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Your Entrepreneurial Mindset

This self assessment questionnaire, will help you to determine wether you are ready for success and discover if
you have the mindset of an entrepreneur.

This questionnaire will also help you to evaluate your personality traits. This will help you identify with the
characteristics and skills that successful people possess.

Answer the following questions to help determine how ready you are:

• Have you ever worked in a business similar to what you are planning to start?

• Would people who know you, say that you would be well suited to self employment?

• Do you have support for your business idea from your family and friends?

• Have you ever taken a course or seminar on starting and managing a small business?

• Have you discussed your business, business idea, business plan with a business advisor or the like?

• Do you have a relative, friend or mentor who is an entrepreneur?

Now answer the following questions in order to discover if you have the mindset of an

The more you agree with the questions, suggests that you have an entrepreneurial mindset and you are
mentally prepared for success:

• Are you a self-promoter?

• Are you a self-starter?

• Do you plan and organise well?

• Can you handle pressure?

• Are you comfortable with risk?

• Are you physically healthy?

• Can you work with opposite personalities?

• Are you passionate about your product or service?

• Is your drive strong enough?

• Are you encouraged by setbacks/challenges?

• Are you competitive?

• Are you optimistic?

• Can you handle criticism well?

• Are you patient?

• Are you decisive?

• Have you considered how the business will impact your family and if you have their support?

Discover how many personality traits you share with successful people?

• Persistence
• Desire for immediate feedback
• Inquisitiveness
• Strong drive to achieve
• High energy level
• Goal-oriented behaviour
• Independence
• Demanding
• Self-confidence
• Calculated risk taker
• Creativity
• Innovativity
• Visionairy
• Commitment
• Problem solving skills
• Tolerance for ambiguity
• Strong integrity
• Highly reliable
• Personal initiative
• Ability to consolidate resources
• Strong management and organisational skills
• Competitivness
• Change agent
• Tolerance for failure
• Desire to work hard
• Luck

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