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Signal Man dead after hitting the planned to help him, but on coming across to

the accident details, he was shocked as it was

exactly same as it had been described by the
Yesterday evening, a signal man died signal man the day before. The signal man is
mysteriously after being hit by an incoming dead but the consequences of his death and the
train from the tunnel. In an interview with the warnings from the supernatural spirit as
driver of the train, the driver mentioned that he mentioned by the person is still mysterious to
warned the signalman by waving his arm and the authorities and yet to be investigated.
yelling but the signal man’s back was facing the
train, and despite the warning, he was hit and
killed. The signal man was known all over
England for his good work and everyone was
unaware of why he had not cleared the outer
rail. An unknown person was found in the area
who seemed to know the signal man. On
questioning the person, it was come to
understanding that he had been visiting the
signal man and had come again to meet him
this evening but instead had found the signal
man dead. In an interview with this man, he
said that he had met the signal man two days
ago when he had come down to talk to him. He
said the first time he came here, he had
shouted “Halloa! Below there!” and the
signalman had disregarded his shouting as if
from a ghost. On shouting the second time, the
signalman had looked upwards and asked him
to come down. On further interviewing the
person, he also brought some mysterious things
about the man into our attention. According to
the person, the signal man seemed to have
been stressed because of some paranormal
existence warning him about some accidents
from future. The signal man had shared with
him how the supernatural spirit had been
warning the man, how the ring of the bell had
been audible to him only and how each warning
had been followed by an accident. This time
again the creature had warned the man and he
was thus stressed over his situation because he
thought he did not have enough authority to
stop the accidents or warn the incoming trains.
Initially the unknown person had thought that
the signal man was hallucinating and had

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