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O_o I poottet_ALevel_¥13 busines St ce DePt ‘AL WiisAta SCHOOL” A a. Free trade icKouws, ae er tiake Naniers exist that might poet? Aint Nad betrcen counties Ab rest b. Ta riffs €. Protectionism Usitas poarciers to bre Wade Lo ake ghee PA eae on, domestic ‘Sndustore Scanned with CamScanner Business Suidles_ Booklet a AL WEA SCHOOL Hens, eet 4 SY f. Globalization g. Multinational business ; Busse equine Saas boi tobe ag asioe h. Privatization —— a B. Short answer questions. a. List two reasons for the growth in the number of MNCs, Selaiatie st ° Martreting Superteriites ot b. List three benefits of the growth of international trade links. 10 i 5 cient jor fetter Uprlizatinn 3 Page 6.5 Scanned with CamScanner Ate ¥13 snes ss, ole aaa ScH00i-HS Commerce DED! Possible jj ‘ f international trade ting ations to a business from the growth of Over eas ts athe _exper bie of Hee fost labour fore, OMNES add Wile tacal _s pliers and Hare a cagial_inveshmert f. State one possible advantage and one possible disadvantage of the Privatization of a country’s state owned electricity industry. Page 6.6 Scanned with CamScanner business Studies_Booklet_ay, AL WISAM SCHOOL- HS Com, merch, “Phy snc fer tan the gatanscts adit 2S SSNS aSUtculk tu qchtevte cohenent pliey Ho - fy, Mot Whe cttixen ee Scanned with CamScanner Business Studies BOONE AL WISAM SCHOOL HS Com wmerce Dept —peadactiv . ~ pesdece potconiat eneasucd b yb ; ee oo joc <= _ ances ge I — se p, GDP uel eas ah pads and seater puaaced ites ih = inblatn SS ¢, Business investment ya recast aga. Aas _ d. Business cycle ton (a " e, Recession A petied af iy montas or mere of chectintos veal Gp’ 5 , Page 9.4 Scanned with CamScanner eee lag Mere hy | f. Inflation a on wey ta PON 2 ap pac sa at th. Working population jose 3. Cyclical unemployment 2 ee Pages.s, Scanned with CamScanner Susiness sty dies_bootte Atv tutes Boobet tere 13 CHOOL- Ws Corer structural unemployment ” ke yack Coste bo Wwe clectine io. sing nooo oad lerdiceany Tucoyorkagl |. Friction {es m.Balance of payments : value Ine we resk Wat “soa 5 ¢_thak e Seni se_vilue Ok goed, aud centes Crgated n. Exchange rate o, Exchange rate depreciation fs a Ieasuter i fnsk__0 x Is 4 a of ic fu value. page9.6 Scanned with CamScanner Po p. Exchange rate appreciation wie of Yas vises . aas_cxppprec faked q. Imports if 2 ts A a s. Fiscal policy Concerned wily decisions about _< yeu: i mall _ t. Government budget deficit Je_value__vf goreinan) ponding exceeds yeyonle (wm faxdon, Page 9.7 > Scanned with CamScanner Business Studies_Booklet_ALevel_Y13 ALWISAM SCHOOL- HS Commerce Dept u. Government budget surplus “tauatino resent eres Whe value ck gaucinment —speating. “ y, Monetary policy w. Market failure x. External costs y. Income elasticity of demand Measures the respassiveness of _olemand fara. produc — Page 9.8 Scanned with CamScanner i pusiness Studies_Bootter py [AL WISAM SCHOOL: HS Comyn ‘ommert t= _ ~ B, short answer questions: increase I GDP on business deg; a, State two possible effects of an | ; ison son i Tedd BY nel ess might be affected by increas ed c. Give two ways In which a busin unemployment. nuct_ccsieespsning = losis cemansl Sex acine rice, gua lity ) p tp )_mayinccese b. State two economic objectiv' " vs e Demand_oftalerior -qpsss Clower d. State two types of taxes used by most government to raise revenue. a_tndtvidual ‘wcome Lax e_fayso\ tor 6¢ social weuranee Page 9.9 Scanned with CamScanner e. What does an income elasticity of ey Business Studies_Booklet_ALevel_Y13 AL WISAM SCHOOL. HS Commerce Dept +3’ mean? Scanned with CamScanner b. Income elasticity of demand " a . a, fu ta ‘des oy change in demand for Hee produc 2 Je clrange ft consumer Pacomes elasticity of demand c. Promotional d. Cross elasticity of demand 208 < Lhe price a& aostiec produc enone e. New product development 5 seatfon and Ga « 1 7 a st Page 20.4 Scanned with CamScanner | “a Ee aes D Business Studies_Booklet_ALevel_Y13 ‘AL WISAM SCHOOL- HS Commerce Dept : ia iat MW = Seale, research and development o j. Delphi method A long 2 fanae. qualitative forecasting beclinigue. oe froma panel of experts. that Obtains Page 20.5, Scanned with CamScanner ALWISAM SCHOGL oe ? 7 ety k. Jury of experts Uses the -spectalisls Aniline a pWsiness ee Sor _MWe_Saihae |. The trend ~, # a ™m. Seasonal fluctuations Th siation< van n. Cyclical fluctuations fons \¢ oteur zi ine_f & buses conte. re due 0. Random fluctuations q eat iin i uns, IF Sales fe - x ‘onal or BY publi ionase feller, aight Profle meduck fatlure.. Page 20.6 Scanned with CamScanner Business Studies Booklet_ALevel_Y13 ‘AL WISAM SCHOOL- HS Commerce Deot 5. shorbanswer questions. 4, ust four of the main elements of a marketing plan, ,_ state te formula for Income elasticity of demand. the what does @ negative cross elasticity of demand tell us about * Tejationship between the products? ¥, ' it ing a new d. State two potential advantages to a business of developing product. i also 1 ig ek i be increased educts enables costs db aasaiss {© tettuo, at ares ko te hee alee ly mass i ‘ul , List two reasons why expenditure on R&D might not lead to a successft new product. ik doe x ‘Anew product can (atl on tae snacket pecau: crenie veal value and Uerelace cannot Lind Page 20.7 uctomers. Oc a Scanned with CamScanner FURR ces Slide ni nen_proluct can bail tnernelly tboanice ~Aeselopinent:sienplemeciays, _ Marketing do_nek lunar The iden care peed and i We tandlaion process ae Fi Peleg f. State two possible limitations of the moving average forecasting. Ws Sn ee cate a shins “ . en ve _evtended Cor faecaskns, future values Trend lee Watlavie Coe ate a NA se ie We Mes series: r Methog ” o Scanned with CamScanner

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