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The Power of Praise

Whatever your role is the workplace, never underestimate the power of praise.

When praise is meaningful and sincere, it’s a very powerful motivator.

Praise goes a long way in the workplace, for example:

It encourages others to do their best

It builds interpersonal connections

It strengthens teamwork

The following is a list of 11 top tips, regarding praise in the workplace, and you’ll do well to
keep them in mind:

Eleven Top Tips Regarding Praise In The Workplace

1) Only give praise if it’s sincere and you mean it

2) The very best praise, is specific and delivered to a specific person

3) Praise doesn’t have to be lengthy

4) Praise doesn’t have to be elaborate or gushing

5) Praise as often as is appropriate, but avoid overuse, so as to lose its impact

6) Don’t manufacture praise. It should come from within and be authentic

7) Praise can be both verbal and written, so use both

8) Whenever you give praise, never attach conditions, expectations, or worse still, added

9) Third party praise is just as meaningful. So praise an individual to a third person

10) As well as written and spoken praise are both effective, so too is non verbal praise, for
example, a handshake, a nod or a pat on the back

11) Praise can and should be given by anyone, to anyone. Apart from being a basic human
need, it’s also the right thing to do!

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