weekly, so check them for missing assignments.
-​Assignments posted as “M” missing ​not due to an absence , can be turned in for partial credit ​with the exception of
long-term assignments;​ i​ f they are “Missing” for more than one week, they will become a 50.

4. ​Tests​. Being absent the day before a test ​does not​ excuse you from taking it at its normal time. If you are absent
from a test or quiz, make arrangements to complete the task within the due date window provided in Canvas. ​DO
NOT ​communicate with others in the class virtually or by any other means while taking a quiz or test. If any student
has a word for word answer to any question, I will examine the situation further for plagiarism. Remember,
passages, questions and answers may be scattered and different for all students.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: ​I love my job and care about all of my students, current or past. If I advise you to do
something, it’s not because I’m a butt; it’s because I’m trying to protect you. However, please don’t be fooled. I
have a kind heart, but I am still the no nonsense type nor a pushover.

My goal this year is to help you all to become more confident, broaden your horizons, leave your “shells”,
transform into performers and learn all the aspects of acting. Some things may be more fun than others, but I would
never ask you to do something pointless nor something I wouldn't do. I look at you as my “babies” to help blossom
and protect. Please share the same respect for me, and we will have no issues. I don’t ask much for how much I give.
I just want your individual best and respect. We will not joke, tease or bully others in this class. It is a safe haven for
acting and coming out of your “shell” without judgement.

PLEASE REMEMBER: ​these are all new and challenging times for each of us. Things may change or need
adjustment as we enter this journey of virtual learning. I ask that you please be understanding with me as we

navigate through this 1st 9 weeks. If you need help or are struggling because of this new learning style or any other
reason, please reach out to me for help.

By: Mrs. Langert

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