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Food products,

By: María Rubiano
Juan Montes
Karol Gómez
Food Products Corp.
Group of 26 workers who
manage their jobs in differents
Mr. Joe areas of the factory

Human capital Head of credits Plant Sales

Accountant manager and collections Manager management

James Vanesa Peter Eng. Brad Mr Joe

Hunter Milds Behar Cane Mendelson
The Problem
⊚ Without any doubt it seems that the engineer richard after his 12 years of work
decided to start a process of division of his duties to different members, it seems that
countless clashes were generated because no area is really in charge of the low sales
and regular performance of the company.

⊚ In general, the main problem that can be determined is that due to the high
growth of the company due to its good performance in recent years, it has not
been able to adapt to the new needs that it requires internally due to the high
demand and recognition that achieved its positioning in the last periods.
● According to the issues related to production, costs and shipments, they are caused due to a lack
of technification in the area, that is, lack of machinery, in addition to little human capital for the
large number of orders that are required.
● The problem of human capital is derived due to the large number of tasks and the few personnel
to perform them, this shows a low quality in the conditions of the work making them work
excessive hours generating exhaustion, which ultimately results in poor performance and
development of established tasks
● In the accounting area, a better distribution of tasks is required because it is overloaded
● Managers are not coordinated when making decisions, which causes confusion in staff and the
performance of erroneous tasks 4
⊚ For effective decision-making, the tasks to be carried out by each of the areas must be
clearly specified and thus allow autonomy in their management.

⊚ Hire an internal management auditing company to help us identify which area is really
creating the bottleneck.

⊚ The labor force is the one that is having problems and therefore is reflected in the
products, to make a new strturacoin, giving training to the workers and knowing effectively
the inconveniences of the workers in their labor work.

⊚ To improve the performance of all workers, it is necessary to make an improvement in
the working conditions of the staff, both in salaries and in working times, it is also
important to establish adequate rules and controls that allow adequate internal
⊚ The most appropriate solution for the improvement of the company is to create a
strategy for each area, clearly determining the tasks to be carried out, allowing their
autonomous management, in addition to a coordination of the decisions taken.

The most appropriate solution for the
“ improvement of the company is to
create a strategy for each area, clearly
determining the tasks to be carried out,
allowing their autonomous
management, in addition to a
coordination of the decisions taken.
Apply the decisión(s) chosen by you
⊚ Commercial strategy: increase in the quality of products by making this area
more technical, allowing an improvement in delivery times.
⊚ Human capital strategy: To improve the performance of all workers, it is
necessary to make an improvement in the working conditions of the staff, both
in salaries and in working times, it is also important to establish adequate rules
and controls that allow adequate internal functioning .
⊚ Organizational strategy: For effective decision-making, the tasks to be carried
out by each of the areas must be clearly specified and thus allow autonomy in
their management.

The adoption of strategies focused on the different areas of the
company will allow them to react accurately to the strong
growth of the company and also help the workforce to have
better performance in their work, it is the main gear of the

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