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Arnun cant ete Gaup 04/4 2) Drijoentroe tewseen nope ind minor pelvis Greater pais (False fehis) Lesser Pelua (True Pelvis) - 7 ded bythe |The fase” pls soared by He Te pegede " inch pele. on eater Ie - cal ‘ cuanto wegen er | fay ane pom tae poten slr bce amy | MDE He oh pele Superor abdomial vicon axe pote Meculojrcia| pelic. Araphongee by eweoo ge | Ms me) aa ete 1 ee ee land he a ‘i Ah let igre doe pel wounded ety ener of e * Bounded by te inc alae ep lous, sau, ae ay Posterctaemlly and hy, arler spear “Tt git fe peli cily ape of He veteber psbarly “he deep ports of the perews * Cecaped by aon wren eg, na competent), pecyicaly ¢ hho-analfouae. Fhe team aod Caginord colon) + Thais of mayir obstencal ane! Syrecclegical hgwficance: 3) Vixbe abt toudane and pip Rutoenet of + Pelvic vilet = feline cavity > pel ule oth roar Gin) rod ard aang pebic lel 5 Me pela im, + ponantony and al of the saci (super ie _ ies ane of teal part adsncent fle +A inght ard lat Vine -temaiveiy Ctemaial Lire) tagdher fom 4 Counbinscur blige nda Conssing of fle. * Araate Ute on fhe nur Yuyace of He chum, * Peden prs Cpl Ut) ave be: Ce for the nperivur lr tr ent cy ep Ter > The pedceuNlet Conger line ap ede) bode Oy re (hugs. 3.44 and 3:24) * pete ach *sdieal Mbcontier (eral “ane wo echt Uiagenent Ceunning behween +e coceye anol He Uehal abeoaly) pr eolrealy D The pic. cam, beween Jhe pallet Jupznoly ane puluc chaphagan Ungerat . rte ae syapgit_arcl er of te leer pais baie the comity ty ds 10 dicey inte vgn of lene pi imedire anterisly ancl [oAeosuper + Te Votenl alle ae padlet 6 He obfombr intermur moxclet © The Gorttewir avcl sacrrproour Ugamentr fem “fhe greafer Savahc forasen Untte postrobfed uals * The dgremic {lor ofthe pee caity we hammoct-Lke pelvic daphagn, Conered of tha oy alas ae oucder. [ q ) Erplain abet charackentic of pehit baecen valet shape. _Comiparigon of Delve peta ‘Andod, Ath ropad Platypaiond Ce 44 worn) (OZopunnn) Cayzofuamun) COX of oman)_| Heot-thaped Oval water Hatton Bri Slag aot or a . ea agided — anhopuenly ca 0 ard Oheot Oa S fla. Meme. Deep stag shatlow hee ‘Stroup Bla, Nene meek Seger Somewhet Blunted, Kila Tea? eye Sey eneer Gi Saommm Dorp, corel Slightly ced SB eed Sigal ame ton “en ated Subpubic uch Wye Vigial — Norow Varo, Vag, Vete Und mele Srkmeser (tan fH nkaneay 2B Of ith Cee ior vane, ithpsterer Annee a : i prea ) Digfrenhae Geeun ole nd fee eis Bong tei Male (a) Femdle (9) Genera) struchee Thick arc beany Thin and Wight =e felon Gebismge) | Deep Shao ae felis Cavs ame) | New and de, taper | Wile and shallow , aftedreal (ae a Hear shape, commu | Ou ard rand ; wide Pari inert te goin) [Catoabely wal | Comacly lge — Nam (70') Wide (>40') Auralr foramen Reuncl Onl Acetabulum Loge Seed | oro Seva notch Nero C759): wited v | Aluxt ap* 9 Describe abut pdr marciatee (atachnent and W's wnevatin) Boundary | Mure Proxima) Atbehmat | Ovalatachmat | Intention | Main Acken Lateral unl] Otuo- — | Pelt rupace of turn | Greer fren [ene b cbiy Kotler High er. mina [aed whrurtine] mr |i at be ay ee ree - Pic srpee 4 2°54 | Genter tahaner | Avtmor em: | Pode i blll a ae Seguent; A wwyis| fru [AST _— osu 4 elerceab bh [or w dette 20d soachimous gt 73 [Gaucher op 34 | Eom algae poor cotejenas | cial ive Wyoior ae of metro pee of ( sequen por! |febic atapha ous) serine: om Be aly pe ea Levatrins or par fee] penne dy; ia feg gin etc. (ate fa Coney. | sca si fxg bas | wena | ap Wexorggaur) ele oper |) nt | con ede 291, eda, land i F aadanlere| [eure ee tee - indviduat, Yre palwe. gycdto ‘8 forme? toy three bones ore lert hyp bereg corel of pelvic tones) + large, ueeguer) Shaped lores, each of which develops grom the fugion oF Abre lores, fhe (lai, (schrum, anch pubis, ~ Sacrum + formecl by the FUsOR oF FIs, ariginolty sopa(até, Socral Vorkbrae . The joumts oF the pine guile ave « the saer - loc gems on 6 the pulac symPhyss + Lumbosacral yoint + Sac mococcyqoal, gomt @. Desribe permokion oF the Jus sctahe Fererenes one List pre muse nerves andl Vests tinch patting trough each Carcaker sciake Feramen Tre grater sciatic Feramen providks a passagewiy Fer structures fo gas¢ Fram the pelvis into Ane grutcal region. Tre Freoter Scale Foromon (opening ((Fororten) en tre posterior Human pevis, cs Formed by he Sacrotuberous ance SACrOS p[nous Ugarenk s. The PuyPorms muscre Passes though He goromen andl ocCuples most oF [ks UoUme . Hhe orodlfcr Sciatic foramen (5S wider in women fran in men, Bor ders The greater setatic Faromen (S bordered by : « Superior - anterior Sac Llad Ugamant 5 posteromedhiat. = sacri tUbcrous ligament + ankeraratiral, ~ greater scwtte nocth OF fre Tutu | [nkeror - sacros pious Ligament ank (sChial sping Contents Tre grater saatte fotmen 1s Aided into two parts by the presence oF fire puriermes muscle -the suprapirtesrm ancl Un Ec peregors fertamainat \, a — SHCA Dercgorm Feramen * * Suprio™ alukcat artery wed an + Superwr “glukat nerve + (NFropinigunn goramen © SclahC Nene + pudenda nerve . © Ungerer gluteal eockeery ond Vor 2 inferer guatcal Nee + pater pomeral, Cufunsuous Nerve « necve 4a oblurahar unfermus s nerve fo quockatur emery Lesser Sciane Furamon The lesser scrote freuen proves a cormumncottont laotoiom He proneum og fae ports ancl Hee guatoal Lue Unfertorty 40 tre pobre Fleer. Borders Tre lesser sctatre goramen 6 ordered by ° © SURAT — CACTOSPINGUS Lagarenk and Una Spre o al * Ankertel - {eral SPINE Lesser

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