From Days Before Time: Name: ID

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Name: From Days Before Time ID:

1. The Paleo Indians, who were the first Indians to colonize the Americas, were a
____________________ and _______________________________ people.
2. A form of agriculture in North America is raising _________________, also varieties of
beans and squash.
3. But there continues to be long distance __________________ among native peoples so
that we find goods traveling over half of North America.
4. On the other hand, they [Europeans] have a powerful incentive to get around a Muslim
power…. And then one of the mariners, the most visionary of all, Christopher Columbus
thought why not just sail due _________________________ given their understanding that
the world was round [to get to the East Indies].
5. In fact, accept for a portion now known as Brazil, they claimed the entire New World for
Spain and began the process of colonization and
6. Cortez, who is probably the most famous, successful of the conquistadors…. said that the
Spanish suffered from a disease of the heart that only _______________ could cure. With
it…. you could buy land, you could buy status, you could be a
7. The [conquistadors] are there to get rich quick, to ____________________ Indians, to
subdue them, to plunder them.
8. ……not in the interest of the Spanish monarch who want these people to be
______________, and he wants them to convert to ________________________.
9. Franciscan missionaries …. were appalled by the violence of the conquistadors. They lobby
the king to reduce the power of the conquistadors and ________________ the power of the
Franciscan missionaries.
10. In conquering the Aztecs, the Spanish put themselves at the head of a system in which
taking ____________________ _________________ was already a part of the system.
11. Another more tangible and immediate incentive is that the Spanish __________________ of
the Caribbean Islands needed labor.
12. The earliest Europeans to make contact with the African continent and begin to bring Black
people into predominantly white communities as lifetime workers or _________________
were the Spanish and the Portuguese….in the 15 th and 16th centuries.
Name: From Days Before Time ID:

13. During this period, a third group also enters the scene, Spanish _____________________.
They’re artisans, farmers, lawyers, government officials, and they want a share of the riches
in the Americas.
14. The only European settlements that succeed in this area, are __________________
settlements because Europeans attached themselves to a settled Indian community such as
the ________________ of New Mexico and basically lived off their labor and resources.
15. There were also Indian revolts….in the 1680s there was the ________________ revolt which
was a significant revolt against Spanish control.
16. Indian people labor under a severe disadvantage, and that’s their vulnerability to diseases
that come with the Europeans…. death rates can reach in some places _____% to _____%
when one includes disease plus social disruption.
17. Obviously, the diseases were carried by Indians who were fleeing the epidemics, but an
additional way they may have been spread was through the __________ that Europeans
brought with them.
18. Indians increasingly developed a syncratic culture which adopted elements of Catholicism,
of the agricultural practices that the Spanish produced, and developed an understanding of
Spanish. ____________________________ was frequent.
19. By 1560, the Spanish concluded that the rest of North America was not worth the bother….
they concentrated their resources on __________________ and Peru.

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