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What Exactly Is Your

Dream Job?
Questions and examples of answers, to help you
identify what exactly your dream job is.
1. Who do you want to work with & for?

This is a very important aspect of any dream job, as being surrounded by people (customers, work
colleagues and bosses) you respect and understand makes any job better. So take time to give this
serious consideration. The people you want to surround yourself with are those who motivate and
energise you, examples include:

News editors, journalists, news reporters….

Dancers, choreographers, classical actors, ballerinas….

Maternity nurses, babies, infants….

Sports managers, professional athletes, nutrition experts, trainers….

Actors, street performers, travelling circus performers, sports mascots…

College professors, physicists, botanists…..

Antique dealers, antique buyers, antique market specialists….

Scholars, writers, literary agents, publishers….

Waiters, baristas, short order cooks, maitre des, chefs…..

2. What do you want to Experience?

Think about situations and events, that inspire you, give you meaning, bring you delight and joy, so
must therefore be part of your working day? For some people it’s high drama, creatively demanding
projects, personal heart warming experiences, mentally challenging, and so on, examples include:
Watching the sunset, the moon rise, an eclipse, studying stars…
Protecting endangered species of animals, insects, birds etc, so they’re no longer endangered.
Excavating ancient artefacts from past civilisations.
Protecting the general public from bad people, making places safer to live and crime free.
Witnessing other people fall in love.
Flying in a hot air balloon.
Performing with the philharmonic orchestra in concert halls.
Anything related to the organisation of files.
Making people laugh.
Building businesses from scratch.
Helping other people realise their dreams.
Reading correspondence letters from the civil war.
3. Where do you want to work?

Where we work, can be a place we draw inspiration from, a place that energises us, motivates us, a
place where we belong. Don’t just settle for vacations, in order to be where you’d love to be. If you
know where you belong, than you simply must work there. Examples include:

In a gallery, deep within the archives.

In orchards or vineyards.
In outer space.
On broadway, or the west end, or Las Vegas.
In a nature reserve or national park.
On university grounds or college campus.
The outback of Australia, a rain forest or a desert.
In a sports stadium or the like.
In major fashion shows across different cities.
One of the biggest office high rise blocks.
Natural history museum or an art museum.
On a farm, working ranch or the like.
4. What problems do you want to work on?
Individuals and organisations alike, need help to solve problems, so what are the problems you love
to solve? Examples of problems that organisations need help with include:
Solving major crime, murders, drug trafficking, arms dealing.
Helping endangered species of animals or insects etc to survive and thrive.
Keeping the skies clear for air traffic to safely take off and land.
Coaching employees for motivation, training, skills etc.
Dealing with public relations or environmental crisis.
Updating computer code and the like.
Architectural designs for major building, bridges, tunnels etc.
Safety designs surrounding public transport, moving elevators, stairs etc.

Individuals need help solving problems such as, what should… or how do? Examples include:
What should I choose for my college major?
What should I be reading for inspiration, or be reading to keep me competitive?
What should I be teaching my children, so they’re best prepared for life?
What should I know surrounding buying or selling houses?
What should I be doing in order to gain more income and ensure I invest for later life?
How do I lose weight?
How do I find peace and serenity?
4. What problems do you want to work on? – Cont……..
How do I become healthy and live longer?
How do I increase returns on my investments?
How do I negotiate better or get promoted?
How do I raise my children properly, so they’re happy and healthy?
How do I ensure I get my dream job?

5. What do you want to be paid to DO?

For some people this concerns issues they love to embrace, for example, stoping, reducing:
World hunger.
Gang culture, violence, crime.
Rain forest destruction, global warming, World pollution.
War, nuclear weapons, radioactive waste.
Extinction of animals, insects, or any species.
Disease, famine etc.

Starting, nurturing or promoting world peace.

School, college programs.
Micro businesses.
Habitats of protected endangered species.
Sustainable farming, both on land and in the oceans.
World education, literacy.
5. What do you want to be paid to DO? – Cont……..
For some people this concerns meeting basic human needs or wants, for example:
Things related to food, shelter, education, medicine, clothing, entertainment, nurturing, inspiration,
rest and relaxation, comfort, excitement, love, acceptance, appreciation, confidence, beauty,
respect, teaching, learning etc.

For some people this concerns activities they love to do, for example:
Pilot yachts around the Mediterranean.
Climb mountains, explore jungles etc.
Explain the theory of relativity, or invent new space related technologies.
Work on overhead or underground railways.
Develop new foods, or create prize winning roses.
Drive Formula One racing cars.
Design and paint porcelain dolls.
Teach other people to fish in rivers or the oceans.
Test the interpersonal skills of customer services.
Organise files in offices.
5. What do you want to be paid to DO? – Cont……..

If you are struggling with ideas related to the activities you would love to be paid to do, here are
some questions that will help you reveal them for you!

Can you remember the last time you woke up and jumped out of bed, because you were so excited
to complete or start something? What was it that excited you?

If you had to earn a salary for doing something all day, what would that something be?

What job does your favourite role model have?

Your heroes, in film or book engage in which activities, you find intriguing?

What do you dream about doing?

What things would you pay to be able to do?

What activities make you feel amazing or come to life?

When you were growing up, what did you always want to be?

What things did you, or do you dream about doing everyday, and why?
6. What Things do you love to work with?

Examples include:

A portmanteau and an expensive fountain pen.

Mechanical engines and oil cans.

Wind tunnel models.

Baseball related objects, and any stat related information.

The smell of old novels, leather bound books and first edition novels.

Freshly cut hay, wheat, grain.

GPS tracking systems.

Cranes, skyscrapers, shipping transporters.

Photography, cinema, movies, 8mm film reel.

Any cooking related utensil, oven, knives etc.

Clay, paints, pencils and other art materials.

Body language, or the spoken language in other cultures.

7. What Ideas do you want to work with?

What things do you love to learn about?

What things do you always think about and mull over in your head?

What ideas would you love to discuss, with your fellow work colleagues?

Examples include:

New technologies and applications surrounding gene mapping.

More uses for organic hemp.

Inventive war strategies.

Things related to self healing.

The protection of endangered species.

New theories about the universe and solar system.

New fuel and energy concepts.

Creating new food proteins from grown vegetables.

Making stronger materials, with lighter elements.

8. What are you Great at?

We all possess unique talents, skills, gifts, generally between 5 and 10, these can include:

Being a great storyteller.

Being able to tell when the weather is changing.

Keeping a cool head under pressure.

Have a photographic memory.

Make people laugh.

Identify authentic antiques.

Connect with other people instantly.

Skilled at growing plants.

Have an amazing palate for recognising ingredients in food and wine.

Spot flaws in logical arguments.

Come up with creative new ideas.

Be able to track people, animals etc.

8. What are you Great at? – Cont…..

We all possess unique talents, skills, gifts, generally between 5 and 10, these can include:

Tell when something newly built, has a fundamental flaw.

Quote things verbatim.

Knowing what to invest peoples money in.

Calming people down in heated situations.

Being able to know where to drop a fishing net.

Winning arguments.

Picking the right words to speak, at the right time.

Sensing how to heal someone.

The answers to these questions, will enable you to discover and describe in detail, your dream job!

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